Favorite Day of the Week

Favorite Day of the Week
Mr. Mira
Topic Sentence
There are seven days in a week, but
my favorite day of the week is _____.
Developing the Introduction.
Saturday if my favorite day because I
get to sleep in . I also get to watch lots of
TV. Most importantly, I get to go to sleep
late. Saturday is a great day.
Main Idea 1: Sleep
I love sleeping in on Saturdays. On
school days, I have to wake up at ____,
but not Saturdays. On Saturday I usually
wake up around ____. When I wake up I
take my time (doing what). Sleeping in is
the best.
Main Idea 2: TV
When I do get up, I like to watch TV.
My favorite show is ____. This show is
about a ______ who ____. Another show
I enjoy watching is ____ because _____.
Main Idea 3: Sleep late
After a long fun day, I love going to
sleep late. Usually, my mom makes me
go to bed at ____, but If I could, I would go
to bed at ____ so that I could continue
Select an intro. As I stated earlier, I
____. I also get to ____. To top it all off, I
also ____. What is your favorite day of the
Is there any wonders as to why ____.
Surely, you can see ____.
Naturally, Saturday is the best.
As you can see, ____.