A CMC Ride - Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers Chapter 037 Port Alberni

CMC 037 Port Alberni
Ride and Safety
Overview of this Presentation
• By the end of this presentation you should
understand the following:
• Riding with the CMC- Club rules and expectations.
• Everyone’s roles and responsibilities.
• The pre-ride discussion- what to expect.
• On the ride- signals, formations, safety, parking etc.
• Dealing with Emergencies
A CMC Ride
• First and foremost, CMC is a riding club. Our
objective is to have a safe and fun ride every time.
• To that end, we have organized various roles within
the club and follow certain ride “rules”.
• The rules are for the safety of every person in the
group. Knowing what you are to do, and what the
people around you will do is not only safer, it is more
• Group riding is not just “follow the leader”. It is
precision riding that requires awareness at all times.
Club Organization
• CMC is organized like other riding and
motorcycle clubs.
• There are Officers and Road Captains. Anyone
can be a road captain, but they must be
experienced and trained. On the ride, the road
captain has more authority than the first
Club Officers and Road Captains
• The club by-laws set out what the officers and
road captains do. Everyone needs to read and
understand the bylaws.
• The Officers administer the chapter.
• The road captain organizes and leads the
group during a riding event.
• CMC does not recognize a formal “Tailgunner”
position, as this person is a trained road
• In charge of the group until the final destination has
been reached.
– Trumps the 1st Officer while on the road!
• Responsible for ensuring safety is maintained at all
• Will conduct the pre-ride briefing for all riders.
• May change route as actual road conditions /
weather dictates.
• Will instruct any rider to ride in a specific position
within the group, or to leave the group entirely, for
reasons of misconduct, disorderly or unsafe riding, or
faulty/unsafe equipment. Their word is final.
• lead the group in a safe manner and will execute
their best judgment in situations not specifically
covered in these guidelines.
• bring to the ride a first aid kit or ensure there is one
on the ride.
• Identify who has first aid training.
• bring or have access to a cell phone to call 911.
• lead at a pace that is appropriate for the riding style
of the group.
Road Captain and Officers will assess:
• Try to identify new or inexperienced riders before the pre-ride briefing
– Take them aside for a personal briefing
• Ride Placement (to the rear)
• Hand Signals
• Find out any concerns they might have
• Get to know them
Road Captain and Officers Will Assess
• Determine the riders experience level:
– Place the new riders to the rear of the group.
– The Tail gunner will assist in the evaluation of the
• Personal rider knowledge:
– How well does this person ride?
– Place to the rear of the group for actual
Road Captain and Officers will also assess
Riders with Passengers
• Riders with little experience carrying passengers
– BIG NO-NO in a group ride!
– If the passenger wants to come along maybe
move to an experienced rider’s machine.
• Experienced riders with passengers can be mixed in
where they are comfortable.
Significant Officer
• Significant Officer (SO):
– The significant officer is the most senior officer on
the ride.
– The SO will ride in the deuce or shotgun position.
– The SO’s duties will be for advise and
administrative decisions.
– The SO will not preempt the ride unless there is a
safety concern.
• Tail Gunner:
– The tail gunner serves as the eyes of the Road Captain.
– Will watch for merging lanes, and will move into a merging
lane (or stay in a merging lane just vacated by the group) in
order to close the door on other vehicles that may
otherwise find themselves trying to merge into the
– Working with the Road Captain the Tail gunner will help set
the pace for the group.
– At the Road Captain‘s request, the tail gunner changes
lanes before the formation, to secure the lane so the
formation can move into it.
CMC Riders
• Our expectations:
• Each rider is responsible for following the CMC ride
• Each rider will treat with respect and courtesy the
road captains and officers and other club members
and guests.
• All CMC rides are alcohol and drug free- ALWAYS! If
you have a drink or “something else” either before or
on a ride, then you are on your own for the rest of
the day. There are no exceptions to this.
CMC Riders
• Will always ride safely, following the directions
of the road captain.
• Will be properly licensed and the bike
properly insured.
• Wear proper riding gear; DOT helmet, proper
eyewear, over the ankle boots, long pants, and
recommended gloves and long sleeves, (and
of course, club vest with Madison).
CMC Riders
• Keep their motorcycle in proper operating
condition in compliance with the traffic laws.
• Arrive early to a ride event with an empty
bladder and full fuel tank.
• Be skilled enough to maintain formation
within the group at speeds up to 10km/hr
over the posted speed limit. This could mean
riding up to 120km/hr for an hour or more.
CMC Riders
• Handle conflicts in private.
• Remember we are a family oriented club:
– No obnoxious or rude behaviour- display a
positive image of our club and sport.
– Let’s put the really rude patches on the inside of
our vests.
– Don’t show off or crack the throttle (loud pipes) in
– Be friendly to the general public.
Assessing the Motorcycle
• T-CLOCK: Tires, controls, Lights and electrical,
Oil and fluids, Chassis, and Kickstand.
• Is the bike suitable for the ride?
Pre-Ride Briefing
Pre-Ride Briefing
• The Road Captain will explain the ride
– The destination and route
– Fuel stops for distance rides
– Lunch and Butt Breaks
– Will go over hand signals
– Will explain roles and introduce the senior
officer(s), tailgunner(s), and other road
captains if we are breaking into sub-groups.
Pre-Ride Briefing
• Unsafe, wild or dangerous riding will not be tolerated!
– We ride as group and end as a group
– We may break into sub-groups depending on the number
of bikes.
– If a rider needs to leave the group;
• Tells Captain BEFORE ride starts so he/she can be
placed in the rear.
• If rider returns;
– Returns to the rear of the group.
– Alcohol and drugs will not be tolerated
On the Ride
On The Ride
• Road Captain / Lead bike:
– Gives all directions.
– Is responsible for the entire formation.
– Must be aware of the length of the columns, and must gauge passing
other vehicles, merges, highway entrances and exits, etc., to allow for
maximum safety and keeping the group together.
– Must make sure that he/she leaves enough time/space for the
formation to get into the appropriate lanes before exits, etc.
– Coordinating with the tail gunner, the Road Captain makes all
decisions regarding lane changes, stopping for breaks and fuel, closing
of gaps, turning off at exits, any concerns of what lies ahead, and so
• No individual will act independently without direction from the Road
Captain to do so.
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Start your engines and let’s roll
• With your right arm
extended, move your index
finger in a circular motion.
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Raise your left arm
horizontal with your
elbow fully extended
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Raise your left arm
horizontal with your
elbow bent 90 degrees
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Extend your left leg at
a 45 degree angle and
point towards the hazard.
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Extend your right leg at
a 45 degree angle and
point towards the hazard.
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Raise your left arm up and open and close
fist. This indicates the
leader wants to close up the
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Extend your left arm at
a 45 degree angle and move
your hand up and down.
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Extend your left arm at
a 90 degree angle with the
palm of your hand facing rearward.
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Position your left hand with one finger extended
upward. This indicates the leader wants the group
in a single file formation.
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Extend your left arm upward at a 45 degree angle
with your index and pinkie finger extended.
This indicates that it is safe to return
to staggered formation.
On the Ride
• Reminder of hand signals
– Tap top of helmet with closed fist.
On the Ride
• Reminder of Hand signals
• Turn Signal Off
- Hand down- open and close fist.
- A turn signal left on is very distracting to
the group and a safety hazard.
And it’s a donation to the chapter piggy bank…
On the Ride
• Reminder of lane positioning
– We usually ride staggered
1 & 2 second rule
2 second rule
On the Ride- Positioning
• Road Captain front left
• S.O. front right
• New riders in the rear
On the Ride
• Lane changing;
– Road Captain signals change but does NOT change lanes
– Signal is passed back
– Tail Gunner secures new lane
– Road Captain changes lane
– All riders follow the Road Captain
• You do not change lanes BEFORE the Captain or the
bike in front of you moves!
– Keep assigned lane
On the Ride
• Reminder of lane changing
1. Road Captain signals, all other riders
2. Tailgunner secures lane
3. Road Captain changes lane.
4. Other riders move over if safe and
only after bike in front has moved over.
On the Ride
If a bike drops out:
Road Captain will signal “Single file”
Group will go into single file
Road captain will signal “staggered formation”
and group will realign in proper staggered
On the Ride
Some “Do Nots”
• Don't crowd the rider in front of you.
– We're all going to get where we're going at the
same time, and you can make the other rider
nervous if you're riding too close.
– If he/she has to swerve to miss an obstacle, you
will want him/her to have room to do so without
endangering you or other riders.
On the Ride
Some “Do Nots”
• Don't lag too far behind the rider in front of you.
– Each rider needs to pay attention not only to what's in front of him, but also be
aware of the rider following him.
– If you're falling too far behind, you could be giving a signal to the rider in front
that you're in some kind of trouble.
– If you do experience trouble or become separated, stop.
– Turn your signal on.
– Shoulder check.
– Move over when safe.
– Tail Gunner will join you.
– Each rider must be aware of the riders following, and upon noticing that there
are no riders in sight behind must:
– Get close to the rider ahead of you.
– Honk horn to get his attention.
– Tap hand on helmet to indicate emergency stop.
– Pass forward until Road Captain stops group in safe place.
– Road Captain will send runner back to stopped riders.
On the Road
Some “Do Nots”
Don't pass other riders of the group while riding in a group formation.
– If you want to ride in close proximity to a friend, or you have a preference as
to which side of the traffic lane you wish to ride during staggered riding, then
use the opportunity at a rest stop to arrange yourselves accordingly or better
yet – inform the Captain PRIOR to the start of the ride.
– Once on the road, stay in the order you started in.
– No need to beep those horns unless there is an emergency.
Do not ride with 4-way Flashers on as this is distracting to others.
Riders headlights are to be on dim not bright.
Do not ride with your running or fog lights (spots) on.
If you should lose something on the road, do not stop until it is safe to do so.
On The Ride
• Blockers:
– Blocking intersections is risky and very often, an unsafe practice. The use of
blockers will not be used on a CMC ride, however, you may encounter this
technique on charity rides
– The Road Captain will assign experienced riders for blockers if needed.
• Blockers should wear a brightly colored safety vest to be more visible.
• Turn headlights toward oncoming traffic when blocking and use 4-way Flashers.
– Urge riders to tighten up and move as quickly as possible through the Intersection.
– Have enough blockers so they deploy from a group of riders riding ahead of the group to
block the intersections, and then fall in at the rear of the pack.
– On a long ride when the group stops for gas/rest/warm up, redeploy the blockers to the
front again.
– Do not pass on the shoulder of the road.
On The Ride
• Cages (Cars, trucks):
– Cages will maintain a safe distance from the tail-gunner in
the same lane.
– Do not block traffic in other lanes.
– They can assist with emergencies if needed.
On The Ride
• Other considerations:
• We do not turn on red lights.
• “Drop back” bike: If the group gets separated and makes a
turn off, the last bike in the front section will wait at the
corner as a marker for the following bikes. The road captain
will reduce speed to allow everyone to catch up. There is no
need to race to catch up, and if done correctly, the group will
be back together quickly and safely.
• At breaks and end of the ride, Road Captain and Tailgunner
should address any concerns with riders- this must be done in
a non-personal, friendly, and supportive manner.
• The road captain will enter the parking lot and circle
through to park near the entrance or an open area.
• The road captain will stop in a position to back into
their parking spot.
• Following bikes will pull up parallel and back into
their own parking spot.
• Leave enough room between bikes for safe mounting
and dismounting.
• It looks good and professional to have all bikes back
in simultaneously.
• Emergencies:
– If a bike breaks down, let the rider move to the right.
• The tail gunner will stop with the problem bike.
• No one else needs to stop!
– The Road Captain will lead the group to a safe stopping place and wait.
– The tail gunner will phone the road captain. The Road Captain may
send a rider to check and report back if there is no cell phone
• No one will be left on the side of the road
• Law Enforcement:
– If police stop the group, the Road Captain needs to pull the group over
as soon as possible (Sec 73 of the MVA).
– Riders should stay seated in formation, and leave helmets on. If
directed to remove helmets by the police, do so (Sec 194 of the MVA).
– Allow the police officer to come to you.
– The Road Captain should be the only one to dismount and who
approach the officer and will promptly identify him/herself.
• The 1st officer or SO may accompany the Road Captain.
• Accidents:
– Prior to the ride, any person(s) identified as having First Aid training will be
made known and be identified as the EMT.
– The EMT person(s) will give first aid if needed.
– The EMT and Tail Gunner along with a “runner” will stay with the downed
– Call 911 as soon as safe to do so.
– Those witnessing said accident should pull over and wait to talk with the Road
Captain and police.
– The rest of the pack proceeds to a safe stopping area.
– The Tail Gunner will prepare an accident report in complete detail, complete
with pictures, drawings of the accident scene, witnesses, who was involved,
police reporting to the scene, towing agency used (along with a copy of the
tow ticket or at the very least – the number of the ticket.
• A copy will be given to the Road Captain, First Officer and the member(s)
that had the accident.
• First Aid:
• First aid for an injured rider has some special
• Safety- Vulnerable to traffic.
• Environmental- cold, rain, heat, standing water
• Health- injuries, pre-existing conditions (allergies,
• If there is an injury:
- Level of Consciousness
- Protect the Neck and Spine
- Check Airway (clear, noisy ???)
- Check Breathing (is it adequate ???)
- Circulation (radial pulse, carotid pulse, absent)
- Check for severe Bleeding first, minor bleeding, and
- Keep warm even on warm days
- Reassure.
• Everyone should carry some form of First aid
kit, and should have some form of first aid
• Everyone should have adult and child CPR
• Helmet removal- do not remove a helmet
unless trained to do so, and only under
extreme circumstances.
• Directing traffic
• Wear High-vis vest.
• Should be able to see the person directing traffic
from the other direction.
• Ensure that there will be enough room near the
scene to allow emergency responders access to the
• Special considerations
• If the incident is serious enough (i.e. Unconscious) a
helicopter may be dispatched to transport to a
trauma hospital.
• Helicopter LZ:
If requested by Police, you may need to scout out an LZ (two people).
Needs to be at least 75 - 100 feet in diameter.
Near to the scene.
Clear of overhead power lines, trees, buildings and branches.
First person stays at LZ, second person relays where and conditions of the
site to responders.
• Usually police will secure the LZ and you can assist as best you can.
• The helicopter pilot has the final say on where they will land.
• Debrief
• It is be extremely important for everyone to relax
and discuss amongst each other what went well and
/or not so well.
• Always consider improvements that can be made.
• Never associate blame but always look at incidents
from a position of learning.
• Any questions or comments?
• Remember:
–Make it safe!
–Make it fun!
–Make it CMC!
• Thank you for attending.
CMC 037 Port Alberni