Satellite - UET Taxila

Basic Satellite Communication
Components of Communications
Dr. Joseph N. Pelton
Components of a Satellite
Payload: Satellite Main Mission Antennas &
Communications System
 Satellite Bus Components
 Satellite Tracking, Telemetry, Command & Monitoring
 Methods to Cope with Rain Attenuation
 Satellite Power System
 Satellite “Bus”, Orientation and Stabilization System
Components of a Satellite
Main Mission Antennas & Communications System
Antennas are constantly pointed to the earth with larger
antenna serve the lower frequency and smaller antenna
service the higher frequency
The transponder in the communications system is
responsible for receiving the signal, amplifying it and retransmitting it in the lower frequency back to earth.
Most transponders in the C- and Ku- bands now use Solid
State Power Amplifiers (SSPAs) to amplify the signal
because of their weight, compactness and reliability.
Satellites can have 12 to 96 transponders plus spares,
depending on the size of the satellite.
Components of a Satellite
Satellite Transponders & SSPA
The transponder is the “active” part of the satellite communications
system that provides the connection between the satellite’s receive and
transmit antennas.
A transponder bandwidth can frequently be 36 MHz, 54 MHz, or 72
MHz or it can be even wider.
A transponders function is to receive the signal filter out noise, shift
the frequency to a downlink frequency and then amplify it for
retransmission to the ground. The main amplifier may be a Travelling
Wave Tube (TWT) or Klystron tube (now usually used for higher
frequencies above 20 GHz and at very high power levels (i.e. 100 to
200 watts) or it may be a Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) that
would be used at lower L, C or Ku bands frequencies. If the
transponder is a regenerative transponder then the signal will be
converted to base band frequencies and processed there rather than
handled at RF bands.
Components of a Satellite
Antenna Gain & Path Loss
Gain measures the performance of an antenna. The larger
the size (or aperture) of an antenna the better it can point to
or concentrate a signal towards the desired receiver
location on earth. Thus the more the antenna acts like a
spot light to illuminate the earth and not send signal
uselessly out into space, the higher the gain of the antenna.
An Omni antenna that sends signals in all directions
equally has a gain of 1 and represents the lowest gain.
 Path loss comes from the spreading out of a signal from
the antenna as it travels from the satellite to user antenna
and vice versa. Since the signal spreads in a circle effective
power (or flux density) is reduced by the square of the
distance traveled.
Components of a Satellite
Satellite Transmit Power (EIRP)
EIRP = Effective Isotropic Radiate Power.
The product of final amplifier power, filtering and
coupling losses and antenna gain.
Specified in watts or dB (relative to 1 watt) = dBw
EIRP density, typically specified in terms of dBw/Hz is a
key parameter in determining both uplink and downlink
Components of a Satellite
Satellite Transponder & SSPAs
Transponder Traffic Loading is a Function of:
 Transponder Bandwidth
 Uplink and Downlink satellite and earth station
 Number of Carriers per transponder. This
determines “back-off” which is the reduction in
amplifier power from the saturated or maximum
output power.
 Modulation efficiency (i.e. bits/Hz)
Methods to Cope with Rain
Use lower frequencies where possible
 Provide link margin + additional link
margin in beams where there is heavy rains
 On-board processing
 Site diversity
 Ability to increase dwell time and/or reduce
information rate
Components of a Satellite:
Satellite Tracking, Telemetry, Command & Monitoring (TTC&M)
Tracking is necessary to know exactly where a
satellite is and thus be able to send it commands,
receive telemetry and communication with it.
 Omni antenna is used to be able to track and
command satellite even if orbit is disturbed.
 The TTC&M system is highly automated with
computer alarms to sound in case of anomalies are
Analogy: School bus represents: spacecraft bus, and
passengers represents payload: telecommunications and TV
traffic. TTC&M is needed to keep “bus” running and check on
status of passengers.
Components of a Satellite:
Satellite Power System
Main source of power is solar cell panels that are
constantly oriented towards the sun.
 New solar cells are increasingly efficient.
 The solar cell system is backed up by battery
system that provides energy during solar eclipses
and other periods of outages.
 Typical power levels of 2 to 5 KWs for Fixed
Satellite Systems and 10 to 12 KWs for Mobile
and Broadcast Satellite Systems in GEO. Levels
are lower for LEO & MEO Systems.
Components of a Satellite:
Satellite “Bus” & Stabilization System
The “bus” is the key parts of the satellite that allows its
operation in space.
The early generation of satellites use gravity-gradient or
spin stabilization but now 3-axis body stabilization using
momentum wheels is most common because of lifetime &
The “bus” includes the antenna mast, the thermal control,
the sun & earth sensors, the batteries, momentum wheels,
solar array controls & on-board computers.
Carbon-epoxy structures are used because of strength and
light weight.
Components of a Satellite:
Satellite “Bus” & Stabilization System
Assignment 4:
– Write short notes on the terms highlighted in
yellow color (Slides 4 and 9 of lecture 4)