How do I get customers?

Learn the testimonies like they’re your
own and be prepared to share the story
 When you Sell people are turned off
 When you share stories people relate
Write down every person you know
› As you write, you free your mind to continue
› Don’t Pre-judge
› Use Eric Worre’s Memory Jogging worksheet
Pay attention to your friends posts – watch for
posts about weight loss, illness, exhaustion,
pain, diabetes, etc.
Interact as a friend, not just a sales person
Create a Facebook business page!
› Post before and after pics
› Post testimonials
 It is not compliant to advertise in the same post as a
testimonial. Do not put your website or say contact me
in the post
› Ensure any ads you post are compliant
 Should have a compliance code
 Email them to for
› Ensure they are professional
› No medical claims.
Act as your page, go to facebook pages
about health, food, diet, diabetes, RA,
Fibromyalgia, Chronic pain, etc.
 Don’t advertise.
 Build relationship
 Share stories that they can relate with
Don’t make it about business right away
 Make conversation about kids, food,
clothes, anything to start the
 More often than not an opportunity will
come up to bring up Plexus but don’t
 Share stories, not a sales pitch
Carry tape!
› Back of bathroom and dressing room stall doors
› Atms, gas pumps,
Clothing racks
› Pants Pockets (Make sure no one is wearing them!)
› Swimsuit hangers
Inside Redbox Movie cases when returning
In envelopes when paying bills, with your tip at
restaurants, in shopping carts when you leave the
Diaper boxes, changing stations
Hotel rooms
In Magazines, in books, dayplanners
Carry a bottle of water, cups and a
packet of slim with you
› Create excitement
› Mix it up and offer everyone around a
Offer incentive for hostess of Pink Party
› Free product for sales
› At the end of the party use the sales to talk
about the business opportunity “You could have
$--- in product OR you could have $--- in
commissions! Even better if people are ready to
sign up!
Make it fun
Have prizes for guests
› Door prize
› Prizes for anyone ready to sign up
› Who brought the most uninvited guests
A Service Establishment is an appointment based business. Some Service
Establishment businesses do allow walk-ins, but to qualify as a Service
Establishment, walk-ins cannot be their core business. At least 70% of the
business must be by appointment. A Service Establishment may conduct
Ambassador Business but there are restrictions.
No Plexus banners or marketing tools can be displayed in a manner
which attracts the general public into the Service Establishment
Product cannot be displayed and must be kept out of sight. Most
Ambassadors will store their Plexus products in a drawer or storage room.
Please make sure the product is not exposed to anything that would
contaminate the product. Ambassadors usually will have brochures and
business cards at their area. Once a customer asks about the product,
they may take the product out for the customer to view and purchase if
they choose. Keep in mind, if there is more than one Ambassador at the
Service Establishment we do not want a display of product to cause the
loss of a sale that would normally go to the other ambassador if the
customer is theirs.
The sale of product cannot be made through the register of the
business. Keep a cash box handy and a receipt book. Please make sure
your customers have your business card just in case you leave the
Service Establishment.
Review the policies and procedures fully and direct any questions to the
compliance department of Plexus Worldwide
A Retail Establishment is a business where consumers can
purchase goods in individual or small amounts. Retail
Establishments are walk-in based businesses. Plexus does
not allow the sale of product in a Retail Establishment. You
can only advertise. Below are the guidelines.
You may either display the products or images of the
products in a display, for the sole purpose of advertising.
No product, including the product display may be sold on
the premises.
No product display or marketing tools can be displayed in
a manner that is visible from the outside. Make sure you
plan the location of the display before putting it up
Near the display a Company-designated disclaimer must
be displayed. You can find the disclaimer in your back
office, under Business Forms of the Resource Center. The
disclaimer may not be altered in size, color, content, ect.
Review the policies and procedures fully and direct any
questions to the compliance department of Plexus
Scott Biorn
I am a very analytical person so I took the product for 40 days before I even attempted
to openly market the products. I had quick results and lost over 20 pounds in that time so
it was easy for me to get excited. The funny thing about my "not trying to sale the
product" time was the fact that I was telling everyone I knew about how excited I was!
When I finally decided to put my heart into it.... Those same people became my first
ambassadors. Now that I look back... I wasted a ton of time. A couple of things that I
have had success with so far are 1) knowing their "why" before I ever even mention that
I am an ambassador. The testimonies page is an incredible resource. It only takes ten
minutes to locate a testimony that they can relate with. Keep in mind.... I am still working
with a very warm list. I know them all personally. I used Chris and Sherrell like my own
personal fashion models because the majority of my customers and Ambassadors knew
them. 2) I picked several testimonies that I related to and watched them again and
again so that I had a business, diabetes, pain, weight loss example at a moments notice
if the opportunity came up. And lastly I have become a product of the product!
Fortunately, I am pretty much pain free, but that didn't stop me from buying some pain
relief cream and pills. I have family and friends that are happy to be my testimony
guinea pigs : ). If you can look someone in the eye and tell them "I use these products,
my family and friends use these products....and here is how they have helped us" with
confidence, you are half way there!