The Ocean Biome-brandi and izzy

The Ocean Biome
Brandi Free
Isabelle Costello
What the Ocean looks like…
• The ocean is very big and mostly blue and as you get
farther down it gets darker and darker. The upper
area of the ocean is more colorful because of the
surrounding plants.
• It’s the largest biome by taking up
about 72% of the earth. This biome contains five
different parts: the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean,
Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.
Which merge into each other at some location. Since
the ocean is so large many animals are undiscovered
and/or unidentified.
The Food Web…
• The food web, when shortened, is not too complicated
in the ocean. It has many creatures, from angelfish to
zooplankton, you name it, and it is probably living in the
• Because the ocean has such a wide variety of very
different creatures, it will be best to just use an
example for the food web. Bacteria and phytoplankton
are some of the many producers. Shrimp, small fish,
and squid eat the phytoplankton and bacteria. Seals,
bigger fish, and penguins eat the shrimp, small fish,
and squid. The top predator in this example would be
none other than the killer whale.
The ocean biome takes up over
72% of the earth..
Temperatures Ranges…
• Temperatures vary greatly depending on which ocean,
and how deep you are in the ocean. The temperatures
on land do not affect the temperatures of the ocean.
Instead, the ocean affects the temperatures on land.
However, the average temperature of all oceans is
• Precipitation is not a factor in the ocean. Adaptations
for animals to live in the ocean include having sleek,
smooth bodies to move around easily with, gills to
breathe through, eyes on each side of the head to spot
predators from many angles, and fins to control
direction and to just swim around freely. Some fish
also can blend into their surroundings to keep away
from predators. The adaptation for plants is to become
a non-vascular plant.
How we use the ocean…
• Humans use the ocean biome very heavily for
various reasons. These reasons are:
transportation, recreation, fishing for food, oil,
medicine, and to get other resources.
• Pollution of the ocean is a major problem. The
largest cause for pollution would be the many oil
spills. Other causes of pollution include fertilizers
and household cleaning products. Luckily for ocean
occupants, there are multiple organizations formed
to ensure there will be people to help the ocean
and prevent any further harmful and dangerous
How We Can Help…
• We can greatly help the environment by not
putting household products down the sink, use
fertilizers sparingly, recycling, cutting any 6-pack
rings before throwing them away to make sure
no fish are choked, and buying harvested
seafood to make sure less fish were harmed in
the process of making it.
• Remember, every person counts, every action,
as little as it may be, can help save an ocean
creature’s life.