The Populist Party & the Wizard of Oz

Farmers & the Populist Movement
In the late 1800’s Farmers faced increasing costs & decreasing crop prices.
Why had farming
become unprofitable
during this period?
Falling prices (surplus of
High transportation costs
(power of railroads)
Scarcity of good land
(poor weather conditionsdrought)
High rates of interests
Why did farmers support
the free coinage of silver?
To bring about inflation
“cheap money”
They believed that there
would be more money in
the economic system and
that they would get more
of it.
Farmers were against the
gold standard—believed it
favored industrialists
Farmers & the Populist Movement
In 1892 farmers and organizations (the Grange found support in Populism and the
People’s party.
What economic reforms
did the Peoples party call
Increased money supply
Graduated income tax
Federal loans to farmers
What political reforms
did the party call for?
Election of US senators
by popular vote
Single terms for president
8 hour work day
Secret ballot (end fraud)
Immigration restrictions
Farmers & the Populist Movement
In 1896 the Populists supported William Jennings Bryan for President
What factions did Bryan
and the Populists see as
opposing forces in the
election of 1896?
City dwellers v farmers
Business/bankers v
Industrialized North East
v farming South & West
Gold bugs v silverites
In what ways did the
results of the 1896
election confirm this
McKinley a conservative
Republican won with the
votes of the Industrialized
East & Mid West
Bryan lost carrying the
South & West
Farmers & the Populist Movement
The Populist party never gained control of the
White House, what reforms did it achieve?
Direct of US senators
 Graduated income tax
 Eventually other reforms (rail road regulation & 8
hour work day will be accomplished)