主当颂赞 - 中喬州華人基督教會Central Chinese American Baptist

Central Chinese American Baptist Church
主日 崇 拜
Please prepare our hearts for worship with
silent prayers.
来到神的面前 一同敬拜神
Please turn your cell phone to vibrate mode
主禱文 The Lord’s Prayer
我 們 在 天 上 的 父,願 人 都 尊 你 的 名 為 聖。
願 你 的 國 降 臨,願 你 的 旨 意 行 在 地 上,如
同 行 在 天 上。我 們 日 用 的 飲 食,今 日 賜 給
我 們。免 我 們 的 債,如 同 我 們 免 了 人 的 債。
不 叫 我 們 遇 見 試 探, 救 我 們 脫 離 凶 惡, 因
為 國 度、權 柄、榮 耀,全是你的, 直到永遠。
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy
name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in
earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is
the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for
ever. Amen.
最知心的朋友 My Best Friend
主, 祢是我最知心的朋友,
Lord, You are my friend You know me the best.
主, 祢是我最愛的伴侶,
Lord, You are my most loved companion
Oh my heart is thinking you day and nigh.
I want to see your face.
In every step of my long journey,
At every stop of my life
最知心的朋友 My Best Friend
And Your hand has never left me Hold me close to your side.
Tell me where I should go, Do not let me go to hell.
祢愛何等長闊深高, 我心發出驚嘆,
Your love is so deep and wide, I can-not fathom
有了主還要什麼! 我心與主心相連,
What do I need more than God? My heart is always with God.
我已起誓要跟隨主, 永不改變. (X2)
I have decided to follow God. Never changes. (x2)
生命路上歌 Life Journey
1.我心依靠救主耶稣 没有忧愁苦难;
I will rely on Lord Jesus.
No worry can bound me.
主钉十架为我受苦, 他背负我重担。
Jesus died on the cross for me.
He took away my sins.
如今我走生命路上, 主当颂赞,主当颂赞
Now I go on my life journey,
I will praise Him, I will praise Him
如今我走生命路上, 因主耶稣挑我重担。
Now I go on my life journey,
Lord Jesus take all my burden.
生命路上歌 Life Journey
2.每日我所经过事情, 主说不要惧怕
All things I faced every day,
Lord said to me, ‘Don’t fear’.
若有惧怕,祷告诚心, 平安主必赐下。
If I afraid, pray genuinely,
The Lord will give you peace.
如今我走生命路上, 主当颂赞,主当颂赞
Now I go on my life journey,
I will praise Him, I will praise Him
如今我走生命路上, 因主耶稣挑我重担。
Now I go on my life journey,
Lord Jesus take all my burden
生命路上歌 Life Journey
3.他告诉我天父的爱, 他眼睛不困倦;
Bible tells us the Lord loves me.
HIS eyes will not grow weary.
他是我主,永不更改, 要补足我完全。
He is my Lord. Never will change.
He will strengthen my weakenss.
如今我走生命路上, 主当颂赞,主当颂赞
Now I go on my life journey,
I will praise Him, I will praise Him
如今我走生命路上, 因主耶稣挑我重担。
Now I go on my life journey,
Lord Jesus take all my burden
生命路上歌 Life Journey
4.无论何时来到主前, 他应许不改变;
No matter when Lord will come.
His promises not never fail.
他大能力为我周全, 情愿挑我重担。
I know my Lord is almighty.
He took my burdens from me.
如今我走生命路上, 主当颂赞,主当颂赞
Now I go on my life journey,
I will praise Him, I will praise Him
如今我走生命路上, 因主耶稣挑我重担。
Now I go on my life journey,
Lord Jesus take all my burden
恩典不休 Never ending grace
I have a song, sang for a long time
Over spring time, through the cold winter
三千六百,五十个日子 ,在我心中,恩典不休
Over the span, of last ten years,
Deep in my heart, I feel His grace.
一颗信心,我始终拥有 ,伴我四海,随我九洲
I don’t have much, just a little faith
Accompany me, wherever I go
Although I may, go through fierce storms,
The storms will never, stop my singing.
恩典不休Never ending grace
扬我的歌喉 ,唱主的温柔, 让爱来共奏 ,让心灵牵手
Raise up my voice, sing of his grace,
Sing of his love, let us unite.
标杆在前头 ,世界在背后 ,主爱的双眸 ,一望解千愁
The Goal is ahead, the world is behind,
Gaze at His Throne, all worries are gone
扬我的歌喉 ,唱主爱深厚,让爱来共奏, 让心灵牵手
Raise up my voice, sing of his grace,
sing of his love, let us unite
有你在左右, 云海中遨游,这生命旅程 ,已别无所求
God at your side, wherever reside
In this life journey, I ask for no more.
恩典不休Never ending grace
有一种爱, 我唱了很久,唱过阳春 ,唱过金秋
I sing of love, sang for a long time
Over spring time, through the cold winter
伴我四海, 随我九州,在我心中,恩曲不休
Accompany me, wherever I go.
Deep in my heart, I feel His grace.
一颗信心,我始终拥有 ,伴我四海,随我九洲
I don’t have much, just a little faith
Accompany me, wherever I go
纵然遭遇,那风雨嘶吼 ,也无法淹没,我的歌喉
Although I may, go through fierce storms,
The storms will never, stop my singing.
恩典不休Never ending grace
扬我的歌喉 ,唱主的温柔, 让爱来共奏 ,让心灵牵手
Raise up my voice, sing of his grace,
Sing of his love, let us unite.
标杆在前头 ,世界在背后 ,主爱的双眸 ,一望解千愁
The Goal is ahead, the world is behind,
Gaze at His Throne, all worries are gone
扬我的歌喉 ,唱主爱深厚,让爱来共奏, 让心灵牵手
Raise up my voice, sing of his grace,
sing of his love, let us unite
有你在左右, 云海中遨游,这生命旅程 ,已别无所求
God at your side, wherever reside
In this life journey, I ask for no more.
Palsm 诗篇 46篇 1-11節
神是我们的避难所 ,是我们的力量 ,是我们在患难
中随时的 帮助 。所以,地虽改变 ,山虽摇动到海
心 ,其中的水虽匉訇翻腾 ,山 虽因海涨 而战抖 ,
我们也不害怕 。有一道河 ,这河 的分汊使神 的城
欢喜;这城就是至高者 居住 的圣所 。神在其中,城
折弓、断枪,把战车焚烧在火中。你们要休息 ,要知
崇 。萬軍之耶和華與我們同在;雅各的神是我們的避
主是我力量 The Lord is my Strength
The Lord is my strength. The Lord is my strength,
我力量, 主是患难中力量。
He’s my strength, He’s my strength in hard times.
The Lord is my shield. He’s my shield. He ‘s my shield any
The Lord is shelter. , oh my shelter. This shelter will never
The Lord is my strength, is my shield. The Lord is my shelter.
主是我力量 The Lord is my Strength
Though the land may be shifted,
and mountains may be moved,
The sea may churn, the waves may roar
But we will not be afraid
Oh o, Oh o, Oh o , Oh o.