The Witch Circe - Mrs. Schranz`s Website

Presentation prepared by
Mrs. Schranz
Aeolus - the wind King captures the wind in a bull’shide bag for safe travels twice:
After Odysseus and crew escape Polyphemus, they
land on his island Aeolia.
Odysseus’s men open bag thinking it contains treasure
and release the evil winds and bring them back to
Complications and Loss:
 The Island of the Laestrygonians (giant cannibals) – all but
one ship is destroyed and their crews eaten by the cannibals
 Odysseus’s ship and crew end up on the island of Aeaea – the
Witch Circe’s home
 23 men – led by Eurylochus- go to explore the island
 Circe appears as a beautiful woman weaving and
singing who greets them at her gate
 All men, but Eurylochus, go in after Circe and eat and
drink the cheese and wine she offers them.
 She turns the men into pigs and holds them captive
 Odysseus goes to Circe’s hall to save his men
 Hermes gives Odysseus a plant to resist Circe’s sorcery
 Circe releases Odysseus’s men but persuades
Odysseus to stay (like Calypso) and heals his heart
 After awhile, they want to continue on home
 Circe says she will help them but only if Odysseus
alone descends into The Land of the Dead to seek the
prophet Teiresias
Epic conventions
 Supernatural helpers: Aeolus and Hermes
 Trials: Storm winds, crew’s stupidity, Circe, The Land
of the Dead
 There are wild animals (wolves and lions) that greet
the men tamely “like hounds” on Circe’s island
 Eurylochus “feared a snare”
 Further trials await him in The Land of the Dead
Spirited Away
– In this film, a young girl named Chihiro and her
parents are moving. On their journey to their new
home, they stumble across a tunnel that leads to the
spirit world. However, Chihiro’s parents, believing the
world to be an abandoned amusement park, sit down
at one of the abandoned food booths and begin
pigging-out on the food there. As a punishment, they
are turned into pigs. Now, Chihiro must give herself
over the spirit world in order to save herself and her