Maya Predict End of the World in 2012

Maya Predict End of the
World in 2012
Maya, who lived in Central
America, flourished from 6 to 9 century.They were
obsessed with time and keeping a calendar, which
was incredibly accurate, asshown cycles of the
Moon, Sun and planets. Predicted lunar and
solar eclipses for thousands of years
into the future.The arrangement of the
planets defines a series
of world ages. Fourth period ends
on 21. 12. 2012 when the other big head
of human history will find its end.
The Millerites
William Miller is perhaps the most famous false
prophet in history. In the 1840s he began to
preach about the world's end, saying Jesus
Christ would return for the long-awaited
Second Coming and that Earth would be
engulfed in fire sometime between
March 21, 1843, and March 21, 1844.
Harold Camping, 1994
Harold Camping's prediction that the
world will end Saturday, May 21, 2011, is
not his first such prediction. In 1992, the
evangelist published a book called 1994?,
which proclaimed that sometime in midSeptember 1994, Christ would return and
the world would end.
William Branham and the
Pentecostal Prediction
He preached seven sermons in seven
nights, explaining the meaning of the
seals and the seven visions he had
received, leading him to predict that
Jesus would return to Earth in 1977.
He did not live to see the day. In
December 1965, as Branham was
driving with his family in Texas, a
drunk driver smashed into his car.
Branham died six days later, on
Christmas Eve.
For months before the stroke of midnight
on Jan. 1, 2000, analysts speculated that
entire computer networks would crash
because of the global population that had
become irreversibly dependent on
computers. The problem was that many
computers had been programmed to
record dates using only the last two digits
of every year, meaning that the year 2000
would register as the year 1900, totally
screwing with the collective computerized
Large Hadron Collider Potentially Creates a Black
Hole Large Enough to Swallow the Earth
The Large Hadron Collider that stretches 27 km between France
and Switzerland is the largest particle accelerator ever built and
was set to be turned on on September 10, 2008 to recreate the
Big Bang. It was built by Cern. The hadron particles within the
accelerator would be crashed into each other at a speed almost as
great as the speed of light in an area a billion times smaller than
a speck of dust.
20,000 Londoners Flee Their Homes
In The Second Great Flood
A respected German scholar and priest,
Johannes Stoeffler, predicted in 1499 that
the world would be flooded again because
all six of the planets known then would be
in conjunction in the constellation of
Pisces. Because he was well-respected,
people listened to his prediction and
braced themselves for the second Great
We are interested in what people think about the end of
the world. The purpose of this report is to show different
opinions of the people. The reason for this is to show you
what people think and some failed ,,End of the world’’. We
asked some groups of people to calculate how many of
them think in 21.12.12 the end of the world will happen
and how many of them don’t think so. We conducted our
research by asking 3 groups of people-kids, young people
and old people. In addition, we researched that most of
the people think that this is a nonsense.
Focus groups
Have you heard the about the
end of the world?
Have you heard
about the end of
the world ?
Yes, I have-25
No, I haven’t-5
Yes, I have-24
No, I haven’t-6
Yes, I have-17
No, I haven’t-13
Those 25 kids who know about 2012 think
that’s not true and it’s only a legend (myth).
They said that there’s no way to end and they
don’t think the idea of being trapped in black
hole is realistic. Some of them think that just
the calendar of the Maya have ended or it’s
just fiction of some crazy people with big
6 of the boys haven’t heard about the end of
the world in 2012, 7 think this is nonsense
and the other 2 believe that there will be
natural disasters and floods. 9 of the girls
believe that there will be floods and natural
disasters, 3 of them believe in the legend of
the Maya and other 3 believe that nothing
will change.
A lot of old people didn’t hear about the end
of the world in 2012. 17 people of this group
think this ,,end of the world’’ is deception
and distract people from important and
essential things. They think these rumors are
interesting but are nonsenses and it won’t
happen. And if there is a end of the world it
will be caused by the wars.
We found that, on the whole,
people don’t believe in these
predictions.Convey the
idea that the world will
end, people miss the good
things about themselves
and reduces their quality of life.
We recommend that people must
believe in their own future and
luck because the fate knows best
when will something start or
end for everyone of us.