Future perspective of seasonal prediction system developments at ECMWF ECMWFにおける季節予報システム開発の展望 Roberto Buizza, Franco Molteni, Magdalena Balmaseda, Laura Ferranti, Linus Magnusson, Kritian Mogensen, Tim Stockdale and Frederic Vitart European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 1 Outline 概要 1. ECMWF and its forecasting systems: a brief overview ECMWFとその予測システム:概要 2. Coupled seasonal forecasting at ECMWF: S3 and EUROSIP ECMWFの結合季節予報:S3とEUROSIP 3. Future developments (S4) and conclusions 将来の開発(System 4)と結論 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 2 1. ECMWF: few figures (2010) Age of ECMWF: 35 years 設立35年 Employees: 227 職員数:227 Supported by: 33 States 33の支援国 Budget: £38.8 million per annum 年予算50億4千万円 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 3 1. ECMWF objectives ECMWFの目的 Three of the key objectives of ECMWF are: ECMWFの3つの鍵となる目的: Operational forecasting up to 15 days ahead (including waves) 15日先までの現業予報(波浪予報も含む) R & D activities in forecast modelling 予報モデリングにおける研究・現業活動 Operational forecasts for the coming month and season 現業1か月・季節予報 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 4 1. Baseline operational systems (2010) 基本となる現業システム(2010年) HRES TL1279L91 (d0-10) Atmospheric model EPS TL639L62 (d0-10) TL319L62 (d10-15/32) SF TL159L62 (m0-7/12) Atmospheric model Wave model Wave model Ocean model Real Time Ocean Analysis ~8 hours JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF Delayed Ocean Analysis ~12 days 5 1. The ECMWF systems ECMWFのシステム HRES/DA # fcs 数 1 Hor resolution 水平解像度 T1279 16 km Vert lev 鉛直解像度 91 (<0.01 hPa, 75km) Fc length 対象期間 0-10d 高解像度 データ同化 EPS アンサン ブル予報 S3 季節予報 システム 51 41 T639 32 km T319 64 km T159 125km 62 (<5 hPa, 35km) 62 (<5 hPa, 35km) 0-10d 10-15/32d 0-13m Wave 波浪 WAM (0.25°, 28km) 波浪モデル WAM (0.5°, 56km) WAM JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF Ocean 海洋 No No HOPE 0.3-1.4 deg L29 HOPE 0.3-1.4 deg L29 6 1. Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models 数値天気予報システム The ECMWF model is based on the fluid dynamics laws of physics that describes how air masses move, heating and cooling processes, the water cycle, the role of radiation, … The interactions between the atmosphere and the underlying land and ocean are also very important in determining the weather. The key requisite for skilful weather prediction is a very accurate forecast model. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 7 1. ECMWF comp in ‘78 (Cray 1A) & ‘10 (IBM p6+) ECMWFのスーパーコンピュータ Cray 1A(1978)&IBM p6+(2010) Another key ingredient for skilful weather prediction is computer power, that should be enough to estimate the initial state and to integrate the model equations in a reasonable amount of time. Specification CPU 1978 2010 Cray 1A IBM Power6+ Ratio 1 2x8700 ~17000 Clock speed (ns) 12.5 0.21 ~0.016 Peak perf (flops) 160 M 200 T Sust perf (flops) 50 M 20 T 0.4·106 2.5 G 1.2 P 0.5·106 Disk space (bytes) JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF ~106 8 1. HRES performance: Z500 over NH & SH 高解像度予報の精度:北半球・南半球の500hPa高度 The combination of improved data-assimilation and forecasting models, the availability of more/better observations (especially from satellites), and higher computer power have led to increasingly accurate weather forecasts. Today, over NH a day-7 single forecast of the upper-air atmospheric flow has the same accuracy as a day-5 in 1985, and a day-5 as a day-3. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 9 1. HRES performance: ECMWF, UK, US and Japan 高解像度予報の精度(地上気圧): ECMWF、UK、US、日本 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 10 1. ACC(Z500) for JJA 2008 over Europe ヨーロッパ域の2008年6-8月の500hPa高度 偏差相関係数 Despite all the improvements of the past decades, occasionally (!!) forecasts can still fail. Ex 1: JJA 2008. Four models (ECMWF, UK Met-Office, NCEP and MSC Canada) failed to give accurate forecasts (ACC>0.6) of the large scale flow over Europe between 5-7 June. During two further periods, at least two models had similar failures. Time series curves 500hPa Geopotential Anomaly correlation forecast Europe Lat 35.0 to 75.0 Lon -12.5 to 42.5 T+120 ecmwf met office ncep msc 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 JUNE JULY AUGUST 2008 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 11 1. Why do forecasts fail? なぜ予報が外れるのか? Forecasts can fail because: The initial conditions are not accurate enough, e.g. due to poor coverage and/or observation errors, or errors in the assimilation (initial uncertainties).初期値の誤差 The model used to assimilate the data and to make the forecast describe only in an approximate way the true atmospheric phenomena (model uncertainties). モデルの誤差 Boundary conditions (albedo, snow cover, vegetation, ..) is poorly simulated As a further complication, the atmosphere is a chaotic system! 大気がカオス的システムだから! t=T2 t=T1 t=0 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 12 1. Ensemble Prediction Systems (EPS) アンサンブル予報システム (EPS) A complete description of weather prediction can be stated in terms of an appropriate probability density function (PDF). Temperature Temperature fcj Ensemble prediction based on a finite number of deterministic integration appears to be the only feasible method to predict the PDF beyond the range of linear growth. fc0 PDF(t) reality Ensemble prediction can be considered as the practical application of chaos theory to weather prediction. Ensemble methods have been used to extend the forecast range from days to weeks, months and seasons. PDF(0) Forecast time JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 13 1. EPS fc of TC Vance: T399 EPS, 18@12+96h 熱帯サイクロン Vance のT399 EPS予測1999年3月18日 96時間予報 An example of an ensemble of forecasts from the ECMWF EPS, which is based on 51 forecasts designed to simulate initial and model uncertainties. T399 EPS: 18@12 UTC +96h This plot shows the EPS t+96h fcs of TC Vance making landfall in Australia on 22/03/99. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 14 1. EPS performance: T850 over NH EPSの予測精度 北半球850hPa気温 The performance of the EPS has been improving continuously for upper level fields, as seen by looking at the CRPSS for the t+72h, t+120h and t+168h probabilistic prediction of T850 over NH(verified against analyses). Results indicate predictability gains of ~ 2 days/decade. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF (Thanks to Martin Janousek) 15 Outline 概要 1. ECMWF and its forecasting systems: a brief overview ECMWFとその予測システム:概要 2. Coupled seasonal forecasting at ECMWF: S3 and EUROSIP ECMWFの結合季節予報:S3とEUROSIP 3. Future developments (S4) and conclusions 将来の開発(System 4)と結論 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 16 2. The rationale behind seasonal prediction 季節予報の理論的根拠 Long term predictions are possible to some degree thanks to a number of components that show variations on long time scales and, to a certain extent, are predictable. The most important of these components is the ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) cycle which refers to the coherent, large-scale fluctuation of ocean temperatures, rainfall, atmospheric circulation, vertical motion and air pressure across the tropical Pacific. ENSO‘s fluctuations are quite vast, with the changes in sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) often affecting not just the whole width of the Pacific but the other ocean basins too, and the changes in tropical rainfall and winds spanning a distance of more than one-half the circumference of the earth. The ENSO cycle is the largest known source of year-to-year climate variability. Changes in Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) are not the only cause of predictable changes in the weather patterns. There are other causes of seasonal climate variability. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 17 2. The rationale behind seasonal prediction 季節予報の理論的根拠 Unusually warm or cold sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic or Indian ocean can cause major shifts in seasonal climate in nearby continents. Other factors that may influence seasonal climate are snow cover and soil wetness. When snow cover is above average for a given season and region, it has a greater cooling influence on the air than usual. Soil wetness, which comes into play most strongly during warm seasons, also has a cooling influence. All these factors affecting the atmospheric circulation constitute the basis of long-term predictions. These are some of the reasons why long-range predictions have been developed. Ensemble methods have been applied to build seasonal prediction systems. At ECMWF, seasonal forecasts have been produced since 1998. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 18 2. ECMWF operational system S3 (2006-todate) ECMWF 現業システム System 3 (2006-現在) IFS 31R1 1.1 deg. 62 levels OASIS-2 HOPE ~ 1.4 deg. lon 1.4/0.3 d. lat. TESSEL Initial Con. 4-D variational d.a. Multivar. O.I. Gen. of Perturb. Ens. Forecasts System-3 CGCM JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 19 2. S3 Ocean multi-variate O.I. data-assimilation System 3 多変量 最適内挿法 データ同化 Ocean ICs are the main source of predictability at seasonal time scales. The correct initialization of the upper ocean thermal structure is considered instrumental in the prediction of the tropical SST at seasonal timescales with dynamical models. At the monthly time scales, the prediction of phenomena such as the MJO requires the correct representation of the ocean-atmosphere interactions. A historical ocean reanalysis is required to provide initial conditions for the calibration of the seasonal forecasts. The a-posteriori calibration of model output requires an estimate of the model climatology, which is obtained by performing a series of coupled hindcasts during some historical period (typically 10-20 years, 25y 11m in the operational S3 hindcasts). An ensemble of 5 ocean analyses is performed to estimate the uncertainty in the ocean initial conditions. The ensemble of ocean initial conditions contributes to the creation of the ensemble of forecasts for the probabilistic predictions at monthly and seasonal ranges. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 20 2. S3 Ocean ICs: real-time analysis System 3 海洋初期値: リアルタイム解析 The ocean analysis is performed every 10 days. All obs within a centered 10days window are gathered and quality controlled. In the S3 HOPE-OI system, in addition to subsurface temperature, the scheme assimilates altimeter derived sea-level anomalies and salinity data. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 21 2. S3 Ocean real-time analysis System 3 海洋リアルタイム解析 Every day, a real-time ocean analysis is produced to initialize the monthly forecasts. To avoid degradation of the realtime product, the analysis always starts from the most recent Behind Real Time (BRT) analysis and is then brought forward to real time every day. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 22 2. The ocean & atmosphere observation systems 海洋と大気観測システム It is interesting to contrast the ocean and atmosphere observing systems. Everyday, ECMWF receives ~ 5k obs of the ocean state and ~100M atmospheric obs (~90% from sat). The atmospheric 12h 4D-Var DA system uses ~10% of these data (~9M obs) to compute the analysis. Synop/ship (~31000) AMSU-A (~576000) JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 23 2. 1-year ENSO outlook with S3: 2009-2010 System 3 による 1年間のENSO見通し: 2009-2010 The tropics is the area where seasonal predictability is higher, controlled mainly by ENSO, a coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon centred over the tropical Pacific. The ECMWF S3 13m integrations (generated every quarter, based on an 11-member ensemble) gave very good predictions of the most recent warming conditions of 2009. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 24 2. S3 2mT climagram forecasts System 3 2m気温 climagram 予報 One S3 product is the 2mT climagram (top-right), which shows the distribution of the S3 forecast (purple), the model climate (grey) and the analysis. A red dot indicates the observed anomaly. Japan/Korea Central tropical Pacific JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 25 2. S3 2mT climagram over central-tropical Pacific 熱帯太平洋中部のSystem3 2m気温 climagram One S3 product is the 2mT climagram (topright), which shows the distribution of the S3 forecast (purple), the model climate (grey) and the analysis. A red dot indicates the observed anomaly. The lower plots show the ACC (left) of the ensemble-mean forecast and the ROCA of the PR(2mT in upper tercile). JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 26 2. S3 2mT climagram over Japan/Korea 日本/韓国域の System 3 2m気温 climagram One S3 product is the 2mT climagram (topright), which shows the distribution of the S3 forecast (purple), the model climate (grey) and the analysis. A red dot indicates the observed anomaly. The lower plots show the ACC (left) of the ensemble-mean forecast and the ROCA of the PR(2mT in upper tercile). JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 27 2. S3 2mT-anomaly forecasts: 1 Nov ‘10 > DJF System 3 2m気温偏差予報:2010年 11月1日初期値 12月~2月 Two examples of S3 forecast products: ensemble-mean (left) and probabilistic forecasts (right) of 2mT anomalies started on 1 Nov 2010 and valid for D10JF11. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 28 2. S3 2mT-anomaly fcs from 1 Dec: ACC System 3 2m気温偏差予報の偏差相関係数(12月1日初期値) These plots show a measure of the accuracy of seasonal probabilistic forecasts, the area under the Relative Operating Characteristics (ROCA) of the probabilistic forecasts of the 2mT anomaly being below the lower tercile forecasts with 1 Dec starting date. The ROCA has been evaluated considering 25-years (1985-2005) 11-member hindcasts. The left panel shows the ROCA of the 2-4m average forecast, and the right panel the ROCA of the 5-7m average forecast. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 29 2. S3 Accumulated Cyclone Energy forecast System 3 累積サイクロンエネルギー予報 One of the operational seasonal forecasts is ACE (an index of storm activity defined by the sum of the square of the estimated maximum sustained velocity of every active tropical storm). The left panel shows the ACE forecast issued on 1 June 2010 for JASOND10. The right panel shows that the accuracy of this product over WPAC (CC 52%). JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 30 2. S3 tropical storm frequency forecast over WPAC 北西太平洋におけるSystem 3 熱帯擾乱頻度予報 Over WPAC during strong El Nino TSs tend to avoid the coast by curving to the North, while during la Nina TSs are more likely to reach the Philippines. The top panels show the observed TSs during the 1997 El Nino year and the 1999 la Nina year. The bottom panels show the probability of tropical storm density simulated by the seasonal forecast initiated in June. 1997 1999 +El Niño La Niña Seasonal forecasts started in June 1997 and June 1999 <-1.20 -1.20 -0.90 120°E -0.60 -0.30 140°E 0.30 0.60 1.90 > 1.20 <-1.20 160°E -1.20 -0.90 120°E -0.60 -0.30 140°E 0.30 0.60 1.90 > 1.20 160°E 40°N 40°N 40°N 40°N 30°N 30°N 30°N 30°N 20°N 20°N 20°N 20°N 10°N 10°N 10°N 10°N 120°E 140°E 160°E JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 120°E 140°E 160°E 31 2. S3 tropical storm frequency forecast over WPAC 北西太平洋におけるSystem 3 熱帯擾乱頻度予報 2008 and 2009 showed a non-typical behaviour. Despite mild El Nino conditions, a good number of TSs reached the Philippines coast because of the warm SST over WPAC. The seasonal system predictions of TSs match the observed trucks showing high probability of TSs over this region. El Niño 2009 2008 Seasonal forecasts started in June 2008 and June 2009 <-1.20 -1.20 -0.90 120°E -0.60 -0.30 140°E 0.30 0.60 1.90 > 1.20 <-1.20 160°E -1.20 -0.90 120°E -0.60 -0.30 140°E 0.30 0.60 1.90 > 1.20 160°E 40°N 40°N 40°N 40°N 30°N 30°N 30°N 30°N 20°N 20°N 20°N 20°N 10°N 10°N 10°N 10°N 120°E 140°E 160°E JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 120°E 140°E 160°E 32 2. S3 tropical storm frequency forecast over WPAC 北西太平洋におけるSystem 3 熱帯擾乱頻度予報 2009 showed a non-typical behaviour. Despite mild El Nino conditions, a good number of TSs reached the Philippines coast because of the warm SST over WPAC. ECMWF S3 ocean analysis: Anomaly 19970916 (30 days mean) Sea Surface Temperature respect to Contour interval = 1 deg C 1981-2005 climatology Interpolated in y 6 -1 4 3 O 50 N 2.5 1 2 ECMWF S3 ocean analysis: Anomaly Latitude 1.5 20090916 (30 days mean) Sea Surface Temperature respect to Contour interval = 1 deg C 1981-2005 climatology 1 1 -1 0 32 4 O 1 0.5 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -4 2 Interpolated in y 6 O 50 S 4 1 3 -6 O 50 N 2.5 -1 O -1 2 50 E O 100 E Latitude 1 O O 160 W O 110 W O 60 W O 10 W Longitude 1.5 0 O 150 E MAGICS 6.11 bee17 - em os Wed Mar 21 14:30:25 2007 0.5 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -4 1 O 50 S -6 O 50 E O 100 E O 150 E O 160 W O 110 W O 60 W O 10 W Longitude MAGICS 6.11 drn07 - em os Tue Oct 13 10:09:27 2009 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 33 2. EUROSIP: ECMWF, UKMO and MeteoFrance マルチモデル季節予報システム EUROSIP: ECMWF、イギリス気象局、フランス気象局 Compared to medium-range forecasting, the predicted signals are much smaller and the time over which model errors accumulate are longer, so the importance of model error is much, much higher. One way to better simulate model uncertainty is to create multi-model forecasting systems by combining the output from several models, rather than taking just one model. The fundamental reason for the benefit of a multi-model approach is that all models have errors that have a different impact on a given forecast. By averaging across a number of models, a significant part of the model error can be reduced. Unfortunately some errors tend to be common between models, so averaging is not a panacea nor a replacement for model development. One of these multi-model systems is EUROSIP, a multi-model seasonal forecasting system consisting of three independent coupled systems: ECMWF, Met Office and Météo-France (all integrated in a common framework). JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 34 2. 6m ENSO outlook with S3 & EUROSIP: 1 Dec 08 System 3 による 6か月ENSO見通し:2008年12月1日初期値 ECMWF (left) and EUROSIP 3-system SST anomaly forecasts for NINO3.4 area issued on 1 Dec 2008 and valid for 6 months. The observed SST anomaly lies at the edge of the ECMWF plum. Compared to the single ECMWF plum, the EUROSIP plum has a larger dispersion and gives a higher probability of cold conditions. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 35 2. 6m ENSO outlook with S3 & EUROSIP: 1 Oct 09 System 3 による 6か月ENSO見通し:2009年10月1日初期値 ECMWF (left) and EUROSIP 3-system SST anomaly forecasts for NINO3.4 area issued on 1 Oct 2009 and valid for 6 months. In this case the observed SST anomaly lies outside the edge of the ECMWF plum. Compared to the single ECMWF plum, the EUROSIP plum has a larger dispersion and includes the observed SST within the forecast range. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 36 Outline 概要 1. ECMWF and its forecasting systems: a brief overview ECMWFとその予測システム:概要 2. Coupled seasonal forecasting at ECMWF: S3 and EUROSIP ECMWFの結合季節予報:S3とEUROSIP 3. Future developments (S4) and conclusions 将来の開発(System 4)と結論 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 37 3. The new seasonal forecasting system S4 新しい季節予報システム(System 4) IFS 36R4 0.7/1.1 deg. 91 levels OASIS-3 NEMO ~ 1. deg. lon 1./0.3 d. lat. H-TESSEL Initial Con. 4-D variational d.a. 3-D v.d.a. (NEMOVAR) Gen. of Perturb. Ens. Forecasts System-4 CGCM JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 38 3. System 4: main features System 4: 主な特徴 New ocean model: NEMO v. 3.0 + 3.1 coupling interface ORCA-1 configuration (~1-deg. resol., ~0.3 lat. near the equator) 42 vertical levels, 20 levels with z < 300 m Variational ocean data assimilation (NEMOVAR) 3-D var with inner and outer loop Collaboration with CERFACS, UK Met Office, INRIA First re-analysis (1957-2009), no assim. of sea-level anomalies Second re-analysis and real-time system including SLA IFS model cycle: 36r4 (currently operational) New physics package, including HTESSEL land-surface scheme, snow model (with EC-Earth), new land surface initialization Prescribed sea-ice concentration with sampling from recent years JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 39 3. Ocean Re-Analysis with NEMO at ECMWF 海洋モデルNEMOによる海洋再解析 Using NEMO/NEMOVAR Model configuration: ORCA1, smooth coastlines, closed Caspian Sea. Forced by ERA40 (until 1989) + ERA Interim (after 1989) Assimilates Temperature/Salinity from EN3 and altimeter data Strong relaxation to SST (OI_v2) Online bias correction scheme First ensemble reanalysis (1957-2009) completed (COMBINE project): 5 ensemble members (perturbations to wind, initial conditions, observation coverage) Corrected XBT Second re-analysis that assimilates also altimeter data (1957-2010) just completed (and to be continued for S4) JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 40 3. NEMOVAR re-an: verif. against altimeter data NEMOVAR再解析: 海面高度データに対する評価 NEMOVAR improves the inter-annual variability of the ocean re-analysis, as measured by the anomaly correlation of the sea level with the altimeter data. Some problems remain in the Eastern North Atlantic, where assimilation deteriorates results (under investigation). NEMO (no obs) NEMOVAR: T+S+Alti (1993-2008)( 1993-2008 ) (1): faz9 RMSEcorrel (1):sossheig fe5x sossheig 40N 40N 40N 40N 20N 20N 20N 20N 0 0 20S 20S 20S 40S 40S 40S 60S 60N Latitude 0 Latitude 60N 60N Lati tude Lati tude correl (1): faz9 correl ( 1993-2008 ) 60N 20S 40S 60S 60S 100E 160W Longitude (ndim): Min= -0.43, Max= 0.99, Int= 0.02 60W 0.40 0.44 0.48 0.52 0.56 0.60 0.64 0.68 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96 1.00 0 60S 100E 100E 160W 160W 60W 60W Longitude Longitude 0.011.00, Int= 0.02 0.16, Int= Max=-0.37, Min= 0.01,Min= (m): (ndim): Max= 0.02 0.40 0.44 0.48 0.04 0.08 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96 0.10 1.00 0.52 0.56 0.60 0.640.060.68 0.72 0.76 0.80 JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 0. 41 3. Impact of ocean DA on SST forecasts 海面水温予報に対する海洋データ同化解析の効果 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 Rms error Rms error Rms error 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 Seasonal forecast experiments (20years, 11-member ensembles, cy36r4+NEMO) indicate that ocean data assimilation with NEMOVAR improves NSTRATL 034a rms errors NSTRPAC 034a rms errors SSTRATL 034a rms errors the SST forecast skill at different lead times and different regions. 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.2 0 1 2 Fcast feik 1 Fcast ff5e 3 4 5 6 0 7 0 Persistence Fcast feik Ensemble sd 1 EQ2 034a anomaly correlation Fcast ff5e Persistence Ensemble sd Fcast feik 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 7 6 7 0 0.5 0 0.4 1 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 NSTRPAC 034a anomaly correlation NSTRATL 034a anomaly correlation 6 7 1 2 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 0.6 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.4 0 1 2 Forecast time (months) Forecast time (months) MAGICS 6.12 w indmill - neh Fri Sep 3 10:59:05 2010 0 Anomaly correlation Anomaly correlation Anomaly correlation 0.4 4 0.4 0.7 0.5 3 7 0.8 0.6 0.5 6 0.9 0.7 0.6 5 MAGICS 6.12 1w indmill - neh Fri Sep 3 10:59:05 2010 0.8 0.7 4 wrt NCEP adjusted OIv2 1971-2000 climatology 1 0.8 3 SSTRATL 034a anomaly correlation 0.9 2 2 Forecast time (months) MAGICS 6.12 w indmill - neh Fri Sep 3 10:59:05 2010 0.9 1 1 wrt NCEP adjusted OIv2 1971-2000 climatology 1 0 0 0.5 0 Forecast time (months) Forecast time (months) wrt NCEP adjusted OIv2 1971-2000 climatology 0.4 2 Forecast time (months) MAGICS 6.12 w indmill - neh Fri Sep 3 10:59:05 2010 Ensemble sd 0.2 0.6 Forecast time (months) 5 Persistence 0.7 0.2 0.6 6 Fcast ff5e 0.4 0.7 5 7 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.6 6 Anomaly correlation Rms error Anomaly correlation Rms error 0.9 0.6 Rms error Anomaly correlation 1 0.8 0.7 5 wrt NCEP adjusted OIv2 1971-2000 climatology 1 0.8 0.8 4 EQIND 034a anomaly correlation wrt NCEP adjusted OIv2 1971-2000 climatology 0.4 3 1 0.81 ASSIM 1 2 3 4 CONTROL Forecast time (months) 2 64Forecast start dates from 19930201 to 20081101 time (months) Ensemble sizes are 5 (feik) and 5 (ff5e) ATL3 034a anomaly correlation wrt NCEP adjusted OIv2 1971-2000 climatology 0 0.5 0 1 Forecast (months) 64 start dates fromtime 19930201 to 20081101 Ensemble sizes are 5 (feik) and 5 (ff5e) Forecast (months) 64 start dates from time 19930201 to 20081101 Ensemble sizes are 5 (feik) and 5 (ff5e) JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF MAGICS 6.12 w indmill - neh Fri Sep 3 10:59:05 2010 3 4 5 6 7 Forecast time (months) MAGICS 6.12 w indmill - neh Fri Sep 3 10:59:05 2010 42 3. Future developments and conclusions 将来の開発と結論 Ensemble-based probabilistic systems provide more complete information than single forecasts. They can be used in weather risk management to assess the probability of occurrence of events that can cause severe losses. ECMWF has been producing ensemble-based forecasts since 1992. Long-range seasonal forecasts are now based on 41 coupled integrations of the IFS-cy31r1 T159L62 atmospheric model and the HOPA 1.0-0.3 degree ocean model. ECMWF will introduce the new seasonal forecasting system 4 (S4) in 2011. S4 is based on a more accurate, higher-resolution (T255L91) atmospheric model and a better ocean model (NEMO 1.0-0.3 deg res). The ocean analysis will also change from OI to a 3D-Var data assimilation system (NEMOVAR). Further improvements of ECMWF seasonal forecasts are expected from better model error simulation schemes, the inclusion of dynamical sea-ice and mixed-layer (see e.g. work by Y Takaya, JMA) models, and higher resolution ocean models. The possibility to merge the 15/32d EPS and the 7/14m SF systems into a Seamless Probabilistic System is also been considered. JMA WS (9 Dec 2010) - Roberto Buizza et al : Seasonal prediction at ECMWF 43