Why Did Bonhoeffer Resist? Cultural Experiences Travels Contacts http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=20944704415004 1572456.0004afae6ee0780315cd3&msa=0&ll=44.565394,25.489205&spn=54.193583,135.263672 Bonhoeffer’s Works Bonhoeffer’s Wedding Speech Bonhoeffer vs. MLK Jr. Bonhoeffer’s New Years Reflections Martin Luther King Jr.s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech NGRAM Comparison among three ideas that Bonhoeffer heavily promoted during his ministry Notice Trends over time upward; especially following Bonoeffer’s death Notice there is a similar trend following the death of Martin Luther King Jr. Both men championed these ideas during their life and they gained an upsurge after their deaths Remembrance & Legacy The Statues of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (far right) and Martin Luther King Jr. (middle-left) on Westminster Abbey’s wall of 20th Century Martyrs