Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Objectives • Give a definition of the visibility for aeronautical purposes and the available means for its observation • Recognize the atmospheric causes of reduced visibility with a special focus on fog • Establish a link with the flight rules constraints in term of visibility and ceiling • Know the criteria and accuracy of the visibility and ceiling parameters in reports and forecast information (messages and charts) Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 2 Table of Contents 1/2 I - INTRODUCTION –General Remarks –Influence on Safety –Influence on Efficiency II - WHAT VISIBILITY ? –Meteorological Requirements –Meteorological Visibility –Meteorological Optical Range (MOR) –Daytime Visibility –Visibility at Night –Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes –Prevailing Visibility –Problems relating to human observation –Runway Visual Range RVR –RVR measurement –Location of transmissometers –Vertical Visibility –Slant and Flight Visibility III -ATMOSPHERIC TURBIDITY –Origins of Atmospheric Turbidity –Precipitations –Snow Drift –Mist –Fog –Clouds –Haze –Drifting or Blowing Dust or Sand –Dust or Sand Storm –Smoke IV – FOCUS ON FOG… –Radiation Fog –Advection Fog –Coastal Fog –Upslope Fog –Evaporation Fog –Frontal Fog Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 3 Table of Contents 2/2 V - FLIGHT RULES –VFR Rules –Visual Meteorological Conditions VMC –Special VFR Flight –LVP and LVTO Procedures –IFR Approach: Operational Minimums –IFR Procedures – Take Off Procedures –Approach procedures VI - METEOROLOGICAL REPORTS AND FORECASTS –Meteorological Reports –Criteria for issuance of local special reports and SPECI –Criteria for the inclusion of change groups in TAF –Criteria for the inclusion of meteorological elements in TREND forecasts –AIRMET Information –Significant Weather Chart (low level) –Accuracy of Measurements on Surface for Operational Needs –Accuracy of Forecast for Operational Requirements VII -ANNEXES –annex 1 – factors of vulnerability(1/4) –annex 2 - Characteristics of the eye (1/4) –annex 3 – contrast threshold –annex 4 - the scatter meter –annex 5 – illuminance threshold –Glossary –Bibliography Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 4 I - INTRODUCTION Poor visibility is one of the more restricting phenomena for aviation, especially for approach and take-off phases. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes General Remarks • Poor visibility has a direct relation to the safety and the efficiency of the flight operations. • Atmospheric turbidity, which is the cause of reduced visibility, is due to the presence of aerosols (hydrometeors and lithometeors) in the atmosphere. • The value of the visibility (what a human eye can see…) is not only due to the transparency of the atmosphere but also to more subjective information as the quality of this human eye, the availability of marks, the ambient light,… Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 6 Influence on Safety The prevention of collisions of all types, between aircrafts on the ground or in-flight and relief and aircraft (Controlled Flight Into Terrain), ensured by a large number of systems and procedures, also requires good knowledge of visibility conditions “On 27th March 1977, in poor visibility conditions, two B747 collided into each other on the only runway of Tenerife airport, killing 578 people. One of the aircraft was taxiing up the runway, while the other was taking off. The visibility of about 500 metres did not enable this collision to be avoided, whose cause was a misunderstanding between the crews and the airport traffic control”. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 7 Influence on Efficiency The efficiency of flight operations depends on the factors of vulnerability to poor visibility of all the actors operating directly or indirectly in aviation. – The equipment level of the aerodrome, the capacities of the airport, the qualifications of the crew, the onboard equipment of the aircraft take part in the efficiency of flight operations. (see annex 1) Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 8 II - WHAT VISIBILITY ? the visibility value given by the same observer at the same place and at the same time may be different according to synoptic observation, climatological observation or aeronautical observation Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Meteorological Requirements • The concept of visibility is used extensively in meteorology in two distinct ways. – Firstly, identification of air-mass characteristics, especially for the needs of synoptic meteorology and climatology. Here, visibility must be representative of the optical state of the atmosphere. – Secondly, it is an operational variable which corresponds to specific criteria or special applications. For this purpose, it is expressed directly in terms of the distance at which specific markers or lights can be seen. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 10 Meteorological Visibility • Visibility was first defined for meteorological purposes as a quantity to be estimated by a human observer: – the estimation of visibility is affected by many subjective and physical factors (state of atmosphere, observed object, time of observation, eye of observer,…) see annex 2 – the essential meteorological quantity, which is the transparency of the atmosphere, can be measured objectively, and is represented by the meteorological optical range (MOR). Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 11 Meteorological Optical Range (MOR) • MOR: the distance traveled by a beam of parallel light generated by an incandescent light at a color temperature of 2700K so that the light flow intensity is reduced by 95% 0 d = MOR d=0.05 0 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes this value of 95 % is based on the mean value of the contrast threshold of individuals see annex 3 12 Daytime Visibility • Daytime visibility (the greatest range at which a black object of appropriate dimensions located close to the ground can be identified when seen against a bright background) is represented by MOR. – MOR is insensitive to day/night variations – It can be deduced from any measurement made by scatter meter see annex 4 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 13 Visibility at Night • Visibility at night (the greatest distance at which lights of moderate intensity can be seen and identified) is not simply related to MOR. – It depends not only on MOR and the intensity of the light, but also on the illuminance at the observer’s eye from all other light sources see annex 5 Distance of light perception D (in metres) of a lamp of 100 candelas depending on the value of the meteorological optical range (MOR). At dawn, the MOR underestimates the meteorological visibility for low visibility values and overestimates it for mean visibility values. Consequently, the same visibility estimated at 500 metres in daylight by an observer (using visual contrast as the meteorological optical range) changes to more than 1,200 metres at night (by using the visual perception of light emissions). Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 14 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes • Visibility for aeronautical purposes (ICAO definition) corresponds to the higher of the two following values – The longest distance at which you can see and recognize a black object of appropriate dimensions located near the ground when observed on a luminous background (day visibility) – The longest distance at which you can see and identify lights of an intensity close to 1,000 candelas when observed on an unlighted background (night or foggy weather visibility) This ‘visibility for aeronautical purposes’ is in fact a ‘visual range’ (MOR), involving subjective elements such as the visual performance of a human eye and artificial lights. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 15 Prevailing Visibility In aviation reports visibility should be representative of the aerodrome and provide an indication of changes in direction. •Prevailing visibility : visibility value (according to the definition of visibility for aeronautical purposes) which is reached or exceeded – within at least half the horizon circle or – within at least half of the surface of the aerodrome. These areas may comprise contiguous or non-contiguous sectors. •a minimum visibility should be indicated if – minimum visibility < 1500 m or – minimum visibility < 50% of prevailing visibility Notes: this value may be estimated by a human observer and/or by instrument systems. The quality of this value depends on the available observation means at the aerodrome. A few examples of the difficulty to obtain an objective value: Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 16 Problems relating to human observation • With a human observer at a fixed point (meteorological station) the observation is based on an overview that covers a large volume of the atmosphere but with limitations related to how objects or lights can be detected by the human eye: if the observer is located in a foggy area with a visibility of 300 m, he does not see anything beyond those 300 m. if partial fog is located 2000 m from the observer with a visible mark at 2000 m, the observer indicates a visibility of 2000 m, even though the visibility in the partial fog is much less fog 300 m fog 300 m aerodrome area aerodrome area In these 2 cases, the visibility in the whole area is therefore unknown ! Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 17 Example with a human observer • What a human observer sees from a fixed point, using known landmarks, without using an instrument: •prevailing visibility 4,000 m •minimum visibility 1,600 m in W sector Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 18 Example with scatter meters • fully automated measurement of visibility using scatter meters and without human intervention: •prevailing visibility 1,500 m •minimum visibility 500 m in W sector note: in this case, prevailing visibility is the visibility value given by at least 50% of the sensors (with 3 or 5 sensors it is the median value). Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 19 Example with human observer and scatter meters • by associating both human observation and scatter meters: •prevailing visibility 4,000 m •minimum visibility 500 m in W sector Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 20 As a conclusion… • In short, information depending on the visibility observation resources available in the airfield. For the same weather situation what a human observer sees prevailing visibility 4,000 m 1,500 m 4,000 m minimum visibility 1,600 m in sector W 500 m in sector W 500 m in sector W fully automated by associating measurement both human of visibility observation and scatter meters Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 21 Don't forget that: ICAO Annex 3, paragraph 4.1.9 states that: "Due to the variability of meteorological elements in space and over time, and due to the limitations of observation techniques and the inevitable imprecision of certain elements, the recipient of the information must accept that the precise value of any of the elements indicated in an observation message is the best possible approximation of true conditions as they existed at the time of the observation." Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 22 Runway Visual Range RVR for take-off and landing, the visibility should be representative of the touchdown zone of the runway. ICAO definition: “distance at which a pilot on board of an aircraft located in the axis of runway may see marks or lights limiting or marking the axis” RVR is the regulatory parameter (minimum operational values) in case of reduced meteorological visibility on airports Instrumented systems based on transmissometers or forward-scatter meters shall be used to assess runway visual range on runways intended for precision instrument approach and landing operations Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 23 RVR measurement • RVR is the object of a measurement by a transmissometer - background luminance sensor assembly • To calculate RVR we need: – The value of the transmissive power (T) of the air, attenuation of a light beam, on a known distance (B) measured by the transmissometer – The value of the luminance of the horizon or sky in the direction opposite the sun and given by the background luminance sensor – At night the value of the intensity of the runway lights –measurement range from 50 m to 2000 m T=(d/ 0)=e-B 0 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes d 24 Location of transmissometers • The number of sensors along a runway depends on the approach category of this runway (instrument landing and approach procedures) Runway visual range assessments shall be representative of: a) the touchdown zone of the runway intended for nonprecision or Category I instrument approach and landing operations; b) the touchdown zone and the mid-point of the runway intended for Category II instrument approach and landing operations; c) the touchdown zone, the mid-point and stop-end of the runway intended for Category III instrument approach and landing operations. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 25 Vertical Visibility • Vertical visibility - the maximum visibility obtained by looking vertically upwards into a surface-based obstruction such as fog or snow. – in aviation reports when unable to observe clouds (instrument measurement with a ceilometer) in the case of aerodromes with precision approach runways, sensors for cloud amount and height of cloud base should be sited to give the best practicable indications of the height of cloud base and cloud amount at the middle marker site of the instrument landing system or at aerodromes where a middle marker beacon is not used, at a distance of 900 to 1200 m (3 000 to 4 000ft) front the landing threshold at the approach end of the runway. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 26 Slant and Flight Visibility • Slant visibility - visibility observed by looking forward and downwards from the cockpit of the aircraft. • Flight visibility - the average range of visibility at any given time forward from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight. – the pilot in command is responsible for the estimation of visibility in flight This is visibility as seen by the pilot, often worse, sometimes better, than ground visibility. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 27 III - ATMOSPHERIC TURBIDITY Atmospheric transparency is the property of the medium, which enables a stream of incident radiation to pass through it. Turbidity is the reduced transparency of the atmosphere to radiation (especially visible) caused by absorption and scattering by solid or liquid particles: the aerosols Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Origins of Atmospheric Turbidity • Atmospheric turbidity has multiple origins, according to the nature and density of aerosols • They are broken down in two large categories: – hydrometeors: water particles either liquid or solid (ice) – lithometeors: solid and non-aqueous particles (significant when they spread over a large area with visibilities < 5 km) cloud snow rain mist hail sand volcanic ash drizzle fog Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 29 dust smoke Precipitations • some visibility values depending on intensity nature intensity visibility (#) rain no reduction 4 to 10 km # 1 km 50 to 500 m drizzle light moderate DZ heavy 3 to 8 km 1 to 3 km < 1 km snow 1 to 2 km 200 m to 1 km # 50 m light moderate RA heavy severe SN light moderate heavy Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 30 Surprising situations with heavy rain showers! • • • Beware of heavy rain which may brutally reduce (as for a shower) visibility to a few 50 meters! Such rainfalls are the origin of many aircraft accidents A classical scenario where the startle reaction is disconcerting The runway is in sight Flight path is stabilized When you add other problems such as wind shear, gusty tail or cross wind, the situation becomes delicate! Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 31 Surprising situations with snow • • • A moderate snowfall reduces visibility to less than 1 km. Under a heavy snowfall, a visibility of less than 50 meters is not rare. In these conditions, during take off and landing phases, according to aircraft speed, forward visibility may be close to zero ! Lake Erie. © Corey Paul CC BY licence - Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 32 Snow Drift • Accumulated snow may be lifted by wind and becomes then a snow drift, forming snow banks blowing snow (> 2m) BLSN drifting snow (< 2m) DRSN Trans Canada in January. © Richard Smith CC BY licence - Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 33 Mist • Visibility between 1000 and 5000 meters • Made up of microscopic droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Relative humidity is then between 70 and 100%. With mist the visibility value depends on the route followed by the pilot according to the position of the sun, especially at sunrise and at sunset. For example: if the pilot in a downwind leg during a circuit have the sun in his back, in final he will face the sun with a sudden drop in visibility. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 34 Fog • Visibility of less than 1000 meters • Fine droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere • Amount of condensed water: > 0.5 g/kg dry air hydrometeor in Relative humidity is equal to 100%. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 35 A surprising situation with fog • A classical scenario with a startle reaction Beware of thin fog patches ! Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 36 Clouds Visibility within clouds depends on: - the size of the droplets or crystals - the cloud's water content As a general rule - the visibility value within clouds increases with height - at a given level the visibility value is better within stable clouds than within unstable clouds 1000 meters in a cirrus 30 to 1000 meters in medium and low clouds 10/30 to 100 meters in CBs Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 37 Haze • Haze (HZ, ) many small suspended solids, opalescent aspect, giving a reddish or yellowish shade to far away objects • Sand or dust haze (SA, DU, ) Suspended dust or sand lifted from ground before the observation of a storm (leaves a visible deposit on surface) bad visibility Caution, haze is frequently distributed in layers ? HAZE HZ good visibility Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 38 Drifting or Blowing Dust or Sand • Dust or sand, raised from the ground to small or moderate height by a sufficiently strong and turbulent wind Drifting Dust or Sand : (low (< 2m) DRDU, DRSA, ) Blowing Dust or Sand : (high (> 2m) BLDU, BLSA, ) In this case the visibility is sensibly reduced Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Credit U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior 39 Dust or Sand Storm • dust or sand strongly lifted by strong and turbulent wind up to very high heights and that may travel considerable distances Dust or sand storm (SS, DS, Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 40 ) Smoke • Widespread smoke produced by industrial areas or forest fire (FU, ) May also form an "industrial" fog diverse combustion particles suspended Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 41 IV – FOCUS ON FOG… One of the major causes of aircraft delay. Safety and efficiency (economics) importance for airline companies, airport managers and air traffic controllers when fog occurs over an airport. Information about fog disappearing as important as on fog appearing. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Radiation Fog • air cooling in contact with cold ground Favorable meteorological conditions: •Clear sky or few clouds at night •High air relative humidity •Low wind speed (1 to 3 kts) •Over land, firstly in valleys •At night or early morning with significant temperature inversion •In anticyclones, ridges and cols. x10m Not too thick (less than 300 feet), often local, dissipates with strong wind or after sun rise (2 to 3 hours). Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 43 Advection Fog • Advection of warm air on a colder surface Favorable meteorological conditions: •A warm and moist air mass moving above a colder surface. •Air mass dew point greater than ground temperature •High air humidity content over a thickness of a few decameters •Wind speed from 3 to 10 kts •In the warm area of a disturbance (tropical maritime air) •A humid air invasion over snow-covered ground 5 to 10kt © : Bernhard Mühr Thick (up to more than 1,000 ft), wide outspread (region, country…), persistent, its dissipation is uncertain during a short winter day. Wind stop or rotation is a dissipation factor. Wind x100m strengthening may transform it into stratus. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 44 Upslope Fog • Forced ascent of air implying expansion and cooling • This is nothing more than an orographic cloud • May also occur when the wind starts to stir up fog which had been confined to low ground condensation level Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 45 Evaporation Fog • Saturation caused within a cold and stable air mass by rapid evaporation from an underlying warm water surface •At small scale, occurs over lakes, rivers,… •Much more common in artic regions known as « artic or sea smoke » Water temperature > air temperature Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 46 Coastal Fog • Maritime advection with sea breeze Often the result of an evaporation fog made over the sea and carried by the sea breeze toward the coast Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 47 Frontal Fog • By mixing of the two air masses present • By increase of the moisture in the cold air resulting from evaporation of rain © : Bernhard Mühr Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 48 V - FLIGHT RULES Visual Flight Rules (VFR) : –flight in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) : –flight in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, less than the minima specified for Visual Meteorological Conditions. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes VFR Rules • “See and Avoid” • VFR flights shall not take off or land at an aerodrome within a control zone, or enter the aerodrome traffic zone or traffic pattern: a) when the ceiling is less than 1 500 ft ; or b) when the ground visibility is less than 5 km. Ceiling: The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 20 000 feet covering more than half the sky (BKN or OVC). Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 50 Visual Meteorological Conditions VMC controlled airspace distance from clouds • Horizontally 1500 m • Vertically 300 m flight visibility 8 km FL100 flight visibility 5 km msl Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 51 Visual Meteorological Conditions VMC uncontrolled airspace distance from clouds • Horizontally 1500 m • Vertically 300 m flight visibility 8 km FL100 3000 ft asfc flight visibility 5 km 3000 ft asfc • • clear of clouds and in sight of the surface flight visibility: the greatest of the following 2 values: 1500 m Distance covered in 30 s in flight msl Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 52 Special VFR Flight • A VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions below VMC. – minimum visibility values: the greatest of the following 2 values 1500 m or distance covered in 30 s in flight • the air traffic controller judges special VFR flight in force if – ground visibility less than 5 km – or ceiling less than 1500 ft • the pilot can ask for special VFR if he estimates in meteorological conditions below VMC. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 53 LVP and LVTO Procedures • Low Visibility Procedures : – procedures applied to an aerodrome in order to provide safety during cat II and III precision approach and Low Visibility Take Off (take off on a runway where the RVR is less than 400 m) Example of Roissy/Charles de Gaulle airport where LVP occurrence is one of the major causes of aircraft delay and where airport authorities need accurate forecasts to manage airport traffic. Low Visibility Procedures when RVR is less than 600m or when ceiling is less than 200ft : • On average, LVP conditions occur about 40 days a year • decrease of landing and take-off airport capacity (reduced by a factor 2). • If LVP is not planned in advance, ready to land planes are obliged to wait in stacks (till 5). • Effects may persist during several hours after the end of the LVP procedure • Huge economic importance for airline companies, airport managers and air traffic controllers. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 54 IFR Approach: Operational Minimums • Each aerodrome publishes its own minimums but they can not be lower than those below Approach with Instrument Landing System Precision operational minimums non precision Decision Height =Minimum Descent Height RVR VIS CAT I CAT II CAT IIIA CAT IIIB CAT IIIC 200 ft 100 ft < 100 ft < 50 ft no DH x 550 m 350 m 200 m < 200 m 50 m no RVR 800 m 800 m x x x x MDH= the lowest height above the aerodrome elevation used in establishing compliance with the .appropriate obstacle clearance criteria. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 55 IFR Procedures • According to the availability of a Runway Visual Range (RVR) or a Visibility (VIS) – for take off – for approach and landing Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 56 Take Off Procedures RVR yes RVR op. min. yes clear to take off no available VIS yes no available no VIS op. min. take off yes no clear to take off RVR: Runway Visual Range VIS: Visibility Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes assessment by the pilot RVR/Visibility along the runway op. min. yes no clear to take off take off 57 Approach procedures Non precision no Precision Cat I RVR transmitted* Conversion VIS RVR RVR transmitted* RVR minimums RVR = available visibility multiplied by: lights working approach yes yes VIS available no Precision Cat II and III daytime night time HI approach and runway lights 1,5 2,0 all other types of lights 1,0 1,5 no light 1,0 no apply no yes continue with the approach Approach *RVR transmitted: may be sometimes measured by human observation Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 58 VI - METEOROLOGICAL REPORTS AND FORECASTS The accuracy and the criteria for issuance of visibility and ceiling in meteorological reports and forecasts are directly linked to the thresholds of operational values for flight operations. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Meteorological Reports In local routine and special reports and METAR and SPECI, visibility, RVR and cloud base height are reported as above if step applicable VIS < 800 m : 50 m 800 m < VIS < 5 000 m : 100 m 5 000 m < VIS < 10 km : 1 km VIS > 10 km : none, given as 10 km RVR < 400 m : 25 m 400 < RVR < 800 m : 50 m 800 < RVR < 2 000 m : 100 m Cloud Base < 5 000 ft: 100 ft (reference level: aerodrome elevation) Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 60 •Any observed value which does not fit the reporting scale in use shall be rounded down to the nearest lower step in the scale. Criteria for issuance of local special reports and SPECI When one of these parameters is improving and changes to or passes through one or more of the following values, or when it is deteriorating and passes through one or more of the following values Visibility : • 800 m, 1,500 m, 3,000 m, (5,000 m if numerous VFR flights) RVR : • 150m, 350m, 600m, 800m Cloud Base Height of clouds of BKN or OVC nebulosity : • 100 ft, 200 ft, 500 ft, 1,000 ft, (1,500 ft if numerous VFR flights) Nebulosity of a cloud layer with a base below or equal to 1,500 ft • from [BKN or OVC] to [SCT, FEW or SKC] or conversely Vertical Visibility : • 100 ft, 200 ft, 500 ft or 1000ft METAR 130500Z LFxx VRB02KT 900 R32/0700 FG BKN008 10/10 Q1020= Thresholds: VIS 800m RVR 600m CEILING 500ft SPECI 130523Z LFxx VRB02KT 700 R32/0500 FG OVC004 10/10 Q1020= Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 61 Criteria for the inclusion of change groups in TAF When one of the following parameters is forecast to improve and change to or pass through one or more of the following values, or when it is forecast to deteriorate and pass through one or more of the following values Visibility : • 150 m, 350 m, 600 m, 800 m, 1,500 m, 3,000 m, (5,000 m if numerous VFR flights) Cloud Base Height of clouds of BKN or OVC nebulosity : • 100 ft, 200 ft, 500 ft, 1,000 ft, (1,500 ft if numerous VFR flights) Nebulosity of a cloud layer with a base below or equal to 1,500 ft • from [BKN or OVC] to [SCT, FEW or SKC] or conversely Vertical Visibility : • 100 ft, 200 ft, 500 ft or 1000ft TAFxxxx 220500Z 220615 32006KT 9999 SCT015 TEMPO 1115 32015G30KT 3000 SHSN BKN010= Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 62 Criteria for the inclusion of meteorological elements in TREND forecasts When one of the following parameters is forecast to improve and change to or pass through one or more of the following values, or when it is forecast to deteriorate and pass through one or more of the following values Visibility : • 150 m, 350 m, 600 m, 800 m, 1,500 m, 3,000 m, (5,000 m if numerous VFR flights) Cloud Base Height of clouds of BKN or OVC nebulosity : • 100 ft, 200 ft, 500 ft, 1,000 ft, (1,500 ft if numerous VFR flights) Nebulosity of a cloud layer with a base below or equal to 1,500 ft • from [BKN or OVC] to [SCT, FEW or SKC] or conversely Vertical Visibility : • 100 ft, 200 ft, 500 ft or 1000ft METAR xxxx 101300Z 11002KT 0500 R33R/0700 FZFG VV003 M01/M01 Q1020 TEMPO 0100 VV001= Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 63 AIRMET Information Surface Visibility • Widespread areas where visibility is reduced to less than 5,000 m and weather phenomenon at the origin of visibility reduction – coding • SFC VIS • + visibility • + weather phenomenon in question LIMM AIRMET 1 VALID 110230/110830 LIMMLIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 1200M BR FCST PO VALLEY STNR NC= Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 64 Significant Weather Chart (low level) • Surface Visibility (m) • Clouds – amount, height (ft) of base and type • • • • • • • • • Widespread Fog Mountain Obscuration Widespread Blowing Snow Severe Sand or Dust Haze Widespread Sandstorm or Dust storm Widespread Haze Widespread Mist Widespread Smoke All types of precipitation Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 65 Accuracy of Measurements on Surface for Operational Needs Desirable accuracy Practicable accuracy Visibility as far as 600 m: 50 m between 600 and 1,500 m: 10% above 1 500 m: 20% as far as 500 m: 50 m between 500 and 2,500 m: 10% above 2,000 m: 20% Runway Visual as far as 400 m: 10 m between 400 and 800 m: 25 m above 800 m: 10% as far as 150 m: 25 m between 150 and 500 m: 50 m above 500 m: 10% Clouds height up to 330 ft: 33 ft above 330 ft: 10% up to 3,300 ft: 33 ft above 3,300 ft up to 10,000 ft: 100 ft Range Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 66 Accuracy of Forecast for Operational Requirements Desirable accuracy Minimum percentage of cases where these limits should not be exceeded TEND TAF Visibility As far as 700 m: 200 m between 700 m and 10 km: 30% 90 80 Clouds height Up to 400 ft: 100 ft between 400 and 3,000 ft: 30% 90 70 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 67 VII - ANNEXES Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Annex 1 – Factors of vulnerability(1/4) The aircraft Aircraft speed is a major factor of vulnerability and this parameter influences in-flight paths near and on the ground. The trajectory of an aircraft flying at high speeds is framed into a large atmospheric volume. If visibility does not enable the whole volume to be taken in, methods other than flight visual piloting are required. Even taxiing will have to be assisted in the worst visibility conditions. Thus, the presence (or absence) of on-board equipment and its quality, enabling to pilot without any visibility, are essential factors of vulnerability. They are naturally taken into account in regulations concerning flight in poor weather conditions. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 69 Annex 1 – factors of vulnerability (2/4) Pilots Through various qualifications including instrument flight, pilots gradually obtain the know-how essential for operating in complete safety in poor visibility conditions. In the cases of very poor visibility, the pilot can even be replaced (without however completely being removed from the circuit) by automated devices, which are the only to be able to calculate a path in these extreme conditions. The pilot (or crew) is often vulnerable due to: • absence of qualification adapted to the situation of visibility • lack of training for this situation • over-confidence or tiredness • lack of awareness of the meteorological phenomena involved. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 70 Annex 1 – factors of vulnerability (3/4) Control and air traffic services Procedures adapted to poor visibility conditions enable the operation to be carried on. The quality (or lack thereof) and the pertinence of these procedures are factors of vulnerability. It should be remembered that globally, through these often time-consuming procedures, air traffic is very sensitive to the visibility conditions prevailing in a region, even on a single strategic site. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 71 Annex 1 – factors of vulnerability (4/4) Airports Local climatology is a factor of vulnerability. Some regions are particularly prone to fog. The level (nature and quality) of the equipment installed on the ground and adapted to the procedures of poor weather conditions is a factor of vulnerability. The layout of facilities and the urban and geographic environment are other factors of vulnerability. When all these factors are combined, the traffic of an airport can be reduced by 50%, as soon as there are poor visibilities and following the implementation of Low Visibility Procedures (LVP). Back to slide 7 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 72 Annex 2 - Characteristics of the Eye • The eye perceives contrast especially by day time • The eye perceives light sources especially by night Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 73 (1/4) Annex 2 - Characteristics of the Eye (2/4) • Beware of white-out situations You cannot distinguish obstacles any more! Lac Tremblant nord, Québec. © Robbie Sproule CC BY licence - Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 74 Annex 2 - Characteristics of the Eye (3/4) For a given atmospheric transparency, what an observer can see with a variable background luminance... Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 75 Annex 2 - Characteristics of the Eye (4/4) • What an observer can see with light sources of variable intensity 1,500 m 1,500 m 1,500 m Formula 0 By a clear night, the observer can distinguish the powerful light of the stadium and the hotel sign Formula 0 Formula 0 700 m By foggy weather, lights 1,500 m away are distinguished, but not those 700m away! What is the visibility? 700 m 700 m And after the end of the game? Back to slide 10 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 76 Annex 3 – Contrast threshold According to individuals (age, tiredness,…) contrast threshold Cx/Co is between 0.01 and 0.1 with an average value of 0.05 La = background luminance Lo = object luminance contrast Co=(La-Lo)/La Apparent contrast at distance X Cx=Co.e-X (: atmospheric extinction coefficient) Koschmieder’s Law Back to slide 11 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 77 Annex 4 - The scatter meter • Measures the scattering of light by a small volume of atmosphere • Provides estimates of MOR with a range from about 10 m to more than 10 km (depends on the type of instrument) Transmitter (light source) 0 (transmitted flux) aerosols 2m d (diffused flux) Clear from obstacles and light sources Receiver (photosensitive sensor) Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes Back to slide 12 78 Annex 5 – Illuminance threshold • When lights are dominant (visibility based on illumination threshold): the visibility depends on the transmission factor of the air, on the intensity of the lights, and on the observer’s (and pilot’s) threshold of illuminance, which itself depends on the background luminance L = background luminance I = intensity of source The illuminance threshold of the eye is a continuous function dependent on the background luminance Allard’s Law Back to slide 13 Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 79 Glossary 1/2 Photometric qualities defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC, 1987): (a) Luminous flux (symbol: F (or F), unit: lumen) is a quantity derived from radiant flux by evaluating the radiation according to its action upon the ICI standard photometric observer; (b) Luminous intensity (symbol: I, unit: candela or lm sr-1) is luminous flux per unit solid angle; (c) Luminance (symbol: L, unit: cd m-2) is luminous intensity per unit area; (d) Illuminance (symbol: E, unit: lux or lm m-2) is luminous flux per unit area. • The extinction coefficient (symbol s) is the proportion of luminous flux lost by a collimated beam, emitted by an incandescent source at a colour temperature of 2 700 K, while travelling the length of a unit distance in the atmosphere. The coefficient is a measure of the attenuation due to both absorption and scattering. • The luminance contrast (symbol C) is the ratio of the difference between the luminance of an object and its background and the luminance of the background. Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 80 Glossary 2/2 • • • • The contrast threshold (symbol e) is the minimum value of the luminance contrast that the human eye can detect, i.e. the value which allows an object to be distinguished from its background. The contrast threshold varies with the individual. The illuminance threshold (Et) is the smallest illuminance, at the eye, for the detection of point sources of light against a background of specified luminance. The value of Et, therefore, varies according to lighting conditions. The transmission factor (symbol T) is defined, for a collimated beam from an incandescent source at a colour temperature of 2 700 K, as the fraction of luminous flux which remains in the beam after traversing an optical path of a given length in the atmosphere. The transmission factor is also called the transmission coefficient. The terms transmittance or transmissive power of the atmosphere are also used when the path is defined, i.e. of a specific length (e.g. in the case of a transmissometer). In this case, T is often multiplied by 100 and expressed in per cent. Candela : the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the “Système International d'Unites” ; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimetre of a black body radiating at the temperature of 2,046 kelvin Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 81 Bibliography • WMO – Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation • WMO – International Meteorological Vocabulary • ICAO – Annex 3 – Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation • ICAO – Annex 2 – Rules of the Air • ICAO – Annex 6 – Operation of Aircraft • ICAO – Doc 9426_5 - Terms and References • ENM/ENAC –2002- Météorologie Aéronautique Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes 82 The End Visibility for Aeronautical Purposes