End Polio Now District Training Team Seminar February 28 - March 1, 2014 PAG Lee A. Beam We are “this” Close District 7570 DTTS 2014 District 7570 DTTS 2014 But we are not alone . . District 7570 DTTS 2014 District 7570 DTTS 2014 District 7570 DTTS 2014 District 7570 DTTS 2014 DGE Vivian’s challenge to the Rotarians and Rotary clubs in D7570 for 2014-2015: District 7570 DTTS 2014 $25 per Rotarian District 7570 DTTS 2014 $25 per Rotarian will raise more than $87,500 from our District. Matched by the Gates Foundation, there will be more than $262,500 to spend on immunization and education to help eradicate Polio. District 7570 DTTS 2014 Can we do more? I’m sure we can. D7570 contributed more than $400,000 the past 3 years. But, let’s at least contribute $25 per Rotarian. District 7570 DTTS 2014 How? District 7570 DTTS 2014 Assistant Governors: Make sure your clubs are aware of this goal. Clubs need to enter their Polio goal in Club Central. District 7570 DTTS 2014 District 7570 DTTS 2014