Federal Aviation Administration TFRs in the Houston Area FAASTeam Presented to: General Audience By: Sarah Rovner Date: 7-16-13 Overview • • • • Regulations Regarding TFRs General TFRs Presidential TFRs Intercept procedures Federal Aviation Administration 2 Regulations and TFRs Regulations Regarding TFRs FAA Temporary Flight Restrictions: • FAR § 91.137 describes the procedures regarding TFRs in the vicinity of disaster/hazard areas (example: firefighting operations) • FAR § 91.138 describes the procedures regarding TFRs in national disaster areas in the State of Hawaii • FAR § 91.141 describes the restriction for flights in proximity of the President. • FAR § 91.144 describes temporary flight restrictions when the barometric pressure exceeds 31 inches of Mercury • FAR § 91.145 describes TFRs put in place for major sporting events or aerial demonstrations. Federal Aviation Administration 3 Types of TFRs • • • • Presidential Special Events Disaster/Hazard Areas Homeland Security Federal Aviation Administration 4 TFR Format 1. Location of the TFR area 2. Effective period 3. Defined area 4. Altitudes affected 5. FAA coordination facility and telephone number 6. Reason for the TFR 7. Agency directing relief activities (if applicable) and telephone number 8. Any other information considered appropriate. Federal Aviation Administration 5 General TFRs Management of Aircraft Operations in the Vicinity of Aerial Demonstrations and Major Sporting Events Under FAR § 91.145, the following events MAY be issued a TFR via NOTAM with the specific location and altitudes of the restriction: • • • • • • • • • • • Blue Angels demonstration Thunderbirds demonstration Golden Knights parachute demonstration Summer/Winter Olympic games Annual Tournament of Roses Football Game World Cup Soccer Major League Baseball All-Star Game World Series Kodak Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Sandia Classic Hang Gliding Competition Indianapolis 500 Race Federal Aviation Administration 6 6 General TFRs FDC NOTAM 9/5151 Which of the following events would NOT quality for a TFR under FDC NOTAM 9/5151? (ask audience question) • • • • • • National Football League game Major League Baseball Indy Car Race NCAA Division One Football Game NASCAR Sprint Cup Outdoor concert by a popular band Federal Aviation Administration 7 7 General TFRs Requirements for the issue of a TFR under FDC NOTAM 9/5151: • Stadium having a seating capacity of 30,000 or more • 1 hour before and 1 hour after the qualifying event • All aircraft and parachute operations are prohibited within a 3 nm radius up to and including 3000 agl. • Exclusions: – Flights conducted for operational purposes of the event – Flights authorized with an approved waiver – Aircraft authorized by and in contact with ATC for operational or safety of flight purposes – DOD, law enforcement, and air ambulance Federal Aviation Administration 8 8 General TFRs • Flight Service MAY or MAY NOT be aware of a specific TFR for a general sporting event under NOTAM 9/5151 • Just because you are in contact with ATC does NOT mean you are automatically cleared through the TFR. If you are VFR and receiving flight following services, you are ALWAYS responsible for your flight path and to avoid special airspace. • AOPA has a good resource for a list of qualifying stadiums and events: – http://www.aopa.org/Flight-Planning/Tfrs/Stadiums-andSpeedways Federal Aviation Administration 9 9 Stadiums in the Houston Area • Reliant Stadium (71,500) – Houston Texans games • Minute Maid Park (40,950) – Houston Astros games • Rice Stadium (70,000) – NCAA Games • University of Houston Robertson Stadium (32,000) – NCAA Games Federal Aviation Administration 10 10 NOTAMs and TFRs Blanket NOTAMS & Special Security Instructions • NOTAM 4/0811 – Special Notice – Pilots are strongly advised to avoid the airspace above, or in proximity to such sites as power plants (nuclear, hydro-electric, or coal), dams, refineries, industrial complexes, military facilities and other similar facilities – Although this is not a specific restriction to flights in this areas, it is expected that good judgment be used when operating in the vicinity of these areas and to avoid loitering. • 14 CFR Section 99.7 details regulations regarding aircraft in the vicinity of above mentioned Federal Aviation locations. Administration 11 11 DC Area Flight Restrictions Washington, DC Area Flight Restrictions • 3 flight restrictions in place: – DC Metropolitan Area Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) – Special Federal Aviation Regulation 94 – DC Metropolitan Air Defense Identification Zone (DC.ADIZ) • There are special procedures in place for operating in this area. Both AOPA and the FAA offer training on specific procedures in place. • Most flight schools in that area require the training course before renting to customers who intend to fly in that area. Federal Aviation Administration 12 12 Presidential TFRs • An area under a Presidential TFR is considered “National Defense Airspace” – 30 nm restriction around the president, with a 10 nm radius no-fly zone for non-scheduled flights. – Usually includes airspace up to FL 180 – NOTAM will be issued for the exact airspace affected. • Exceptions – Regularly scheduled air carrier or cargo flights – Air ambulance, law enforcement, etc – Aircraft under 2 way radio communication with ATC who are receiving a discreet squawk code • It is completely ATC’s discretion on whether or not you can fly through the restricted area. VFR aircraft are always responsible for their own separation. I have even heard IFR aircraft get told Federal Aviation it. they could not go through it and received vectors around 13 Administration 13 Sources of TFR Information • FAA website • AOPA website • Flight Service Station and Weather Briefing • DUATS online briefing Federal Aviation Administration 14 14 Why you should check for TFRs PLAY VIDEO Federal Aviation Administration 15 15 Intercept Procedures Intercept Procedures – NOTAM 4/4386 • NOTAM 4/4386 – SPECIAL NOTICE... NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM INTERCEPT PROCEDURES. AVIATORS SHALL REVIEW THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION MANUAL (AIM) FOR INTERCEPTION PROCEDURES, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 6, PARAGRAPH 5-6-2. ALL AIRCRAFT OPERATING IN UNITED STATES NATIONAL AIRSPACE, IF CAPABLE, SHALL MAINTAIN A LISTENING WATCH ON VHF GUARD 121.5 OR UHF 243.0. IF AN AIRCRAFT IS INTERCEPTED BY U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT AND FLARES ARE DISPENSED, THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES ARE TO BE FOLLOWED: FOLLOW THE INTERCEPT'S VISUAL SIGNALS, CONTACT AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL IMMEDIATELY ON THE LOCAL FREQUENCY OR ON VHF GUARD 121.5 OR UHF GUARD 243.0, AND COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY THE INTERCEPTING AIRCRAFT INCLUDING VISUAL SIGNALS IF UNABLE RADIO CONTACT. BE ADVISED THAT NONCOMPLIANCE MAY RESULT INFederal THEAviation USE OF 16 Administration FORCE. WIE UNTIL UFN 16 Intercept Procedures • If you are intercepted by a U.S. Military or law enforcement aircraft, immediately: 1. Follow the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft. 2. Notify ATC, if possible 3. Attempt to contact the intercepting aircraft and/or ATC on the emergency frequency 121.5 MHz, giving the identity and position of your aircraft and the nature of the flight. 4. If equipped with a transponder, squawk 7700, unless otherwise instructed by ATC. 5. If any instructions received by radio from any sources conflict with those given by the intercepting aircraft by visual or radio signals, request clarification while continuing to comply with the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft. Federal Aviation Administration 17 17 Visual Intercept Signals Intercepting Aircraft Signal Meaning Intercepted Aircraft Response Meaning Rocks wings; after acknowledgement initiates a slow level turn, typically to the left, into the desired heading You have been intercepted Rocks wings, follows intercepting aircraft's lead I understand and will comply Night operations = flashing of navigation lights Night = flash navigation lights Performs an abrupt breakaway maneuver with a climbing 90 degree turn without crossing the intercepted aircraft’s flight path You may proceed Rocks wings I understand and will comply Circles airport, lowers landing gear, and files over runway in the direction of landing Land at this airport Lowers landing gear, follows intercepting aircraft and lands if runway is safe I understand and will comply Night = additionally turns on landing lights Night = turn on landing light Federal Aviation Administration 18 18 Visual Intercept Signals Intercepted Aircraft Signal Meaning Intercepting Aircraft Response Meaning Raises landing gear while flying over runway between 1000’ and 2000’ and continues to circle airport This airport is inadequate If the intercepted aircraft is required to go to an alternate airport, intercepting aircraft will raise landing gear and use intercept procedures Understood, follow me To release the intercepted aircraft, the intercepting aircraft will perform a breakaway maneuver Understood, you may proceed Night operations = intercepted aircraft will flash landing lights while passing over runway Pilot switches all available lights on and off at regular intervals Cannot comply Performs breakaway maneuver Understood Pilot switches all available lights on and off at irregular intervals In distress Performs breakaway maneuver Understood Federal Aviation Administration 19 19 Conclusion • It is very important to check NOTAMS and TFRs before you depart, even if it’s a beautiful day outside. • Flight Service may not be aware of all TFRs, so during sports seasons make it a key point to check for events and games that qualify under NOTAM 9/5151 • Talking to ATC does NOT give you clearance through a TFR. • Follow all instructions given in the event you are intercepted. • And as always, make safety your priority when flying. Federal Aviation Administration 20 20 Questions? Federal Aviation Administration 21 21