Writing leads with mentor text w Voki

Author’s Lead
What has the
author done?
Wednesday Surprise
Eve Bunting
She put a short
and snappy
sentence first.
Then she started
a sentence with
“But” to give us a
little hint.
I like surprises.
But the one
Grandma and I
are planning for
Dad’s birthday is
the best surprise
of all.
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
I like the
outdoors. But
the day at Fallen
Timbers was the
best day in the
outdoors ever!
Author’s Lead
The Relatives Came
Cynthia Rylant
It was in the summer of
the year when the
relatives came. They
came from Virginia.
They left when their
grapes were nearly
purple enough to pick,
but not quite.
What has the
author done?
She started with
when in the first
sentence. The
second sentence
said where. The
last sentence
showed what,
but not quite.
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
It was the winter of the
year when the fourth
graders came. They
came from Westside
Elementary School.
They left when their
minds were almost filled
to the brim with the
history of the Wisconsin
lumberjacks, but not
Author’s Lead
What has the
author done?
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
Our Tree Named Steve by
Alan Zweibel
He uses a letter format.
First he tells when followed
by a comma. Next he tells
an event. Followed by a
Dear Dad,
During the year I turned
ten, Mrs. Jakel and crew
took us to a place where
she wanted to teach me
how to snow shoe.
But in order to
snowshoe there, I needed
to keep vertical and
couldn’t lie down on the
Dear Kids,
A long time ago,
when you were little,
Mom and I took you to
where we wanted to
build a house for us to
But in order to build
there, men had to come
and clear the land
Author’s Lead
Have You Filled a Bucket
Carol McCloud
All day long, everyone in
the whole wide world
walks around carrying
an invisible bucket.
What has the
author done?
She started with
when, where,
and last what!
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
All day at school, most
fourth grader at
Westside Elementary
School walked around
wearing plaid, facial
hair, and jeans.
Author’s Lead
What has the
author done?
Owl Moon by
Janet Yolen
She put when
and where first
then adds a
comma, and tells
what happened.
It was late one
winter morning
long past my
bedtime, when
Pa and I went
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
It was early one
bright February
morning, when
my class and I
turned into
Author’s Lead
Encounter by
Janet Yolen
What has the
author done?
She used
language to
The moon was well describe when
overhead, and our
and the setting
great fire had
first. Next she
burned low: A loud
adds a colon, and
clap of thunder
tells what
woke me up from
my dream.
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
The sun was
creeping up over
the horizon and
the smell of
flapjacks wafted
in the air: A loud
blow of the
gaberal woke be
from my bunk.
Author’s Lead
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
At the far end of town
where the Grickle-grass grows
And the wind smells slowand-sour when it blows
And no birds ever sing
excepting old crows…
Is the Street of the Lifted
What has the
author done?
He first gives us the
setting. Next he has us
use one of our five senses
to smell the setting. Next
we use our sense of sight to
see the setting. Finally he
gives us the name of the
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
At the south end of town
where the snow is deep
And the wintery winds
bites at your cheeks
And mounted animals
stare down at the guests
Is the environmental
center called Fallen
Author’s Lead
The Great Fuzz Frenzy
by Janet Stevens and
Susan Stevens Crummel
Down it went.
“Watch out below!”
What has the
author done?
They first give a direction,
then a sound effect, next a
warning, another sound
effect, finally an
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
Down I went
“Watch out I’m going
Author’s Lead
What has the
author done?
She told the character’s
name and used descriptive
language to describe her in
the first sentence. Next is a
short and snappy sentence.
Next sentence she used a
Molly Lou Melon stood
quote that contained
just taller than her dog and
was the shortest girl in the
first grade. She didn’t
mind. Her grandma had
told her, “Walk as proudly
as you can and the world
will look up to you.”
Stand Tall Molly Lou
Patty Lovell
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
Jodi Lou Lumberjack stood
taller than any other
lumberjack at Fallen
Timbers. She was loud.,
but she didn’t care. Her
Papa Paul had told her
“Keep telling your stories
and the camp will laugh
with you!”
Author’s Lead
Crickwing by
Janell Cannon
Far below the great forest
canopy lies a shadowy
world that many insects
call home. Among the
damp clutter of fallen
leaves and branches, leafcutting ants toil all day
while large cockroaches
await their evening search
for food.
What has the
author done?
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
Author’s Lead
Dancing in the Wings
by Debbie Allen
Ever since I was born
and could see,
Everywhere I looked, I
saw dance.
In the clouds as the wind
blew them across the
In the ripples on a pond
Even in the sea of ants
marching up and down
their hills.
Dance was all around
me. Dance was me.
What has the
author done?
Our lead with the
same technique!!!
Author’s Lead
Sister Anne’s Hands
By MaryBeth Lorbiecki
The summer I turned
seven, flower had power,
peace signs were in, and we
watched The Ed Sullivan
Show every Sunday night.
That’s the summer word
went around that a new
teacher had come to town.
What has the
author done?
Our lead with the
same technique!!!