for the sake of Muhammad - Young Muslim Association

Du’aa al-Mas-haf
Du’aa Jawshan al-Kabeer
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
Du’aa Aba Hamza Thamali
Islamic Center of America
Young Muslim Association
ãÈå×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the
ãÐå×áÂãB âPåÒâWáB áÑ ÐäÃÂB âoã·å³áXåsáB
I seek forgiveness of Allah, and I turn
(repentant) to Him.
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá® ãäÄá{
O Allah bless Muhammad and the family of
ãÁáqåËâÇåÂB áÀãQCáXã¿ãQ áÀâÃáNåsáB ÔãäÊãB
O Allah I ask You, for the sake of Your revealed
âoáRå¾ÛB áÀâÇåsB ãÐå×㶠áÑ ãÐå×㶠CáÆ áÑ
and what is in it, and in it is Your greatest
Ô_åoâÖ áÑ âµCáhâÖ CáÆ áÑ ÔËåtâdåÂB
áÀâMEáÇåsáB áÑ
and (all) Your beautiful names,
and what is feared and hoped for,
ãnCáäËÂB áÌãÆ áÀãMEá»áXâ® åÌãÆ
ØãËáÃá¯å`áW åÉáB
make me amongst those whom You have
saved from the fire.
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá® ãäÄá{
O Allah bless Muhammad and the family of
ãÈå×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá® ãäÄá{
O Allah bless Muhammad and the family of
ãÉDåoâ»åÂB BámÎ ãä¼ádãQ áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
O Allah, for the sake of this Quran,
ãÐãQ âÐáXåÃásånáB åÌáÆ ãä¼ádãQ áÑ
for the sake of the one You sent with it,
ãÐå×㶠âÐáXåcákáÆ èÌãÆåKâÆ ãäÄâ¾ ãä¼ádãQ
for the sake of every believer You have praised
in it,
åÈãÏå×áÃá® áÀãä»ádãQ áÑ
and for the sake of Your right over them,
áÀåËãÆ áÀãä»ádãQ âµáoå®áB ákácáB áÚá¶
for none is more aware of Your right over them
than Yourself.
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá® ãäÄá{
O Allah bless Muhammad and the family of
âÐäÃÂáB CáÖ áÀãQ
For Your sake, O Allah
for the sake of Muhammad (s)
for the sake of Alí (a)
for the sake of Fatima (a)
for the sake of Hassan (a)
for the sake of Hussain (a)
ãÌå×átâdåÂB ãÌåQ ãäØãÃá¯ãQ
for the sake of Ali, son of Hussain (a)
èäØãÃá® ãÌåQ ãkáäÇádâÇãQ
for the sake of Muhammad, son of Ali (a)
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÌåQ ãoá·å¯á`ãQ
for the sake of Jaafar, son of Muhammad (a)
èoá·å¯á_ ãÌåQ ÔsåÒâÇãQ
for the sake of Moussa, son of Jaafar (a)
ÔsåÒâÆ ãÌåQ ãäØãÃá¯ãQ
for the sake of Ali, son of Moussa (a)
èäØãÃá® ãÌåQ ãkáäÇádâÇãQ
for the sake of Muhammad, son of Ali (a)
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÌåQ ãäØãÃá¯ãQ
for the sake of Ali, son of Muhammad (a)
èäØãÃá® ãÌåQ ãÌátádåÂCãQ
for the sake of Hassan, son of Ali (a)
for the sake of Al-Hujjah (a)
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ
ÔÃá® ãäÄá{ áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
O Allah bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad
Du’aa Al-Mas-haf
Du’aa Jawshan Al-Kabeer
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
Du’aa Aba Hamza Thamali
Islamic Center of America
Young Muslim Association
Islamic Center of America
‫ ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬- 1
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Allah,
O Most Merciful,
O Most Compassionate,
O Most Generous,
O Self-Subsisting,
O Greatest,
O Eternal,
O All-Knowing,
O Forbearing, O Wise.
َ ْ َ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا اَهللُ يا َر ْْح ُن‬
ُ‫حيم يا َكرمي‬
ُ ‫قيم يا َع‬
ُ ‫يا ُم‬
ُ ‫ليم يا َح‬
ُ ‫يا َح‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫ ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬- 2
O Master of Masters,
O Acceptor of prayers,
O Elevator of rank,
O Guardian of good deeds,
O Forgiver of evil deeds,
O Granter of requests,
O Acceptor of repentance,
O Hearer of voices,
O Knower of attributes,
O Repeller of calamities
ِ ‫يا سيِّ َد الس‬
ّ َ
ِ ‫يا ُُميب الدعو‬
َ َ
ِ ‫يا رافِع الدر‬
َ َ
ِ ‫اْلس‬
َ َْ ‫يا َوِل‬
ِ ‫اْل‬
َْ ‫يا غافَر‬
ِ ‫يا مع ِطي الْمسأ‬
ْ َ َ ُْ
ِ ‫يا قابِل التـو‬
ْ َ
ِ ‫سامع االَْصو‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ْ َ َ
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫ات يا دافِع الْبلِي‬
ِ ‫اْل ِفي‬
َّ َ
َّ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬3)
O Best of forgivers,
O Best of deciders,
O Best of helpers,
O Best of rulers,
O Best of providers,
O Best of inheritors,
O Best of those who praise,
O Best of those who remember,
O Best of dischargers,
O Best of benefactors.
ِ‫يا خيـر الْغاف‬
ِ ْ‫يا خيـر ال‬
ِ ّ‫يا خيـر الن‬
َ ْ ‫يا َخْيـَر‬
َ ‫الرا ِز‬
ّ ‫يا َخْيـَر‬
َ ‫يا َخْيـَر الْوا ِر‬
ِ ‫اْل‬
َ ْ ‫يا َخْيـَر‬
ِ‫يا خيـر ال ّذاك‬
َ ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ ُمْن ِز‬
ِ ‫يا خيـر ْالَ ْحم‬
ُ ََْ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O you whom there is no God
but you.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from
O Lord, O Owner of majesty
and honor!
O the most Merciful
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬4)
O He for Whom is all glory and virtue,
O He for Whom is all might and perfection,
O He for Whom is all dominion and sublimity,
O He Who is great above all,
O He Who creates heavy clouds,
O He Who is the most powerful,
O He Who delivers the severest punishment,
O He Who is quick to reckon,
O He with Whom is the excellent reward,
O He with Whom is the Original Book.
ْ ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ الْعِزةُ َو‬
ُ َ‫اجل‬
‫يا َم ْن لَهُ الْ ُق ْد َرةُ َوالْ َكما ُل‬
ْ ‫ك َو‬
ُ َ‫اجل‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ الْ ُم ْل‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو الْ َكبريُ الْ ُمتَعا ُل‬
ِ ‫يا مْن ِشىء الْس‬
‫حاب الثِّقا ِل‬
َ ُ
ِ َِ ‫ديد ْال‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َش‬
ِ ِ‫اْل‬
ْ ‫يع‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َسر‬
ِ ِ‫ديد الْع‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َش‬
ِ ‫يا من ِعْن َده حسن الثو‬
ُْ ُ ُ َْ
ِ ‫يا من ِعْن َده اُُّم الْ ِك‬
ُ َْ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬5)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Charitable One,
O Benefactor, O Judge,
O Proof, O Sovereign,
O Approver, O Forgiver,
O Elevated One, O Helper,
O Holder of blessings and
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا َحنّا ُن يا َمنّا ُن‬
‫يا َديّا ُن يا بـُْرها ُن يا ُس ْلطا ُن يا‬
‫ضوا ُن يا غُ ْفرا ُن‬
ْ ‫ِر‬
‫يا ُسْبحا ُن يا ُم ْستَعا ُن‬
ِ ‫يا َذا الْم ِّن والْب‬
ََ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬6)
O He before Whose greatness everything
O He before Whose power everything
O He before Whose might overshadows
O He before Whose awesomeness
everything is humbled,
O He before Whose fearsomeness
everything yields,
‫اض َع ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء لِ َعظَ َمتِ ِه‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن تَو‬
‫استَ ْسلَ َم ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء لِ ُق ْد َرتِِه‬
ْ ‫يا َم ِن‬
‫يا َم ْن َذل ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء لِعِزتِِه‬
‫ض َع ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء ِلَْيبَتِ ِه‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن َخ‬
‫قاد ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء ِم ْن َخ ْشيَتِ ِه‬
َ ْ‫يا َم ِن ان‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬6…)
O He before Whose terribleness
mountains shake,
O He before Whose command the
heavens are raised,
O He through Whose permission the
earths are secured,
O He Whose glory the thunder
O He Who is never cruel to his subjects.
ِ ‫يا من تَ َشق َق‬
‫بال ِم ْن ََافَتِ ِه‬
ْ ‫ت‬
ُ ِ‫اجل‬
ِ ‫يا من قام‬
‫ات بِاَْم ِرِه‬
َ َْ
ِ ‫يا م ِن استـ َقر‬
‫ضو َن بِِا ْذنِِه‬
َْ َ
ُ ََ َ
‫يا َم ْن يُ َسبِّ ُح الر ْع ُد ِبَ ْم ِد ِه‬
‫يا َم ْن ال يَـ ْعتَدي َعلى اَ ْه ِل مَْلَ َكتِ ِه‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬7)
O Forgiver of sins,
O Dispeller of tribulations,
O Aim of hopes,
O Giver of abundant gifts,
O Who Bestows bounties,
O Provider of creatures,
O Judge of destinies,
O Hearer of complaints,
O Who Resurrects creatures,
O Freer of captives.
ْ ‫يا غافَِر‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ف الْبَاليا‬
‫يا ُمْنتَـ َهى الرجايا‬
‫يا ُُْم ِزَل الْ َعطايا‬
ِ ‫يا و‬
‫ب ا ْلَدايا‬
‫يا را ِز َق الََْبايا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫قاض َي الْ َمنايا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫سام َع الشكايا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ث الََْبايا‬
َ ‫باع‬
‫يا ُمطْلِ َق األُسارى‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬8)
O He to Whom is due all praise and
O He Who holds all pride and
O He Who holds all honor and rank,
O He Who makes promises and honors
O He Who pardons and is content,
ِ ‫اْلم ِد والث‬
َ ْ َْ ‫يا َذا‬
ِ ‫يا َذا الْ َفخ ِر واْلب‬
ََ ْ
ِ ‫يا َذا ْالَُم ِد والس‬
َ ْ َ
ِ ‫يا َذا الْعه ِد والْو‬
َ َ َْ
ِ ‫الر‬
ِّ ‫يا َذا الْ َع ْف ِو َو‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬8…)
O He Who holds all abundance and
O He Who has eternal knowledge and
O He Who is glorious and eternal,
O He Who is liberal and munificent,
O He Who holds all blessings and bounties,
ِ ‫يا َذا الْم ِّن والْع‬
َ َ َ
ِ ‫يا َذا الْ َفص ِل والْ َق‬
َ ْ
ِ ‫يا َذا الْعِِّز والْب‬
ِ ‫ود والس‬
ِ ‫اجل‬
َ ُْ ‫يا َذا‬
ِ ‫األآلء والنـع‬
ِ ‫يا َذا‬
ْ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬9)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Who prevents misfortune,
O Who repels calamities,
O Elevator of rank,
O Fashioner,
O Who gives benefits,
O Hearer, O Aggregator,
O Intercessor,
O Magnanimous,
O Increaser.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا مانِ ُع يا دافِ ُع‬
‫يا رافِ ُع يا صانِ ُع‬
ِ ‫يا نافِع يا‬
‫سام ُع‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫جام ُع يا شافِ ُع‬
ِ ‫يا و ِاسع يا م‬
‫وس ُع‬
ُ ُ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬10)
O Fashioner of every fashioned thing,
O Creator of every created thing,
O Provider for every needy thing,
O Sovereign over all subjects,
O Dispeller of every hardship,
O Comforter of every griever,
O Merciful to every sufferer,
O Helper of everything forsaken,
O Who Conceals every blemished
O Shelter for every exile.
ِ‫يا صان‬
ٍ ُ‫صن‬
ْ َ َ
ٍ ُ‫يا خالِق ُك ِّل ََْل‬
ٍ ‫يا را ِز َق ُك ِّل مرُز‬
ِ‫يا مال‬
ٍ ُ‫ك ُك ِّل مَْل‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ٍ ‫ف ُك ِّل م ْكر‬
ُ َ
‫يا فا ِر َج ُك ِّل َم ْه ُم ٍوم‬
ِ ‫يا ر‬
‫اح َم ُك ِّل َم ْر ُح ٍوم‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ٍ ‫ناصر ُك ِّل ََْ ُذ‬
ٍ ‫يا ساتِر ُك ِّل م ْعي‬
َُ َ
ٍ ‫يا م ْلجأَ ُكل مطْر‬
ُ َ ِّ َ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬11)
O Provider in my hardship,
O Source of Hope in my
O Companion in my isolation,
O Companion in my loneliness,
O Friend in my ease,
‫يا عُديت ِعْن َد ِشديت‬
‫يا َرجائي ِعْن َد ُمصيبَيت‬
‫يا ُمونِسي ِعْن َد َو ْح َشيت‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫صاحيب ِعْن َد غُْربَيت‬
‫يا َولِيّي ِعْن َد نِ ْع َميت‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬11…)
O Rescuer from my trials,
O Guide in my bewilderness,
O Resource in my neediness,
O Shelter in my helplessness,
O Deliverer from my fears.
‫يا ِغياثي ِعْن َد ُك ْربَيت‬
‫يا َدليلي ِعْن َد َحْيـَريت‬
‫يا َغنائي ِعْن َد افْتِقاري‬
‫اض ِطراري‬
ْ َ ‫لجأي‬
َ ‫يا َم‬
‫يا ُمعيين ِعْن َد َم ْفَزعي‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬12)
O Knower of the unseen,
O Forgiver of sins,
O Who Conceals defects,
O Expeller of pain,
O Transformer of the heart,
O Physician of the heart,
O Illuminator of the heart,
O Intimate of the heart,
O Dispeller of anxiety,
O Liberator from grief.
ِ ‫يا َعالّم الْغُي‬
ُ َ
ِ ُ‫الذن‬
ُّ ‫يا َغ ّف َار‬
ِ ‫يا ستّار الْعي‬
ُُ َ َ
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫ف الْ ُكر‬
ُ َ
ِ ُ‫يا م َقلِّب الْ ُقل‬
َ ُ
ِ ُ‫يا طَبيب الْ ُقل‬
ِ ُ‫يا منَـ ِّور الْ ُقل‬
َ ُ
ِ ُ‫يا اَنيس الْ ُقل‬
‫يا ُم َفِّر َج ا ْلُُم ِوم‬
‫ِّس الْغُ ُم ِوم‬
َ ‫يا ُمنَـف‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬13)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Glorious, O Virtuous,
O Protector, O Patron,
O Guide, O Guarantor,
O Bestower of Wealth,
O Bestower of blessings,
O Bestower of strength,
O Acceptor of repentance.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ُ ‫كيل يا َك‬
ُ ‫يا َو‬
ُ ‫ديل يا ُم‬
ُ ‫يا ُم‬
ُ ‫قيل يا ُحم‬
ُ ‫يا ُم‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬14)
O Guide of the waylaid,
O Rescuer of those who appeal,
O Helper of those who call,
O Aider of those who call,
O Shelter of the fearful,
َ ‫ليل الْ ُمتَ َح ِّري‬
َ ‫يا َد‬
َ َ ْ ُ َ ‫يا‬
َ ‫صر‬
َ ‫ص ِر‬
ْ َ‫يخ الْ ُم ْست‬
َ ‫يا‬
َ ‫يا‬
َ ‫جار الْ ُم ْستَجري‬
َ ْ ‫يا اَما َن‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬14…)
O Aide of the faithful,
O Merciful to the indigent,
O Refuge for the disobedient,
O Forgiver of the sinner,
O Responder to the supplicant.
ِ‫يا عو َن الْم ْؤ‬
َ ُ َْ
ِ ‫يا ر‬
َ َ
َ ْ‫يا َم ْل َجأَ ال‬
ِ‫يا غافِر الْم ْذن‬
َ ُ َ
َ ّ ْ ُ ‫يب َد ْع َو‬
َ ‫يا ُُم‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬15)
O Master of liberality and
O Most gracious and
O Master of peace and
O Most holy and above all
O Master of wisdom and
ِ ‫اجل‬
ِ ‫ود واالْ َِ َِح‬
َ ُْ ‫يا َذا‬
ِ ِ‫ض ِل واالْ َِمت‬
ْ َ ْ ‫يا َذا الْ َف‬
ِ ََْ‫يا َذا االََْم ِن واال‬
َ َ َ َْ َ
ِ ‫السب‬
ْ ُّ ‫يا َذا الْ ُق ْد ِس َو‬
ِ ‫اْلِ ْكم ِة والْب‬
َ َ َ ْ ‫يا َذا‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬15…)
O Master of mercy and
O Master of argument and
O Master of grandeur and
O Master of kindness and
O Master of pardon and
‫ضوا ِن‬
ْ ِّ َ َ‫يا َذا الر ْْح‬
ِ ‫اْلج ِة والْبـر‬
ْ ُ َ ُْ ‫يا َذا‬
ِ ‫الس ْلط‬
ُّ َ ‫يا َذا الْ َعظَ َم‬
ِ َ‫يا َذا الرأْفَِة والْمست‬
ُْ َ
‫الع ْف ِو َوالْغُ ْفر ِان‬
َ ‫يا َذا‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬16)
O He, Who is the Lord over all
O He, Who is the God of all
O He, Who is the Creator of all
O He, Who is the Fashioner of all
O He, Who is the Preceder of all
‫ب ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء يا َم ْن ُه َو‬
ُّ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َر‬
ٍ ‫اِلـه ُكل ش‬
‫يء يا َم ْن ُه َو خالِ ُق‬
َ ِّ ُ
‫ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء يا َم ْن ُه َو صانِ ُع ُك ِّل‬
‫َش ْي ٍء يا َم ْن ُه َو قَـْب َل ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬16…)
O He, Who is the Succeeder of all
O He, Who is above all things,
O He, Who knows all things,
O He, Who is Powerful over all things,
O He, Who is the Sustainer and
Extinguisher of all things,
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو بَـ ْع َد ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء يا َم ْن ُه َو‬
ِ ‫فَـوق ُكل شي ٍء يا من هو‬
ٌ َ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ِّ َ ْ
ِ ‫بِ ُكل شي ٍء يا من هو‬
‫قادٌر َعلى‬
َ ُ ْ َ ٍْ َ ِّ
‫ُك ِّل َش ْيء يا َم ْن ُه َو يَـْبقى َويَـ ْفىن‬
‫ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬17)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Securer of safety,
O Protector,
O Bestower of being,
O Bestower of knowledge,
O Manifestor, O Facilitator,
O Provider of place,
O Adorner, O Proclaimer,
O Distributor
‫ك يا ُم ْؤِم ُن يا‬
َ ْ َ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫ِّن يا‬
ُ ُ ُ ِّ ُ ُ ‫ُم َهْي‬
‫ني يا ُم َه ِّو ُن يا ُمَ ِّك ُن يا ُمَزيِّ ُن‬
ُ ِّ ‫ُمبَـ‬
‫يا ُم ْعلِ ُن يا ُم َق ِّس ُم‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬18)
O Everlasting in His Kingdom,
O Eternal in His sovereignty,
O Greatest in His grandeur,
O Most Merciful to His servants,
O Knower of everything,
O Forbearing to he who disobeys Him,
O Magnanimous to he places his hope in Him,
O He Who is Wise over what He has fashioned,
O He Who is Subtle in his Wisdom,
O He Who is Eternal in His Kindness.
ِ ‫يا من هو يف م ْل ِك‬
‫يم يا َم ْن ُه َو‬
ٌ ُ ُ َِِ ُ ْ َ
‫يف ُس ْلطانه قَدميٌ يا َم ْن ُهو يف‬
‫ظيم يا َم ْن ُه َو َعلى‬
ٌ َ ِ ِ َِ
‫حيم يا َم ْن ُه َو بِ ُك ِّل‬
‫عباده َر‬
َِ ‫َشي ٍء عليم يا من هو‬
ُ َ ْ َُ ْ َ ٌ َ ْ
ٌ ُ َ ْ َ ‫ليم يا َم ْن ُه َو‬
ِ ِ‫يا من هو يف صْنع‬
‫كيم يا‬
ٌ َ ِِ ُ ِ َ ُ ْ َ
‫طيف يا َم ْن‬
ٌ َ‫َم ْن ُه َو يفِ ِح ْك َمته ل‬
ٌ‫ُه َو يف لُطْفه قَدمي‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬19)
O He, from Whom no hope is entertained
save by His Grace,
O He, from Whom nothing is begged save
His Pardon,
O He, of Whom nothing is seen save His
O He, from Whom nothing is feared save
His Justice,
O He, Whose sovereignty alone of eternal,
‫ضلُهُ يا َم ْن ال‬
ْ َ‫يا َم ْن ال يـُْرجى إالّ ف‬
‫يُ ْسأ َُل إالّ َع ْف ُوهُ يا َم ْن ال يـُْنظَُر‬
‫اف إالّ َع ْدلُ ُه‬
ُ ‫إالّ بُِّرهُ يا َم ْن ال ُي‬
ُ‫وم إالّ ُم ْل ُكه‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال يَ ُد‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬19…)
O He, Who alone has true majesty,
O He, Whose blessings extend to all,
O He, Whose Wrath is surpassed by His
O He, Whose knowledge encompasses
O He, Who is without equal,
‫يا َم ْن ال ُس ْلطا َن إالّ ُس ْلطانُهُ يا َم ْن‬
‫ت ُكل َش ْي ٍء َر ْْحَتُهُ يا َم ْن‬
َْ َ
‫ضبَهُ يا َم ْن‬
َ ‫ت َر ْْحَتُهُ َغ‬
ْ ‫َسبَـ َق‬
‫اَحا َط بِ ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء ِع ْل ُمهُ يا َم ْن‬
‫س اَ َح ٌد ِمثْـلَ ُه‬
َ ‫لَْي‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬20)
O Remover of anxiety,
O Expeller of sorrow,
O Forgiver of sins,
O Acceptor of repentance,
O Creator of creatures,
O Truthful in promises,
O Fulfiller of promises,
O Knower of secrets,
O Splitter of seed,
O Provider for creatures.
ِ ‫يا فا ِرج ا ْل ِّم يا‬
‫ف الْغَ ِّم يا غافَِر‬
َ َ
ِ ْ‫الذن‬
‫ب يا قابِ َل التـ ْو ِب يا خالِ َق‬
ِ ‫اْل ْل ِق يا‬
ِ ‫صاد َق الْو ْع ِد يا ُم‬
َ ِ
‫الْ َع ْه‬
‫السِّر يا فالِ َق‬
ِّ َ
ِ ََ ََ ْ‫ب يا را ِز َق اال‬
ِّ َ‫اْل‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬21)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in
Thy name:
O High, O Perfect,
O Independent, O Rich,
O Kind, O Agreeable,
O Purifier, O Eternal,
O Mighty, O Friend.
‫ك يا َعلِ ُّي يا‬
َ ْ َ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫ين يا َملِ ُّي يا َح ِف ُّي يا‬
ُّ ِ‫َو‬
ُّ ِ ‫يف يا َغ‬
‫ي يا‬
ُّ ‫ي يا قَ ِو‬
ُّ ‫َر ِض ُّي يا َزكِ ُّي يا بَ ِد‬
ُّ ِ‫َو‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬22)
O He, Who reveals virtue,
O He, Who conceals vice,
O He, Who does not call to severe
account for sins,
O He, Who does not disclose the
disgrace of his servants,
O He, Who is the best forgiver,
O He, Who overlooks errancy,
ْ ‫يا َم ْن اَظْ َهَر‬
َ َ‫اجل‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن َستَـَر الْ َق‬
ِ ‫يا من َِل يؤ‬
‫اجلَر َيرِة‬
ْ ِ‫اخ ْذ ب‬
ُْ َْ
‫يا َم ْن َِلْ يَـ ْهت‬
‫ظيم الْ َع ْف ِو‬
َ ‫يا َع‬
ُ ‫يا َح َس َن الت‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬22…)
O He Whose forgiveness extends over
O He Whose Hands are stretched forth
in mercy,
O He Who knows all secrets,
O He to Whom all complaints are
‫يا و ِاس َع الْ َم ْغ ِفَرِة‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ط الْيَ َديْ ِن بِالر ْْحَِة‬
َ ‫باس‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ب ُك ِّل ََْنوى‬
‫يا ُمْنتَهى ُك ِّل َش ْكوى‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬23)
O Master of countless blessings,
O Master of limitless mercy,
O Master surpassing all obligation,
O Master of perfect wisdom,
O Master of infinite might,
ِ ‫يا َذا النـِّعم‬
‫السابِغَ ِة يا َذا الر ْْحَِة‬
ّ َْ
ِ ‫الْو ِاسع ِة يا َذا الْ ِمن‬
‫السابَِق ِة يا َذا‬
‫اْلِ ْك َم ِة الْبالِغَ ِة يا َذا الْ ُق ْد َرِة‬
ِ ْ‫ال‬
ِ ْ‫اْلج ِة ال‬
‫قاط َع ِة‬
ُْ ‫كاملَ ِة يا َذا‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬23…)
O Master of the decisive argument,
O Master of the manifest miracle,
O Master of perpetual prestige,
O Master of great strength,
O Master of unsurpassable glory.
ِ ّ‫يا َذا الْ َكرام ِة الظ‬
‫اهَرِة يا َذا الْعِزِة‬
‫ال ّدائِ َم ِة يا َذا الْ ُقوِة الْ َمتينَ ِة يا َذا‬
ِ ‫الْعظَم‬
‫نيع ِة‬
َ َ َ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬24)
O Originator of the heavens,
O Maker of darkness,
O Merciful to those who weep,
O He Who oversees slips and errors,
O Concealer of defects,
O Reviver of the dead,
O Revealer of signs,
O Increaser of virtue,
O He Who calls to
ِ ‫يا بديع السماو‬
َ َ
ِ ُ‫جاعل الظُّل‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫احم الْعَب‬
ِ ‫يا ر‬
ََ َ
ِ ‫يا مقيل الْعثَر‬
َ َ ُ
ِ ‫يا ساتِر الْعور‬
َْ َ
ِ ‫يا ُْحميِي االََْمو‬
َْ َ َ
‫يا ُمْن ِزَل‬
ِ ‫اْلس‬
َ ‫يا ُم‬
َ ‫ض ِّع‬
َ َْ ‫ف‬
ِ ِّ‫ماحي السي‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫ديد الن ِق‬
َ ‫يا َش‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬25)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Fashioner,
O Who Preordains,
O Planner, O Purifier,
O Illuminator, O Facilitator,
O Giver of glad tidings,
O Warner,
O Giver of precedence,
O Who Postpones.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
َ ‫يا ُم‬
ُ ‫ص ِّوُر يا ُم َقد‬
‫يا ُم َدبـُِّر يا ُمطَ ِّه ُر‬
‫يا ُمنَـ ِّوُر يا ُميَ ِّس ُر‬
‫يا ُمبَ ِّش ُر يا ُمْن ِذ ُر‬
‫ِّم يا ُم َؤ ِّخ ُر‬
ُ ‫يا ُم َقد‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬26)
O Lord of the Sanctuary,
O Lord of the holy month,
O Lord of the Holy City,
O Lord of the rukun and the
O Lord of the masha'ir of Mecca,
ِ ‫يا رب الْبـي‬
ْ ‫ت‬
َْ َ
ْ ‫يا َرب الش ْه ِر‬
ْ ‫يا َرب الْبَـلَ ِد‬
ِ ‫الرْك ِن والْم‬
َ َ ُّ ‫يا َرب‬
ْ ‫يا َرب الْ َم ْش َع ِر‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬26…)
O Lord of the Holy
Mosque in
O Lord of what is lawful and
what is proscribed,
O Lord of light and darkness,
O Lord of salutation and peace,
O Lord of strength among creatures.
ْ ‫يا َرب الْ َم ْس ِج ِد‬
ْ ‫اْلِ ِّل َو‬
ْ ‫يا َرب‬
ِ ‫يا رب النُّوِر والظ‬
ِ ‫يا رب الت ِحي ِة والس‬
ِ ََ ََ ْ‫يا رب الْ ُق ْدرِة ِيف اال‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬27)
O Highest of all authorities,
O Most Just of all the just,
O Most Trustworthy of all the
O Purest of the pure,
O Best of creators,
َ ْ ‫يا اَ ْح َك َم‬
ِ ْ‫يا اَع َد َل ال‬
ِ ‫يا اَص َد َق الص‬
َ ّ
ِ ّ‫يا اَطْهر الط‬
َ ْ ‫يا اَ ْح َس َن‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬27..)
O quickest Reckoner,
O Best of listeners,
O Most vigilant of invigilators,
O Best of intercessors,
O Most honorable of all.
ِ ‫اْل‬
َ ‫يا اَ ْسَر‬
َ ْ ‫ع‬
ِ ‫يا اَ ْْع الس‬
َ ّ ََ
ِ ّ‫يا اَبصرالن‬
ََ ْ
ِ‫يا اَ ْش َفع الشاف‬
َ ّ َ
َ ‫يا اَ ْكَرَم االْ ََ ََ ْكَر‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬28)
O Supporter of the unsupported,
O Helper of the helpless,
O Protector of the unprotected,
O Shield for the
O Hearer of the unheard appeal,
ِ ‫يا ِعماد من ال‬
‫ماد لَ ُه‬
َْ َ
ُ‫يا َسنَ َد َم ْن ال َسنَ َد لَه‬
ُ‫يا ذُ ْخَر َم ْن ال ذُ ْخَر لَه‬
‫يا ِح ْرَز َم ْن ال ِح ْرَز لَ ُه‬
‫ياث لَ ُه‬
ْ َ َ ‫يا‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬28..)
O Pride of those without pride,
O Honor of the honor-less,
O Giver of Aid to the unaided,
O Friend of the forsaken,
O Shelter of the shelter-less.
ُ‫يا فَ ْخَر َم ْن ال فَ ْخَر لَه‬
‫يا ِعز َم ْن ال ِعز لَ ُه‬
َ ‫عني َم ْن ال ُم‬
َ ‫يا ُم‬
ُ‫عني لَه‬
ُ‫نيس لَه‬
ُ‫يا اَما َن َم ْن ال اَما َن لَه‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬29)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Protector,
O Persistent, O Eternal,
O Merciful,
O Accorder of peace,
O Omniscient,
O Distributor,
O Preventor, O Opener.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫عاص ُم يا قائِ ُم‬
ِ ‫يا دائِم يا ر‬
‫اح ُم‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ساِلُ يا حاكِ ُم‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫عاِل يا‬
‫قاس ُم‬
ِ ‫يا قابِض يا‬
ُ ‫باس‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬30)
O Protector of he who seeks His
O Merciful to he who requests His
O Forgiver of the implore His
O Helper of he who asks for His help,
O Protector of he who seeks His
‫ص َم ُه‬
َ ْ َْ َ َ
ِ ‫يا ر‬
‫استَـ ْر َْحَ ُه‬
ْ ََ
ِ‫يا غاف‬
‫استَـ ْغ َفَرُه‬
ْ ََ
َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ‫يا‬
ِ‫يا حاف‬
‫استَ ْح َفظَ ُه‬
ْ َ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬30..)
O Magnanimous to he who seeks
His magnanimity,
O Guide for he who seeks His
O Giver of Aid to he who seeks
His aid,
O Rescuer of he who appeals to
ُ‫استَ ْكَرَمه‬
ْ ‫يا ُم ْك ِرَم َم ِن‬
‫استَـ ْر َش َد ُه‬
ْ َ َ ‫يا ُم ْر‬
َ ‫صر‬
ْ َ‫است‬
ُ‫صَر َخه‬
ْ ‫يخ َم ِن‬
َ ‫يا‬
َ ‫يا ُم‬
ْ ‫عني َم ِن‬
َ ‫يا ُم‬
ْ ‫غيث َم ِن‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬31)
O Powerful Who is never overpowered,
O Benign Who is invisible,
O Self-Subsistent Who never sleeps,
O Eternal Who never perishes,
O Ever living Who never dies,
O Monarch Whose rule is endless,
ُ ُ‫يا َعزيزاً ال ي‬
‫يا لَطيفاً ال يُر ُام‬
ُ َ‫يا قَـيُّوماً ال ي‬
ُ ُ َ ً ‫يا دائ‬
ُ ُ‫يا َحيّاً ال ََي‬
ُ ‫يا َملِكاً ال يَـ ُز‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬31..)
O Eternal Who is imperishable,
O Omniscient Who never forgets,
O Independent Who needs no
O Mighty Who never weakens.
‫يا باقِياً ال يَـ ْفىن‬
‫يا عالِماً ال ََْي َه ُل‬
‫ص َمداً ال يُطْ َع ُم‬
َ ‫يا‬
ْ َ‫يا قَ ِويّاً ال ي‬
ُ ُ‫ضع‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬32)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Unique, O One,
O Present, O Praiser,
O Exalted, O Guide,
O Resurrector, O Heir,
O Harmful to the unjust,
O Benificial to the just.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ِ ‫يا اَح ُد يا و‬
‫اح ُد‬
ِ ‫شاه ُد يا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ماج ُد‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫حام ُد يا ر ِاش ُد‬
ُ ‫يا‬
‫ضار يا نافِ ُع‬
ُّ ‫يا‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬33)
O Grandest of all the grand,
O Most magnanimous of all the
O Most merciful of all the merciful,
O Most knowledgeable of all knowledgeable,
O Most Wise of all the wise,
O Most ancient of all the ancient,
‫يا اَ ْعظَ َم ِم ْن ُك ِّل َعظي ٍم‬
ٍ ‫يا اَ ْكرَم ِم ْن ُك ِّل َك‬
‫يا اَْر َح َم ِم ْن ُك ِّل َرحي ٍم‬
‫يا اَ ْعلَ َم ِم ْن ُك ِّل َعلي ٍم‬
‫يا اَ ْح َك َم ِم ْن ُك ِّل َحكي ٍم‬
ٍ َ‫يا اَقْ َد َم ِم ْن ُك ِّل ق‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬33..)
O Most great of all the great,
O Most benign of all the benign,
O Most magnificent of all the
O Most mighty of all the mighty.
‫يا اَ ْكبَـَر ِم ْن ُك ِّل َكب ٍري‬
ٍ ‫ف ِمن ُك ِّل لَطي‬
ْ َ َ‫يا اَلْط‬
ٍ ‫يا اَ َجل ِمن ُك ِّل َج‬
‫يا اَ َعز ِم ْن ُك ِّل َعزي ٍز‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬34)
O Most magnanimous in
overlooking sins,
O Greatest benefactor,
O Most bounteous in goodness,
O Eternal in grace,
O Creator of subtlety,
‫يا َكرميَ الص ْف ِح‬
‫ظيم الْ َم ِّن‬
ْ ‫ثري‬
َ ‫يا َك‬
‫ض ِل‬
ْ ‫يا قَدميَ الْ َف‬
ِ ْ‫يا دائِم اللُّط‬
‫الصْن ِع‬
ُّ ‫طيف‬
َ َ‫يا ل‬
‫)‪ُ (34..‬دعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
‫ِّس الْ َك ْر ِب‬
‫يا ِ‬
‫ف ُّ‬
‫يا مالِ‬
‫ك الْ ُم ْلك‬
‫يا ِ‬
‫اْلَ ِّق‬
‫قاض َي ْ‬
‫‪O Remover of pain,‬‬
‫‪O Healer of injury,‬‬
‫‪O Master of dominion,‬‬
‫‪O True Judge.‬‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬35)
O He Who fulfils His promise,
O He Who is great in His might,
O He Who is near everyone in spite of
His greatness,
O He Who is benign in His weariness,
O He Who is noble in His benignity,
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو يف َع ْه ِد ِه َوِيفي‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو يف َوفائ َ ي‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو يف قُـوتِِه َعلِ يي‬
ٌ َ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو يف عُلُِّو‬
ِ‫يا َم ْن ُهو يف قُـرب‬
ْ َ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬35..)
O He Who is powerful in His
O He Who is great in His power,
O He Who is exalted in His
O He Who is praiseworthy in his
ِ ْ‫يا من هو يف لُط‬
ٌ َ
َُ ْ َ
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو يف َشَرفِ ِه َعزيز‬
ِ ‫يا من هو يف‬
ٌ َ
َُ ْ َ
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو يف َعظَ َمتِ ِه َُميد‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو يف َُْم ِد ِه َْحي ٌد‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬36)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Sufficient,
O Restorer of health,
O Faithful, O Forgiver,
O Guide,
O Who Summons,
O Judge, O Agreeable,
O High, O Eternal.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا كايف يا شايف‬
‫يا واىف يا ُمعايف‬
‫يا هادي يا داعي‬
‫يا قاضي يا راضي‬
‫يا عاِل يا باقي‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬37)
O He before Whom everything bows,
O He before Whom everything is
O He for Whom everything exists,
O He to Whom everything owes its
O He to Whom everything returns,
ِ ‫يا من ُك ُّل َشي ٍء‬
‫خاض ٌع لَه‬
ِ ‫يا من ُك ُّل َشي ٍء‬
‫خاش ٌع لَه‬
‫يا َم ْن ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء كائِ ٌن لَ ُه‬
ٍ ‫يا من ُكل شي‬
‫ود بِه‬
ٌ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ُّ ْ َ
ٍ ‫يا من ُكل شي‬
‫نيب اِلَْي ِه‬
ٌ ُ ْ َ ُّ ْ َ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬37..)
O He of Whom everything is afraid,
O one to Whom everything owes its
O He towards Whom everything
O He Whom everything glorifies with
O He besides Whom everything is
ٍ ‫يا من ُكل شي‬
‫ف ِمْنه‬
ْ َ ُّ ْ َ
‫يا َم ْن ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء قائِ ٌم بِِه‬
‫يا َم ْن ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء صائٌِر اِلَْي ِه‬
‫يا َم ْن ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء يُ َسبِّ ُح ِبَ ْم ِد ِه‬
ٍ ‫يا من ُكل شي‬
‫ك إالّ َو ْج َه ُه‬
ْ َ ُّ ْ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬38)
O He-there is no retreat but towards
O He-there is no place of protection
except with Him,
O He-there is no right path except that
which leads to
O He-there is no shelter against Him
but with Him,
‫يا َم ْن ال َم َفر إالّ اِلَْي ِه‬
‫ع إالّ اِلَْي ِه‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن ال َم ْفَز‬
‫ص َد إالّ اِلَْي ِه‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن ال َم ْق‬
‫يا َم ْن ال َمْنجا ِمْنهُ إالّ اِلَْي ِه‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬38..)
O He-there is no inclination towards anyone
except Him,
O He-there is no strength and vigor but
from Him,
O He-none is invoked for help but He.
O He-trust is not reposed in anyone but He,
O He-hope is not entertained from anyone
except from
O He-none is worshipped except He.
‫ب إالّ اِلَْي ِه‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال يـُْر َغ‬
‫يا َم ْن ال َح ْوَل َوال قُـوَة إالّ بِِه‬
‫يا َم ْن ال يُ ْستَعا ُن إالّ بِِه‬
‫يا َم ْن ال يـُتَـ َوك ُل إالّ َعلَْي ِه‬
‫يا َم ْن ال يـُْرجى إالّ ُه َو‬
‫يا َم ْن ال يـُ ْعبَ ُد إالّ هو‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬39)
O Best of those who are feared,
O Best of those who are liked,
O Best of those who are sought,
O Best of those who are entreated,
O Best of those who are longed for,
َ ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ َم ْرُه‬
َ ُ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ َم ْرغ‬
َ ُ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ َمطْل‬
َ ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ َم ْسؤو‬
ُ ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ َم ْق‬
َ ‫ص‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬39..)
O Best of those who are remembered,
O Best of those to whom thanks are
O Best of those who are loved,
O Best of those who are called on,
O Best of those who are held in
َ ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ َم ْذ ُكور‬
َ ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ َم ْش ُكور‬
َ ُ‫يا َخْيـَر ْال ََ ْحمب‬
َ ‫يا َخْيـَر الْ َم ْدعُ ّو‬
ِ‫يا خيـر الْمستَأْن‬
ْ ُ ََْ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬40)
O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy
O Forgiver,
O Who Conceals [defects],
O Mighty, O Supreme,
O Creator, O Who Shatters,
O Joiner,
O Who Remembers,
O Seeing, O Helper.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا غافُِر يا ساتُِر‬
ِ ‫قادر يا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫قاه ُر‬
ِ ‫فاطر يا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫كاس ُر‬
‫يا جابُِر يا ذاكُِر‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫ناظر يا‬
‫ناص ُر‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬41)
O He Who created and perfected,
O He Who made [everything] to
measure and guided,
O He Who removes misfortunes,
O He Who overhears secrets,
O He Who rescues the drowning,
O He Who saves the distressed,
‫يا َم ْن َخلَ َق فَ َس ّوى‬
‫يا َم ْن قَد َر فَـ َهدى‬
ِ ‫يا من ي ْك‬
‫ف الْبَـ ْلوى‬
ُ َ َْ
‫يا َم ْن يَ ْس َم ُع الن ْجوى‬
‫يا َم ْن يـُْن ِق ُذ الْغَْرقى‬
‫يا َم ْن يـُْن ِجي ا ْلَْلكى‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬41..)
O He Who restores the sick to health,
O He who makes [His slaves] laugh and
O He Who causes to dies and calls to
O He Who has created pairs of male
and female.
‫يا َم ْن يَ ْش ِفي الْ َم ْرضى‬
‫ك َواَبْكى‬
ْ َ‫يا َم ْن ا‬
َ ‫ض َح‬
‫مات َواَ ْحىي‬
َ َ‫يا َم ْن ا‬
ِ ْ ‫يا َم ْن َخلَ َق الزْو َج‬
‫ني الذ َكَر َواالْ َُنْثى‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬42)
O He Whose course is on land and in
O He Whose signs are in the universe,
O He in Whose signs are undeniable
O He Whose might is exhibited in
causing death,
O He Whose graves provide [people]
with His lesson,
ُ‫يا َم ْن ِيف الْبَـِّر َوالْبَ ْح ِر َسبيلُه‬
ِ ْ‫يا من ِيف اال‬
‫فاق اياتُ ُه‬
ِ ْ‫يا من ِيف اال‬
‫يات بـُْرهانُ ُه‬
ِ ‫يا من ِيف الْم‬
‫مات قُ ْد َرتُ ُه‬
‫يا َم ْن ِيف الْ ُقبُوِر ِعْبـَرتُ ُه‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬42..)
O He Whose kingdom will be on the
Day of Judgment,
O He in Whose reckoning (of deeds) is
His dread,
O He in Whose balance is His order,
O He Whose paradise is the place of
His good reward,
O He Whose hell is the place of
ِ ْ‫يا من ِيف ال‬
‫يام ِة ُم ْل ُك ُه‬
ِ ِ‫اْل‬
‫ساب َهْيبَتُ ُه‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن ِيف‬
‫يا َم ْن ِيف الْميز‬
‫اجلَن ِة ثَوابُ ُه‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن ِيف‬
‫يا َم ْن ِيف النّا ِر ِعقابُ ُه‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬43)
O He-the frightened flee to Him,
O He-sinners take shelter with Him,
O He-the repentant return to Him,
O He-the pious incline towards Him,
O He-the confounded seek shelter in
O He-the desirous have affection for
ِ ‫يا من اِلَي‬
‫اْلائُِفو َن‬
ْ ‫ب‬
ُ ََْ ْ ْ َ
‫يا َم ْن اِلَْي ِه يَـ ْفَزعُ الْ ُم ْذنِبُو َن‬
ِ ‫يا من اِلَي ِه يـ ْق‬
‫ص ُد الْ ُمنيبُو َن‬
َ ْ َْ
‫ب الّز ِاه ُدو َن‬
‫يا َم ْن اِلَْي ِه يَـ ْل َجأُ الْ ُمتَ َحيِّـ ُرو َن‬
‫يدو َن‬
ُ ُ ُ َ ْ َ ِ‫يا َم ْن ب‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬43..)
O He-lovers are proud of Him,
O He-transgressors have agreed for His
O He-those who are sure in faith receive
consolation from Him,
O He-those who trust Him rely on Him.
‫يا َم ْن بِه يَـ ْفتَ ِخ ُر ْال َُ ِحمبُّو َن‬
ِ ‫اْل‬
‫اطئُو َن‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن يف َع ْف ِوِه يَطْ َم ُع‬
‫يا َم ْن اِلَْي ِه يَ ْس ُك ُن الْ ُموقِنُو َن‬
‫يا َم ْن َعلَْي ِه يَـتَـ َوك ُل الْ ُمتَـ َوِّكلُو َن‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬44)
O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy
O Friend, O Physician,
O Near, O Supervisor,
O Reckoner to account,
O Awful,
O Who Rewards,
O Acceptor, O Aware,
O All-Seeing.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ُ َ‫بيب يا ط‬
ُ ‫يا َح‬
ُ ‫يب يا َر‬
ُ ‫يا قَر‬
ُ ‫ثيب يا ُُم‬
ُ ‫يا ُم‬
ُ‫يا َخبريُيا بَصري‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬45)
O Nearest of all,
O Friendliest of all the friends,
O Possessor of greater insight than all
O Most Aware of all,
O Noblest of all the nobles,
O Most Exalted of all the
O Mightiest of all mighty,
ٍ ‫ب ِم ْن ُك ِّل قَر‬
َ ‫يا اَقَـَر‬
ٍ ‫يا اَ َحب ِم ْن ُك ِّل َحبي‬
‫صَر ِم ْن ُك ِّل بَص ٍري‬
َ ْ‫يا اَب‬
‫يا اَ ْخبَـَر ِم ْن ُك ِّل َخب ٍري‬
ٍ ‫ف ِمن ُك ِّل َشري‬
ْ َ ‫يا اَ ْشَر‬
‫يا اَْرفَ َع ِم ْن ُك ِّل َرفي ٍع‬
‫يا اَقْوى ِم ْن ُك ِّل قَ ِوي‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬45..)
O Most Independent
O Most Generous of all,
O I(Kindest of all those
who are kind.
‫يا اَ ْغىن ِم ْن ُك ِّل َغ ِين‬
‫يا اَ ْج َوَد ِم ْن ُك ِّل َجو ٍاد‬
ٍ ‫ف ِمن ُكل رؤو‬
ُ َ ِّ ْ َ َ‫يا اَْرا‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬46)
O Dominant who is not overpowered,
O Designer who is not made,
O Creator who is not created,
O Master and not the slave,
O All-Dominant who is not dominated,
ٍ ُ‫يا غالِباً َغْيـر م ْغل‬
ٍ ُ‫صن‬
ْ َ َ َْ ً ‫يا صان‬
ٍ ُ‫يا خالِقاً َغيـر ََْل‬
ٍ ُ‫يا مالِكاً َغيـر مَْل‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫قاهراً َغْيـَر َم ْق ُهوٍر‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬46..)
O Exalter and the Exalted,
O Protector who needs no protection,
O Helper who needs no help,
O Witness who is not absent,
O Near who is not distant.
ٍ ُ‫يا رافِعاً َغْيـَر َم ْرف‬
ٍ ‫يا حافِظاً َغيـر َْحم ُف‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ُ َ َْ
ِ ‫يا‬
ٍ ِ‫شاهداً َغْيـر غائ‬
ٍ ‫يا قَريباً َغيـر ب‬
َ َْ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬47)
O Light of lights,
O Illuminator of light,
O Creator of light,
O Planner of light,
O Estimator of light,
‫يا نُ َور النُّوِر‬
‫يا ُمنَـ ِّوَر النُّوِر‬
‫يا خالِ َق النُّوِر‬
‫يا ُم َدبـَِّر النُّوِر‬
‫ِّر النُّوِر‬
َ ‫يا ُم َقد‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬47..)
O Light of all lights,
O Light that precedes in existence
every light,
O Light that will survive all lights,
O Light that is above every light,
O Light like of which there is no
‫يا نُ َور ُك ِّل نُوٍر‬
‫يا نُوراً قَـْب َل ُك ِّل نُوٍر‬
‫يا نُوراً بَـ ْع َد ُك ِّل نُوٍر‬
‫يا نُوراً فَـ ْو َق ُك ِّل نُوٍر‬
ٌ ُ ْ ‫س َك‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬48)
O He Whose gift is noble,
O He Whose action is subtle,
O He Whose beneficence is eternal,
O He Whose word is right,
O He Whose promise is true,
ُ ‫يا َم ْن َع‬
ٌ ‫طاؤهُ َشر‬
ِ‫يا من ف‬
ٌ ُ ْ َْ
ٌ ‫يا َم ْن لُطْ ُفهُ ُم‬
ٌ َ ُ ُ ْ ‫يا َم ْن ا‬
‫يا َم ْن قَـ ْولُهُ َح يق‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬48..)
O He Whose promise is true,
O He Whose forgiveness is a grace,
O He Whose chastisement is justice,
O He Whose remembrance is sweet,
O He Whose grace is universal.
‫يا َم ْن َو ْع ُدهُ ِص ْد ٌق‬
‫ض ٌل‬
ْ َ‫يا َم ْن َع ْف ُوهُ ف‬
‫يا َم ْن َعذابُهُ َع ْد ٌل‬
‫يا َم ْن ِذ ْك ُرهُ ُح ْل ٌو‬
ْ َ‫يا َم ْن ف‬
ٌ ‫ضلُهُ َع‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬49)
O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy name:
O Facilitator,
O Separator, O Who Alters,
O Who Humiliates the proud,
O Degrader, O Benefactor,
O Munificent,
O Giver of respite,
O Virtuous.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫ص ُل‬
ِّ ‫يا ُم َس ِّه ُل يا ُم َف‬
‫ِّل يا ُم َذلِّ ُل‬
ُ ‫يا ُمبَد‬
‫يا ُمنَـِّزُل يا ُمنَـ ِّو ُل‬
ِ ‫يا م ْف‬
‫ض ُل يا ُُْم ِزُل‬
‫يا مُْ ِه ُل يا ُُْم ِم ُل‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬50)
O He Who sees but is not seen,
O He Who creates and is not created,
O He Who guides and is not guided,
O He Who receives to life and is not
brought to life,
O He Who questions and is not
O He Who feeds and does not eat,
‫يا َم ْن يَرى َوال يُرى‬
‫يا َم ْن َيْلُ ُق َوال ُيْلَ ُق‬
‫يا َم ْن يَـ ْهدي َوال يـُ ْهدى‬
‫يا َم ْن ُُْييي َوال ُُْييا‬
‫يا َم ْن يَ ْسأ َُل َوال يُ ْسأَ ُل‬
‫يا َم ْن يُطْعِ ُم َوال يُطْ َع ُم‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬50..)
O He Who gives protection and is in no
need of protection,
O He Who judges and against Whom
no judgment is passed,
O He Who commands but is not
O He Who begets not, nor is He
begotten, and there is none like unto
‫يا َم ْن َُيريُ َوال َُي ُار َعلَْي ِه‬
‫يا َم ْن يَـ ْقضي َوال يـُ ْقضى َعلَْي ِه‬
‫يا َم ْن َُْي ُك ُم َوال ُُْي َك ُم َعلَْي ِه‬
‫يا َم ْن َِلْ يَلِ ْد َوَِلْ يُولَ ْد َوَِلْ يَ ُك ْن لَهُ ُك ُفوًا‬
‫اَ َح ٌد‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬51)
O Best Who reckons,
O Best physician,
O Best guardian,
O Best near one,
O Best Who responses,
ِ‫يا ن‬
ُ َ َْ
ِ‫يا ن‬
ِ‫يا ن‬
ِ‫يا ن‬
ُ ٌ َْ
‫)‪ُ (51..‬دعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
‫يا نِ‬
‫َْ َ ُ‬
‫يا نِ‬
‫يا نِ‬
‫َْ ْ ُ‬
‫يا نِ ْع َم الْ َم ْوىل‬
‫يا نِ‬
‫‪O Best friend,‬‬
‫‪O Best surety,‬‬
‫‪O Best protector,‬‬
‫‪O Best master,‬‬
‫‪O Best helper.‬‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬52)
O Joy of saints,
O Desire of friends,
O Friend of seekers,
O Friend of penitents,
O Provider of sustenance to the
َ ‫يا ُس ُر َور الْعا ِر‬
ِ َ‫يا مىن ْال‬
َ ّ ُ َُ
َ ‫نيس الْ ُمر‬
َ ‫بيب التـ ّو‬
ِ ‫يا را ِز َق الْم‬
َ ُ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬52..)
O Hope of sinners,
O Coolness of worshippers' eyes,
O Remover of sufferers' pain,
O Dispeller of the sorrows of the
O God of the first and the last
ِ‫يا رجاء الْم ْذن‬
َ ُ َ َ
ِ‫ني الْعاب‬
ِ ْ ‫يا قُـرَة َع‬
َ ‫ِّس َع ِن الْ َم ْك ُر‬
َ ‫يا ُم َفِّر ُج َع ِن الْ َم ْغ ُم‬
ِ ‫يا اِلـه االََْولني و‬
ََ ََ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬53)
O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy
O our Lord, O our God,
O our Chief,
O our Master, O our Helper,
O our Protector,
O our Guide, O our Aide,
O our Friend,
O our Physician.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا َربنا يا اِلَنا‬
‫يا َسيِّ َدنا يا َم ْوالنا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ناصَرنا يا حافِظَنا‬
‫يا َدليلَنا يا ُمعينَنا‬
‫يا َحبيبَنا يا طَبيبَنا‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬54)
O Lord of the prophets and the
O Lord of the righteous and chosen
O Lord of paradise and hell,
O Lord of the small and the great,
O Lord of grains and fruits,
‫ني َواالْ ََ ََبْرا ِر‬
َ ّ‫يا َرب النبي‬
‫يقني َواالْ ََ ََ ْخيا ِر‬
ِّ ‫يا َرب‬
َ ‫الص ّد‬
‫اجلَن ِة َوالنّا ِر‬
ْ ‫يا َرب‬
‫الصغا ِر َوالْ ِكبا ِر‬
ِّ ‫يا َرب‬
ِ ‫اْلب‬
‫وب َوالِّثما ِر‬
ُُْ ‫يا َرب‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬54..)
O Lord of canals and trees,
O Lord of forest and desert,
O Lord of lands and seas,
O Lord of night and day,
O Lord of the manifest and the
‫يا َرب االْ ََ ََ ْْنا ِر َواالْ ََ ََ ْشجا ِر‬
‫يا َرب الصحاري َوالْ ِقفا ِر‬
‫يا َرب الََْباري َوالْبِحا ِر‬
‫يا َرب اللْي ِل َوالنها ِر‬
ِ ‫يا رب االْ َِ َِ ْع‬
‫الن َواالْ َِ َِ ْسرا ِر‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬55)
O He, Whose command operates in
O He, Whose knowledge encompasses
O He, Whose control extends to
O He, Whose bounties cannot be
counted by His slaves.
O He, Whom His creatures cannot
adequately thank,
‫يا َم ْن نَـ َف َذ يف ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء اَْم ُرُه‬
‫يا َم ْن َْلِ َق بِ ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء ِع ْل ُم ُه‬
‫ت اِىل ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء قُ ْد َرتُ ُه‬
ْ َ‫يا َم ْن بَـلَغ‬
ِ‫صي الْع‬
ِ ‫يا من ال ُِْت‬
‫باد نِ َع َم ُه‬
‫اْلَالئِ ُق ُش ْكَرُه‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن ال تَـْبـلُ ُغ‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬55..)
O He, Whose grandeur cannot be
comprehended by the intellect,
O He, Whose reality cannot be acquired by
the imagination,
O He, Whose garb is majesty and greatness,
O He, Whose judgment cannot be reversed by
His slaves,
O He, Whose alone is the kingdom and no
one else's,
O He, Whose alone is the gift and none else's.
ُ‫يا َم ْن ال تُ ْد ِرُك االْ ََ ََفْه ُام َجاللَه‬
ُ َ‫يا َم ْن ال ت‬
ُ‫هام ُكْنـ َهه‬
ُ ‫نال االْ ََ ََ ْو‬
ُ ُ ْ ْ‫يا َم ِن الْ َعظَ َمةُ َوال‬
ِ‫يا من ال تَـرُّد الْع‬
‫باد قَضاءَ ُه‬
ُ َْ
َ ‫يا َم ْن ال ُم ْل‬
ُ‫ك إالّ ُم ْل ُكه‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال َعطاءَ إالّ َع‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬56)
O He, for Whom are noblest examples,
O He, for Whom are high attributes,
O He, Who is the Master of the
beginning and the end,
O He, Who is the Master of the abode
of paradise,
O He, for Whom are great signs,
‫يا َم ْن لَهُ الْ َمثَ ُل االْ ََ ََ ْعلى‬
‫فات الْعُْليا‬
ِّ ُ‫يا َم ْن لَه‬
ُ ‫الص‬
‫يا َم ْن لَهُ االْ ِخَرةُ َواالْ َُوىل‬
‫اجلَنةُ الْ َمأوى‬
ْ ُ‫يا َم ْن لَه‬
‫اآليات الْ ُك َْبى‬
ُ‫يا َم ْن لَه‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬56..)
O He, for Whom are beautiful names,
O He, for Whom is order and judgment,
O He, Who rules over the atmosphere
and the expanse,
O He, Whose is the Lordship of the
highest heaven and the earth,
O He, Who is the Master of the high
‫اْلُ ْسىن‬
ْ ُ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ االْ ََ ََ ْْاء‬
ْ ُ‫يا َم ْن لَه‬
ُ‫اْلُ ْك ُم َوالْ َقضاء‬
ُ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ ا ْلَواءُ َوالْ َفضاء‬
‫ش َوالثرى‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ الْ َع ْر‬
‫ات الْعُلى‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ السماو‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬57)
O Allah-verily I entreat Thee in Thy
O Pardoner, O Forgiver,
O Patient, O Greatest appreciator (of
O Kind, O Sympathetic,
O Besought, O Friend,
O Most Glorified,
O Most Holy.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ُ ‫يا َع ُف ُّو يا َغ ُف‬
َ ‫يا‬
ُ ‫ور يا َش ُك‬
ُ ُ‫صب‬
ُ ُ‫ؤوف يا َعط‬
ُ ‫يا َر‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْس‬
ُ ‫ؤول يا َو ُد‬
ُ ُّ‫يا ُسب‬
ُ ‫وح يا قُد‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬58)
O He, Whose greatness is in the
O He, Whose signs are on the earth,
O He, Whose proofs are manifest in
O He, Whose wonders are in the seas,
O He, Whose treasures are in the
ِ ‫يا من ِيف الس‬
‫ماء َعظَ َمتُ ُه‬
ِ ‫يا َم ْن ِيف االْ ََ ََ ْر‬
‫ض آياتُ ُه‬
‫يا َم ْن يف ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َدالئِلُ ُه‬
‫يا َم ْن ِيف الْبِحا ِر َعجائِبُ ُه‬
ِ ِ‫اجل‬
‫بال َخزائِنُ ُه‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن ِيف‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬58..)
O He, Who originated Creation which
then returns to Him,
O He, towards Whom is the return of
every matter,
O He, Whose kindness is evident in
O He, Who makes best everything which
He has created,
O He, Whose authority is wielded over all
ْ ُ‫يا َم ْن يَـْب َدأ‬
ُ ُ‫اْلَْل َق ُث ي‬
‫يا َم ْن اِلَْي ِه يَـ ْرِج ُـع االْ ََ ََ ْم ُر ُكلُّ ُه‬
‫يا َم ْن اَظْ َهَر يف ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء لُطْ َف ُه‬
‫يا َم ْن اَ ْح َس َن ُكل َش ْي ٍء َخ ْل َق ُه‬
‫اْلَالئِ ِق قُ ْد َرتُ ُه‬
ْ ‫ف ِيف‬
َ ‫صر‬
َ َ‫يا َم ْن ت‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬59)
O Friend of he who has no friend,
O Physician of he who
has no
O Responder to he who has no
O Affectionate One to he whom none
in affection,
O Friend of he who has no friend,
ُ‫بيب لَه‬
َ ‫بيب َم ْن ال َح‬
َ ‫يا َح‬
ُ‫بيب لَه‬
َ َ‫بيب َم ْن ال ط‬
َ َ‫يا ط‬
ُ‫يب لَه‬
َ ‫يب َم ْن ال ُُم‬
َ ‫يا ُُم‬
ُ‫فيق لَه‬
َ ‫فيق َم ْن ال َش‬
َ ‫يا َش‬
ُ‫فيق لَه‬
َ ‫فيق َم ْن ال َر‬
َ ‫يا َر‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬59..)
O Helper of he who has no help,
O Guide of he who has no guide,
O Associate of the forlorn,
O Merciful One towards he on whom
no one has mercy,
O Companion of he who has no
َ ‫يا ُم‬
َ ‫غيث َمن ال ُم‬
ُ‫غيث لَه‬
ُ‫ليل لَه‬
َ ‫ليل َم ْن ال َد‬
َ ‫يا َد‬
ُ‫نيس لَه‬
ِ ‫يا ر‬
ِ ‫احم من ال ر‬
‫اح َم لَ ُه‬
َْ َ
ِ ‫صاحب من ال‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ب لَ ُه‬
َْ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬60)
O who Suffices those who seek
O Guide for those who seek guidance,
O Protector for those who seek
O Granter for concession to those who
seek concession,
O Healer for those who seek cure,
ِ ‫يا‬
ْ ‫كايف َم ِن‬
ُ‫استَ ْكفاه‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ُ ْ َْ َ َ
ِ ‫يا‬
ْ ‫كاىلءَ َم ِن‬
ُ‫استَ ْكاله‬
ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ ‫يا ر‬
َ َ ‫يا‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬60..)
O Just One for those who seek justice,
O who Bestows wealth for those who
seek wealth,
O Fulfiller [of promises] for those who
seek fulfillment,
O Granter of strength for those who
O Aide of those who seek aid.
ُ َ ْ َ َ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫يا ُم ْغ‬
ْ ‫ين َم ِن‬
ُ‫استَـ ْغناه‬
ِ ‫يا ُم‬
ْ ‫ويف َم ِن‬
ُ‫استَـ ْوفاه‬
ْ ‫ي َم ِن‬
ُ‫استَـ ْقواه‬
ُ ْ
َ ‫يا َو‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬61)
O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy
O Creator,
O Provider of sustenance,
O Creator of speech,
O Truthful, O Splitter,
O Separator, O Breaker,
O Combiner, O Foremost,
O Most High.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا خالِ ُق يا را ِزق‬
ِ ‫ناطق يا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫صاد ُق‬
‫يا فالِ ُق يا فا ِر ُق‬
‫يا فاتِ ُق يا راتِ ُق‬
ِ ‫يا سابِق يا‬
‫سام ُق‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬62)
O He, Who changes night and day,
O He, Who has created darkness and
O He, Who has bestowed shade and
O He, Who has brought into subjection
the sun and the moon,
O He, Who has ordained virtue and
َ َ َ ُ ‫يا َم ْن يـُ َقل‬
ِ ُ‫يا من جعل الظُّل‬
‫مات َواألَنْو َار‬
َ ََ ْ َ
‫اْلَُر َور‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن َخلَ َق الظِّل َو‬
‫س َوالْ َق َمَر‬
‫اْلَْيـَر َوالشر‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن قَد َر‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬62..)
O He, Who has created death and life,
O He, Who has made the body and the
O He, Who has neither taken a wife nor
begotten any child,
O He, Who has no partner in His
O He, Who has no friend among the
‫اْلَيا َة‬
ْ ‫ت َو‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن َخلَ َق الْ َم ْو‬
‫اْلَْل ُق َواالْ ََ ََ ْم ُر‬
ْ ُ‫يا َم ْن لَه‬
ِ ‫يا من َِل يـت ِخ ْذ‬
ً‫صاحبَةً َوال َولَدا‬
َْ َْ
ِ ‫يك يف الْم ْل‬
ٌ ‫س لَهُ َشر‬
ُّ ‫يا َم ْن َِلْ يَ ُك ْن لَهُ َوِِلي ِمن‬
‫الذ ِّل‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬63)
O He, Who knows the desire of the
O He, Who knows the conscience of the
O He, Who hears the cries of the weak,
O He, Who sees the lamentation of the
O He, Who satisfies the needs of the
َ ‫يا َم ْن يَـ ْعلَ ُم ُمر َاد الْ ُمر‬
ِ ‫يا من يـعلَم ضمري الص‬
َ ّ َ َ ُ َْ ْ َ
ِ ‫يا من يسمع اَنني الْوا‬
َ ََُْ َْ
َ ْ َ‫يا َم ْن يَرى بُكاء‬
ِ‫يا من َيَْل‬
ِ‫ك حوائِج السائ‬
َ ّ َ َ ُ َْ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬63..)
O He Who accepts the excuse of the
O He Who does not correct the actions
of the mischievous,
O He Who does waste the good reward
of the virtuous,
O He Who is not absent from the mind
of the saint,
O Most Generous of all.
ِ‫يا من يـ ْقبل ع ْذر التّائ‬
َ ُ َُ َ َْ
ِ ‫يا من ال يصلِح عمل الْم ْف‬
ُ َ ََ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ
ِ ‫يا من ال يضيع اَجر الْمـح‬
َ ْ ٌ َْ ُ ُ ْ َ
ُ‫يا َم ْن ال يَـْبـعُ ُد َع ْن قُـل‬
َ ‫يا اَ ْج َوَد االْ ََ ََ ْج‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬64)
O Eternal Living,
O Hearer of prayers,
O Liberal Who Bestows,
O Forgiver of sins,
O Creator of the sky,
O Best tester of trials,
O Most Praiseworthy,
O Eternally Great,
O Greatest fulfiller of promises,
O Best Who Recompenses.
ِ ‫الد‬
ِ ‫يا دائِم الْب‬
ِ ‫قاء يا‬
ُّ ‫سام َع‬
َ َ
ِ ‫اْل‬
ِ ‫يا و ِاسع الْع‬
َْ ‫طاء يا غافَِر‬
َ َ
ِ ‫ماء يا حسن الْب‬
ِ ‫يا بديع الس‬
َ ََ َ
َ َ
ِ ‫ناء يا قَدمي الس‬
ِ ‫يا َجيل الث‬
َ َ
ِ ‫يا َكثري الْو‬
‫اجلَز ِاء‬
ْ ‫يف‬
َ َ
َ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬65)
O Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy name:
O Best forgiver, O Who best conceals (of defects),
O Most dominant, O Supreme,
O Most patient, O Most virtuous,
O Most exalted, O Best opener,
O Blower of winds, O Who bestows happiness.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا َستّ ُار يا َغ ّف ُار‬
‫يا قَـ ّه ُار يا َجبّ ُار‬
ُّ ‫صبّ ُار يا‬
َ ‫يا‬
ُ ّ‫تار يا فَـت‬
ُ َُْ ‫يا‬
ُ ‫اح يا ُم ْر‬
ُ ‫يا نَـ ّف‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬66)
O He, Who created me and perfected me,
O He, Who provided me with sustenance and
nurtured me,
O He, Who provided food for me and
quenched my thirst,
O He, Who brought me near Him and
brought me most nigh,
O He, Who protected me and kept me in
‫يا َم ْن َخلَ َقين َو َس ّواّن‬
‫يا َم ْن َرَزقَين َوَربّاّن‬
‫يا َم ْن اَطْ َع َمين َو َسقاّن‬
‫يا َم ْن قَـربَين َو اَ ْدناّن‬
‫ص َمين َوَكفاّن‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن َع‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬66..)
O He, Who saved and guarded me,
O He, Who honored me and enriched
O He, Who helped and guided me,
O He, Who befriended me and sheltered
O He, Who causes me to die and
revivifies me.
‫يا َم ْن َح ِفظَين َوَكالّن‬
‫يا َم ْن اَ َعزّن َواَ ْغناّن‬
‫يا َم ْن َوفـ َقين َوَهداّن‬
‫يا َم ْن آنَ َسين َو َآواّن‬
‫يا َم ْن اَماتَين َواَ ْحياّن‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬67)
O He, Who maintains truth by His words,
O He, Who accepts repentance from His
O He, Who stands between man and his
O He, without Whose permission
intercession has no benefit,
O He, Who knows well who is astray from
His path,
‫اْلَق بِ َكلِماتِِه‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن ُُِي ُّق‬
ِ ‫يا من يـ ْقبل التـوبةَ عن ِع‬
‫باد ِه‬
ْ َ َْ ُ َ َ ْ َ
‫ني الْ َم ْرِء َوقَـ ْلبِ ِه‬
ُ ُ‫يا َم ْن َُي‬
َ ْ ‫ول بَـ‬
‫فاعةُ إالّ بِِا ْذنِِه‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن ال تَـْنـ َف ُع الش‬
‫ضل َع ْن َسبيلِ ِه‬
َ ْ َ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو اَ ْعلَ ُم‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬67..)
O He, Whose order no one can reverse,
O He, Whose judgment no one can
O He, Whose order is obeyed by
O He, in Whose Right Hand the
heavens shall be rolled up,
ِ ِ‫ر ْْحت‬
O He, Who sends forth the winds
bearing good tiding before His
‫ِّب ِْلُ ْك ِم ِه‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن ال ُم َعق‬
‫يا َم ْن ال راد لَِقضائِِه‬
‫قاد ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء ِال ََ ََ ْم ِرِه‬
َ ْ‫يا َم ِن ان‬
‫ات بِيَمينِ ِه‬
ٌ ّ‫ات َمطْ ِوي‬
ُ ‫يا َم ِن السماو‬
‫ني يَ َد ْي‬
َ ْ َ ْ ُ َ ِّ ُ ‫يا َم ْن يـُْر‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬68)
O He, Who has made the earth a cradle,
O He, Who has made the mountains
O He, Who has made the sun a lamp,
O He, Who has made the moon a light,
O He, Who has made the night a
ً‫ض ِمهادا‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل االْ ََ ََ ْر‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل‬
َ ِ‫اجل‬
ً‫بال اَْوتادا‬
ً‫س ِسراجا‬
ً‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل الْ َق َمَر نُورا‬
ً‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل اللْي َل لِباسا‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬68..)
O He, Who has made the day for
seeking livelihood,
O He, Who has made sleep a rest,
O He, Who has made the sky a vault,
O He, Who has created things in pairs,
O He, Who has made hell an ambush,
barking for sinners.
ً‫هار َمعاشا‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل الن‬
ً‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل النـ ْوَم ُسباتا‬
ِ‫يا من ج َعل السمآء ب‬
ً َ
َ َ َْ
‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل االْ ََ ََ ْشياءَ اَْزواجاً يا‬
‫َج َع َل النّ َار ِم ْرصاداً َم ْن‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬69)
Allah, verily I entreat Thee in Thy
O All-hearer, O Mediator, O
Sublime, O Invincible, O Swift, O
Originator, O Great, O
Omnipotent, O Knowing, O
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ُ ‫يع يا َش‬
ُ َْ ‫يا‬
ُ ‫فيع يا َم‬
ُ ‫يا َر‬
ُ َ‫يع يا ب‬
ُ ‫يا َسر‬
ُ َ‫يا َكبريُ يا ق‬
ُ‫يا َخبريُ يا ُُمري‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬70)
O ever living, preceding every living
O Ever living, succeeding every living
O Ever living, like unto Whom there is
O Ever living, Who has no living
O Ever living, Who is not dependent on
any living being,
‫يا َحيّاً قَـْب َل ُك ِّل َحي‬
‫يا َحيّاً بَـ ْع َد ُك ِّل َحي‬
‫س َك ِمثْلِ ِه َح يي‬
‫يا َح ُّي الذي ال يُشا ِرُكهُ َح يي‬
‫تاج اِىل َحي‬
ُ ‫يا َح ُّي الذي ال َُْي‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬70..)
O Ever living, Who causes every living
being to die,
O Ever living, Who has not inherited
life from any living being,
O Ever living, Who provides sustenance
to every living being,
O Ever living, Who quickens the dead,
O Ever living,
O Self-Subsistent, Slumber seized Him
not, nor sleep.
‫يت ُكل َحي‬
ُ ‫يا َح ُّي الذي َُي‬
‫يا َح ُّي الذي يَـ ْرُز ُق ُكل َحي‬
‫اْلَيا َة ِم ْن َحي‬
ْ ‫يا َحيّاً َِلْ يَِر ِث‬
‫يا َح ُّي الذي ُُْييِي الْ َم ْوتى‬
‫أخ ُذهُ ِسنَةٌ َوال‬
ُ َ‫وم ال ت‬
ُ ُّ‫يا َح ُّي يا قَـي‬
‫نَـ ْوٌم‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬71)
O He, Whose remembrance is not
O He, Whose light is not extinguished,
O He, Whose bounties are countless,
O He, Whose grandeur is perpetual,
O He Whose ….
‫يا َم ْن لَهُ ِذ ْكٌر ال يـُْنسى‬
‫ور ال يُطْفى‬
ٌ ُ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ ن‬
‫يا َم ْن لَهُ نِ َع ٌم ال تُـ َع ُّد‬
ُ ‫ك ال يَـُز‬
ٌ ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ ُم ْل‬
‫يا َم ْن لَهُ ثَناءٌ ال ُُْيصى‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬71..)
O He Whose grace cannot be qualified,
O He, Whose perfection cannot be
O He, Whose order is not rejected,
O He, Whose attributes do not change,
O He, Whose praise does not admit of
ٌ ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ َج‬
ُ ‫الل ال يُ َكي‬
‫مال ال يُ ْد َرُك‬
ٌ ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ َك‬
‫يا َم ْن لَهُ قَضاءٌ ال يـَُرُّد‬
‫فات ال تُـبَد ُل‬
ُ‫يا َم ْن لَه‬
‫وت ال تُـغَيـ ُر‬
ٌ ُ‫يا َم ْن لَهُ نـُع‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬72)
O Lord of all the worlds,
O Master of the Day of
O Ultimate Goal of the seeker,
O Refuge of the seeker of
O Over taker of the fugitive,
َ َ‫يا َرب الْعال‬
ِ‫يا مال‬
‫ك يَـ ْوِم ال ّدي ِن‬
ِ‫يا غايةَ الطّال‬
َ ّ‫يا ظَ ْهَر الال‬
َ ‫يا ُم ْد ِرَك ا ْلا ِر‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬72..)
O He Who loves the patient,
O He, Who loves the repentant,
O He, Who loves the pure,
O He, Who loves the virtuous,
O He, Who knows best the guided.
ُِ ‫يا من‬
َ ّ
َ ّ ُّ ُ ‫يا َم ْن‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن‬
َ َُ
ِ ‫ب ْالَ ْحم‬
ُ ُّ ُ ‫يا َم ْن‬
ِ‫يا من ُهو اَ ْعلَم ب‬
َ ُ ُ َ َْ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬73)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Affectionate,
O Companion, O Protector,
O Who Encompasses,
O Provider of sustenance,
O Aide of seekers of aid,
O Who honorees,
O Who Humiliates,
O Creator,
O Who causes to return.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ُ ‫فيق يا َحفي‬
ُ ‫فيق يا َر‬
ُ ‫يا َش‬
ُ ‫يا ُحمي‬
ُ ‫قيت يا ُم‬
ُ ‫ط يا ُم‬
ُ ُْ
ُ ‫يا ُمع‬
ُ ‫يا ُم‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬74)
O He, Who is single and without
O He, Who is Unique and Peerless,
O He, Who is Independent and without
any defect,
O He, Who is without changing state,
O He, Who judges without injustice,
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو اَ َح ٌد بِال ِضد‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو فَـ ْرٌد بِال نِد‬
ٍ ‫صم ٌد بِال َعْي‬
َ َ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو‬
ٍ ‫يا من ُهو ِوتْـر بِال َكْي‬
ٌ َ َْ
ٍ ‫قاض بِال حْي‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬74..)
O He, Who is the Lord Cherisher,
O He, Who is Mighty without disgrace,
O He, Who is Independent without any
O He, Who is the King without any
O He, Whose attributes are matchless.
‫ب بِال َوزي ٍر‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َر ي‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َعز ٌيز بِال ذُل‬
‫ين بِال فَـ ْق ٍر‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َغ ِ ي‬
‫ك بِال َع ْزٍل‬
ٌ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َمل‬
ٍ ‫وف بِال َش‬
ٌ ‫ص‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َم ْو‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬75)
O He, Whose remembrance is an honor for
those who remember Him,
O He, gratitude to Whom is success for the
O He, Whose praise is the pride of who
O He, obedience to Whom is the salvation
of the obedient,
O He, Whose door is open to the seeker,
ِ ‫يا من‬
ِ‫ف لِل ّذاك‬
َ َ ُُ ْ َ
ِ‫يا من ُش ْكره فَـوٌز لِل ّشاك‬
ْ ُُ ْ َ
ِ ‫يا من َْح ُده ِعيز لِْلح‬
ُ ْ َْ
ِ‫يا من طاعته ََناةٌ ل‬
َ ُ
ُ َُ ْ َ
ِ‫يا من بابه م ْفتوح لِلطّال‬
ََ ‫بني‬
ٌ ُ َ ُُ ْ َ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬75..)
O He, the path leading to Whom is clear
for the repentant,
O He, Whose signs are proofs for the
O He, Whose Book is advice to the pious,
O He, Whose provision is for the obedient
and disobedient alike,
O He, Whose mercy is close to the
ِ‫اضح ل‬
ِ ‫يا من سبيلُه و‬
َ ُ ٌ ُ َ َْ
ِ ّ‫يا من آياتُه بـرها ٌن لِلن‬
ُْ ُ ْ َ
ِ‫يا من كِتابه تَ ْذكِرةٌ ل‬
َ ُ َ ُُ ْ َ
ِ‫يا من ِرْزقُه عموم لِلطّائ‬
ٌ ُُ ُ ْ َ
ِ ‫يا من ر ْْحتُه قَريب ِمن الْمح‬
َ ْ َ ٌ َُ َ َْ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬76)
O He, Whose name is glorious,
O He, Whose honor is exalted,
O He-there is no deity except
O He-great is His praise,
O He, Whose names are sacred,
ْ ‫بارَك‬
َ َ‫يا َم ْن ت‬
ُ‫يا َم ْن تَعاىل َجدُّه‬
‫يا َم ْن ال اِلـهَ َغْيـ ُرُه‬
ُ َ‫يا َم ْن َجل ث‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن تَـ َقد َس‬
ُ‫ت اَ ْْ ُاؤه‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬76..)
O He, Whose existence is eternal,
O He, Whose glory is His ornament,
O He, Whose greatness is His covering,
O He, Whose favors are countless,
O He, Whose bounties cannot be
ُ َ‫وم ب‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن يَ ُد‬
ُ‫يا َم ِن الْ َعظَ َمةُ ََب ُاؤه‬
ُ ُ ْ ْ‫يا َم ِن ال‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال ُِْتصى‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال تُـ َع ُّد نَـ ْع‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬77)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Helper,
O Trustworthy,
O Manifest, O Powerful,
O Firm, O True Guide,
O Praiseworthy,
O Glorious,
O Strong, O Witness.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ُ َ‫عني يا ا‬
ُ ‫يا ُم‬
ُ ‫بني يا َم‬
ُ ‫يا ُم‬
ُ ‫كني يا َر‬
ُ ‫يا َم‬
ُ ‫يد يا َُم‬
ُ ‫يا َْح‬
ُ ‫ديد يا َش‬
ُ ‫يا َش‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬78)
O Lord of the Glorious Throne,
O He, Whose words are right,
O Master of great deeds,
O Master of promise and threat.
O He Who is the mighty doer of
whatever He wills,
ِ َ‫يا َذا الْعر ِش ْال‬
ِ ‫يا َذا الْ َقوِل الس‬
ِ ‫يا َذا الْ ِفع ِل الر‬
ِ ‫ش الش‬
ِ ْ‫يا َذا الْبَط‬
ِ ‫يا َذا الْوع ِد والْو‬
َ َ َْ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬78..)
O He Who is guardian and the most
praised one,
O He Who is capable of what he wills,
O He Who is near and not far,
O He Who has no partner and no
O He Who is not the least cruel to his
ْ ‫ِل‬
ُّ ِ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو الْ َو‬
ُ ‫اْلَم‬
‫ال لِما يُري ُد‬
ٌ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو فَـ ّع‬
ٍ ‫يا من هو قَريب َغيـر ب‬
َ ُْ ٌ َُ ْ َ
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َشهي ٌد‬
ِ ‫يا من هو لَيس بِظَالٍّم لِْلع‬
َ ْ َُ ْ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬79)
O He, Who has no partner and no
O He, Who has no equal and no match.
O Creator of the sun and the bright
O Enricher of the poverty stricken,
O Provider of sustenance to small
‫يك لَهُ َوال َوز َير‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن ال َشر‬
َ َ‫يا َم ْن ال َشبيهَ لَهُ َوال ن‬
ِ ‫يا خالِ َق الش ْم‬
‫س َوالْ َق َم ِر الْ ُمن ِري‬
ِ ِ‫يا ُم ْغ ِين الْبائ‬
‫س الْ َفق ِري‬
‫يا را ِز َق الْطِّْف ِل الصغ ِري‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬79..)
O Merciful to the very aged ones,
O Joiner of broken bones,
O Protector of the frightened shelter
O He, Who is All-Aware and All-Seeing of
his slaves,
O He, Who is Powerful over everything.
ِ ‫يا ر‬
‫اح َم الشْي ِخ الْ َكب ِري‬
‫يا جابَِر الْ َعظْ ِم الْ َكس ِري‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ِ‫اْلآئ‬
‫ف الْ ُم ْستَج ِري‬
ْ َ‫ص َمة‬
ِ ِ‫يا من هو بِع‬
ِ ‫باد‬
ٌ ٌَ َ
َُ ْ َ
ٍ ‫يا من هو على ُكل شي‬
ٌ ْ َ ِّ َ َ ُ ْ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬80)
O Master of generosity and Who Bestows the
O Gracious and Magnanimous,
O Creator of the Tablet
and the Pen,
O Creator of ants and men,
O Inflictor of punishment and retaliator,
ِ ‫اجل‬
‫ِّع ِم‬
‫ود َوالن َـ‬
ُْ ‫يا َذا‬
‫ض ِل َوالْ َكَرِم‬
ْ ‫يا َذا الْ َف‬
‫يا خالِ َق الل ْو ِح َوالْ َقلَ ِم‬
‫ئ الذ ِّر َوالن َس ِم‬
َ ‫يا با ِر‬
‫يا َذا الْبَأْ ِس َوالنِّـ َق ِم‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬80..)
O Inspirer of Arabs and
O Expeller of pain and grief,
O He, Who knows the secrets and the
O Lord of the Ka’ba and the Sacred Precinct,
O He, Who has
created everything
out of nothingness.
‫يا ُم ْل ِه َم الْ َعَر ِب َوالْ َع َج ِم‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫الضِّر َواأل َِِل‬
ُّ ‫ف‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫السِّر َوا ْلِ َم ِم‬
ِّ َ
ِ ‫يا رب الْبـي‬
ْ ‫ت َو‬
َْ َ
‫يا َم ْن َخلَ َق االْ ََ ََشياءَ ِم َن الْ َع َدِم‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬81)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Doer, O Creator,
O Acceptor, O Perfect,
O Gracious, O Separator,
O Just, O Dominant,
O Seeker, O Generous.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ِ ‫فاعل يا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫جاع ُل‬
ِ ‫يا قابِل يا‬
‫كام ُل‬
ِ ‫فاصل يا و‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫اص ُل‬
ِ‫عاد ُل يا غال‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫يا طالِب يا و‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬82)
O He, Who graciously bestows His
bounties on us,
O He, Who honors us with His charity,
O He, Who rewards us out of His
O He, Who makes us respectable with
His might,
O He, Who decrees with His knowledge,
‫يا َم ْن اَنْـ َع َم بِطَْولِِه‬
ِ ‫يا من اَ ْكرم ِِب‬
‫ود ِه‬
ُ ََ ْ َ
‫جاد بِلُطْ ِف ِه‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن‬
‫يا َم ْن تَـ َعزَز بِ ُق ْد َرتِِه‬
‫يا َم ْن قَد َر ِِب ْك َمتِ ِه‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬82..)
O He, Who is forbearing with His
O He, Who is near us in spite of
His exaltation,
O He, Who is exalted despite His
‫يا َم ْن َح َك َم بِتَ ْدب ِريِه‬
‫يا َم ْن َدبـَر بِعِْل ِم ِه‬
‫يا َم ْن ََت َاوَز ِِب ْل ِم ِه‬
‫يا َم ْن َدنا يف عُلُِّوِه‬
‫يا َم ْن َعال يف ُدنـُ ِّوِه‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬83)
O He, Who creates whatever He wishes,
O He, Who does whatever He wishes,
O He, Who guides whomever He
O He, Who leaves astray whomever He
O He, Who punishes whomever He
ُ‫يا َم ْن َيْلُ ُق ما يَشاء‬
ُ‫يا َم ْن يَـ ْف َع ُل ما يَشاء‬
ُ‫يا َم ْن يَـ ْهدي َم ْن يَشاء‬
‫ب َم ْن يَشا ُء‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن يـُ َع‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬83..)
O He, Who forgives whoever He
O He, Who fashions in the womb
as He wishes,
O He, Who chooses for His mercy
whoever He wishes.
ِ‫يا من يـ ْغ ِفر ل‬
ُ َ َْ ُ َ َْ
ِ ‫يا من يعُِّز من ي‬
َ َْ ُ َْ
ِ ‫يا من ي‬
ُ َ َْ ُ َْ
ِ ‫يا من يص ِّور ِيف االْ ََ ََر‬
‫حام ما‬
ُ َُ َْ
ِ ِ‫ص بِر ْْحت‬
ُ َ ْ َ َ َ ُّ َ‫يا َم ْن َيْت‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬84)
O He, Who has neither wife nor child,
O He, Who creates everything in a fixed
O He, Who has no partner in His rule,
O He, Who appointed angels as
O He, Who made constellations in the
ِ ‫يا من َِل يـت ِخ ْذ‬
ً‫صاحبَةً َوال َولَدا‬
َْ َْ
‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل لِ ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء قَ ْدرًا‬
ً‫يا َم ْن ال يُ ْش ِرُك يف ُح ْك ِم ِه اَ َحدا‬
ً ُ ُ َ ‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل الْ َمالئ‬
ِ ‫يا من جعل ِيف الس‬
ً‫ماء بـُُروجا‬
َ ََ ْ َ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬84..)
O He, Who made the earth a place of
O He, Who created man from water,
O He, Who fixed a period for
O He, Whose knowledge encompasses
O He, Who knows the number and
quantity of everything.
ً‫ض قَرارا‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل االْ ََ ََ ْر‬
ِ ْ‫يا من خلَق ِمن ال‬
ً‫ماء بَ َشرا‬
َ َ َ َْ
‫يا َم ْن َج َع َل لِ ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء اََمدًا‬
ً‫يا َم ْن اَحا َط بِ ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء ِع ْلما‬
‫يا َم ْن اَ ْحصى ُكل َش ْي ٍء َع َددًا‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬85)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in
Thy name:
O First, O Last,
O Manifest, O Hidden,
O Virtuous, O Right,
O He, O Unique,
O Independent,
O Eternal.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ِ ‫يا اَو ُل يا‬
‫اخ ُر‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫ظاهر يا‬
‫باط ُن‬
‫يا بَـُّر يا َح ُّق‬
‫يا فَـ ْرُد يا ِوتْـ ُر‬
‫ص َم ُد يا َس ْرَم ُد‬
َ ‫يا‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬86)
O Best recognized of all the recognized,
O Best of all to be worshipped,
O Greatest of those to whom thanks are
O Most remembered of all who are
O Most praiseworthy of all those who
are praised,
ٍ ‫يا خيـر معر‬
َ ‫وف عُ ِر‬
ُْ َ ََْ
ٍ ‫يا اَفْضل معب‬
‫ود عُبِ َد‬
ُْ َ َ َ
‫يا اَ َجل َم ْش ُكوٍر ُش ِكَر‬
‫يا اَ َعز َم ْذ ُكوٍر ذُكَِر‬
ٍ ‫يا اَعلى َحمم‬
ُِ ‫ود‬
‫ْح َد‬
ُْ ْ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬86..)
O Eternal Existent who is sought,
O Highest of those who are praised,
O Greatest of the purposes
which are striven for,
O Most liberal giver who is requested,
O Noblest Friend who is known.
ِ‫ود طُل‬
ٍ ‫يا اَقْ َدم موج‬
ُ َْ َ
ٍ ‫يا اَرفَع موص‬
ِ ‫وف و‬
َ ُ ُ َْ َ ْ
ٍ ‫يا اَ ْكبـر م ْقص‬
ِ ُ‫ود ق‬
‫ص َد‬
ُ َ ََ
ٍ ‫يا اَ ْكرم مس‬
‫ؤول ُسئِ َل‬
ْ َ ََ
ٍ ‫ف َْحمب‬
‫وب عُلِ َم‬
ُ َ ‫يا اَ ْشَر‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬87)
O Friend of those who weep,
O Refuge of those who trust- in Him,
O Guide of the misguided,
O Master of the faithful,
O Friend of worshippers,
O Shelter of the sorrowful,
َ ْ‫بيب ال‬
َ ‫يا َح‬
َ ‫يا َسيِّ َد الْ ُمتَـ َوِّك‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫هادي الْم‬
َ ُ َ
ِ‫يا وِِل الْم ْؤ‬
َ ُ َ
ِ‫يا اَنيس ال ّذاك‬
َ ‫يا َم ْفَز‬
َ ‫ع الْ َم ْل ُه‬
‫)‪ُ (87..‬دعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
‫يا مْن ِجي الص ِ‬
‫ُ َ ّ َ‬
‫يا اَقْ َدر الْ ِ‬
‫يا اَعلَم الْعالِ‬
‫يا ا َ َ َ ْ َ َ‬
‫‪O Redeemer of the truthful,‬‬
‫‪O Mightiest of all,‬‬
‫‪O Omnipotent.‬‬
‫‪O God of the entire Creation,‬‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬88)
O He, Who is high and dominant,
O He, Who is masterful and powerful,
O He, Who is hidden and aware,
O He, Who is worshipped and who
O He, Who is disobeyed and yet
‫يا َم ْن َعال فَـ َق َهَر‬
‫ك فَـ َق َد َر‬
َ َ‫يا َم ْن َمل‬
‫يا َم ْن بَطَ َن فَ َخبَـَر‬
‫يا َم ْن عُبِ َد فَ َش َكَر‬
ِ ‫يا من ع‬
‫ص َي فَـغَ َفَر‬
ُ َْ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬88..)
O He, Whom thought cannot
O He, Whom eyes cannot see,
O He, from Whom nothing is
O Provider of sustenance to mankind,
O He, Who ordained all destinies.
ِ ‫يا من ال َِْت‬
‫ويه الْ ِف َك ُر‬
َ َ ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال يُ ْد‬
‫يا َم ْن ال َيْفى َعلَْي ِه اَثَـٌر‬
‫يا را ِز َق الْبَ َش ِر‬
‫ِّر ُك ِّل قَ َد ٍر‬
َ ‫يا ُم َقد‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬89)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Protector, O Maker,
O Creator, O High,
O Grantor of Relief,
O Revealer, O Victorious,
O Disclosers, O Guarantor,
O Commander, O Who prohibits.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا حاف‬
ِ ‫ئ يا‬
‫باذ ُخ‬
ُ ‫يا ذا ِر‬
‫يا فا ِر ُج يا فاتِ ُح‬
ِ ‫كاشف يا‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫ضام ُن‬
‫يا ِام ُر يا ناهي‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬90)
O He, besides Whom no one knows the
O He, besides Whom no one drives
away calamities,
O He, besides Whom no one creates,
O He, besides Whom no one forgives
O He, besides Whom no one perfects
the bounties,
‫ب إالّ ُه َو‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن ال يَـ ْعلَ ُم الْغَْي‬
‫السوءَ إالّ ُه َو‬
ُّ ‫ف‬
ُ ‫ص ِر‬
ْ َ‫يا َم ْن ال ي‬
‫اْلَْل َق إالّ ُه َو‬
ْ ‫يا َم ْن ال َيْلُ ُق‬
‫ب إالّ ُه َو‬
‫ِّع َمةَ إالّ ُه َو‬
‫يا َم ْن ال يُتِ ُّم الن ْـ‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬90..)
O He, besides Whom no one transforms
O He, besides Whom no one manages
O He, besides Whom no one holds the
O He, besides Whom no one increases
O He, besides Whom no one quickens
the dead.
‫وب إالّ ُه َو‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال يـُ َقل‬
‫يا َم ْن ال يُ َدبـُِّر االْ ََ ْمَر إالّ ُه َو‬
‫ث إالّ ُه َو‬
َ ‫يا َم ْن ال يـُنَـِّزُل الْغَْي‬
‫الرْز َق إالّ ُه َو‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال يَـْب ُس‬
ِّ ‫ط‬
‫يا َم ْن ال ُُْييِي الْ َم ْوتى إالّ ُه َو‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬91)
O Helper of the weak,
O Companion of the poor,
O Helper of [His] friends,
O Who overpowers of the
O Elevator of the sky,
ِ ‫يا معني الْضع‬
َُ َ ُ
ِ ‫صاحب الْغر‬
َُ َ
ِ ِ‫ناصر االََْول‬
ِ ‫يا‬
َْ َ َ
ِ ‫قاهر االََْع‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ََْ َ
ِ ‫يا رافِع الس‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬91..)
O Genial to the chosen ones,
O Friend of the pious,
O Treasure of the indigent,
O Lord of the rich,
O Most benign of all.
ِ ‫يا اَنيس االََْص ِف‬
ْ ََ َ
ِ ‫يا حبيب االََْتْ ِق‬
ََ َ َ
‫يا َكْنـَز الْ ُف َقر ِاء‬
ِ ِ‫يا اِلـه االََْ ْغن‬
ََ َ
ِ ‫يا اَ ْكرم الْ ُكر‬
َ ََ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬92)
O He Who is self-sufficient from
O He Who is established over
O He, nothing is like unto Him,
O He, nothing extends His kingdom,
O He from Whom nothing is hidden,
‫يا كافِياً ِم ْن ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء‬
‫يا قائِماً َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء‬
‫يا َم ْن ال يُ ْشبِ ُههُ َش ْي ٌء‬
‫يد يف ُم ْل ِك ِه َش ْي ٌء‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال يَز‬
‫يا َم ْن ال َيْفى َعلَْي ِه َش ْي ٌء‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬92..)
O He, nothing decreases His treasure,
O He, nothing is like unto Him,
O He Who …
O He, Who is All-Aware,
O He, Whose mercy extends to
‫ص ِم ْن َخزائِنِ ِه َش ْي ٌء‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال يَـْنـ ُق‬
‫س َك ِمثْلِ ِه َش ْي ٌء‬
‫ب َع ْن‬
ُ ‫يا َم ْن ال يَـ ْع ُز‬
ٌ َ
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو َخبريٌ بِ ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء‬
ِ ‫يا من و‬
‫ت َر ْْحَتُهُ ُكل َش ْي ٍء‬
ْ َ َ َْ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬93)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Generous, O Provider,
O Bestower of bounties,
O Bestower of gifts,
O Enricher,
O Giver of Shelter,
O Destroyer, O Quickener,
O Satisfier, O Agreeable,
O God, Who grants salvation.
َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
‫يا ُم ْك ِرُم يا ُمطْعِ ُم‬
‫يا ُمْنعِ ُم يا ُم ْعطى‬
‫يا ُم ْغين يا ُم ْقين‬
‫يا ُم ْفين يا ُْحميي‬
‫يا ُم ْرضي يا ُمْنجي‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬94)
O First and the Last,
O Lord of everything and its Master,
O Lord Cherisher of everything and its
O Controller of everything and its
O Origin of everything and its Return,
ِ ‫يا اَوَل ُك ِّل َشي ٍء و‬
َ ْ
‫يا اِلـهَ ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َوَملي َك ُه‬
‫يا َرب ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َوصانِ َع ُه‬
‫بارئ ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َوخالَِق ُه‬
َ ‫يا‬
ِ ‫يا قابِض ُك ِّل َشي ٍء وب‬
‫اسطَ ُه‬
َ ْ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬94..)
O Originator of everything and its
O Creator of everything and its
O Who give life to everything and takes
its life
O Author of everything and its inheritor.
ٍ ‫يا مب ِدئ ُكل شي‬
‫عيد ُه‬
َ ُ َ ْ َ ِّ َ ْ ُ
َ َ ُ َ ْ َ ِّ ُ َ ‫يا ُمْن‬
‫يا ُم َك ِّو َن ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َوُحمَ ِّولَ ُه‬
‫يا ُْحميِ َي ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َوُميتَ ُه‬
‫يا خالِ َق ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َووا ِرثَ ُه‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬95)
O Best Who Remembers and is
O Best Who Appreciates and is
O Best Who Praises and Praised,
O Best Witness and Witnessed,
O Best Inviter and Invited,
‫يا َخْيـَر ذاكِ ٍر َوَم ْذ ُكوٍر‬
‫يا َخْيـَر شاكِ ٍر َوَم ْش ُكوٍر‬
ٍ ‫حام ٍد وَحمم‬
‫يا َخْيـَر‬
ُْ َ
ِ ‫يا خيـر‬
ٍ ‫شاه ٍد وم ْشه‬
ُ ََ
‫داع َوَم ْدعُو‬
ٍ ‫يا َخْيـَر‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬95..)
O Best Responser and Responded,
O Best Comforter and Consoler,
O Best Friend and Companion,
O Most Desired and Sought,
O Most Affectionate and Loved.
ٍ ‫يب وُُم‬
ٍ ‫يا َخْيـر ُُم‬
ٍ َ‫س َوا‬
ٍ ِ‫يا َخْيـَر ُمؤن‬
ِ ‫يا خيـر‬
ٍ ‫صاح‬
ٍ ‫ب َو َج‬
ٍ ‫يا خيـر م ْقص‬
ٍ ُ‫ود ومطْل‬
ََ ُ َ ََْ
ٍ ‫بيب وَْحمب‬
ُ َ ‫يا َخْيـَر َح‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬96)
O God, the Answerer to him who calls
O Friend of him who obeys Him,
O He Who is close to him who loves
O Protector of one who seeks
O God, Who is Generous to him who is
hopeful of Him,
ِ‫يا من هو ل‬
ٌ ُ َ ْ َ َُ ْ َ
ٌ َ ُ َ َ ْ َ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو ل‬
ٌ َ ُ َ َ ْ َ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو ا‬
ٌ َ ُ َ ْ َ ْ َ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو‬
‫يا َم ْن ُه َو ِِبَ ْن َرجاهُ َكر ٌمي‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬96..)
O God, Who is Forbearing to one who
disobeys Him,
O God, Who is Merciful in spite of His
O God, Who is Great in His Wisdom,
O God, Who is Eternal in his
O God, Who is Aware of one who seeks
َِ ‫يا من هو‬
ٌ َ ُ َ ْ َُ ْ َ
ِ ِ‫يا من هو يف عظَمت‬
ٌ َ َ َ َُ ْ َ
ِ ِ‫يا من هو يف ِح ْكمت‬
ٌ َ َ
َُ ْ َ
ٌ َ
ْ ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو يف ا‬
َِ ‫يا من هو‬
ٌ َ َُ ْ َُ ْ َ
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬97)
O Allah, verily I beseech Thee in Thy
O Primal Cause,
O Creator of desire,
O Changer, O Inflictor
O Organizer, O Awful,
O Saver, O Reminder,
O Subjector, O Displacer.
َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ّ ‫اَللّ ُـهم ا‬
ُ ‫ب يا ُمَر ِّغ‬
ُ ِّ‫يا ُم َسب‬
ُ َ ُ ُ ‫يا ُم َقل‬
ُ ‫ِّب يا ََُِّو‬
ُ َ
‫يا ُحمَ ِّذ ُر يا ُم َذ ِّك ُر‬
‫يا ُم َس ِّخ ُر يا ُمغَيِّـ ُر‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬98)
O He Whose Benignity is manifest,
O He Whose Promise is true,
O He Whose Compassion is evident,
O He Whose Command is overruling,
O He Whose Book is clear and final,
‫يا َم ْن ِع ْل ُمهُ سابِ ٌق‬
ِ ‫يا من وع ُده‬
‫صاد ٌق‬
ُ َْ َْ
ِ ‫يا من لُطْ ُفه‬
ُ َْ
ِ‫يا من اَمره غال‬
ٌ ُُ ْ ْ َ
‫يا َم ْن كِتابُهُ ُْحم َك ٌم‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬98..)
O He Whose Judgment is inevitable,
O He Whose Qur'an is glorious,
O He Whose Rule is eternal,
O He Whose Favor is common to all,
O He Whose Throne is great.
‫ضاؤهُ كأئِ ٌن‬
ُ َ‫يا َم ْن ق‬
‫يا َم ْن قُرآنُهُ َُمي ٌد‬
ٌ‫يا َم ْن ُم ْل ُكهُ قَدمي‬
ْ َ‫يا َم ْن ف‬
ٌ ‫ضلُهُ َع‬
ٌ ‫يا َم ْن َع ْر ُشهُ َع‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬99)
O He-listening to one individual does not
prevent Him from listening to others
O He-doing one thing does not prevent Him
from doing other things simultaneously,
O He-the speech of one person does not make
Him needless of the simultaneous speech of
O He-one request does not make Him forgetful
of other requests,
‫يا َم ْن ال يَ ْشغَلُهُ َْْ ٌع َع ْن َْْ ٍع‬
‫يا َم ْن ال َيَْنَـعُهُ فِ ْع ٌل َع ْن فِ ْع ٍل‬
ِ ‫يا من ال يـ ْل‬
‫هيه قَـ ْوٌل َع ْن قَـ ْوٍل‬
ُ َْ
‫يا َم ْن ال يـُغَلِّطُهُ ُسؤ ٌال َع ْن ُسؤ ٍال‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬99..)
O He-the sight of one thing does not
prevent Him from seeing other
things simultaneously,
O He-the plaintive cries of those who
weep and lament do not bother
O He Who is the ultimate desire of the
‫يا َم ْن ال َُْي ُجبُهُ َش ْيءٌ َع ْن َش ْي ٍء‬
ِ‫يا من ال يـ َِبمه اِ ْْلاح الْمل‬
َ ّ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُْ ْ َ
ِ ‫يا من هو غايةُ مر‬
َ ُ ُ َ َُ ْ َ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬99..)
O He Who is the ultimate Aim of the
efforts of saints,
O He Who is the Goal of seekers,
O He from Whom not a single particle
in the worlds is hidden.
ِ ‫يا من هو منتهى‬
َ َْ ُ َ ُ ْ َ
ِ‫ب الطّال‬
َ‫يا َم ْن ُه َو ُمْنتَهى طَل‬
ِ ‫يا من ال َيْفى علَي‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬100)
O Forbearing Who does not make haste,
O Generous Who is never a miser,
O True Who never breaks the promise,
O Munificent Who never regrets,
O Dominant Who is never overpowered,
‫يا َحليماً ال يَـ ْع َج ُل‬
‫يا َجواداً ال يَـْب َخ ُل‬
ِ‫صادقاً ال ُيْل‬
ِ ‫يا‬
‫يا َوّهاباً ال ََيَ ُّل‬
ِ ‫يا‬
ُ ُ
‫( ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬100..)
O Great Who is indescribable,
O Just Who is never oppressive,
O Bounteous Who is never rapacious,
O Great Who does not become small,
O Protector Who does not neglect.
ُ ‫وص‬
َ ُ‫يا َعظيماً ال ي‬
ُ ‫يا َع ْدالً ال َُي‬
‫يا َغنِيّاً ال يَـ ْفتَ ِق ُر‬
ْ َ‫يا َكبرياً ال ي‬
‫يا حافِظاً ال يَـ ْغ ُف ُل‬
‫ُدعاءُ اجلوشن الكبري‬
Glory be to you
O You whom there is no God but You.
Help! Help!
And keep the fire away from us, O
َ ْ َ َ َْ ّ َ ‫ك يا ال ا‬
َ َ‫ُسْبحان‬
ِّ َ ّ َ ‫صنا‬
َ ‫الْغَ ْو‬
ْ ِّ‫ث َخل‬
Du’aa al-Mas-haf
Du’aa Jawshan al-Kabeer
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
Du’aa Aba Hamza Thamali
Islamic Center of America
Young Muslim Association
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ِِ ‫من الرَّ ِح ِيم‬
ِ ‫ِبسْ ِم‬
ِ ْ‫هللا الرَّ ح‬
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
[29:1] Alif Lam Mim.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ب ال َّناسُ أَن ُي ْت َر ُكوا أَن َيقُولُوا آ َم َّنا َو ُه ْم‬
َ ِ َ ‫أ‬
َ ‫ََل ُي ْف َت ُن‬
[29:2] Do men think that they will be left alone on
saying, We believe, and not be tried?
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َّ َّ‫ين ِمن َق ْبلِ ِه ْم َف َل َيعْ َل َمن‬
َ ‫هللاُ الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫َو َل َق ْد َف َت َّنا الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫صدَ قُوا َو َل َيعْ َل َمنَّ ْال َكا ِذ ِب‬
[29:3] And certainly We tried those before them, so
Allah will certainly know those who are true and
He will certainly know the liars.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ت أَن َيسْ ِبقُو َنا‬
َ َ َ َ ِ َ ِ َ ْ‫أ‬
َ ‫َساء َما َيحْ ُكم‬
[29:4] Or do they who work evil think that they will
escape Us? Evil is it that they judge!
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َِّ ‫هللا َفإِنَّ أَ َج َل‬
ٍ ‫هللا ََل‬
‫ت َوه َُو‬
ِ َّ ‫ان َيرْ جُو لِ َقاء‬
َ ‫َمن َك‬
‫ال َّس ِمي ُع ْال َعلِي ُم‬
[29:5] Whoever hopes to meet Allah, the term
appointed by Allah will then most surely come;
and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ََّ َّ‫َو َمن َجا َهدَ َفإِ َّن َما ي َُجا ِه ُد لِ َن ْف ِس ِه إِن‬
‫هللا َل َغ ِنيٌّ َع ِن‬
َ ‫ْال َعا َل ِم‬
[29:6] And whoever strives hard, he strives only for
his own soul; most surely Allah is Self-sufficient,
above (need of) the worlds.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ت َل ُن َك ِّف َرنَّ َع ْن ُه ْم‬
ِ ‫ين آ َم ُنوا َو َع ِملُوا الصَّالِ َحا‬
َ ‫َوالَّ ِذ‬
‫َس ِّي َئا ِت ِه ْم َو َل َنجْ ِز َي َّن ُه ْم أَحْ َس َن الَّ ِذي َكا ُنوا‬
َ ُ‫َيعْ َمل‬
[29:7] And (as for) those who believe and do good,
We will most certainly do away with their evil
deeds and We will most certainly reward them the
best of what they did.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َّ ‫َو َو‬
َ َ‫ان ِب َوالِدَ ْي ِه حُسْ ًنا َوإِن َجا َهد‬
َ ‫نس‬
َ ِ‫ص ْي َنا ْاْل‬
‫ْس َل َك ِب ِه ِع ْل ٌم َف ََل ُت ِطعْ ُه َما‬
َ ‫لِ ُت ْش ِر َك ِبي َما َلي‬
َ ‫إِ َليَّ َمرْ ِج ُع ُك ْم َفأنبئكم ِب َما كنت ْم ت َمل‬
[29:8] And We have enjoined on man goodness to
his parents, and if they contend with you that you
should associate (others) with Me, of which you
have no knowledge, do not obey them, to Me is
your return, so I will inform you of what you did.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ت َل ُن ْد ِخ َل َّن ُه ْم ِفي‬
ِ ‫ين آ َم ُنوا َو َع ِملُوا الصَّالِ َحا‬
َ ‫َوالَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫الصَّالِ ِح‬
[29:9] And (as for) those who believe and do good,
We will most surely cause them to enter among
the good.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َِّ ‫ي ِفي‬
‫َو ِم َن ال‬
ِ َّ ‫اس َمن َيقُو ُل آ َم َّنا ِب‬
َ ِ ‫اّلل َفإِ َذا أ‬
‫هللا َو َل ِئن َجاء َنصْ ٌر مِّن‬
‫َج َع َل ِف‬
ِ ‫اس َك َع َذا‬
ِ َّ ‫ب‬
َّ ‫ْس‬
‫هللاُ ِبأَعْ َل َم ِب َما‬
َ ‫ِّك َل َيقُولُنَّ إِ َّنا ُك َّنا َم َع ُك ْم أَ َو َلي‬
َ ‫رَّ ب‬
ُ ‫ِفي‬
َ ‫ور ْال َعا َل ِم‬
ِ ‫ص ُد‬
[29:10] And among men is he who says: We believe in
Allah; but when he is persecuted in (the way of) Allah he
thinks the persecution of men to be as the chastisement
of Allah; and if there come assistance from your Lord,
they would most certainly say: Surely we were with you.
What! is not Allah the best knower of what is in the
breasts of mankind.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َّ َّ‫َو َل َيعْ َل َمن‬
َ ‫ين آ َم ُنوا َو َل َيعْ َل َمنَّ ْال ُم َنا ِف ِق‬
َ ‫هللاُ الَّ ِذ‬
[29:11] And most certainly Allah will know those
who believe and most certainly He will know the
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ين آ َم ُنوا ا َّت ِبعُوا َس ِبي َل َنا‬
َ ‫ين َك َفرُوا لِلَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫َو َقا َل الَّ ِذ‬
ْ‫ين ِمن‬
َ ِ‫َو ْل َنحْ ِم ْل َخ َطا َيا ُك ْم َو َما هُم ِب َحا ِمل‬
َ ‫َخ َطا َياهُم مِّن َشيْ ٍء إِ َّن ُه ْم َل َكا ِذب‬
[29:12] And those who disbelieve say to those who
believe: Follow our path and we will bear your
wrongs. And never shall they be the bearers of
any of their wrongs; most surely they are liars.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َُّ‫َو َل َيحْ ِملُنَّ أَ ْث َقا َل ُه ْم َوأَ ْث َق ًاَل م ََّع أَ ْث َقالِ ِه ْم َو َليُسْ أَلن‬
َ ‫َي ْو َم ْال ِق َيا َم ِة َعمَّا َكا ُنوا َي ْف َتر‬
[29:13] And most certainly they shall carry their
own burdens, and other burdens with their own
burdens, and most certainly they shall be
questioned on the resurrection day as to what they
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ِْ
ُّ ‫ين َعا ًما َفأ َ َخ َذ ُه ُم‬
‫الطو َفانُ َو ُه ْم‬
ِ ‫َس َن ٍة إِ ََّل َخ‬
َ ‫مْس‬
َ ‫َظالِم‬
[29:14] And certainly We sent Nuh to his people, so
he remained among them a thousand years save
fifty years. And the deluge overtook them, while
they were unjust.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫اب ال َّس ِفي َن ِة َو َج َع ْل َنا َها آ َي ًة‬
َ َ
َ ‫َفأ‬
َ ‫لِّ ْل َعا َل ِم‬
[29:15] So We delivered him and the inmates of the
ark, and made it a sign to the nations.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ََّ ‫َوإِب َْرا ِهي َم إِ ْذ َقا َل لِ َق ْو ِم ِه اعْ ُب ُدوا‬
‫هللا َوا َّتقُوهُ َذلِ ُك ْم‬
َ ‫َخ ْي ٌر لَّ ُك ْم إِن ُكن ُت ْم َتعْ َلم‬
[29:16] And (We sent) Ibrahim, when he said to his
people: Serve Allah and be careful of (your duty
to) Him; this is best for you, if you did but know:
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َّ‫ون إِ ْف ًكا إِن‬
ِ َّ ‫ون‬
َ ُ‫هللا أَ ْو َثا ًنا َو َت ْخلُق‬
‫ون َل ُك ْم ِر ْز ًقا‬
ِ َّ ‫ون‬
َ ‫هللا ََل َيمْ لِ ُك‬
‫هللا الرِّ ْز َق َواعْ ُب ُدوهُ َوا ْش ُكرُوا َل ُه‬
ِ َّ َ‫َفا ْب َت ُغوا ِعند‬
َ ‫إِ َل ْي ِه ُترْ َجع‬
[29:17] You only worship idols besides Allah and you
create a lie surely they whom you serve besides Allah do
not control for you any sustenance, therefore seek the
sustenance from Allah and serve Him and be grateful to
Him; to Him you shall be brought back.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ب أ ُ َم ٌم مِّن َق ْبلِ ُك ْم َو َما َع َلى‬
‫َوإِن ُت َك‬
ُ‫ُول إِ ََّل ْال َب ََل ُغ ْالم ُِبين‬
ِ ‫الرَّ س‬
[29:18] And if you reject (the truth), nations before
you did indeed reject (the truth); and nothing is
incumbent on the messenger but a plain
delivering (of the message).
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َّ ُ‫ْف ُي ْب ِدئ‬
َّ‫هللاُ ْال َخ ْل َق ُث َّم ُي ِعي ُدهُ إِن‬
َ َ ْ َ‫أ‬
‫هللا َي ِسي ٌر‬
ِ َّ ‫َذلِ َك َع َلى‬
[29:19] What! do they not consider how Allah
originates the creation, then reproduces it? Surely
that is easy to Allah.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ‫ْف َبدَ أ‬
ِ ‫قُ ْل ِسيرُوا ِفي ْاْل‬
ََّ َّ‫ُنش ُئ ال َّن ْشأ َ َة ْاَل ِخ َر َة إِن‬
َّ ‫ْال َخ ْل َق ُث َّم‬
ِ ‫هللاُ ي‬
‫َع َلى ُك ِّل َشيْ ٍء َق ِدي ٌر‬
[29:20] Say: Travel in the earth and see how He
makes the first creation, then Allah creates the
latter creation; surely Allah has power over all
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ي َُع ِّذبُ ُِ َمن َي َشاء َو َيرْ َح ُم َمن َي َشاء َوإِ َل ْي ِه‬
َ ‫ُت ْق َلب‬
[29:21] He punishes whom He pleases and has
mercy on whom He pleases, and to Him you shall
be turned back.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ض َو ََل ِفي ال َّس َماء‬
ِ َ ِ ِ ِ ‫َو َما أ‬
‫َو َما‬
ٍّ ِ
[29:22] And you shall not escape in the earth nor in
the heaven, and you have neither a protector nor a
helper besides Allah.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫هللا َولِ َقا ِئ ِه أ ُ ْو َل ِئ َك َي ِئسُوا‬
ِ ‫ين َك َفرُوا ِبآ َيا‬
ِ َّ ‫ت‬
َ ‫َوالَّ ِذ‬
‫ِمن رَّ حْ َم ِتي َوأ ْول ِئ َك ل ُه ْم َعذاب ألِي ٌم‬
[29:23] And (as to) those who disbelieve in the
communications of Allah and His meeting, they
have despaired of My mercy, and these it is that
shall have a painful punishment.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫اب َق ْو ِم ِه إِ ََّل أَن َقالُوا ا ْق ُتلُوهُ أَ ْو‬
َ ‫ان َج َو‬
َ ‫َف َما َك‬
‫ار إِنَّ ِفي َذلِ َك‬
ٍ ‫ََل َيا‬
َ ‫ت لِّ َق ْو ٍم ي ُْؤ ِم ُن‬
[29:24] So naught was the answer of his people
except that they said: Slay him or burn him; then
Allah delivered him from the fire; most surely
there are signs in this for a people who believe.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫هللا أَ ْو َثا ًنا م ََّو َّد َة َب ْي ِن ُك ْم‬
ِ َّ ‫ون‬
‫ض ُكم‬
ُ ْ‫ِفي ْال َح َيا ِة ال ُّد ْن َيا ُث َّم َي ْو َم ْال ِق َيا َم ِة َي ْكفُ ُر َبع‬
ً ْ‫ض ُكم َبع‬
‫ضا َو َمأ َواك ُم النا ُر َو َما‬
ُ ْ‫ض َو َي ْل َعنُ َبع‬
ٍ ْ‫ِب َبع‬
ِ ‫َل ُكم مِّن َّن‬
َ ‫اص ِر‬
[29:25] And he said: You have only taken for yourselves
idols besides Allah by way of friendship between you in
this world's life, then on the resurrection day some of
you shall deny others, and some of you shall curse
others, and your abode is the fire, and you shall not have
any helpers.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ٌ ُ‫َفآ َم َن َل ُه ل‬
‫وط َو َقا َل إِ ِّني ُم َها ِج ٌر إِ َلى َربِّي إِ َّن ُه‬
‫ه َُو ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم‬
[29:26] And Lut believed in Him, and he said: I am
fleeing to my Lord, surely He is the Mighty, the
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ‫َو َو َه ْب َنا َل ُه إِسْ َح‬
‫وب َو َج َع ْل َنا ِفي ُذرِّ َّي ِت ِه‬
َ ُ‫اق َو َيعْ ق‬
‫اب َوآ َت ْي َناهُ أَجْ َرهُ ِفي ال ُّد ْن َيا َوإِ َّن ُه‬
َ ‫ال ُّنب َُّو َة َو ْال ِك َت‬
َ ‫ِفي ْاَل ِخ َر ِة َل ِم َن الصَّالِ ِح‬
[29:27] And We granted him Ishaq and Yaqoub, and
caused the prophethood and the book to remain in
his seed, and We gave him his reward in this
world, and in the hereafter he will most surely be
among the good.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ون ْال َفا ِح َش َة َما‬
ْ ِ ِ ِ ِ َ
َ ‫َس َب َق ُكم ِب َها ِمنْ أَ َح ٍد م َِّن ْال َعا َل ِم‬
[29:28] And (We sent) Lut when he said to his
people: Most surely you are guilty of an
indecency which none of the nations has ever
done before you;
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ‫ُون الس َِّبي َل َوتأت‬
َ ‫ون الرِّ َجا َل َوتقطع‬
َ ‫أَ ِئ َّن ُك ْم َل َتأت‬
‫اب َق ْو ِم ِه إِ ََّل‬
َ ‫ِفي َنا ِدي ُك ُم ْالمُن َك َر َف َما َكا َن َج َو‬
َ ‫هللا إِن ُك‬
‫نت ِم َن‬
ِ ‫أَن َقالُوا ا ْئ ِت َنا ِب َع َذا‬
ِ َّ ‫ب‬
َ ‫الصَّا ِد ِق‬
[29:29] What! do you come to the males and
commit robbery on the highway, and you commit
evil deeds in your assemblies? But nothing was
the answer of his people except that they said:
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ‫َقا َل َربِّ انصُرْ ِني َع َلى ْال َق ْو ِم ْال ُم ْف ِس ِد‬
[29:30] He said: My Lord! help me against the
mischievous people.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ْ ‫َو َلمَّا َج‬
‫اءت ُر ُسلُ َنا إِب َْرا ِهي َم ِب ْال ُب ْش َرى َقالُوا إِ َّنا‬
‫ُم ْهلِ ُكو أَهْ ِل َه ِذ ِه ْال َقرْ َي ِة إِنَّ أَهْ َل َها َكا ُنوا‬
َ ‫َظالِ ِم‬
[29:31] And when Our messengers came to Ibrahim
with the good news, they said: Surely we are
going to destroy the people of this town, for its
people are unjust.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ً ُ‫َقا َل إِنَّ ِفي َها ل‬
‫وطا َقالُوا َنحْ نُ أَعْ َل ُم ِب َمن ِفي َها‬
ْ ‫َل ُن َنجِّ َي َّن ُه َوأَهْ َل ُه إِ ََّل ا ْم َرأَ َت ُه َكا َن‬
‫ت ِم َن‬
َ ‫ْال َغ ِاب ِر‬
[29:32] He said: Surely in it is Lut. They said: We
know well who is in it; we shall certainly deliver
him and his followers, except his wife; she shall
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ‫ض‬
‫اق ِب ِه ْم‬
َ َ ِِْ َ
َ ‫َو َلمَّا أ‬
َ ُّ‫َذرْ ًعا َو َقالُوا ََل َت َخفْ َو ََل َتحْ َزنْ إِ َّنا ُم َنج‬
ْ ‫ك َكا َن‬
َ ‫ت ِم َن ْال َغ ِاب ِر‬
َ ‫امْرأَ َت‬
َ ‫ك إِ ََّل‬
َ ‫َوأَهْ َل‬
[29:33] And when Our messengers came to Lut he was
grieved on account of them, and he felt powerless (to
protect) them; and they said: Fear not, nor grieve; surely
we will deliver you and your followers, except your
wife; she shall be of those who remain behind.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ون َع َلى أَهْ ِل َه ِذ ِه ا ْل َقرْ َي ِة ِرجْ ًزا م َِّن‬
َ ُ‫ُنزل‬
َ ُ‫ال َّس َماء ِب َما َكا ُنوا َي ْف ُسق‬
[29:34] Surely We will cause to come down upon
the people of this town a punishment from
heaven, because they transgressed.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ُ‫َو َل َقد َّت َر ْك َنا ِم ْن َها آ َي ًة َب ِّي َن ًة لِّ َق ْو ٍم َيعْ ِقل‬
[29:35] And certainly We have left a clear sign of it
for a people who understand.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ُ ‫َوإِ َلى َم ْد َي َن أَ َخا ُه ْم‬
‫ش َع ْي ًبا َف َقا َل َيا َق ْو ِم اعْ ُب ُدوا‬
‫هللا َوارْ جُوا ْال َي ْو َم ْاَل ِخ َر َو ََل َتعْ َث ْوا ِفي‬
َ ‫ض ُم ْف ِس ِد‬
[29:36] And to Madyan (We sent) their brother
Shuaib, so he said: O my people! serve Allah and
fear the latter day and do not act corruptly in the
land, making mischief.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ار ِه ْم‬
َ ‫َجا ِث ِم‬
[29:37] But they rejected him, so a severe
earthquake overtook them, and they became
motionless bodies in their abode.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫َو َعا ًدا َو َثمُودَ َو َقد َّت َبي ََّن َل ُكم مِّن م ََّسا ِك ِن ِه ْم َو َزي ََّن‬
ِ ِ
ِ ‫َو َكا ُنوا مُسْ َتب‬
َ ‫ْص ِر‬
[29:38] And (We destroyed) Ad and Thamud, and
from their dwellings (this) is apparent to you
indeed; and the Shaitan made their deeds fairseeming to them, so he kept them back from the
path, though they were endowed with intelligence
and skill,
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ‫ان َو َل َق ْد َجاءهُم م‬
َ ‫ُون َو ِفرْ َع ْو َن َو َها َم‬
َ ‫َو َقار‬
‫ض َو َما َكا ُنوا‬
ِ ‫ِب ْال َب ِّي َنا‬
ِ ‫ت َفاسْ َت ْك َبرُوا ِفي ْاْل‬
َ ‫َس ِاب ِق‬
[29:39] And (We destroyed) Qaroun and Firon and
Haman; and certainly Musa came to them with
clear arguments, but they behaved haughtily in
the land; yet they could not outstrip (Us).
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫اص ًبا‬
ِ ‫َف ُكَل أخذنا ِبذ ِنب ِه ف ِمنهُم َّمنْ أرْ َسلنا َعل ْي ِه َح‬
‫صي َْح ُة َو ِم ْنهُم َّمنْ َخ َس ْف َنا ِب ِه‬
َّ ‫َو ِم ْنهُم َّمنْ أَ َخ َذ ْت ُه ال‬
َّ ‫ان‬
‫هللاُ لِ َي ْظلِ َم ُه ْم‬
َ ‫ض َو ِم ْنهُم َّمنْ أَ ْغ َر ْق َنا َو َما َك‬
َ ْ‫ْاْلَر‬
‫َو َل ِكن َكا ُنوا أَنفُ َس ُه ْم َي ْظلِمُو َن‬
[29:40] So each We punished for his sin; of them was he on
whom We sent down a violent storm, and of them was he
whom the rumbling overtook, and of them was he whom
We made to be swallowed up by the earth, and of them
was he whom We drowned; and it did not beseem Allah
that He should be unjust to them, but they were unjust to
their own souls.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫هللا أَ ْولِ َياء َك َم َث ِل‬
ِ َّ ‫ون‬
ْ ‫ت ا َّت َخ َذ‬
ِ ‫ت َب ْي ًتا َوإِنَّ أَ ْو َه َن ْال ُبيُو‬
ِ ‫ْال َعن َكبُو‬
ُ ‫َل َبي‬
ِ ‫ْت ْال َعن َكبُو‬
َ ‫ت َل ْو َكا ُنوا َيعْ َلم‬
[29:41] The parable of those who take guardians
besides Allah is as the parable of the spider that
makes for itself a house; and most surely the
frailest of the houses is the spider's house did they
but know.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ََّ َّ‫إِن‬
‫ُون ِمن ُدو ِن ِه ِمن َشيْ ٍء‬
َ ‫هللا َيعْ َل ُم َما َي ْدع‬
‫َوه َُو ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم‬
[29:42] Surely Allah knows whatever thing they
call upon besides Him; and He is the Mighty, the
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫اس َو َما َيعْ ِقلُ َها إِ ََّل‬
َ ‫ْال َعالِم‬
[29:43] And (as for) these examples, We set them
forth for men, and none understand them but the
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َّ ‫َخ َل َق‬
‫ض ِب ْال َح ِّق إِنَّ ِفي‬
ِ ‫هللاُ ال َّس َم َاوا‬
َ ‫ت َو ْاْل‬
َ ‫َذلِ َك ََل َي ًة لِّ ْلم ُْؤ ِم ِن‬
[29:44] Allah created the heavens and the earth
with truth; most surely there is a sign in this for
the believers.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َّ‫ب َوأ ِق ِم الصََّلة إِن‬
ِ ‫ْك ِم َن ال ِكتا‬
َ ‫ا ْت ُل َما أو ِح َي إِلي‬
‫الص َََّل َة َت ْن َهى َع ِن ْال َفحْ َشاء َو ْالمُن َك ِر َو َل ِذ ْك ُر‬
َّ ‫هللا أَ ْك َب ُر َو‬
ِ َّ
َ ‫هللاُ َيعْ َل ُم َما َتصْ َنع‬
[29:45] Recite that which has been revealed to you
of the Book and keep up prayer; surely prayer
keeps (one) away from indecency and evil, and
certainly the remembrance of Allah is the
greatest, and Allah knows what you do.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ب إِ ََّل ِبالَّ ِتي ِه َي أَحْ َسنُ إِ ََّل‬
ِ ‫َو ََل ُت َجا ِدلُوا أَهْ َل ْال ِك َتا‬
ُ ‫ين َظ َلمُوا ِم ْن ُه ْم َوقُولُوا آ َم َّنا بالَّ ِذي أ‬
َ‫نز َل إِ َل ْينا‬
ُ ‫َوأ‬
َ‫نز َل إِ َل ْي ُك ْم َوإِ َل ُه َنا َوإِ َل ُه ُك ْم َوا ِح ٌد َو َنحْ نُ ل ُه‬
َ ‫مُسْ لِم‬
[29:46] And do not dispute with the followers of the Book
except by what is best, except those of them who act
unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been
revealed to us and revealed to you, and our Allah and
your Allah is One, and to Him do we submit.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ َ‫َو َك َذلِ َك أ‬
‫ين آ َت ْي َنا ُه ُم‬
َ ‫اب َفالَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫ْك ْال ِك َت‬
َ ‫نز ْل َنا إِ َلي‬
‫ون ِب ِه َو ِمنْ َهؤُ ََلء َمن ي ُْؤ ِمنُ ِب ِه‬
َ ‫اب ي ُْؤ ِم ُن‬
َ ‫ْال ِك َت‬
َ ‫َو َما َيجْ َح ُد ِبآ َيا ِت َنا إِ ََّل ْال َكا ِفر‬
[29:47] And thus have We revealed the Book to
you. So those whom We have given the Book
believe in it, and of these there are those who
believe in it, and none deny Our communications
except the unbelievers.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ‫َو َما ُك‬
ٍ ‫نت َت ْتلُو ِمن َق ْبلِ ِه ِمن ِك َتا‬
‫ب َو ََل َت ُخ ُّط ُه‬
ِ ‫اب ْال ُمب‬
َ ‫ِب َي ِمي ِن َك إِ ًذا ََّلرْ َت‬
َ ُ‫ْطل‬
[29:48] And you did not recite before it any book,
nor did you transcribe one with your right hand,
for then could those who say untrue things have
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ين أُو ُتوا‬
َ ‫ور الَّ ِذ‬
َّ ‫ْال ِع ْل َم َو َما َيجْ َح ُد ِبآ َيا ِت َنا إِ ََّل‬
َ ‫الظالِم‬
[29:49] Nay! these are clear communications in the
breasts of those who are granted knowledge; and
none deny Our communications except the
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ُ ‫َو َقالُوا َل ْو ََل أ‬
ٌ ‫نز َل َع َل ْي ِه آ َي‬
‫ات مِّن رَّ ِّب ِه قُ ْل إِ َّن َما‬
ُ ‫ْاَل َي‬
ٌ ‫هللا َوإِ َّن َما أَ َنا َن ِذي ٌر م ُِّب‬
ِ َّ َ‫ات ِعند‬
[29:50] And they say: Why are not signs sent down
upon him from his Lord? Say: The signs are only
with Allah, and I am only a plain warner.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫اب ُي ْت َلى َع َلي ِْه ْم‬
َ ِ َ َ
ْ ِ ِ َ ْ َ‫أ‬
َ ‫إِنَّ ِفي َذلِ َك َل َرحْ َم ًة َو ِذ ْك َرى لِ َق ْو ٍم ي ُْؤ ِم ُن‬
[29:51] Is it not enough for them that We have
revealed to you the Book which is recited to
them? Most surely there is mercy in this and a
reminder for a people who believe.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫اّلل َب ْي ِني َو َب ْي َن ُك ْم َش ِهي ًدا َيعْ َل ُم َما ِفي‬
ِ َّ ‫قُ ْل َك َفى ِب‬
‫اط ِل‬
ِ ‫ض َوال ِذي َن آ َمنوا ِبال َب‬
ِ ‫ال َّس َم َاوا‬
ِ ‫ت َو ْاْل‬
ِ ‫اّلل أول ِئ َك ُه ُم الخ‬
ِ َّ ‫َو َك َفرُوا ِب‬
َ ‫اسر‬
[29:52] Say: Allah is sufficient as a witness
between me and you; He knows what is in the
heavens and the earth. And (as for) those who
believe in the falsehood and disbelieve in Allah,
these it is that are the losers.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ب َو َل ْو ََل أَ َج ٌل م َُّس ًمى‬
ِ ‫َو َيسْ َتعْ ِجلُو َن َك ِب ْال َع َذا‬
َ‫َل َجاء ُه ُم ْال َع َذابُ َو َل َيأْ ِت َي َّنهُم َب ْغ َت ًة َو ُه ْم َل‬
َ ‫َي ْش ُعر‬
[29:53] And they ask you to hasten on the
chastisement; and had not a term been appointed,
the chastisement would certainly have come to
them; and most certainly it will come to them all
of a sudden while they will not perceive.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ‫ب َوإِنَّ َج َه َّن َم َل ُم ِح‬
‫يط ٌة‬
ِ ‫َيسْ َتعْ ِجلُو َن َك ِب ْال َع َذا‬
َ ‫ِب ْال َكا ِف ِر‬
[29:54] They ask you to hasten on the chastisement,
and most surely hell encompasses the
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ِ ْ‫َي ْو َم َي ْغ َشا ُه ُم ْال َع َذابُ ِمن َف ْو ِق ِه ْم َو ِمن َتح‬
َ ُ‫أَرْ ُجلِ ِه ْم َو َيقُو ُل ُذوقُوا َما ُكن ُت ْم َتعْ َمل‬
[29:55] On the day when the chastisement shall
cover them from above them, and from beneath
their feet; and He shall say: Taste what you did.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ِ َ ِ َ ِ ‫ين آ َم ُنوا إِنَّ أ‬
َ ‫ي الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫َيا ِع َبا ِد‬
[29:56] O My servants who believe! surely My
earth is vast, therefore Me alone should you
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ َ
[29:57] Every soul must taste of death, then to Us
you shall be brought back.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫ت َل ُن َبوِّ َئ َّنهُم م َِّن‬
ِ ‫ين آ َم ُنوا َو َع ِملُوا الصَّالِ َحا‬
َ ‫َوالَّ ِذ‬
‫ْال َج َّن ِة ُغ َر ًفا َتجْ ِري ِمن َتحْ ِت َها ْاْلن َها ُر‬
َ ِ‫ين ِفي َها ِنعْ َم أَجْ ُر ْال َعا ِمل‬
َ ‫َخالِ ِد‬
[29:58] And (as for) those who believe and do
good, We will certainly give them abode in the
high places in gardens beneath which rivers flow,
abiding therein; how good the reward of the
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ُ‫ص َبرُوا َو َع َلى َرب ِِّه ْم َي َت َو َّكل‬
َ ‫ين‬
َ ‫الَّ ِذ‬
[29:59] Those who are patient, and on their Lord do
they rely.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َّ ‫َو َكأَيِّن ِمن دَ ا َّب ٍة ََل َتحْ ِم ُل ِر ْز َق َها‬
‫هللاُ َيرْ ُزقُ َها‬
‫َوإِيَّا ُك ْم َوه َُو ال َّس ِمي ُع ْال َعلِي ُم‬
[29:60] And how many a living creature that does
not carry its sustenance: Allah sustains it and
yourselves; and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫َو َل ِئن َسأ‬
َ َ
َّ َّ‫س َو ْال َق َم َر َل َيقُولُن‬
‫هللاُ َفأ َ َّنى‬
َ ْ‫َو َس َّخ َر ال َّشم‬
َ ‫ي ُْؤ َف ُك‬
[29:61] And if you ask them, Who created the
heavens and the earth and made the sun and the
moon subservient, they will certainly say, Allah.
Whence are they then turned away?
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ُ ‫هللاُ َي ْبس‬
‫ُط الرِّ ْز َق لِ َمن َي َشاء ِمنْ ِع َبا ِد ِه َو َي ْق ِد ُر‬
ََّ َّ‫َل ُه إِن‬
‫هللا ِب ُك ِّل َشيْ ٍء َعلِي ٌم‬
[29:62] Allah makes abundant the means of
subsistence for whom He pleases of His servants,
and straitens them for whom (He pleases) surely
Allah is Cognizant of all things.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
‫َو َل ِئن َسأ َ ْل َتهُم مَّن َّن َّز َل ِم َن ال َّس َماء َماء َفأَحْ َيا ِب ِه‬
َّ َّ‫ض ِمن َبعْ ِد َم ْو ِت َها َل َيقُولُن‬
ُ‫هللاُ قُ ِل ْال َح ْمد‬
َ ‫ْاْل‬
ِ َّ ِ
َ ُ‫ّلل َب ْل أَ ْك َث ُر ُه ْم ََل َيعْ ِقل‬
[29:63] And if you ask them Who is it that sends
down water from the clouds, then gives life to the
earth with it after its death, they will certainly say,
Allah. Say: All praise is due to Allah. Nay, most
of them do not understand.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ٌ ‫َو َما َه ِذ ِه ْال َح َياةُ ال ُّد ْن َيا إِ ََّل َله ٌْو َو َل ِع‬
َ ‫ب َوإِنَّ ال َّد‬
َ ‫ْاَل ِخ َر َة َل ِه َي ْال َح َي َوانُ َل ْو َكا ُنوا َيعْ َلم‬
[29:64] And this life of the world is nothing but a
sport and a play; and as for the next abode, that
most surely is the life-- did they but know!
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ََّ ‫َفإِ َذا َر ِكبُوا ِفي ْالفُ ْل ِك دَ َعوُ ا‬
‫ين َل ُه‬
ِ ِ‫هللا م ُْخل‬
َ ‫ص‬
َ ‫ال ِّد‬
َ ‫ين َف َلمَّا َنجَّ ا ُه ْم إِ َلى ْال َبرِّ إِ َذا ُه ْم ُي ْش ِر ُك‬
[29:65] So when they ride in the ships they call
upon Allah, being sincerely obedient to Him, but
when He brings them safe to the land, lo! they
associate others (with Him);
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ ‫ف َيعْ َلم‬
َ ‫لِ َي ْكفُرُوا ِب َما آ َت ْي َنا ُه ْم َولِ َي َت َم َّتعُوا َف َس ْو‬
[29:66] Thus they become ungrateful for what We
have given them, so that they may enjoy; but they
shall soon know.
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ُ‫أَ َو َل ْم َي َر ْوا أَ َّنا َج َع ْل َنا َح َر ًما آ ِم ًنا َو ُي َت َخ َّطف‬
‫ون َو ِب ِنعْ َم ِة‬
ِ ‫ال َّناسُ ِمنْ َح ْولِ ِه ْم أَ َف ِب ْال َب‬
َ ‫اط ِل ي ُْؤ ِم ُن‬
ِ َّ
َ ‫هللا َي ْكفُر‬
[29:67] Do they not see that We have made a sacred
territory secure, while men are carried off by
force from around them? Will they still believe in
the falsehood and disbelieve in the favour of
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
َ َ ِ
ُ ‫َو َمنْ أ‬
‫ْس ِفي َج َه َّن َم َم ْث ًوى‬
َ ‫ِب ْال َح ِّق َلمَّا َجاءهُ أ‬
َ ‫لِّ ْل َكا ِف ِر‬
[29:68] And who is more unjust than one who
forges a lie against Allah, or gives the lie to the
truth when it has come to him? Will not in hell be
the abode of the unbelievers?
Surah al-Ankaboot (The Spider)
ََّ َّ‫ين َجا َه ُدوا ِفي َنا َل َن ْه ِد َي َّن ُه ْم ُس ُب َل َنا َوإِن‬
َ ‫َوالَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫َل َم َع ْالمُحْ ِس ِن‬
[29:69] And (as for) those who strive hard for Us,
We will most certainly guide them in Our ways;
and Allah is most surely with the doers of good.
Du’aa al-Mas-haf
Du’aa Jawshan al-Kabeer
Surah al-Ankaboot
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
Du’aa Aba Hamza Thamali
Islamic Center of America
Young Muslim Association
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ِِ ‫من الرَّ ِح ِيم‬
ِ ‫ِبسْ ِم‬
ِ ْ‫هللا الرَّ ح‬
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
[30:1] Alif Lam Mim.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ت الرُّ و ُم‬
ِ ‫ُغلِ َب‬
[30:2] The Romans are vanquished,
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ض َوهُم مِّن َبعْ ِد َغ َل ِب ِه ْم‬
‫ِفي أ‬
َ ‫َس َي ْغلِب‬
[30:3] In a near land, and they, after being
vanquished, shall overcome,
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ّلل ْاْلَمْ ُر ِمن َق ْب ُل َو ِمن َبعْ ُد‬
ِ َّ ِ ‫ين‬
َ ‫ِفي ِبضْ ِع ِس ِن‬
َ ‫َو َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ َي ْف َر ُح ْالم ُْؤ ِم ُن‬
[30:4] Within a few years. Allah's is the command
before and after; and on that day the believers
shall rejoice,
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ص ُر َمن َي َشاء َوه َُو ْال َع ِزي ُز‬
ُ ‫هللا َين‬
ِ َّ ‫ِب َنصْ ِر‬
‫الرَّ ِحي ُم‬
[30:5] With the help of Allah; He helps whom He
pleases; and He is the Mighty, the Merciful;
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َ‫َوعْ د‬
َ ‫ََل َيعْ َلم‬
[30:6] (This is) Allah's promise! Allah will not fail
His promise, but most people do not know.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ُون َظا ِه ًرا م َِّن ْال َح َيا ِة ال ُّد ْن َيا َو ُه ْم َع ِن‬
َ ‫َيعْ َلم‬
َ ُ‫ْاَل ِخ َر ِة ُه ْم َغا ِفل‬
[30:7] They know the outward of this world's life,
but of the hereafter they are absolutely heedless.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َّ ‫أَ َو َل ْم َي َت َف َّكرُوا ِفي أَنفُ ِس ِه ْم َما َخ َل َق‬
ِ ‫هللاُ ال َّس َم َاوا‬
‫ض َو َما َبين ُه َما إَِل ِبال َحق َوأ َج ٍل ُّم َسمى‬
َ ‫َو ْاْل‬
َ ‫اس ِبلِ َقاء َرب ِِّه ْم َل َكا ِفر‬
[30:8] Do they not reflect within themselves: Allah
did not create the heavens and the earth and what
is between them two but with truth, and (for) an
appointed term? And most surely most of the
people are deniers of the meeting of their Lord.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ُ ‫ض َف َي‬
‫ان َعا ِق َب ُة‬
َ ‫ْف َك‬
َ ‫نظ ُروا َكي‬
ِ ْ‫أَ َو َل ْم َي ِسيرُوا ِفي ْاْلَر‬
َ ْ‫ين ِمن َق ْبلِ ِه ْم َكا ُنوا أَ َش َّد ِم ْن ُه ْم قُ َّو ًة َوأَ َثارُوا ْاْلَر‬
َ ‫الَّ ِذ‬
‫َو َع َمرُو َها أَ ْك َث َر ِممَّا َع َمرُو َها َو َجاء ْت ُه ْم ُر ُسلُهُم‬
َّ ‫ان‬
‫هللاُ لِ َي ْظلِ َم ُه ْم َو َل ِكن َكا ُنوا أَنفُ َس ُه ْم‬
ِ ‫ِب ْال َب ِّي َنا‬
َ ‫ت َف َما َك‬
َ ‫َي ْظلِم‬
[30:9] Have they not traveled in the earth and seen how was the end
of those before them? They were stronger than these in prowess,
and dug up the earth, and built on it in greater abundance than
these have built on it, and there came to them their messengers
with clear arguments; so it was not beseeming for Allah that He
should deal with them unjustly, but they dealt unjustly with their
own souls.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ين أَ َساؤُ وا السُّوأَى أَن َك َّذ ُبوا‬
َ ِ َ ِ َ َ َّ
‫هللا َو َكا ُنوا ِب َها َيسْ َته ِْز ُئون‬
ِ ‫ِبآ َيا‬
ِ َّ ‫ت‬
[30:10] Then evil was the end of those who did
evil, because they | rejected the communications
of Allah and used to mock them.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫هللاُ َي ْبدَ أ‬
ِ َّ
َ َ ِ ِ َّ
[30:11] Allah originates the creation, then
reproduces it, then to Him you shall be brought
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َ ‫َّاع ُة ُي ْبلِسُ ْالمُجْ ِرم‬
َ ‫َو َي ْو َم َتقُو ُم الس‬
[30:12] And at the time when the hour shall come
the guilty shall be in despair.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ُ ‫ش َر َكا ِئ ِه ْم‬
ُ ‫َو َل ْم َي ُكن لَّهُم مِّن‬
‫ش َف َعاء َو َكا ُنوا‬
ُ ‫ِب‬
َ ‫ش َر َكا ِئ ِه ْم َكا ِف ِر‬
[30:13] And they shall not have any intercessors
from among their gods they have joined with
Allah, and they shall be deniers of their associategods.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َ ُ‫َّاع ُة َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ َي َت َفرَّ ق‬
َ ‫َو َي ْو َم َتقُو ُم الس‬
[30:14] And at the time when the hour shall come,
at that time they shall become separated one from
the other.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ت َف ُه ْم ِفي‬
ِ َِ
ِ َ َ َ َ ِ
َ ‫ض ٍة يُحْ َبر‬
َ ‫َر ْو‬
[30:15] Then as to those who believed and did
good, they shall be made happy in a garden.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ين َك َفرُوا َو َك َّذ ُبوا ِبآ َيا ِت َنا َولِ َقاء ْاَل ِخ َر ِة‬
َ ِ
ِ ‫َفأ ْول ِئ َك ِفي ال َعذا‬
َ ‫ضر‬
َ ْ‫ب مُح‬
[30:16] And as to those who disbelieved and
rejected Our communications and the meeting of
the hereafter, these shall be brought over to the
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ِ َّ ‫ان‬
َ ‫ين ُتصْ ِبح‬
َ ‫ين ُتمْ سُو َن َو ِح‬
َ ‫هللا ِح‬
َ ‫َف ُسب َْح‬
[30:17] Therefore glory be to Allah when you enter
upon the time of the evening and when you enter
upon the time of the morning.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ض َو َع ِش ًيا‬
ِ ‫َو َل ُه ْال َحمْ ُد ِفي ال َّس َم َاوا‬
ِ ‫ت َو ْاْل‬
َ ‫َو ِح‬
َ ‫ين ُت ْظ ِهر‬
[30:18] And to Him belongs praise in the heavens
and the earth, and at nightfall and when you are at
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َ ‫ت َوي ُْخ ِر ُج ْال َمي‬
‫ِّت ِم َن‬
ِ ‫ي ُْخ ِر ُج ْال َحيَّ ِم َن ْال َم ِّي‬
‫ض َبعْ دَ َم ْو ِت َها َو َك َذلِ َك‬
َ ‫ْال َحيِّ َويُحْ ِيي ْاْل‬
َ ‫ُت ْخ َرج‬
[30:19] He brings forth the living from the dead and
brings forth the dead from the living, and gives
life to the earth after its death, and thus shall you
be brought forth.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ٍ ‫َو ِمنْ آ َيا ِت ِه أَنْ َخ َل َق ُكم مِّن ُت َرا‬
‫ب ُث َّم إِ َذا أَن ُتم َب َش ٌر‬
َ ‫َتن َت ِشر‬
[30:20] And one of His signs is that He created you
from dust, then lo! you are mortals (who) scatter.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ً ‫َو ِمنْ آ َيا ِت ِه أَنْ َخ َل َق َل ُكم ِّمنْ أَنفُ ِس ُك ْم أَ ْز َو‬
َّ‫لِّ َتسْ ُك ُنوا إِ َل ْي َها َو َج َع َل َب ْي َن ُكم م ََّو َّد ًة َو َرحْ َم ًة إِن‬
ٍ ‫ِفي َذلِ َك ََل َيا‬
َ ‫ت لِّ َق ْو ٍم َي َت َف َّكر‬
[30:21] And one of His signs is that He created
mates for you from yourselves that you may find
rest in them, and He put between you love and
compassion; most surely there are signs in this for
a people who reflect.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ْ ‫ض َو‬
ُ‫اخ ِت ََلف‬
ِ ‫َو ِمنْ آ َيا ِت ِه َخ ْل ُق ال َّس َم َاوا‬
ِ ‫ت َو ْاْل‬
ٍ ‫أَ ْل ِس َن ِت ُك ْم َوأَ ْل َوا ِن ُك ْم إِنَّ ِفي َذلِ َك ََل َيا‬
َ ‫لِّ ْل َعالِ ِم‬
[30:22] And one of His signs is the creation of the
heavens and the earth and the diversity of your
tongues and colors; most surely there are signs in
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ار َوا ْب ِت َغاؤُ ُكم‬
ٍ ‫مِّن َفضْ لِ ِه إِنَّ ِفي َذلِ َك ََل َيا‬
َ ‫ت لِّ َق ْو ٍم َيسْ َمع‬
[30:23] And one of His signs is your sleeping and
your seeking of His grace by night and (by) day;
most surely there are signs in this for a people
who would hear.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫َو ِمنْ آ َيا ِت ِه ي ُِري ُك ُم ْال َبرْ َق َخ ْو ًفا َو َط َم ًعا َو ُي َن ِّز ُل‬
َ‫ض َب د‬
َ ‫ِم َن ال َّس َماء َماء َفيُحْ ِيي ِب ِه ا ْْل‬
ٍ ‫َم ْو ِت َها إِنَّ ِفي َذلِ َك ََل َيا‬
َ ُ‫ت لِّ َق ْو ٍم َيعْ ِقل‬
[30:24] And one of His signs is that He shows you
the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends
down water from the clouds then gives life
therewith to the earth after its death; most surely
there are signs in this for a people who
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫َو ِمنْ آ َيا ِت ِه أَن َتقُو َم ال َّس َماء َو ْاْلَرْ ضُ ِبأ َ ْم ِر ِه ُث َّم‬
‫ض إِ َذا أَن ُت ْم‬
ِ ‫إِ َذا دَ َعا ُك ْم دَ عْ َو ًة م َِّن ْاْل‬
َ ‫َت ْخ ُرج‬
[30:25] And one of His signs is that the heaven and
the earth subsist by His command, then when He
calls you with a (single) call from out of the
earth, lo! you come forth.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ض ُك ٌّل لَّ ُه‬
ِ ‫َو َل ُه َمن ِفي ال َّس َم َاوا‬
ِ ‫ت َو ْاْل‬
َ ‫َقا ِن ُت‬
[30:26] And His is whosoever is in the heavens and
the earth; all are obedient to Him.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ُ‫َوه َُو الَّ ِذي َي ْبدَ أ الخل َق ث َّم ُي ِعيدهُ َوه َُو أهْ َون‬
‫َع َل ْي ِه َو َل ُه ْال َم َث ُل ْاْل‬
ِ َ َ َّ
‫ض َوه َُو ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم‬
[30:27] And He it is Who originates the creation,
then reproduces it, and it is easy to Him; and His
are the most exalted attributes in the heavens and
the earth, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ْ ‫ب َل ُكم َّم َث ًَل ِمنْ أَنفُ ِس ُك ْم َهل لَّ ُكم مِّن مَّا َم َل َك‬
َ ‫ض َر‬
ُ ‫أَ ْي َما ُن ُكم مِّن‬
‫ش َر َكاء ِفي َما َر َز ْق َنا ُك ْم َفأَن ُت ْم ِفي ِه‬
ِّ ‫ك ُن َف‬
‫ص ُل‬
َ ِ‫َس َواء َت َخافُو َن ُه ْم َك ِخي َف ِت ُك ْم أَنفُ َس ُك ْم َك َذل‬
ِ ‫ْاَل َيا‬
َ ُ‫ت لِ َق ْو ٍم َيعْ ِقل‬
[30:28] He sets forth to you a parable relating to
yourselves: Have you among those whom your right
hands possess partners in what We have given you for
sustenance, so that with respect to it you are alike; you
fear them as you fear each other? Thus do We make the
communications distinct for a people who understand.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ين َظ َلمُوا أَهْ َواءهُم ِب َغي ِْر ِع ْل ٍم َف َمن‬
َ ‫َب ِل ا َّت َب َع الَّ ِذ‬
َّ ‫ض َّل‬
ِ ‫هللاُ َو َما َلهُم مِّن َّن‬
َ َ‫َي ْه ِدي َمنْ أ‬
َ ‫اص ِر‬
[30:29] Nay! those who are unjust follow their low
desires without any knowledge; so who can guide
him whom Allah makes err? And they shall have
no helpers.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫هللا الَّ ِتي َف َط َر‬
ِ َّ ‫ين َح ِني ًفا ِف ْط َر َة‬
ُ‫هللا َذلِ َك ال ِّدين‬
ِ َّ ‫اس َع َل ْي َها ََل َت ْب ِدي َل لِ َخ ْل ِق‬
َ ‫ال َّن‬
َ ‫اس ََل َيعْ َلم‬
[30:30] Then set your face upright for religion in
the right state-- the nature made by Allah in
which He has made men; there is no altering of
Allah's creation; that is the right religion, but
most people do not know--
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ين إِ َل ْي ِه َوا َّتقُوهُ َوأَ ِقيمُوا الص َََّل َة َو ََل َت ُكو ُنوا‬
َ ‫ُم ِن ِيب‬
َ ‫ِم َن ْال ُم ْش ِر ِك‬
[30:31] Turning to Him, and be careful of (your
duty to) Him and keep up prayer and be not of the
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ٍ ‫ين َفرَّ قُوا ِدي َن ُه ْم َو َكا ُنوا ِش َي ًعا ُك ُّل ِح ْز‬
َ ‫ِم َن الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫ِب َما َلدَ ي ِْه ْم َف ِرح‬
[30:32] Of those who divided their religion and
became seas every sect rejoicing in what they had
with them
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ين إِ َل ْي ِه‬
َ ‫اس ضُرٌّ دَ َع ْوا َر َّبهُم ُّم ِن ِيب‬
َ ‫َوإِ َذا َمسَّ ال َّن‬
ٌ ‫ُث َّم إِ َذا أَ َذا َقهُم ِّم ْن ُه َرحْ َم ًة إِ َذا َف ِر‬
‫يق ِّم ْنهُم‬
َ ‫ِب َرب ِِّه ْم ُي ْش ِر ُك‬
[30:33] And when harm afflicts men, they call upon
their Lord, turning to Him, then when He makes
them taste of mercy from Him, lo! some of them
begin to associate (others) with their Lord,
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َ ‫ف َتعْ َلم‬
َ ‫لِ َي ْكفُرُوا ِب َما آ َت ْي َنا ُه ْم َف َت َم َّتعُوا َف َس ْو‬
[30:34] So as to be ungrateful for what We have
given them; but enjoy yourselves (for a while),
for you shall soon come to know.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َ َ‫أَ ْم أ‬
‫نز ْل َنا َع َلي ِْه ْم س ُْل َطا ًنا َفه َُو َي َت َكلَّ ُم ِب َما َكا ُنوا ِب ِه‬
َ ‫ُي ْش ِر ُك‬
[30:35] Or, have We sent down upon them an
authority so that it speaks of that which they
associate with Him?
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫اس َرحْ َم ًة َف ِرحُوا ِب َها َوإِن‬
‫َوإِ َذا أ‬
‫يه ْم إِ َذا ُه ْم‬
َ ‫َي ْق َن‬
[30:36] And when We make people taste of mercy
they rejoice in it, and if an evil befall them for
what their hands have already wrought, lo! they
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ُ ‫هللا َي ْب ُس‬
ََّ َّ‫أَ َو َل ْم َي َر ْوا أَن‬
‫ط الرِّ ْز َق لِ َمن َي َشاء‬
ٍ ‫َو َي ْق ِد ُر إِنَّ ِفي َذلِ َك ََل َيا‬
َ ‫ت لِّ َق ْو ٍم ي ُْؤ ِم ُن‬
[30:37] Do they not see that Allah makes ample
provision for whom He pleases, or straitens?
Most surely there are signs in this for a people
who believe.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ِ ‫َفآ‬
ِ ِ
‫هللا َوأ ُ ْو َل ِئ َك ُه ُم‬
ِ َّ ‫ون َوجْ َه‬
َ ‫ين ي ُِري ُد‬
َ ‫َذلِ َك َخ ْي ٌر لِّلَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫ْال ُم ْفلِح‬
[30:38] Then give to the near of kin his due, and to
the needy and the wayfarer; this is best for those
who desire Allah's pleasure, and these it is who
are successful.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫اس َف ََل‬
‫َو َما آ‬
ِ َّ َ‫َيرْ بُو ِعند‬
َ ‫هللا َو َما آ َت ْي ُتم مِّن َز َكا ٍة ُت ِري ُد‬
ِ َّ ‫َوجْ َه‬
َ ‫هللا َفأول ِئ َك ُه ُم الم ِعف‬
[30:39] And whatever you lay out as usury, so that
it may increase in the property of men, it shall not
increase with Allah; and whatever you give in
charity, desiring Allah's pleasure-- it is these
(persons) that shall get manifold.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫هللاُ الَّ ِذي َخ َل َق ُك ْم ُث َّم َر َز َق ُك ْم ُث َّم ُي ِمي ُت ُك ْم ُث َّم يُحْ ِيي ُك ْم‬
ُ ‫َه ْل ِمن‬
‫ش َر َكا ِئ ُكم مَّن َي ْف َع ُل ِمن َذلِ ُكم مِّن‬
َ ‫َشيْ ٍء ُسب َْحا َن ُه َو َت َعا َلى َعمَّا ُي ْش ِر ُك‬
[30:40] Allah is He Who created you, then gave
you sustenance, then He causes you to die, then
brings you to life. Is there any of your associategods who does aught of it? Glory be to Him, and
exalted be He above what they associate (with
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ْ ‫َظ َه َر ْال َف َسا ُد ِفي ْال َبرِّ َو ْال َبحْ ِر ِب َما َك َس َب‬
‫ت أَ ْي ِدي‬
‫ض الَّ ِذي َع ِملُوا َل َعلَّ ُه ْم‬
َ ْ‫اس لِ ُي ِذي َقهُم َبع‬
ِ ‫ال‬
َ ‫َيرْ ِجع‬
[30:41] Corruption has appeared in the land and the
sea on account of what the hands of men have
wrought, that He may make them taste a part of
that which they have done, so that they may
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َ َ
ِ ‫قُ ْل ِسيرُوا ِفي ْاْل‬
َ ‫ان أَ ْك َث ُرهُم ُّم ْش ِر ِك‬
َ ‫ين ِمن َق ْب ُل َك‬
َ ‫َعا ِق َب ُة الَّ ِذ‬
[30:42] Say: Travel in the land, then see how was
the end of those before; most of them were
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ين ْال َق ِّي ِم ِمن َقب ِْل أَن َيأْ ِت َي َي ْو ٌم ََّل‬
َّ ‫هللا َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ َي‬
ِ َّ ‫َم َر َّد َل ُه ِم َن‬
َ ‫ص َّدع‬
[30:43] Then turn thy face straight to the right
religion before there come from Allah the day
which cannot be averted; on that day they shall
become separated.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫صالِ ًحا‬
َ ‫َمن َك َف َر َف َع َل ْي ِه ُك ْف ُرهُ َو َمنْ َع ِم َل‬
َ ‫َف ِِلَنفُ ِس ِه ْم َي ْم َه ُد‬
[30:44] Whoever disbelieves, he shall be
responsible for his disbelief, and whoever does
good, they prepare (good) for their own souls,
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ت ِمن‬
ِ ‫ين آ َم ُنوا َو َع ِملُوا الصَّالِ َحا‬
َ ‫ي الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫لِ َيجْ ِز‬
َ ‫َفضْ لِ ِه إِ َّن ُه ََل ُي ِحبُّ ْال َكا ِف ِر‬
[30:45] That He may reward those who believe and
do good out of His grace; surely He does not love
the unbelievers.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ٍ ‫اح ُم َب ِّش َرا‬
‫ت َولِ ُي ِذي َق ُكم‬
َ ‫َو ِمنْ آ َيا ِت ِه أَن يُرْ ِس َل الرِّ َي‬
‫ك ِبأ َ ْم ِر ِه َولِ َت ْب َت ُغوا‬
ُ ‫ي ْالفُ ْل‬
َ ‫مِّن رَّ حْ َم ِت ِه َولِ َتجْ ِر‬
َ ‫ِمن َفضْ لِ ِه َو َل َعلَّ ُك ْم َت ْش ُكر‬
[30:46] And one of His signs is that He sends forth
the winds bearing good news, and that He may
make your taste of His mercy, and that the ships
may run by His command, and that you may seek
of His grace, and that you may be grateful.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫َو َل َق ْد أَرْ َس ْل َنا ِمن َق ْبلِ َك ُرس ًَُل إِ َلى َق ْو ِم ِه ْم‬
‫ين أَجْ َرمُوا‬
ِ ‫َف َجاؤُ وهُم ِب ْال َب ِّي َنا‬
َ ‫ت َفان َت َق ْم َنا ِم َن الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫ان َحقا َعلينا ن ُر المُؤ ِم ِن‬
َ ‫َو َك‬
[30:47] And certainly We sent before you
messengers to their people, so they came to them
with clear arguments, then We gave the
punishment to those who were guilty; and helping
the believers is ever incumbent on Us.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ُ ‫اح َف ُت ِثي ُر َس َحا ًبا َف َي ْب ُس‬
‫ط ُه ِفي‬
َ ‫هللاُ الَّ ِذي يُرْ ِس ُل الرِّ َي‬
‫ْف َي َشاء َو َيجْ َعلُ ُه ِك َس ًفا َف َت َرى ْال َو ْد َق‬
َ ‫ال َّس َماء َكي‬
ْ‫اب ِب ِه َمن َي َشاء ِمن‬
َ ‫ص‬
َ َ‫َي ْخ ُر ُج ِمنْ ِخ ََللِ ِه َفإِ َذا أ‬
َ ‫ِع َبا ِد ِه إِ َذا ُه ْم َيسْ َتب ِْشر‬
[30:48] Allah is he Who sends forth the winds so they raise
a cloud, then He spreads it forth in the sky as He pleases,
and He breaks it up so that you see the rain coming forth
from inside it; then when He causes it to fall upon whom
He pleases of His servants, lo! they are joyful
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫َوإِن َكا ُنوا ِمن َقب ِْل أَن ُي َن َّز َل َع َلي ِْهم مِّن َق ْبلِ ِه‬
َ ‫َل ُم ْبلِ ِس‬
[30:49] Though they were before this, before it was
sent down upon them, confounded in sure
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ْف يُحْ ِيي‬
َ َ ِ
‫ض َبعْ دَ َم ْو ِت َها إِنَّ َذلِ َك َلمُحْ ِيي ْال َم ْو َتى‬
َ ‫ْاْل‬
‫َوه َُو َع َلى ُك ِّل َشيْ ٍء َق ِدي ٌر‬
[30:50] Look then at the signs of Allah's mercy,
how He gives life to the earth after its death, most
surely He will raise the dead to life; and He has
power over all things.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ً ‫َو َل ِئنْ أَرْ َس ْل َنا ِر‬
‫يحا َف َرأَ ْوهُ مُصْ َف ًرا لَّ َظلُّوا ِمن‬
َ ‫َبعْ ِد ِه َي ْكفُر‬
[30:51] And if We send a wind and they see it to be
yellow, they would after that certainly continue to
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ص َّم ال ُّد َعاء‬
ُّ ‫َفإِ َّن َك ََل ُتسْ ِم ُع ْال َم ْو َتى َو ََل ُتسْ ِم ُع ال‬
َ ‫إِ َذا َولَّ ْوا م ُْد ِب ِر‬
[30:52] For surely you cannot, make the dead to
hear and you cannot make the deaf to hear the
call, when they turn back and
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ض ََل َل ِت ِه ْم إِن ُتسْ ِم ُع‬
ِ َ ِ ‫َو َما أ‬
َ ِ
َ ‫إِ ََّل َمن ي ُْؤ ِمنُ ِبآ َيا ِت َنا َف ُهم ُّمسْ لِم‬
[30:53] Nor can you lead away the blind out of
their error. You cannot make to hear any but those
who believe in Our communications so they shall
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
ٍ ْ‫ضع‬
‫ف ُث َّم َج َع َل ِمن َبعْ ِد‬
َ ‫هللاُ الَّ ِذي َخ َل َق ُكم مِّن‬
ٍ ْ‫ضع‬
‫ضعْ ًفا‬
َ ‫ف قُ َّو ًة ُث َّم َج َع َل ِمن َبعْ ِد قُ َّو ٍة‬
‫َو َش ْي َب ًة َي ْخلُ ُق َما َي َشاء َوه َُو ْال َعلِي ُم ْال َق ِدي ُر‬
[30:54] Allah is He Who created you from a state of
weakness then He gave strength after weakness,
then ordained weakness and hoary hair after
strength; He creates what He pleases, and He is
the Knowing, the Powerful.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ُون َما َل ِب ُثوا‬
َ ‫َّاع ُة ُي ْق ِس ُم ْالمُجْ ِرم‬
َ ‫َو َي ْو َم َتقُو ُم الس‬
َ ‫َغي َْر َس‬
َ ‫اع ٍة َك َذلِ َك َكا ُنوا ُي ْؤ َف ُك‬
[30:55] And at the time when the hour shall come,
the guilty shall swear (that) they did not tarry but
an hour; thus are they ever turned away.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ان لقد ل ِبثت ْم ِفي‬
َ ‫ين أوتوا ال ِعل َم َواْلِي َم‬
َ ‫َو َقا َل الَّ ِذ‬
ِ ْ‫ث َف َه َذا َي ْو ُم ْال َبع‬
ِ ْ‫هللا إِ َلى َي ْو ِم ْال َبع‬
ِ ‫ِك َتا‬
ِ َّ ‫ب‬
َ ‫َو َل ِك َّن ُك ْم ُكن ُت ْم ََل َتعْ َل ُم‬
[30:56] And those who are given knowledge and
faith will say: Certainly you tarried according to
the ordinance of Allah till the day of resurrection,
so this is the day of resurrection, but you did not
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ين َظ َلمُوا َمعْ ِذ َر ُت ُه ْم َو ََل ُه ْم‬
َ ‫َف َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ ََّل َين َف ُع الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫يُسْ َتعْ َتب‬
[30:57] But on that day their excuse shall not profit
those who were unjust, nor shall they be regarded
with goodwill.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫آن ِمن ُك ِّل‬
ْ‫ين َك َفرُوا إِن‬
َ ‫َم َث ٍل َو َل ِئن ِج ْئ َتهُم ِبآ َي ٍة َل َيقُو َلنَّ الَّ ِذ‬
ِ ‫أَن ُت ْم إِ ََّل ُمب‬
َ ُ‫ْطل‬
[30:58] And certainly We have set forth for men
every kind of example in this Quran; and if you
should bring them a communication, those who
disbelieve would certainly say: You are naught
but false claimants.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
َ َ ِ ِ
َ ُ
َ ‫َك َذلِ َك َي‬
[30:59] Thus does Allah set a seal on the hearts of
those who do not know.
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
‫ين ََل‬
ِ َّ َ‫َفاصْ ِبرْ إِنَّ َوعْ د‬
َ ‫هللا َح ٌّق َو ََل َيسْ َت ِخ َّف َّن َك الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫يُو ِق ُن‬
[30:60] Therefore be patient; surely the promise of
Allah is true and let not those who have no
certainty hold you in light estimation.
Du’aa al-Mas-haf
Du’aa Jawshan al-Kabeer
Surah al-Ankaboot
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
Du’aa Aba Hamza Thamali
Islamic Center of America
Young Muslim Association
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ِِ ‫من الرَّ ِح ِيم‬
ِ ‫ِبسْ ِم‬
ِ ْ‫هللا الرَّ ح‬
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
[44:1] Ha Mim!
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ِ ِ
[44:2] I swear by the Book that makes manifest (the
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ِ ِ
[44:3] Surely We revealed it on a blessed night
surely We are ever warning--
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ِفي َها ُي ْف َر ُق ُك ُّل أَ ْم ٍر َح ِكي ٍم‬
[44:4] Therein every wise affair is made distinct,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ِِ
ِ ِ ِ
[44:5] A command from Us; surely We are the
senders (of messengers),
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ِّك إِ َّن ُه ه َُو ال َّس ِمي ُع ْال َعلِي ُم‬
َ ‫َرحْ َم ًة مِّن رَّ ب‬
[44:6] A mercy from your Lord, surely He is the
Hearing, the Knowing,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ض َو َما َب ْي َن ُه َما إِن ُكن ُتم‬
ِ ‫َربِّ ال َّس َم َاوا‬
ِ ‫ت َو ْاْل‬
َ ‫مُّو ِق ِن‬
[44:7] The Lord of the heavens and the earth and
what is between them, if you would be sure.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ُ ‫ََل إِ َل َه إِ ََّل ه َُو يُحْ ِيي َو ُي ِم‬
‫يت َر ُّب ُك ْم َو َربُّ آ َبا ِئ ُك ُم‬
َ ِ‫ْاْلَوَّ ل‬
[44:8] There is no god but He; He gives life and
causes death, your Lord and the Lord of your
fathers of yore.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ٍّ ‫َب ْل ُه ْم ِفي َش‬
َ ‫ك َي ْل َعب‬
[44:9] Nay, they are in doubt, they sport.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ٍ ِ ٍ
[44:10] Therefore keep waiting for the day when
the heaven shall bring an evident smoke,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ٌ ‫اس َه َذا َع َذ‬
‫اب أَلِي ٌم‬
َ ‫َي ْغ َشى ال َّن‬
[44:11] That shall overtake men; this is a painful
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ْ ‫َر َّب َنا‬
َ ‫اب إِ َّنا م ُْؤ ِم ُن‬
َ ‫اك ِشفْ َع َّنا ْال َع َذ‬
[44:12] Our Lord! remove from us the punishment;
surely we are believers.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ِّ ‫أَ َّنى َل ُه ُم‬
ٌ ‫الذ ْك َرى َو َق ْد َجاء ُه ْم َرسُو ٌل م ُِّب‬
[44:13] How shall they be reminded, and there
came to them an Messenger making clear (the
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ٌ ‫ُث َّم َت َولَّ ْوا َع ْن ُه َو َقالُوا م َُعلَّ ٌم َّمجْ ُن‬
[44:14] Yet they turned their backs on him and said:
One taught (by others), a madman.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ً ِ‫ب َقل‬
ِ ‫اشفُو ْال َع َذا‬
ِ ‫إِ َّنا َك‬
َ ‫يَل إِ َّن ُك ْم َعا ِئ ُد‬
[44:15] Surely We will remove the punishment a
little, (but) you will surely return (to evil).
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫َي ْو َم‬
َ ِ
[44:16] On the day when We will seize (them) with
the most violent seizing; surely We will inflict
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫َو َل َق ْد َف َت َّنا َق ْب َل ُه ْم َق ْو َم ِفرْ َع ْو َن َو َجاء ُه ْم َرسُو ٌل‬
‫َك ِري ٌم‬
[44:17] And certainly We tried before them the
people of Firon, and there came to them a noble
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َِّ َ‫أَنْ أَ ُّدوا إِ َليَّ ِع َباد‬
ٌ ‫هللا إِ ِّني َل ُك ْم َرسُو ٌل أَ ِم‬
[44:18] Saying: Deliver to me the servants of Allah,
surely I am a faithful messenger to you,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ِ ِ
ٍ ‫م ُِّب‬
[44:19] And that do not exalt yourselves against
Allah, surely I will bring to you a clear authority:
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
[44:20] And surely I take refuge with my Lord and
your Lord that you should stone me to death:
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫َوإِنْ ل‬
ِ ِ
[44:21] And if you do not believe in me, then leave
me alone.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ِ
َ ‫َفدَ َعا َر َّب ُه أ‬
[44:22] Then he called upon his Lord: These are a
guilty people.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ َ
ِ ِ
[44:23] So go forth with My servants by night;
surely you will be pursued:
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ُ‫َوا ْترُكْ ْال َبحْ َر َرهْ ًوا إِ َّن ُه ْم جُن ٌد م ُّْغ َرق‬
[44:24] And leave the sea intervening; surely they
are a host that shall be drowned.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
[44:25] How many of the gardens and fountains
have they left!
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ُوع َو َم َق ٍام َك ِر ٍيم‬
[44:26] And cornfields and noble places!
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ‫َو َنعْ َم ٍة َكا ُنوا ِفي َها َفا ِك ِه‬
[44:27] And goodly things wherein they rejoiced;
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ِ
َ َ ‫َك َذلِ َك َوأ‬
[44:28] Thus (it was), and We gave them as a
heritage to another people.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ْ ‫َف َما َب َك‬
‫ت َع َلي ِْه ُم ال َّس َماء َو ْاْلَرْ ضُ َو َما َكا ُنوا‬
َ ‫م‬
َ ‫ُنظ ِر‬
[44:29] So the heaven and the earth did not weep
for them, nor were they respited.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ِ ِ
[44:30] And certainly We delivered the children of
Israel from the abasing chastisement,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ‫ان َعالِ ًيا م َِّن ْالمُسْ ِر ِف‬
َ ‫ِمن ِفرْ َع ْو َن إِ َّن ُه َك‬
[44:31] From Firon; surely he was haughty, (and)
one of the extravagant.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ْ ‫َو َل َق ِد‬
َ ‫اخ َترْ َنا ُه ْم َع َلى ِع ْل ٍم َع َلى ْال َعا َل ِم‬
[44:32] And certainly We chose them, having
knowledge, above the nations.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ٌ ‫ت َما ِفي ِه َب ََلء م ُِّب‬
ِ ‫َوآ َت ْي َناهُم م َِّن ْاَل َيا‬
[44:33] And We gave them of the communications
wherein was clear blessing.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ُ‫إِنَّ َهؤُ ََلء َل َيقُول‬
[44:34] Most surely these do say:
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫إِنْ ِه َي إِ ََّل َم ْو َت ُت َنا ْاْلولى َو َما نحْ نُ ِبمُنش ِري َن‬
[44:35] There is naught but our first death and we
shall not be raised again.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ِِ َ ْ
[44:36] So bring our fathers (back), if you are
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ين ِمن َق ْبلِ ِه ْم أَهْ َل ْك َنا ُه ْم‬
َ ِ َ ٍ ُ ْ
ْ ‫أ‬
َ ‫إِ َّن ُه ْم َكا ُنوا مُجْ ِر ِم‬
[44:37] Are they better or the people of Tubba and
those before them? We destroyed them, for surely
they were guilty.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ض َو َما َب ْي َن ُه َما‬
ِ ‫َو َما َخ َل ْق َنا ال َّس َم َاوا‬
َ ‫ت َو ْاْل‬
َ ‫ََل ِع ِب‬
[44:38] And We did not create the heavens and the
earth and what is between them in sport.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫َما َخ َل ْق َنا ُه َما إِ ََّل ِب ْال َح ِّق َو َل ِكنَّ أَ ْك َث َر ُه ْم ََل‬
َ ‫َيعْ َلم‬
[44:39] We did not create them both but with the
truth, but most of them do not know.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ِ َ ‫إِنَّ َي ْو َم ْال َفصْ ِل ِمي َقا ُت ُه ْم أ‬
[44:40] Surely the day of separation is their
appointed term, of all of them
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫َي ْو َم ََل ي ُْغ ِني َم ْولًى َعن م َّْولًى َش ْي ًئا َو ََل ُه ْم‬
َ ‫ُنصر‬
َ ‫ي‬
[44:41] The day on which a friend shall not avail
(his) friend aught, nor shall they be helped,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َّ ‫إِ ََّل َمن رَّ ِح َم‬
‫هللاُ إِ َّن ُه ه َُو ْال َع ِزي ُز الرَّ ِحي ُم‬
[44:42] Save those on whom Allah shall have
mercy; surely He is the Mighty the Merciful.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
[44:43] Surely the tree of the Zaqqum,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫َط َعا ُم ْاْلَ ِث ِيم‬
[44:44] Is the food of the sinful
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
[44:45] Like dregs of oil; it shall boil in (their)
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫َك َغ ْليِ ْال َح ِم ِيم‬
[44:46] Like the boiling of hot water.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ُخ ُذوهُ َفاعْ ِتلُوهُ إِ َلى َس َواء ْال َج ِح ِيم‬
[44:47] Seize him, then drag him down into the
middle of the hell;
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ب ْال َح ِم ِيم‬
ِ َ ِ ِ ِ َ
[44:48] Then pour above his head of the torment of
the boiling water:
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ َ‫ُذ ْق إِ َّن َك أ‬
‫نت ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َك ِري ُم‬
[44:49] Taste; you forsooth are the mighty, the
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫إِنَّ َه َذا َما ُكن ُتم ِب ِه َتمْ َترُو َن‬
[44:50] Surely this is what you disputed about.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
[44:51] Surely those who guard (against evil) are in
a secure place,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ِفي َج‬
[44:52] In gardens and springs;
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ِ‫س َوإِسْ َتب َْر ٍق ُّم َت َق ِابل‬
[44:53] They shall wear of fine and thick silk,
(sitting) face to face;
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
ٍ ِ
[44:54] Thus (shall it be), and We will wed them
with Houris pure, beautiful ones.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ‫ُون ِفي َها ِب ُك ِّل َفا ِك َه ٍة آ ِم ِن‬
َ ‫َي ْدع‬
[44:55] They shall call therein for every fruit in
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ‫ون ِفي َها ْال َم ْو‬
‫ت إِ ََّل ْال َم ْو َت َة ْاْلُو َلى‬
‫ََل َي‬
‫اب ْال َج ِح ِيم‬
َ ‫َو َو َقا ُه ْم َع َذ‬
[44:56] They shall not taste therein death except the
first death, and He will save them from the
punishment of the hell,
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫ِّك َذلِ َك ه َُو ا ْل َف ْو ُز ْال َع ِظي ُم‬
َ ‫َفضْ ًَل مِّن رَّ ب‬
[44:57] A grace from your Lord; this is the great
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
‫َفإِ َّن َما َي َّسرْ َناهُ ِبلِ َسا ِن َك َل َعلَّ ُه ْم َي َت َذ َّكرُو َن‬
[44:58] So have We made it easy in your tongue
that they may be mindful.
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
َ ‫َفارْ َت ِقبْ إِ َّنهُم ُّمرْ َت ِقب‬
[44:59] Therefore wait; surely they are waiting.
Du’aa al-Mas-haf
Du’aa Jawshan al-Kabeer
Surah al-ankaboot
Surah al-Room (The Romans)
Surah ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke)
Du’aa Aba Hamza Thamali
Islamic Center of America
Young Muslim Association