Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte
Rise of Napoleon
 24
years old is made a general by the
Committee of Public Safety
 At 26, he becomes commander of French
armies in Italy
Gains fame for victories in Italy
 France wants him to invade Britain
He knows that invasion will fail, so he
invades Egypt instead
Invasion of Egypt also fails
Consul and Emperor
Napoleon takes part in coup d’état
that overthrows the Directory.
consulate government is set up
is named the first consul
years later he gets named consul for
Napoleon is crowned Emperor
Peace with the Church
 Napoleon
knows it’s good to mend relationship with the
 Makes
deal with the pope
 Catholicism
is recognized as the religion of the
majority of France
 In
return, the pope will not ask for the return of
seized Church lands from the Revolution
 Catholic
Church is no longer an enemy of the State
 People
who seized lands now support the
Codification of the Law
 Institutes
Napoleonic (Civil) Code – unifies all
the laws of France
equality of citizens before the law
right to choose your own profession
of serfdom + feudal obligations
less equal than men
inheritance rights for daughters
A New Bureaucracy
officials + military officers
promoted on ability
(noble class) based on
meritorious service to nation
Preserver of the Revolution???
taken away
shut down
controlled publishing
confiscated + opened by police
Building the Grand Empire
Napoleon builds France and becomes the greatest
power in Europe at the time.
 Known
as the Grand Empire
The Grand Empire would consist of three parts
 French
 Dependent
 Allied
Building the Grand Empire….
The French Empire
France and its new extended boundaries
The Dependent States
Kingdoms ruled by relatives of Napoleon
 Unified
 Spain
- brother
 Holland
German States
– brother
The Allied States
Countries defeated by Napoleon
Russia, Prussia, Austria
Building the Grand Empire….
Napoleon spreads the ideas of the French Revolution
Legal Equality
Religious toleration
Economic freedom
Clergy and nobility have all special privileges taken away
Napoleons system of merit instituted in new states
Napoleon hoped to build a long lasting French Empire
Two factors lead to its demise
 Britain
 Nationalism
Napoleon wants to invade Britain and conquer.
British navy too strong for Napoleons forces
French defeated trying to invade
Continental System
Napoleons new plan to defeat British
Set up a blockade against importing British goods, try to bankrupt
System fails
 Allied
 Too
states go behind his back
many markets worldwide to try and stop British trade
Sense of identity of a people based on
 Common
 Religion
 National
Conquered people are not forced to take on French
 Still
unified by their own culture
 Resentful
of invaders
Under control of Napoleon, but ignoring Continental system
Must be punished
Napoleon sets out with 600,000 men
Only brings enough supplies for 26 days
Set precedent for other countries
Depending on quick victory
War would last 6 months
Russians strategy baffles Napoleon
Refuse to fight
Retreat further into Russia
Burn fields and homes along the way
Napoleon finally reaches Moscow
Russian capital
Wins two battles along the way, but costly victories
Finds it set ablaze
Tens of thousands of men die in battle
Begins Great Retreat
Napoleon makes decision to leave Russia
Still in the dead of winter
Thousands of troops are lost
Less than 40,000 out of 600,000 make it back
Downfall of Napoleon
Disaster in Russia leaves France vulnerable to surrounding countries
Napoleon defeated
 Exiled
to island of Elba
Louis XVIII restored as monarch in France
 Brother
of Louis XVI
Napoleon escapes Elba and returns to France to claim his empire
Foreign armies rally together to finish Napoleon for the last time
Napoleon defeated at Waterloo in Belgium
Duke of Wellington leads British and Prussian troops
Defeated, Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena
Dies in exile in 1821