Jamaica Geography: Five Themes Presentation

By: Max E., Ryan L., Davis, Griffen, and Andrew
You’re Jamaican me crazy!
We’ll start with M the Movement
Jamaica imports an average of 4.6 billion dollars a
year and exports sugar, bananas, coffee, rum, and yam
(etc.). Jamaica uses road and railways, ships, and air
transportation. Most Jamaicans use cell and home
phones, skype, and email to communicate with each
other. Most Jamaicans wear clothing made of silk
Next is R the Regions of MR.HELP
Jamaica is a US territory. It is also its own country.
The majority of Jamaican’s speak Creole and English.
Jamaicans always shake hands, look them in the eye,
and say good morning. About 2,738,152 people live in
Jamaica. 21.2 % of Jamaican’s believe in god, 8.8 % are
Baptists, and 5.5 % are Anglican. The rest are of other
religions. Jamaica consists of 3 major landform
regions, the Eastern Mt. Region, the Central Valleys,
and the Coastal Plains.
Now we’re on HE the Human
Environment Interaction of MR.HELP
The environment is hot and there is mostly
rural/rough terrain. The air is very polluted and
hot/humid. Humans have adapted to the environment
by wearing cool clothes and having airy houses.
Humans have modified the environment by cutting
down trees for farmland and space for houses.
Humans depend on nature for fresh drinking water
and vegetation for food. Affects that change the
environment are pollution,
contaminated water and air.
Second to Last We Have L the
Location of MR.HELP
Jamaica is an island nation just above the equator.
The absolute location of Jamaica is 18,15 degrees north
and 77, 30 degrees west. The relative location of
Jamaica is south of Cuba, East of Guatemala, and west
of Haiti. Jamaica is a US territory and is a North
American Island. Jamaica is in the Northwest
Hemisphere. Jamaica is located in the Caribbean Sea.
Some neighboring countries are Cuba, Haiti, and
Last but not Least, we have
P the Place of MR.HELP!
Jamaica is made up of three major
landform regions. The Eastern Mountains,
Central Valleys, and Coastal Plains. The climate
there is tropical with lots of warm weather !
In Jamaica most of the human settlements are in
coastal areas. The capitol of Jamaica is
Kingston. The land in Jamaica is used as Arable
land (possible farmland), permanent crop land,
and other land. With a population of 2,738,152
Jamaica is a great place to visit !
Thanks for watching our presentation! Now for the
CREDITS of MR. HELP!!!!!!!
-Google/Google images