The History of Christmas - Hebron Lane Church of Christ

Sacred History
Secular History
Bible Authority
Sacred History
Everything the Bible says about Christmas:
• Disciples did not observe
• Holy Spirit did not reveal
• Apostles did not command
Sacred History
Christmas is extra-biblical in origin
• “Neither Christmas (… Christ + Mass)
nor the actual celebration
of the anniversary of the birth of Christ
is recorded in the Bible”
- Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible
Sacred History
Christmas is extra-biblical in origin
• “Christmas was not among
the earliest festivals of the Church”
- Catholic Encyclopedia
Secular History
Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia
• Earliest known reference to date
of Christ’s birth is around 200 AD
• End of 4th century special services adopted
• Originally a religious celebration…
• Gradual addition of practices of nations
⁃ “The assimilation of such practices generally
represented efforts by Christians to transform
or absorb otherwise pagan practices”
Secular History
Why Dec. 25 for Christ’s birth?
• Two dates: Jan. 6 & Dec. 25 (Zondervan)
• Assigned to every month (Catholic Enc.)
• “the Gospels give no help…” (Catholic Enc.)
Secular History
Why Dec. 25 for Christ’s birth?
• “The date was chosen to counter
pagan festivities connected with
the winter solstice;
since 274, under the emperor Aurelian,
Rome had celebrated
the feast of the ‘Invincible Sun’
on December 25”
- Grolier Encyclopedia
Secular History
Why Dec. 25 for Christ’s birth?
• “The well-known solar feast…
of Natalis Invicti,
celebrated on 25 December,
has strong claim on the responsibility for
our December date”
- Catholic Encyclopedia
Secular History
Other things associated with Christmas
• Tree: pagan, Anglo-Saxon (
• Gifts: Feast of Saturnalia (Zondervan)
• Yule Log: Norse festival
Secular History
Pagan connection traditionally condemned
• “as late as the 1840s Christmas trees
were seen as pagan symbols
and not accepted by most Americans”
Secular History
Pagan connection traditionally condemned
• “Oliver Cromwell preached against
‘heathen traditions’ of Christmas carols,
decorated trees,…”
Secular History
Pagan connection traditionally condemned
• “In 1659, the General Court of Massachusetts
enacted a law making any observance
of December 25 (other than a church service)
a penal offense.”
Bible Authority
Warned about adding to or taking from
The Law, Deut. 4:2
Not to right or left, Josh. 1:7
Punishment, Rev. 22:18, 19
Wisdom, Prov. 30:6
Example, 1 Kgs. 12:25-33
Bible Authority
Must have divine authority, Mt. 21:23-27
Direct statement, Acts 2:38
Approved example, Acts 20:7
Necessary inference, Acts 15:7-11
No authority for the church
to have a religious celebration of Christmas
Bible Authority
Individual liberty, Rom. 14:5
Patriotic Days (4th of July)
Days of rest/reflection (Thanksgiving)
Days of respect (Mother’s Day)
Days for family (Easter, Christmas)