SPP Priority Projects Nebraska Area FCITC Sensitivity Analysis Study Scope • Evaluate FCITC impacts of SPP Priority Projects on existing NPPD flowgates and known constraints to regional transfer capability. • Document incremental FCITC impacts due to SPP Priority Projects. • Evaluate competing alternatives to CooperMaryville-Sibley 345 kV to mitigate COOPER_S and known constraints in area. Model Development Base: 2009 Series MRO models • 2015 Summer Peak, 2015 Summer Off-Peak, 2015 Winter Peak Case 2: Base Models + Balanced Portfolio Projects Case 3: Case 2 Models + Priority Projects Case 4: Case 3 Models (Priority Projects) + Replace Cooper-Maryville-Sibley 345 kV with Nebraska City-Maryville-Sibley 345 kV Case 5: Case 3 Models (Priority Projects) + Replace Cooper-Maryville-Sibley 345 kV with Nebraska City-Stranger Creek 345 kV MRO vs. SPP Models SPP staff had initially raised concerns with NPPD’s utilization of MRO vs. SPP models for this study. A sensitivity analysis was performed to compare FCITC results using 2015 SUPK MRO and 2014 SUPK SPP models. No significant differences were discovered. FCITC Analysis • Source Areas • Northern MAPP/MRO • Western NE • Sink Areas • Southern SPP • Monitored Elements & Contingencies • NPPD Flowgates • Known constraints to regional transfer capability • PSS/E Activity TLTG GGS GRIS_LNC WNE_WKS COOPER_S Priority Project FCITC Impacts Beneficial Impacts • COOPER_S flowgate & underlying constraints • Cooper-Maryville-Sibley 345 kV provides parallel 345 kV path • Significant increase in FCITC • Parallel 161 kV paths are still most limiting • GRIS_LNC flowgate • Axtell-Wolf-Spearville 345 kV benefits this flowgate • Priority Projects more tightly network the Spearville terminal to eastern Kansas which further benefits this flowgate. Priority Project FCITC Impacts Adverse Impacts • WNE_WKS flowgate & underlying constraints • Lower impedance west-to-east paths south of this flowgate • Slightly decreases FCITC on this flowgate • Cooper-Nebraska City 345 kV FLO CooperMoore 345 kV • Most limiting 345 kV path with Priority Projects • Potential new Flowgate in future Competing Alternatives Evaluated two competing alternatives to CooperMaryville-Sibley 345 kV line • Re-terminate new line at Nebraska City instead of Cooper (Case 4) • Replace Cooper – Sibley 345 kV line with Nebraska City – Stranger Creek 345 kV (Case 5) Case 4 Alternative Priority Project Case 5 Alternative Competing Alternatives Results • Existing Cooper – Maryville – Sibley 345 kV Priority Project greatly improves COOPER_S flowgate FCITC, but may result in new flowgate in future (Cooper-Nebraska City 345 kV). • Re-termination of Sibley line to Nebraska City would address potential Cooper-Nebraska City issue and provide even more FCITC benefits on COOPER_S and underlying 161 kV constraints. Supporting FCITC Data MODEL CONTINGENCY CASE 2 - LIMITING FACILITY FCITC FCITC Increase % FCITC Change COOPER_S 5027 - - CASE 2 Cooper-Moore NebCity-Cooper 6845 - - CASE 2 MINT Terminal C.Bluffs-R.Bend 3544 - - CASE 3 COOPER_S 6816 1789 36% CASE 3 Cooper-Moore NebCity-Cooper 6700 -144 -2% CASE 3 MINT Terminal C.Bluffs-R.Bend 4769 1225 35% CASE 4 COOPER_S 6839 1812 36% 10531 3686 54% - - CASE 4 Cooper-Moore NebCity-Cooper CASE 4 MINT Terminal C.Bluffs-R.Bend 5296 1751 49% CASE 5 COOPER_S 7463 2436 48% 12262 5417 79% 5608 2063 58% - CASE 5 Cooper-Moore NebCity-Cooper CASE 5 MINT Terminal C.Bluffs-R.Bend Competing Alternatives Cost Implications Cooper – Maryville – Sibley 345 kV ~152 Miles of new 345 kV Nebraska City – Maryville – Sibley 345 kV (Case 4) ~177 Miles of new 345 kV Nebraska City – Stranger Creek 345 kV (Case 5) ~131 Miles of new 345 kV Summary • Overall, the Priority Projects significantly improved the COOPER_S and GRIS_LNC flowgates. •WNE_WKS was slightly adversely impacted due to the lower impedance west-to-east paths in Kansas. •Two competing alternatives demonstrated better FCITC performance than the proposed CooperMaryville-Sibley 345 kV project. • Neb City-Stranger 345 kV alternative was best performing option, but this option would not provide access to wind resource zones in NW Missouri. Summary • Cooper – Maryville – Sibley 345 kV Priority Project greatly improves COOPER_S • Nebraska City – Maryville – Sibley 345 kV alternative would be the preferred Priority Project • Costs are expected to be similar to existing Cooper – Maryville – Sibley 345 kV priority project • Provides transmission access to wind resource zones in NW Missouri • Provides superior regional transfer capability characteristics in the COOPER_S corridor