Greek and Egyptian Influence on Art Architecture and Religion

Greek and Egyptian Influence on
Art Architecture and Religion
Alexander the great Mosaic – House of the Faun (P)
House of the Faun – floor mosaic – flora and
Fauna from along the Nile River
Mosaic of Dionysus – House of the Faun
Faun stature –
reason for naming
House of the Faun
House of the Faun
House of the Faun - reconstruction
Venus on an elephant – painting on Vercundus’
workshop on Via Dell Abbondanza
Egyptian Influence on Architecture – water feature
represents delta branch of Nile river
Reconstruction of Julia Felix water feature
Temple of Isis - wall painting
House of the Vettii – Hercules
strangling the snakes
Temple of Isis: picture containing Sarcophagus of
Osiris, priest performs sacrifices on a small alter
Temple of Isis: arrival of Io in Egypt
Villa of the Mysteries
Egyptian Motifs –
god Anubis
House of the Tragic Poet
Painting of the
wedding of Zeus and
Hera on Mt Ida
House of the Tragic Poet
Tragedy of Iphigenia in
Aulis – Ulysses and
Achilles take the girl as
a sacrifice, Calchas is
armed with a dagger
(right), Agamemnon
covers his head and is
weeping (left)