
Girl Scouts of Northern California
To teach your Scouts how to be successful at
weekend backpacking in local parks
To know the general rules and
To be familiar with the equipment necessary
to go on a backpacking trip
What is Backpacking
Weekend – Saturday-Sunday backpack trip
Difference between Family and GS backpacking
Girl Scout Policies and Procedures
Girl Scout Learning Experience
Girl Involvement
Equipment (personal and group gear)
Meal Planning & Water Purification
Health and Safety
Emergency Plan
Hygiene and First Aid
Outdoor Skills
what you and your girls should know and do
Adult/Girl Ratios:
Must be a minimum of 2 non-related adults
(at least one of whom is a female)
Fully trained adult - core leadership
courses, troop camping certification,
backpack certified,and certified first aider.
Adults must be registered GS members and
completed the volunteer screening process.
Review Safety Activity CheckpointBackpacking
Backpacking not recommended for Daisies
and Brownies
Pre-requisite training class: Troop Camping
Adult sleeping arrangements
Paperwork Required
avoid 1:1 situations potentially compromising
to girl or man
all camping activities must include a woman
men sleep in separate areas
bathroom facilities must be separate or have
separate times
Determine the maturity and interest level of
the girls planning to go backpacking
Adult supervision needed
Where to go
Plan Ahead and Prepare
Travel and camp on durable surfaces
Dispose of Waste Properly
Leave what you find
Minimize Campfire Impacts
Respect Wildlife
Be considerate of other visitors
what to have, how to use it and how to get it
backpacking does not need to be expensive
rent, don't buy, until you decide that you
like backpacking
Mel Cotton's
Surplus and Goodwill
Sports Authority
Sports Basement
choose an external frame pack, or
adjustable internal frame pack (if fully
avoid the "woman's pack" hype
lots of external pockets
well padded hip belt and shoulder straps
it must be uniquely fitted to you
keep it clean and dry at home, on the trail
and in camp
External frame
pack, seen
from the side
which goes
against your
Top loading
pack (lift the
flap to load the
External frame
Outside pockets
(this pack has
Padded shoulder straps
Padded hip belt
Sleeping bag,
held to frame
with straps or
rope, not shock
mummy bag for warmth, with draw string
nylon cover, nylon interior
avoid "stitched through" construction
fill materials
◦ 2.5 lb. down if you keep it always dry
◦ 3 lb. Hollofill or equivalent is best
keep it clean, wash it rarely and very, very
never, ever store it in its stuff sack!
backpacker's tents are very lightweight (no
more than 6 lb. and often 3.5 lb.)
◦ they can not only shelter you from wind and rain,
but they keep out the bugs
a tarp shelter is very light (1 to 2 lb.) and
protects you from wind and rain
◦ they offer the advantage of very low cost
◦ some assembly required - you must add lines to
the sides and corners, as well as a line to support
the ridge
the ensolite pad...
◦ keeps the heat from your body from being drawn into the
ground through the crushed lower layer of your sleeping
◦ it also provides minimum padding when sleeping on the
hard ground
◦ various kinds exist, none are expensive
◦ a backpacker’s air mattress is a comfortable substitute
the ground cloth…
to keep your sleeping bag and ensolite pad clean
◦ When you use a tent, the ground cloth protects the tent
floor from twigs and such
◦ Any lightweight plastic sheet, 3 x 7 feet, will do
for weekend outings in the local mountains,
comfortable and sturdy sneakers are okay
longer trips in the high country, demand
the protection and support of boots
for crossing streams, you must have aqua
socks or water shoes for safety
while in camp, aqua sox, old tennis shoes
are more comfortable than boots
leather boots offer best protection at highest
◦ buy them in women's sizes -- small men's boots
will be too wide in the heel, making heel blisters a
"high tech" (mixed leather/nylon) boots offer
good performance at moderate price
◦ they almost never cause a blister
◦ their light weight makes hiking easier
proper fit is essential - make sure you buy
from a knowledgeable salesperson
proper break-in is vital
◦ wear leather boots to the office (or wherever) for
several weeks
◦ "high-tech" boots require less break-in
proper boot care will protect them (and
your feet)
◦ store them clean and dry
◦ keep leather boots oiled
when wearing sneakers, wear a pair of heavy
cotton or wool socks
with boots, wear two layers of socks
◦ outer layer of very heavy wool socks
◦ inner layer of thin polypropylene socks
◦ this method keeps your feet dry and inhibits the
formation of blisters
for hiking, use the layer system
hiking is very warm work
but, you chill quickly when you stop
◦ shorts and thin cotton shirt are normal for three
season hiking in the Sierra and all four seasons in
our local mountains
◦ more layers will be required for evenings in camp
in camp, a poncho is essential to keep you
on the trail, you have a choice...
◦ wear a poncho and perspire
◦ hike in shirt and shorts, and change when you
get into camp
in both situations, you need...
◦ a wool or fleece shirt to keep you warm, even if it
is soaked through
wear warm clothing in your bag...
hooded sweatshirt is warm
long johns or thermal underwear
flannel jammies
a wool watchcap
gloves (optional)
clean socks
never, ever wear in your bag the jeans or
pants you wore in camp or on the trail remember poison oak!
repair kit
pocket knife
rope (50 feet)
toilet paper
sanitary supplies
reflective tape
photo ID
piece of duct tape
matches or lighter
small flashlight
spoon & cup
Sunscreen/lip balm
dental floss
first aid kit
zip-lock bags
(see list for more)
what to carry for cooking and eating...
propane is reliable,
but too heavy
butane stove
◦ safe and light, but
cranky when cold
◦ safe, light, easy to
a nested Billie kit is
a couple of coffee
cans work nearly as
well & cost less for
weekend hikes
lightweight skillet
bring a plastic
spatula & serving
spoon for cooking
for long high country hikes, bring a plastic
spoon and two cups, nothing more (you
already brought a jack knife)
for weekend (local) hikes, a fork and a plastic
plate are nice luxuries
WATER BOTTLE – “real” canteens are fine, but
washed out soft drink bottle works just at
how to eat well and simply...
this is a complex subject, upon which
several books have been written
your body's food needs are very, very
different from those when you are home
◦ on high country hikes, a woman burns 3000 to
3500 calories/day
◦ hearty breakfast for fuel on the trail, and "gorp"
to keep up your stamina
◦ fats at dinner to keep you warm all night
meals must be lightweight
food must be easy to prepare on one burner
you have choices...
◦ backpacker's freeze dried meals
 lightest weight, most convenient
 highest cost
◦ supermarket food
 lowest cost
 most variety
Even the clearest
lake, stream or river
water is not safe for
All water should be
filtered, treated or
There are many
methods to disinfect
Iodine tabets
UV Light
simple tricks work for
All food must be hung
1hour before sunset
for the high country's
bears, you'll have to try
Bear canisters
"First aid is what you do until the doctor arrives.
In the wilderness, the doctor isn't coming."
well-fitted footgear (avoid small men's boots).
wool outer sox, polypro inner sox.
toughen feet with twice-daily alcohol rubs.
when you feel a hot spot on the trail, stop right
then and there and pad it with moleskin
◦ cleanse area with alcohol wipe.
◦ cover with Op-Site, Blister Block or 2nd Skin.
◦ apply a large patch of moleskin over all.
◦ Filter or treat all drinking water
◦ wash your hands after "cat hygiene" and before
preparing food
◦ mild cases - plenty of fluids
◦ severe diarrhea - plenty of fluids and...
 Imodium (loperamide) for people under 14.
 Lomotil for people 15 & older.
◦ loss of heat by evaporation, convection and conduction
◦ intense shivering, numbness
◦ confusion, clumsiness
◦ semi consciousness, glassy stare
◦ stay dry, wear wool & a hat, dress in layers
◦ good nutrition – plenty of fluids
◦ adequate rest - avoid fatigue
◦ Find shelter, food, hot drinks
◦ Warm with body-to-body contact
Life requires air, shelter, water, food
Backpacking consumes...
◦ water (lost through respiration & perspiration
◦ sugars, stored in muscles
Drink more than you need, carry two liters
Eat to refuel your body
◦ carbohydrates for energy (daytime)
◦ fats (dinner) for warmth at night
Pace your hike, avoid mental stress
Listen to your body
◦ dizziness or weakness
◦ drink plenty of fluids with salts (Gatoraid)
◦ pace your hike
◦ lie down, elevate feet, protect from sunlight,
administer cool fluids with salts
◦ check constantly at hairline and points where skin
is constricted.
◦ DEET as a repellent?
Grasp with tweezers, pull straight out.
Scrape out with credit card.
cleanse area with alcohol wipe.
observe for 2 weeks for symptoms of Lyme
Problems if left untreated
slowly enlarging red "bullseye" rash
flu-like symptoms
joint pain, severe fatigue
blood tests are inconclusive!!
◦ disorders of the heart & central nervous system
◦ Lyme arthritis, erosion of cartilage & bone in the
Antibiotic - two pills of doxycycline are
highly effective if given within three days of
a bite
◦ aspirin or Tylenol
◦ apply ice or cold compress
◦ Observe for signs of allergic reaction or shock
(respiratory distress)
◦ in case of shock, immediately inject epinephrine
◦ Scrape bee stings with flicking motion of fingernail,
plastic card or knife blade
Bubonic plague
Hanta virus
◦ carried by bats and racoons
◦ assume all bites are infected!!
◦ immediately wash wound with soap & water
◦ found in the Sierra, carried by rodents
◦ assume all bites are infected!!
◦ immediately wash wound with soap & water
◦ mouse scat/droppings
◦ wash before cooking & eating
Provide rest and reassurance
Treat for shock
Watch for reactions
◦ rapid inflammation at the bite site
◦ extreme pain
◦ symptoms of shock
Evacuate if no more than 1 hour out
Otherwise, treat the snakebite
◦ administer epinephrine for shock as required
◦ group of unpleasant symptoms related to high
(8000' +) altitude
◦ low oxygen at the brain, failure to acclimate
◦ teens are at high risk
nausea, vomiting
headache, dizziness, severe fatigue
shortness of breath
descent to lower elevations
What you and your Scouts should know
Breaks are a crucial part to successful hiking!
hike in groups of 3 or more
keep to marked trails
put your slowest Scout at the front
the girl at the front must pace herself such
that she can always see the adult at the rear
the adult at the end must watch for signs of
For your Scouts...
◦ stay put until you are found
◦ take inventory, make a plan regarding food & shelter
For yourself
◦ if you are lost or separated, find your way to the day's
destination to meet the others
 have a map, compass & plan each day
◦ if your girls are lost, make and execute a plan with the
other adults
 leave one with the rest of the troop
 agree upon routes to be searched, signals, meeting time
and place
in the high country, you are on your own
state and federal parks and wilderness
areas have cut back on manpower
helicopter rescue occurs only if...
there is a machine available
the weather is clear
the altitude is reasonable
there is a place to land
and, someone can die while you wait...
develop the "pioneer mindset" and have a
plan covering all contingencies
Problems peculiar to women and girls...
Boy Scouts camping nearby can be a
distraction and/or a problem
◦ call ahead to speak to the ranger, to learn if you will have
companions nearby
◦ if possible, call the Scoutmaster ahead of the outing to
agree upon rules of conduct
four-legged varmints will steal food, day or
◦ for raccoons and chipmunks, bag and hang food as soon as
you make camp
◦ for high country hikes, you must take special precautions
from bears – use bear canisters
be constantly on alert, use your head
take a troop dad with you
in camp and on the trail, let no girl get
beyond an adult's hearing/sight
adults sleep around the perimeter of the
camp, with girls in the center
phone ahead to the ranger just before your
hike - who will you share the trail camp with?
girls form easily into cooking groups
each cooking group should be self-contained
each girl in a group should take responsibility
for the others in her team
for long high-country hikes, each team must
include an adult with training in wilderness
for raccoon and critterbear bagging
of food
for emergency shelters
for rescue
◦ tie a bowline around a girl's chest, just
under her arms, not around her waist
◦ make sure each Scout can tie a bowline
◦ know basic belay techniques
Square knot
use stoves (rather than fires) for cooking
◦ fires are prohibited in all State Parks and in many
wilderness areas
◦ downed wood is increasingly scarce
◦ cooking is more carefully controlled with a stove
if you can build a fire, save the wood for an
evening campfire
those with long hair must tie it back
beware of flare-ups when stoves are cold
remove nylon windbreakers before using a stove or starting a
fire - nylon sticks to skin as it burns
operate all stoves in the center of a 3 foot circle of exposed
mineral soil
no stoves nor candles in tents or shelters
teach your girls to observe, to use their eyes, before they
begin to use a knife
if they wish to make a safety circle with their arm, first put
down the knife!
Use HOT water to wash, HOT water to rinse.
Wash using the minimum water, recycling it
from dish to dish.
Wash all dishes more than 200 feet from all
water sources.
Air dry rather than use a dirty towel.
Clorox in the rinse water?
Towlette packets for quick cleansing
Sanitizing gel
Shampoo your hair in a bucket, 200 feet (or more)
from all water, in cold water.
A swim every day will keep you clean.
To launder your clothes, use Camps Suds in a wash
bucket of cold water (far from water sources).
When all are clean, haul a bucket of cold rinse
water to your site and rinse them out.
Hair and clothes must be dry before dark.
Fuel is precious - use cold water for cleaning
everything but dishes.
Dig a hole 6-8 inches deep, 8 inches wide
Practice cat hygiene 200 feet (or more)
from all sources of water.
Toilet paper and sanitary supplies MUST
be carried out.
Never bury used sanitary products - they
must be bagged and carried out for later
◦ take them home on weekend hikes.
◦ Use double ziploc bag with small amount of baking
powder to help with the odor.
◦ burn them in a HOT campfire on longer hikes.
Tampons are the preferred product - this is a
training issue with younger Scouts.
an incomplete selection of favorite places
Castle Rock State Park, 408-867-2952
Big Basin Redwoods SP, 831-338-8860
◦ 7 miles R.T., ideal beginner's outing
◦ great views
◦ many different choices, routes
◦ water unavailable at trail camps
◦ reserve online -
Forest of Nisene Marks, 831-763-7062
◦ rugged, isolated wilderness
◦ water & poison oak are problems
Henry W. Coe State Park, 408-779-2728
◦ very large, wild, beautiful, varied landscape
◦ water is a problem at some trail camps
Point Reyes National Seashore, 415-6638054
◦ world famous, wild and beautiful
◦ reserve by phone, exactly 2 mos. in advance
Sanborn-Skyline Park, 408-867-9959
◦ hike-in campground, great beginners outing
Ansel Adams Wilderness
Lassen Volcanic National Park
◦ spectacular, world-class scenery, rivaling
anything in the world
◦ spectacular volcanic scenery, no fires
Marble Mountains Wilderness
Mokelumne Wilderness
◦ alpine scenery at lower elevations, no crowds, a
very long drive from here
◦ wild and very rugged, very faint (or nonexistent)
trails, no crowds
the moment of truth...