The STEREO Mission 封莉 紫金山天文台 主要科学目标 1. 理解CME的触发机制 2. 研究CME在日球中的传播 3. 揭发太阳高能粒子(SEP)在低日冕和行 星际空间的加速机制和加速地点 4. 建立一个随时间变化的三维模型研究太阳 风磁场,温度,密度和速度结构 四个仪器包 SECCHI(Sun-Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation) These instruments study the 3-D evolution of CME's from birth at the Sun's surface through the corona and interplanetary medium to its eventual impact at Earth. PLASTIC(PLAsma and SupraThermal Ion Composition) plasma characteristics of protons, alpha particles and heavy ions. STEREO/WAVES(SWAVES) an interplanetary radio burst tracker that traces the generation and evolution of traveling radio disturbances from the Sun to the orbit of Earth. IMPACT(In situ Measurements of PAticles and CME Transients) solar energetic particles and the local vector magnetic field. EUVI(EUV imager) • Image channels: Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XIV 211, He II 304 1.6 arcsec/pix, FOV:1.7 Rsun COR1 & COR2 (white light coronagraphs) • COR1:1.1-3.0 Rʘ (0.4-1°), 7.5 arcsec/pix • COR2: 2-15 Rʘ(0.7-4°),14 arcsec/pix Heliospheric Imager (HI) (heliospheric imager) •a new type of solar data which is not sun-centered: imaging of CMEs out to 1 a.u. •HI 1: 15 - 84 Rʘ (4-24°),70arcsec/pix HI 2: 66 - 318 Rʘ (18.7-88.7°), 4arcmin/pix SECCHI 2011年2月360°全方位视图 日冕中的三维结构 冕环三维结构和其磁场位形 Feng et al. (2007) 基本原理:三角测距 极羽STEREO与SUMER联测 Feng et al.(2009) 暗条:真实的高度,速度和加速度 Li et al. (2010) CME和空间天气 MHD模拟的输入 预测CME到达地球时间 Byrne et al. 2010 Wind的观测 CME 和 行星际空间天气 COR2 A LASCO C3 COR2 B A Sun B V Sun A V B Venus Express 谢谢