Chapter 14 Section 4 Yuan and Ming Dynasties

Do Now
Imagine if you were there… You are a farmer in
northern China in 1212 AD. As you pull weeds from a
wheat field, you hear a sound like thunder. Looking
toward the sound, you see hundreds- no THOUSANDSof armed horsemen on the horizon, riding straight
toward you. You are frozen with fear. Only one thought
fills your mind- the dreaded Mongols are coming.
What can you do to save your life?
The Yuan & Ming Dynasties
Chapter 14 Section 4
• Big Idea: The Chinese ruled by foreigners during the Yuan dynasty,
but they threw off Mongol rule & prospered during the Ming dynasty.
Mongol Conquest
Genghis Khan
Born in 1162 AD, founder of largest connecting empire in history
1206AD- united the Mongol clans
Raided & Pillaged throughout Asia & Eastern Europe
Then in 1211 AD he led his cavalry army into China
Died in 1227 AD sons & grandsons continued destruction
Life in Yuan China
• 1260 Kublai Khan- (grandson to Genghis)
• 1279 declared- Emperor of China, thus begun
– Yuan Dynasty
– Implemented Postal service
– Time when Marco Polo visited China
• Chinese resented Mongols, saw them as uncivilized
• Mongols were not content with China, set out for Japan
– Turned back twice by Kamikaze
– Dynasty broke & ripe for rebellion, 1368 rebel army won (Ming)
With a partner please answer the following
questions below using pages 427-429
• How long did the Ming dynasty rule for?
• Who was Zheng He?
• What was the Forbidden City?
• How did isolationism affect China?
The Ming Dynasty
Review: with a partner answer
these three questions
• Who was Genghis Khan?
• What happened during the Yuan Dynasty?
• What was the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty?
• Be ready for Jeopardy tomorrow
• Test will be Thursday