ENSO-Monsoon relationships in current and future climates

The University of Reading
Department of Meteorology
ENSO-Monsoon relationships in current and future climates
Earley Gate, Reading, RG6 6BB, UK
Andrew Turner, Pete Inness and Julia Slingo
Previous work (Turner et al., 2004) has shown that warming
(improving) the basic state in the tropical Pacific of a coupled GCM
produces a better monsoon climate and a stronger, better timed
monsoon-ENSO teleconnection (Fig. 1).
Fig.1 Lag correlations between Nino-3 region SSTs and summer
(a) Dynamical Monsoon Index (b) Indian Rainfall.
The SPEEDY model (Molteni, 2003) provides a quick way of
running simple experiments with reasonable skill.
• The Simplified Parametrizations, primitivE-Equation DYnamics
model is designed to run on only a few vertical levels, T30 L8
resolution in this configuration.
45mins/year runtime on a
workstation as an AGCM, forced by the HadISST dataset.
• Main errors with the model include low speed jets (Fig. 3) and
upper tropospheric warm bias (Fig. 4), likely related to poor longwave scheme.
Fig. 3 JJA 925hPa u-wind error Fig. 4 JJA zonal temp. error
• The tropical Pacific is too cool in HadCM3 and is warmed
using a system of limited-area flux adjustments, devised by
Inness et al. (2003).
• The revised model, HadCM3FA, has a better climate in the
tropical Pacific Ocean (less confined warm pool, reduced zonal
temperature gradient, weaker trade winds).
• Indian monsoon climate is improved, having less precipitation
and a weaker flow.
Fig. 2 Power spectra of Nino• ENSO amplitude increases
3 region SSTs.
(Fig. 2); the combination of
this enlarged amplitude and
stronger teleconnection (Fig.
1) increases the monsoon
• Enhanced biennial power in
HadCM3FA, likely due to
stronger coupling.
Is the strengthened teleconnection due to a more realistic basic
state and better ENSO evolution, or simply to the much larger
ENSO amplitude?
• SPEEDY monsoon simulation gets the gross features but fails in
the detail. Monsoon winds are too weak, lacking stationary wave
patterns, and precipitation is wrongly distributed.
• East African highlands are important in focussing and
maintaining the Somali Jet (Rodwell and Hoskins, 1995; Slingo et
al., 2004). Their poor representation at T30 resolution impacts on
the monsoon flow.
• Envelope orography (Wallace et al., 1983) better emphasises the
East African Highlands and makes some improvement to the
Somali Jet.
The monsoon-ENSO teleconnection is also
strengthened (Fig. 5), but still mis-timed.
Fig. 5 Lag correlations
between Nino-3 region
SSTs and summer DMI
Once the SPEEDY model is tuned correctly it will be used to
evaluate the effect of ENSO amplitude on the monsoon-ENSO
teleconnection. Other considerations include coupling with an
Indian Ocean mixed-layer model, and use of a ‘bucket’ soilmoisture scheme to improve monsoon precipitation distribution.
• Run SPEEDY with idealised ENSO forcing (based on Spencer et
al., 2004).
Fig. 6 Idealised ENSO cycle of
SSTs, to be applied to SPEEDY
• SST anomalies of varying
amplitude (Fig. 6) will be
applied to a background
climatology of current and
also future climates, further
testing the role of the basic
The changing nature of the monsoon-ENSO teleconnection in
recent years (Fig. 7) together with a likely warmer basic state after
climate change provide motivation for further work with the
Unified Model.
Fig. 7 21-year moving
temperatures and AllIndia Rainfall
• Integrations will be made using HadCM3 at 2x and 4x CO2, to
look at the changing nature of the monsoon-ENSO teleconnection
with climate change, as well as changes to the monsoon variability
and climate.
References: Inness, P. M., Slingo, J. M., Guilyardi, E. and Cole, J. (2003), “Simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in a coupled general circulation model. Part II: The role of the basic state” J. Clim. 16: 365-382; Molteni (2003), “Atmospheric simulations using a GCM with simplified physical
parametrizations. I: model climatology and variability in multi-decadal experiments” Clim. Dyn. 20: 175-191; Rodwell, M. J. and Hoskins, B. J. (1995), “A Model of the Asian Summer Monsoon. Part II: Cross-Equatorial Flow and PV Behavior” J. Atmos. Sci. 52: 1341-1356; Slingo, J. M., Spencer, H.,
Hoskins, B., Berrisford, P. and Black, E. (2004), “The Meteorology of the Western Indian Ocean, and the influence of the East African Highlands” submitted, Proc. Roy. Soc; Spencer, H., Slingo, J. M. and Davey, M. K. (2004), “Seasonal predictability of ENSO teleconnections: the role of the remote
ocean response” Clim. Dyn. 22: 511-526; Turner, A. G., Inness, P. M. and Slingo, J. M. (2004), “The Role of the Basic State in Monsoon Prediction” submitted, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.; Wallace, J. M., Tibaldi, S. and Simmons, A. J. (1983), “Reduction of systematic forecast errors in the ECMWF model
through the introduction of an envelope orography” Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 109: 683-717.