FPL Net Metering Interconnection Go Solar July 2012

Net Metering
• John McComb: P.E.
• Customer Service Customer Technology Support
• July 17, 2012
Net metering measures both energy used from the grid and
excess energy produced that is sent to the grid
FPL’s meter only measures the “excess energy” sent to the grid, not the
total energy produced by the PV system
Renewable energy systems interconnected with the utility
need a Net Metering Interconnection agreement even if they
will not feed excess energy to the grid.
Net Metering / Interconnection Agreement
• Net metering
– A supplement to the retail tariffs which provides credit to a
customer for all excess renewable energy they produce and
send to the grid
• Interconnection agreement
– An agreement with the customer, allowing them to interconnect a
renewable energy source to the grid through their internal wiring
Net Metering is for systems designed to offset on-site
usage, not ones that are designed to produce energy in
excess of consumption.
Net Metering
• The Net Metering Rule was passed into state law on
March 19, 2008, requiring investor-owned utilities to
facilitate the interconnection of customer-owned
renewable power generation.
• The goal of net metering is to allow a customer to offset
all or part of their energy usage at an individual metered
service account.
• As of June 30th 2012, FPL’s 1,894 net metered customers
have 16.78 MWs AC of renewable energy interconnected
with the grid.
The Florida Public Service Commission has defined eight
renewable energy sources that are eligible for Net Metering.
Renewable Energy Sources Eligible for Net Metering
Biomass (landfill gas or methane)
Ocean energy ( tidal power or ocean currents)
Hydrogen power (fuel cells)
Waste heat
Geothermal energy
Wind energy
Photovoltaic (PV)
Net Metering applies to all FPL retail customers.
Net Metering Project Scope
• Promote small customer-owned renewable
Primarily intended to offset part or all of the customer’s load
Does not include retail purchase of electricity from third party
Third party cannot sell or lease based on kWh
Maximum size is 2 MW
No minimum for interconnect – 2 kW minimum for rebate
Sizes divided into Tier 1, 2, and 3
• Requires standard interconnection agreement
– Cannot exceed 90 percent of customer’s utility distribution service
– Inverter UL listed for continuous interactive operation
There are three separate Net Metering Interconnection
Agreements - based on the systems Gross Power Rating.
0 to 10 kW AC
>10 to 100 kW AC
>100 AC kW to 2 MW AC
Gross Power Rating AC kW = DC kW x 0.85
As of June 1st, FPL has 1,703 Tier 1 Customers.
Tier 1
• Up to 10 kW AC, 11.77 kW DC = AC x 0.85 (mostly
residential and small business)
– No charge for application or bidirectional meter
– Standard application and interconnection agreement
Agreement cannot be amended
No insurance requirements
Disconnect switch not required
Cannot exceed 90 percent of allocated service size without CIAC
Must still pay monthly customer charge if 0 kWh
For governmental customers, we have a letter indicating
customers liability is limited by Florida statutes
As of June 1st, FPL has 184 Tier 2 Customers.
Tier 2
• Over 10 kW AC up to 100 kW AC (Large residential, small
and medium businesses)
– $400 application fee
– Standard application and interconnection agreement (nonnegotiable)
– Facilities review required
– Visible disconnect switch required (addendum available for
remote readily accessible switches)
– Cannot exceed 90 percent of allocated service size without CIAC
– Liability insurance requirement of at least $1 million
– Liability limit for governmental customers
As of June 1st, FPL has 7 Tier 3 Customers.
Tier 3
• Over 100 kW up to 2 MW AC (Largest net meter) (Large
– Application fee depends on system size
– Standard application and interconnection agreement (nonnegotiable)
– May fast track or require a study
– Visible disconnect switch required (addendum available for
remote readily accessible switches)
– Cannot exceed 90 percent of allocated service size without CIAC
– Insurance required – at least $2 million
– Liability limit for governmental customers
A bi-directional meter is used to measure both regular
usage and excess energy sent to the grid.
Metering for Net Metering
• Meter code starts with:
– BC (120/240 single phase)
– or ends with N (all other bi-directional)
• Bidirectional Meter (cycles three displays)
– “+” or “POS” screen indicates customer’s energy usage
Measures energy FROM FPL
– “-” or “NEG” screen - “excess energy” to FPL
NOTE: excess energy is the energy produced over and above what
the home or business uses at that time and is fed back into the
electric grid. It is NOT the total generation from the array. Total
energy from array is shown on customers inverter.
– Third screen for demand if needed
– Excess energy remaining at the end of year is credited to bill at
COG-1 rate
Renewable energy systems should not be turned on until
the letter is received from FPL that application process is
complete . (except for testing and inspection)
Metering for Net Metering
• Meter is installed after interconnection paperwork is
• AMI meters are being developed for bi-directional
– They are not being used at this time
The bi-directional meter replaces a standard meter in a
standard meter base.
“BC” type meter (net metering)
Bidirectional Meter
Bi-directional meters are available for transformer rated
meter installations.
“N” type meter (net metering)
Bidirectional Meter
The most cost effective installation offsets on-site usage
with all renewable energy produced.
Customer Billing
• Customer always pays monthly customer charge for
applicable rate even if zero consumption for the month
• Customer “bank” credited on their bill at the end of each
calendar year at “as available” rate (COG-1)
• Approximate values: (varies with region)
The COG-1 rate paid 2.9 cents per kWh for 2011
The COG-1 rate paid 3 cents per kWh for 2010
The COG-1 rate paid 3.5 cents per kWh for 2009
The COG-1 rate paid cents per kWh for 2008
FPL provides several methods for customers to get
information on interconnecting a renewable energy source.
Customer Resources
• Web sites
• Net Metering
• PV Rebates
• E-mail
• Phone
• Fax
Sources of Information
• www.FPL.com/netmetering
– Agreements, Application, instructions
• www.FPL.com/solarrebates
– Solar reservation information
– Link to net metering
• Email netmetering@fpl.com
• Phone (305) 552-3043
• Fax (305) 552-2275