1 Slips, Trips and Falls – Ladder Safety OSHA Region V Emphasis Program 2 Fall Hazards in Construction and General Industry Effective April 1, 2013 Focus on the safe use of portable and fixed ladders Evaluate number of fall-related injuries Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention 3 Hazards and Exposure The ‘Law of Opportunity’ Objectives 4 1. 2. 3. Identify the importance of preventing slip, trip and fall hazards Evaluate the best and safest way to complete the job Identify safe work practices to avoid slips, trips and falls A Fall Occurs… ‘It’s not the fall that’s hurts but the sudden stop at the end’ The free fall velocity at impact when falling 12 feet is nearly 20 mph A person will hit the ground in just under one second after falling this distance 5 Stay Clear of Falling Objects 6 Avoid working under or near hazards or process Do not allow others below your work area If you are not directly involved, stay clear The Enemies 7 Rushing Distraction ‘Multi-tasking’ Precipitation or spills At-risk behaviors Housekeeping? 8 Winter and Wet Weather 9 Salt and sand Use ice gripper slip-ons ‘yak tracks’ http://yaktrax.com/ Walk like a penguin or shuffle on ice Keep your knees and elbows ‘soft’ Be aware of glare ice conditions General Floor Surfaces: #1 10 Use of floor surface degreasers, i.e. ‘Y-slip’ http://www.canmill.com/antislip.htm Keep rugs and mats flat and secured at the corners Objects on the floor (i.e. paperclips) Loose carpeting Focus 11 Concentrate on what you’re doing, to avoid ‘distracted walking’ Identify pedestrian walkways ‘Three points of balance’, keeping one hand free when possible when walking, for support What to Do in a Fall 12 Avoid initially helping someone up by offering your hand – they may have experienced a head, neck or back injury. How to get up on your own after a fall, first ‘taking stock’ Carrying Items 13 Use carts or other means for when carrying items Be aware of steps and stairs – especially non-commercial or ‘home made’ Throwing off your internal tape measure Line of Sight 14 Keep adequate lines of sight in terms of seeing over what you might be carrying, and also, around corners or vehicles Lighting 15 Provide adequate illumination and lighting Keep and use flashlights – don’t let your toes lead the way in the dark! Ladder Safety 16 Pick the Right Ladder 17 Before stepping onto a ladder, think about these things: Duty rating of the ladder—what capacity can it hold? Height of the ladder—too short or too tall? Condition of the ladder and instructions unique to the ladder selected. Ladder Angle 18 Portable Rung and Cleat Ladders Use at angle where the horizontal distance from the top support to the foot of the ladder is ¼ the working length of the ladder (length along ladder between the foot and top support). 19 Avoid Placing Ladders Near Electrical Lines 20 Choose and Position the Correct Ladder – or Find Another Way to Access the Work Area 21 Damaged or Defective Ladders Inspect ladders for visible defects, like broken or missing rungs If a defective ladder is found, immediately mark it defective or tag it "Do Not Use” Withdraw defective ladders from service until repaired 22 Missing rung Climbing the Ladder Face the ladder when going up or down Use at least one hand to grab the ladder when going up or down – Maintain 3 points of contact at all times! Do not carry any object or load that could cause you to lose balance The ‘Belly Button Rule’ 23 Proper Condition and Instructions 24 Inspect the ladder for visible defects Never use a ladder that is broken or otherwise damaged Remove damaged ladders from service and tag them as damaged Review the safety labels on the ladder Always comply with the warnings and instructions Determine Proper Ladder Set-up 25 Consider placement and pitch Secure and stabilize the ladder Placement Tips 26 Avoid setting up a ladder in high traffic or barricaded areas Do not use metal or aluminum ladders near electrical lines Secure and Stabilize Ladders 27 Slippery Surfaces Never use a ladder on a slippery surface, unless it is secured to prevent movement. Wet or slippery surfaces may require a cleat. Ladder feet should dig into the ground, and the ladder should be secured at the bottom to prevent movement/slipping. Firm Base 28 Secure and Stabilize Ladders 29 Uneven Surface When the surface is not level, use a ladder leveler (accessory) to provide even contact points Maintain a Safe Position on Ladders 30 Do not overreach when working from the ladder Do not stand on the top two rungs of a stepladder Do not allow another person on a ladder at any given time, unless you are using a double-cleated ladder that is intended for two-way traffic Now It’s Your Turn – Identify the Hazards 31 Thank You! 32