Listening Guide History Listening Guide Overview Listening Guide Bibliography Other Resources ❈ German Composer and Pianist (1770-1827) ❈ Composed Symphonies, Chamber Music, Concerti, Piano Sonata’s, etc… ❈ Struggled with personal life, illness (chronic abdominal pain, deafness) Age 13 Age 19 Age 33 Age 45 Age 53 Piano work written in 1810 Not published until 1865 Official Title: Bagatelle in A Minor WoO 59 Bagatelle- something of little value or significance; trifle Bagatelle (music)- a short light piece of music, usually written for piano Rondo Form A A’ B A C A A * Iconic opening minor theme * Flowing sixteenth note arpeggiations A’ * Extends theme in major for a brief moment * Only time this part is heard or played in the piece B * Arpeggiation continues in the left hand with some chords introduced for the first time * Right hand melody is scalar and has some significant leaps * Thirty-second notes appear in the right hand melody A * Iconic opening minor theme * Flowing sixteenth note arpeggiations C * Repeated sixteenth note pedal in the left hand with some chords * Right hand is slower rhythmically and features chords for the first time * Arpeggiated and scalar sixteenth note triplets in the right hand melody A * Iconic opening minor theme * Flowing sixteenth note arpeggiations