Don Quixote - Carl Topilow


Don Quixote

Don Quixote’s naïveté

Don Quixote reads books on Knights Errantry

Dulcinea, the ideal Lady of Knighthood

A call to arms

Don Quixote and Dulcinea

Continues to read -his mind becomes more and more befuddled.

Don Quixote becomes convinced that his destiny is knighthood, that he is Don Quixote de la Mancha.

Don Quixote, the knight of the sorrowful countenance

Sancho Panza, a country bumpkin and

Don Quixote’s squire

Variation 1

The Adventure of the Windmills

Don Quixote seeks adventure, riding on Rosinate, his lame horse

Dulcinea, his ideal woman

Don Quixote sees the windmills -he thinks they are monstrous giants.

He charges, is lifted up by the sails of a windmill, and falls with a thud.

He prays to Dulcinea.

He wearily tries to rise up.

Don Quixote’s renewed vigor

Variation 2

The Adventure of the Sheep

He sees a cloud of dust, which he believes has been churned up by a mighty army.

He charges into what is a harmless flock of sheep.

He is victorious!

Variation 3

Dialogues of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

Sancho asks many questions.

Don Quixote teaches Sancho Panza.

Don Quixote gets angry, and loses patience with Sancho Panza.

Behold the glorious realm of Knight Errantry

The fair Dulcinea

One last impertinent question from Sancho Panza

Don Quixote’s anger

Variation 4

Procession of the Penitents

A procession of pilgrims approaches carrying a statue of the Virgin.

Don Quixote imagines that they are abducting a nobleman.

Don Quixote attacks.

Don Quixote is knocked to the ground; the procession continues.

Sancho Panza believes Don Quixote is dead.

Sancho Panza is overjoyed to find him still alive.

With a snore, Sancho Panza goes to sleep.

Variation 5

Don Quixote’s Night Vigil

Don Quixote’s meditation and rhapsody on knighthood

He keeps watch over his armor, with noble thoughts of his fair Dulcinea.

The night wind

Variation 6

Don Quixote meets Dulcinea

Don Quixote is confused and upset.

“Dulcinea” rebukes him.

Don Quixote’s naïveté and confusion

Variation 7

The Ride through the Air

Don Quixote mounts a great wooden horse, is blindfolded and imagines he is flying through the air.

Variation 8

The Adventure of the Oarless Boat

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza jump into an oarless boat, which Don Quixote believes is magical...

it was placed there so that he can save a knight in distress.

The boat capsizes.

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are hauled from the water.

They shake off the water.

Don Quixote’s prayer

Variation 9

The Adventure with the Benedictine Monks

He sees two monks, believed by Don Quixote to be carrying away a noble princess.

He stealthily approaches and attacks.

Variation 10

The Confrontation with the Knight of the White Moon

Don Quixote and the Knight engage in a fierce battle.

He cries out.

Don Quixote, defeated and with his head hung, pathetically returns home to become a shepherd.

The anguish of the journey homeward

He begins to regain his sanity.

The resignation of a knight facing the end of his days.

Death pangs and Fever

Don Quixote nostalgically reminisces on his adventures.

Reality returns.

Don Quixote’s naïveté is resolved.

The final gasps from his deathbed, interrupted by painful silences.

Don Quixote’s death

The End
