climate zones

2.7 Climatic Conditions and Zones (Pages 74-82)
Page 75 - Figure 5.1
Read – Textbook – Page 74
• A climatic region is set apart from other climatic
regions by a set of characteristics (i.e.
temperature range, precipitation levels, patterns
of sunniness or cloudiness, wind conditions,
length of each season, and the way its seasons
• There are six climatic regions, which include: 1.
Tropical; 2. Dry; 3. Temperate Mild Winter;
4. Temperate Cold Winter; 5. Polar; and 6.
2.7.1 Describe climatic conditions
within selected zones (Page 75)
• Each of the 6 climate regions has sub-regions.
2.7.1 Continued
1. Tropical Climates
- Tropical Wet
- Tropical Wet and Dry
2. Dry Climates
- Semi-Arid or Steppe
- Arid or Dry
3. Temperate Mild Winter Climates
- Mediterranean
- Subtropical
- Marine West Coast
2.7.1 Continued
Temperate Cold Winter Climates
- Continental, Warm Summer
- Continental, Cool Summer
- Subarctic
Polar Climates
- Tundra
- Icecap
Highlands Climate
Stuff About Climographs
• Temperature is plotted
as a line graph joining
the 12 months of the
• Precipitation is shown
as a series of bars, one
for each month.
1. Tropical Climates
All Tropical Climates
Temperatures over 18 0C
every day due to low latitude
and warm ocean currents and
prevailing winds blowing
from equatorial region.
Tropical Wet; heavy rain
all year due to hot
temperatures and resulting
convectional rain.
Tropical Wet and Dry; very heavy summer rain and
very dry winter due to seasonal shift in prevailing
winds. (remember monsoons from the previous
Tropical Climographs
Tropical Wet Climograph
• Precipitation in each month is high.
• Temperatures are constant and high (19-27 0C) (always above
18 º C).
Tropical Climographs
Tropical Wet and Dry
• E.g. Page 76 – Bombay, India
• Precipitation is very high in
summer months and very low in
winter months (MONSOONS)
• Temperatures are relatively
constant and high (19-27 0C)
(always above 18 º C).
2. Dry Climates
• All Dry Climates
– Receive < 500 mm of
precipitation annually.
– More evaporation than
– Little vegetation and is windy.
• Semi-arid or
– Transition zone
between desert
and forest.
– 250-500 mm of
rain annually.
• Arid or Desert
– Occurs between 10-30 oN and
10-30 oS.
– 10-250 mm of rain annually.
Dry Climographs
Arid or Desert Climograph
• E.g. Page 76 - Figure 5.2 Alice Springs, Australia.
• Precipitation in each month is low (total less than 250 mm).
• Temperature may vary seasonally.
Dry Climographs
Semi-arid or Steppe Climograph
• E.g. Page 77 - Figure 5.4 (top left climograph).
• Precipitation in each month is fairly low (total less than 500
• Temperature may vary seasonally.
3. Temperate Mild Winter Climate
• All Temperate Mild Winter
– Located in the mid-latitudes.
– Mild winters.
– Temperatures vary with
• Marine West Coast
• Is located further from
the equator.
• Is warmed by warm
ocean currents.
• Mediterranean
• Limited to the
Mediterranean Sea area.
• Subtropical
• East coast of continents.
• Close to the tropics.
Temperate Mild Winter Climographs
• Summer temperatures vary, but winter months (even the
coldest month) are warmer than –3 oC.
Marine West
4. Temperate Cold Winter Climates
• Summer temperatures vary, but some winter months are colder
than –3 oC. Only occurs in the Northern Hemisphere
Warm Summer
5. Polar Climates
• Short summer season.
• Small amounts of precipitation.
Ice Caps: Summer
temperature are
never above 0 oC.
Tundra: Summer
temperatures are
never above 10 oC.
Due to elevation and involves areas
higher than 1000 m.
Highland climates vary depending on a
combination of four factors:
1. Latitude
2. Elevation (Altitude)
3. Topography
4. Continental Location
Remember: 2°C decrease/300m increase
2.7.2 Patterns of Climatic Zones
• Globally speaking, where is each climatic zone
1. Tropical?
2. Dry?
3. Temperate?
4. Polar?
5. Highlands?
• Tropical = Near the equator and between 23.5 º N and S
(i.e. Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). The
Tropical Wet and Dry sub-region is farther from the
equator from the Tropic Wet sub-region.
• Dry (Desert or Arid) = Between 10 º and 30 º N and S.
Also, on the west coasts of continents and on the leeward
side of mountains.
• Dry (Semi-Arid or Steppe) = Between the Tropical Wet
and Dry sub-region and the dry Desert or Arid sub-region.
• Temperate Mild Winter = Found in the mid-latitudes or
on seas or ocean coasts. Mediterranean = West coasts of
continents and in areas around the Mediterranean Sea.
Subtropical = East coasts of continents. Marine West
Coast = West coasts of continents, but at higher latitudes.
• Temperate Cold Winter = Mid-latitudes similar to
temperate mild winter; however, it is more continental
(meaning farther inland). Subarctic sub-region = Between
50 and 70 º N.
• Polar = Located north and south of 60 º. Tundra = Closer
to oceans. Icecaps = Farther inland.
• Highlands = Due to elevation and involves areas higher
than 1000 m.
2.7.2 Practice
• Do Question #2 on page 75 (Part A Only).
Georgetown, Guyana – Tropical Wet
Bombay, India – Tropical Wet and Dry –
Monsoonal, Dry winter months, and Hot.
Montreal, Canada – Temperate Cold Winter –
Alice Springs, Australia – Between Arid and SemiArid – Dry, Seasonal, Hot Summer.
2.7.2 Practice
• Do Question #2 on page 75
(Part B Only)
Montreal and Alice Springs have the
widest temperature ranges.
RE: Temperature; colder winter in
Montreal and warmer summer in Alice
RE: Precipitation; more in Montreal
and evenly distributed.
RE: Months of Summer; opposite
summer months due to northern (J, J,
A) and southern (D, J, F, M)
2.7.2 Practice
• Do Question #2 on page 75 (Part C Only)
• Different hemispheres give opposite seasons based on
which months each hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
and away from the sun.
• Do Question #2 on page 75
(Part D Only).
• Montreal = Temperate Cold
• Alice Springs = Semi-Arid or
Page 77 – Sites A, B, and C
Site C = Singapore = Tropical Wet
Flat and high temperature line.
Rainfall is heavy all year long.
Site B = Toronto = Continent, Cool Summer
(Temperate Cold Winter)
High temperature range.
Coldest winter month is below -3 º C.
Site A = New Zealand = Marine West Coast
(Temperate Mild Winter)
Warm winters.
Precipitation in both winter and summer.
Random Questions
• What is the most widespread climatic zone in the low
• What are two climatic zones that have dry conditions for
most of the year?
• Which climatic zone is most widespread in North Africa?
• Which continents do not experience continental climates
• What climate zone represents St. John’s, Newfoundland?