The Fire Suppression Rating Schedule

Presented by: Blaine W. Rabe’ Division Manager for the Property Insurance
Association of Louisiana
Have an Organized Department with defined boundaries
recognized by the AHJ and one person responsible for
operations. Also be organized on a permanent basis under
applicable state or local laws.
Must have at least 4 firefighters responding to working fires
Minimum training of at least 2 hours every 2 months.
Have a method for alarm notification and no delay in receipt
of this alarm.
One piece of apparatus meeting N.F.P.A.1901 Standard.
The apparatus shall be housed to provide protection from the
Communications (10 Points)
Fire Department (50 Points)
Water Supply (40 Points)
Commercial & Residential Property must be within
7 road miles of a recognized fire station
considered in that graded areas fire rating to get
the fire rating of the graded area they are in. If
over mileage, Class 10 rates apply.
Commercial Property must have a standard fire
hydrant within 1,000 feet as hose can be laid from
the engine. If a area is receiving Water Hauling
Credit, this requirement is waived.
PIAL will conduct community evaluation of a fire
department on a 5-year cycle.
If the class rating changed 2 or more classes, we
will re-evaluate this area in 2 to 3 more years to
assure the level of fire protection.
Each year PIAL will conduct a minimum of 4
“random” evaluations among all fire departments in
the state.
Specific and Class Rated Properties have a Needed
Fire Flow of 3,500 G.P.M. or less as determined in
this calculation.
Individual Rated Properties have a Needed Fire Flow
of 4,000 G.P.M. or larger and may receive a poorer
fire rating based on it’s on merits.
This section is designed to evaluate the capability
of the communications center.
NFPA 1221 Standard should be your reference
standard for the communications center.
Three sections reviewed
◦ Facilities to report alarms
◦ Operators on duty at the communications center
◦ Facilities to dispatch fire companies to alarms
◦ Number of Operators on Duty-Performing Communications
◦ NFPA 1221 Standard
◦ Performance Based Practices
◦ Call Volume Matrix
Dispatch Circuits
◦ Evaluation of Dispatch Circuits
 Notification
 Radio Traffic Recorded
 Receiving Notification
 Emergency Power
The Fire Department Section of the FSRS deals with the operations of
the Fire Department, including:
◦ Apparatus and Equipment
 Existing and Reserve Apparatus
◦ Pump Capacity
 Total amount of G.P.M. of all Engine Companies
◦ Fire Station Locations
 Engine Companies = 1 ½ Road Mile Coverage and Ladder/Service
Companies = 2 ½ Road Mile Coverage and if additional Engines and
Ladder/Service Companies are needed and where.
◦ Manpower
 On-Duty at the Fire Station and volunteer/off duty response for
◦ Training
 Fire Suppression training conducted by the department.
Engine Company Credit is considered as carried
equipment and the use of the carried equipment.
The point value per engine is based upon the
Needed Engine Companies against Existing Engine
Companies Ratio.
One reserve engine is needed for up to 8 existing
engine companies in the graded area.
You can actually get credit in this section without
having a Reserve Engine if you have at least 2
Existing Engine Companies.
You can share a Reserve Engine Company between
2 graded areas. Requirements must be met and a
written service agreement.
This is based on the Basic Fire Flow
◦ Maximum pump capacity for any graded area is 3,500
◦ Apparatus Included
 Existing Engine Companies
 Reserve Engine Companies
 Pumps on other apparatus (Ladder Companies, etc.)
◦ Percentage of credit for each can be limited to a minimum
of 50% based on type and annual pump test data.
Needed Ladder/Service Companies are established
by the greater of 2 methods.
◦ Distribution
◦ Needed Fire Flow/building Height
All districts need at least 1 Service Company as a
Is a Ladder Company Needed? And how many?
◦ Any combination of 5 or more buildings with a NFF of
4,000 GPM, or 35’ in height to the eaves (3-story)
◦ Height = Minimum is 50’ and Maximum is 100’
One reserve is needed for up to every 8 existing
service or ladder companies in the graded area.
You can actually get credit in this section without
having a Reserve Service/Ladder if you have 2
Existing Service/Ladder Companies
You can share a Reserve Service/Ladder Company
between two graded areas. Additional info. Is
needed to allocated proper credit.
Apparatus – Apparatus Usage
◦ Proper Apparatus for each response
 Structural Alarms and or Fires
◦ Documentation of Proper Apparatus
 Dispatch
 Arrival / Cancellation
◦ Documentation of Response Disposition
 Personnel to Apparatus Connection
 Narrative Explanation
This is based on how much if the graded area is
covered within 1 ½ road miles for engines and 2 ½
road miles for ladder/service.
◦ Percentage of Coverage is calculated by
 Hydrants
 Total Road Miles
The number of existing companies at their full
equipment value is used as the denominator in this
60% of the credit is Engine, 40% is Ladder/Service
There is no maximum limit to these points
For 15 points, the graded area must have on each apparatus
the numbers below
◦ Engine = 6 firefighters (24/7)
◦ Ladder = 6 firefighters (24/7)
◦ Service = 3 firefighters (24/7)
On-Duty credit is 1 for 1 (Averaged over a 12 month period)
Volunteer credit is 3 for 1 (Avg. over up to 20 working fires)
Credit can be increased to 6 for 1 due to inadequate record
Rosters should include –
Ranks (Positions)
Length of Time
Special Comments
Remember Grading Criteria – FF/DR/NDR/OFF/Rookie
Roster Management should be continuous
Training is divided into 2 sections by the Rating.
Points have to be awarded in both sections.
Training is one of the most confusing area.
Category A & B
Category A – Training Facilities & Use
◦ Training Facilities = 35 Total Points
◦ Drills (Training Use)
 14 Total Drills per Year
 Multi-Company Drill 40%
 Single Company Drill 40%
 Night Drill 20%
Drills are counted – 1 drill = 3 hour classroom or
outdoor fire suppression training session.
Eight drills can count for the full 14 if the
appropriate type of drill was conducted.
Single Drills counts as a Single Drill
Multi counts as a Single and Multi Company Drill
Single-Night counts as a Single and Night Drill
Multi-Night counts as a Single, Multi and Night Drill.
Drill Tower
8 Points
◦ 2 to 4 Stories Needed (based on area)
 No Bldgs. more than 3 stories
 1 to 4 Bldgs that are 3 stories
 Ladder Company Required
Fire Building
(2 Story)
(3 story)
(4 story)
8 Points
◦ Constructed to NFPA 1402 Standards
Flammable Liquid Pit
5 Points
◦ Video is acceptable where a Federal, State or Local
Ordinance deems you cannot burn.
Training Area
(10 Points)
◦ 2 Acres suitable paved training area for Drills and Driver
Parking Lots, Streets, Etc.
(10 Points)
◦ If the department does not have a Training Facility, but has
utilized these items for drills, this item will be credited.
Training Library
(2 Points)
Fire Protection Handbook
IFSTA Manuals
Fire Chief’s Handbook
Managing Fire Service
Slide & Movie Projectors / Props
◦ Slide/Movie/PowerPoint Projectors
◦ Hydrant Cut-A-Way
◦ Pump Cut-A-Way
(2 Points)
Company Training
(25 Points)
◦ 20 hours per member per month
◦ Daily/Monthly Training @ Fire Station Fire Suppression
Officer Training
(15 Points)
◦ 4-3 hours classes (12 hours per officer per year)
◦ Must be Leadership related (Reference NFPA 1021 Standard)
Driver Training
(2 Points)
◦ 12 hours per driver per year
◦ Driving fire/ladder truck and pump training
New Driver Training
(2 Points)
Radiological Monitoring
(1 Point)
Recruit Training
(5 Points)
Pre-Fire Planning
(15 Points)
◦ 40 hours per new driver
◦ Must be specific to all new driver/operators
◦ 3 hours per member per year
◦ 240 hours for new members
◦ All commercial bldgs must be pre-planned in accordance
with NFPA 1620 Standard.
Total number of IFSAC Certifications for the
grading year and prior 2 years.
◦ Limited to 1 per member
A maximum of 3 points can be awarded.
This “Bonus Credit” exists within the 9 total points
to be allocated for training.
Supply Works – Capacity of Total System
◦ Maximum Daily Consumption
◦ Tower Capacities
◦ Pumping Capacities
Fire Flows – Capacity of Water Mains
◦ Standard Hydrant Flows
Distribution of Hydrants – availability
◦ 250 G.P.M. up to 1,000 G.P.M.
◦ LDH Requirements
Calculating Maximum Daily Consumption-The
Rating Process includes the exclusion of “Normal
Use” water from your water system to determine
water available for “Fire Fighting”
◦ Max. Daily Consumption – Max. total amount during any 24
hour period in a 3 year period.
◦ Estimated Calculation – Average Daily Consumption
multiplied ay 150%.
◦ American Water Works Association – Manual is reference for
water supply section of the evaluation.
Once the Max. Daily Consumption is removed from
the available water supply, the remaining water is
calculated to a G.P.M. figure to determine fire flow
duration periods.
◦ Duration Periods of sustained supply:
 Up to 2,500 G.P.M. =
2 Hours
 3,000 G.P.M. to 3,500 G.P.M. = 3 Hours
 4,000 G.P.M. and greater =
4 Hours
This is the total picture – each location is compared
and the lesser amount is credited.
The Criteria are:
Needed Fire Flow
Water Supply
Fire Flow
Hydrant Distribution
Capacity of Water Hauled
Summary of Credits
◦ Communications
◦ Fire Department
◦ Water Supply
◦ Divergence
◦ Total Credit
10 Points Max.
50 Points Max.
40 Points Max.
100 Points (Max.)
Total Points are converted to a Rating Class:
100 – 90.00 Points
89.99 – 80.00 Points
79.99 – 70.00 Points
69.99 – 60.00 Points
59.99 – 50.00 Points
40.00 – 49.99 Points
39.99 – 30.00 Points
29.99 – 20.00 Points
19.99 – 10.00 Points
9.99 – 0 Points