Oxygen, a fundamental property regulating pelagic ecosystem structure in the coastal southeastern tropical Pacific Bertrand A., Chaigneau A., Peraltilla S., Ledesma J., Graco M., Monetti F. & Chavez F.P. O2 Context Global expansion of Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZ) (e.g. Stramma et al., 2008) The Humboldt Current system presents a very intense and shallow OMZ DePol-Holz et al. (2007) 2 Context: For fish and plankton, oxygen does matter Depth (m) DO (mL/L) OMZ (Bertrand et al., 2008, PinO) In some cases: almost no room for fish (<10 m), anchoveta seems to manage but what about sardine or jack mackerel? Ballón et al. (2011, PinO) 3 Context: For fish and plankton, oxygen does matter Fish need both food and oxygen, the latter might be more difficult to obtain than the former (Pauly, 2010) 4 1. Anchoveta and sardine ‘alternance’ The ‘common’ statement: Alternance of decadal ‘cold’ anchovy (La Vieja) and ‘warm’ sardine(El Viejo) periods (Chavez et al., 2003) (Chavez et al.,et2003) (Chavez al., 2003) 5 1. Anchoveta and sardine ‘alternance’ Paleo-ecological studies: surprises from the past om fluxes haet.-free) fish scale DR Diatom fluxes Anchovy (Chaet.-free) TOC flux anomalies Callao 2000 1900 1800 fish TOC flux Bones & warm-water Anchovy anomalies vertebrae DR species Anchoveta abundant, few sardine Both abundant Sardine abundant, few anchoveta Both scarce 1700 oceanic mero neritic oceanic mero neritic 1600 1500 offshore spp. sardine 1400 Both abundant 1300 10 6 30 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pisco 2000 0 405 80 10300 300 20 -3 -240-1 060 1 0 2 150 3 D. Gutiérrez et al. (2009) 1000 0 40 80 1. Anchoveta and sardine variability Anchovy is more abundant when macrozooplankton dominate while sardine is more abundant when small zooplankton is abundant Ayón et al. (2011) But sardine is able to forage on macrozooplankton (Espinoza et al., 2009) So what? (ii) Proportional model, where the area occupied stays constant and local density varies proportionally to abundance (Houghton, 1987; Myers and Stokes, 1989; Hilborn and Walters, 1992; Petitgas, 1997) (iii) Basin model, where density and area vary with abundance (MacCall, 1990). 8 Low biomass Area Density (i) Constant density model: density stays constant and the area covered by the stock varies with abundance (Iles and Sinclair, 1982; Hilborn and Walters, 1992) High biomass Area Density Habitat selection and dynamics: some models (see Barange et al., 2009): Density 1. Anchoveta and sardine variability Area 1. Anchoveta and sardine variability -5 -10 -10 -15 However… lat (deg. W) First the fish, then the habitat... CCW M CS SSW SEW STW CAW M RW M ESC -15 CCW M CS SSW SEW STW CAW M RW M ESC 1996 Feb-Apr lat (deg. W) -5 Basin model (MacCall, 1990): when a 1995 fish Feb-Apr population increases it will occupy new habitat. Horizontal distribution of anchoveta: limited by the cold coastal waters (CCW) + mix waters, independent of its -82 -78 -74 -70a abundance; when the habitat range increases during lon (deg. S) certain time abundance increases (Bertrand et al., 2004, -82 -78 -74 -70 lon (deg. S) 2008; Swartzman et al., 2008). lat (deg. W) anc hov y s ardine -15 -10 -15 lat (deg. W) first 'comes the habitat', then the fish... Sardine: much more ubiquist in terms of water mass but distribution always more offshore than -82 anchovy (why?). -78 -74 -70 lon (deg. S) 9 -5 anc hov y s ardine -10 -5 MacCall (1990) basin theory since we observed that -82 -78 -74 lon (deg. S) -70 1. Anchoveta and sardine variability Habitat-based hypothesis (Bertrand et al., 2004, 2008, 2010): Variations in the range of habitat constrain the extensioncontraction of fish distribution and determine their abundance if favourable or unfavourable conditions last long enough to influence their population dynamics. First the habitat, then the fish (bottom-up process)... 10 Habitat-based hypothesis Weak upwelling period Intermediate period Strong upwelling period Sardine is ubiquitous relative to water masses: why sardine do not distribute closer to the coast? Mixed sardineAn 'horizontal' habitat-based hypothesis does not explain the full story anchovy Index of biomass (a) (b) dominance Anchovy dominance and sardine collapse Full anchovy era Voir également Massé et Gerlotto, 2003) Gutiérrez et al. (2007) 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 11 Retention-transport See Lett et al. (2007) and Brochier et al. (2010) (c) 1. Anchoveta and sardine variability An 'horizontal' habitat-based hypothesis fits well the anchovy but does not explain the full story for sardine Sardine is ubiquitous relative to water masses: why sardine does not distribute closer to the coast? Does vertical (and oxygen) matter? 12 1. Oxygen does matter: Oxygen and pelagic fish variability Decadal scale A D 15 Catches/biomass in 106 t DO (mL L-1) 4.88 4.66 4.44 4.2 4.00 3.88 90 80 E C 60 Z2mL/L (m) 5 0 75 50 40 Sardine 4 3 2 1 0 30 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year 13 10 85 Catches/biomass in 106 t DOsat (%) B Anchovy 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year 1. Oxygen does matter: Oxygen and pelagic fish variability Cross-shore scale 14 1. Oxygen does matter: Oxygen and pelagic fish variability Local (1 nm) scale Fish acoustic biomass vs. Oxygen Period: 1983-2000 Sardine Anchovy Dissolved oxygen (mL.L-1) Oxygen saturación (%) Oxycline depth (m) At all scales: sardine avoid areas/period with low oxygen/shallow habitat 15 1. Oxygen does matter: Oxygen and pelagic fish variability Oxygen, prey and foraging capabilities Anchoveta: gets most of its energy by direct biting on macrozoopk. Filter feeding on small zoopk: very expensive (O2) relative to biting. Macrozoopk. more abundant in high upwelling-low oxygen periods. Sardine: filter-feeding on small pk. energetically much cheaper. Small pk. more abundant in low upwelling-high oxygen periods. 16 1. Oxygen does matter: Oxygen and pelagic fish variability 17 Bertrand, Chaigneau, Peraltilla, Ledesma, Graco, Monetti, Chavez (2011 PLoS ONE) Oxygen, a fundamental property regulating pelagic ecosystem structure in the coastal southeastern tropical Pacific Bertrand A., Chaigneau A., Peraltilla S., Ledesma J., Graco M., Monetti F. & Chavez F.P. O2