pele-marine application

-Focuses on writing instead of checking the ship
-No online information about the vessel
-Waste of time filling unnecessary fields
-Waste of your time and money
-The Authority of Panama receives the information with delay
-The inspector receives the payment with delay
Pele-marine is a system developed for the Panamanian
Maritime Authority and its inspectors around the world
helping them to carry out the inspection process
-Filling the report is easier
-Online information of the vessel
-Immediately confirmation of a inspection request
-The whole inspection process is connected now
-Option of taking photos and voice records
-Online sending reports
-Inspection payment much quickly
Choose your language button
Press the inspection request button
You will type the IMO or registration number or call sign or vessel name. After you typed
the one of the 4 ways to search the vessel, you will press SEARCH.
After you press SEARCH you will the results, in this case are a lot because we typed
“trinity” there ir a lot of ships that have trinity in his vessel name. You will look for the
vessel you want to inspect and press it.
After you click the vessel, you will get the form filled with your home port. You only will
type some comments optional and change the ETA. If you need to travel to another port
you will change the country and port. When you finish changing you will press APPLY.
Since you requested an inspection in the port to which you are
assigned, your request has already been confirmed. It's status
reads "Waiting for Test", which means that you can go to the
ship now and perform the inspection using your tablet
Now we'll post a request for an inspection in a geographical
region different from the region to which you are assigned.
In the first inspection screen, click Add again.
A new request has now been created but it is not approved yet. The
status reads "Agent if waiting for Office Approval". Your central office
has to approve it.
You will receive an e-mail message informing you that the request has been
approved. When the office approves the inspection, the status changes to
Request Approved. You will get the same status if the office opens a request
for you.
Then, click the Assign Inspector icon to assign the task to yourself.
The status changes to Waiting for Test. Now the task appears on your
tablet and you can perform the inspection.
Please insert your SIM card and turn on your tablet.
Select Applications
Enter your username and password and click Done
This is the Principal Menu, where the
first box is to see the inspector picture
and the Task box is to check if the
inspector have task to perform.
Just touch the tasks box and you will the
a task list.
On the task list long-press the task you want to access
In the window that appears now click Perform
Click the General button.
Click the General button.
You are now in the report screen. Before you fill a report, let's go over the additional
functions. Select the Picture button and take a picture of your object
Click the General button.
To report your location to your headquarters, press the
GPS button
Click the General button.
In the Confirmation window press the Save
Click the General button.
To record your remarks quickly select the Record button
Click the General button.
In the Record Voice screen press Record again
Click the General button.
Start talking and when you are
done, press the Stop button
Click the General button.
Now you will display the details of a ship. You can search by the IMO number, the Call Sign or the
Registration Number. Press the IMO number field and using the virtual keyboard type the number
and press Done.
Click the General button.
Press Continue to retrieve the ship details and scroll
down the report to view the data that has been
Click the General button.
Now we'll show how you can modify some data. Let's assume that the Type
of Vessel is incorrect. Press the icon next to the Type of Vessel field.
Click the General button.
In the list that appears now, press the
type you want .
Click the General button.
The new type appears now in the form.
Click the General button.
Access the application on your tablet and select a pending task.
Click the General button.
Scroll down the first report screen. / Let's see how you access, say, certificates.
You can access the certificates either by pressing the Certificate List button or
the Views Menu . Press the Certificate List button
Click the General button.
Now press Back
Click the General button.
Select the View Menu.
Click the General button.
The window displays all the sections of the report, including the Certificate List. The menu
allows you to move to any section of the report without following the report wizard.
Let's access a different section. Press the Deficiencies List button
Click the General button.
In the window that opens now, press OK.
Click the General button.
Here you can select the first deficiency and enter its details. If you detect more
than one deficiency, you press Deficiency 2, enter the details and so on… Press Back.
Now we'll fill in the country where the ship is currently located
Press the Current Country field, type, say, the letter U, and press Done.
You'll get a list of the countries whose name begins with the letter
U. Select United Arab Emirates.
Now you'll select the port.
When you press the Current Port icon you get a list of the ports of the selected
country. Select Rashid Dubai.
You can see on the screen the country and port selected
Access the main menu of the report, Long-press on Certificate
In the window that appears now press OK
Press on the certificate you want.
In Issued By ,press the field icon
Select the company that issued the certificate.
You can see the field with the company now
Then you fill the date fields.
Press the button on the right side
Select the date and press ok
Press the update button
You can see the international load line certificate full
If you have to fill another certificate, the same dates will be copied automatically
so that you don't have to enter them again if they are identical. You just have to
enter the certificate and fill the “issued by” field
Notice that the names of the certificates you have filled appear in
darker color
Press Views Menu and then select Deficiencies List.
Each Deficiency entry is designed to record one deficiency. You just begin from
Deficiency 1, fill it, and if you have another one to report you go to Deficiency 2, an
When reporting a deficiency you can take a picture that shows the
problem. All possible deficiencies are pre-defined. They are grouped by
type to help you find the one you want quickly and easily. Press the ico
Select a category
Press the icon of the Deficiency Name field to list the deficiencies that belong to the
type you have just selected, and select the appropriate deficiency.
Finally select the law that defines the deficiency you have selected.
Access the Pele-Marine application(to the “end of inspection” screen) and press the
menu icon on the bottom frame of your tablet(the icon appears on the bottom).
Press the Searching for Printers button.
Identify your printer in the list(if you don’t know the number check on the back of th
printer.. )
You may be requested to enter a pin
number, enter the four zeros (0000 or
Press ok
PRINT: Is to print the report
with the deficiencies found.
SAVE: to save the report in
case you wont be able to
send it at that moment.
SEND: To send the report to
our server so PMA admins
can check your report. Wait
10 minutes before you turn
off your tablet, the sending
may takes a while. After the
task disappear from the Task
List always exit the
application so the system can
send all the information
Access the application. Enter user name and password then enter 1.
In the Status field select the "Waiting for Test" status and select the range of
the dates then click Go in order to list the task that have been approved and
Click on the "Task Wizard" icon
Press the OK button to confirm.
Then click the right arrow to access the first page of the report.
To attach a picture related to the task, click the Picture button
In the window that opens now, click Browse and select the picture
Scroll down to see the picture. You can click the "delete current
image" button to remove the picture.
Click the right arrow.
Open the drop-down list and select the certificate you want to fill
Select the issuing organizations, select the dates. If the date are not
applicable the inspector need to press Ignore Date. Click the left
The certificate you have just filled appears now. Select another certificate and repeat
the procedure.
You can remove a certificate by clicking the red "delete" button.
Click the right button to continue to the next stage and fill the necessary
In the Deficiencies List open the drop-down list and select the first
Here also you can select a picture that shows the deficiency.
The deficiencies are pre-defined and they are group by type to make the
selection easier.
First select the deficiency type.
In the Deficiency Name field select the deficiencies that are
included in the group that you have just selected.
Pick one of them and then select the law that defines the deficiency.
If you have a second deficiency to report, select Deficiency 2 and repeat
the procedure.
When you are done, selecting all the deficiencies just press the right
arrow to the End of Inspection Screen.
Click the finishing button .
As you can see the inspection status changed to “agent task
The upper section of the screen is designed to build a query to find
the tasks you want.
You can enter From-To dates to list all the tasks created or executed or cancelled
between those dates.
Click the From field and select the first day of the period.
Then click the To field and select the last day of the period.
Click the Go button.
More parameters you fill, narrower the search will be. For example, if you enter a
period and then select the status "Request Approved", you get a list of tasks that
were approved during that period.
If you want to list the tasks that you have completed during the period you
specified, select the status "Agent Tasks Done" and click the Go button.
To display the details of a completed task, click its "Actions History"
The screen displays now a history of all operations performed in connection with
this task… when the request was submitted… when it was approved, etc.
Click the "Reports Details List" icon to access the inspection report.
The left pane displays the sections of the report.
You can see the details of your report
Click the Go Back button to return to the main screen.
How to be sure my inspection report has sent successfully?
To be sure your report has sent successfully please enter the task menu and make the
“send unsent reports from unit” action
For more details please watch the tutorial video number 5
My tablet is out of order and I have an inspection task pending
You have several options:
1.Use a fellow inspector tablet and access the application with your user name and
2.Perform the inspection as you have done until today(filling the papers) and then use
the “task wizard” on the web application
For more details please watch the tutorial video number 6
3.Contact the AMP headquarters , announce them you can’t carry out the inspection so
they cancel the inspection request