Mixed layer depth variability and phytoplankton phenology in the Mediterranean Sea H. Lavigne1, F. D’Ortenzio1, M. Ribera d’Alcalà2, H. Claustre1 1. Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, France 2. Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn, Naples, Italy 45th Liège Colloquium – May 17th 2013 INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION • It is now well recognized that the phytoplankton phenology is impacted by mixed layer depth (MLD) variability (blooms events are good examples). • However, it is still challenging to observe and characterize the impact of MLD on phytoplankton (MLD and phytoplankton biomass change rapidly, low availability of the phytoplankton biomass data). • Merging in situ MLD data and ocean color chlorophyll-a concentration ([Chl]SAT) data represents a way to explore interactions between MLD annual cycle and phytoplankton phenology. INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Present analysis was performed on the Mediterranean Sea because Data availability (weak cloud coverage for [Chl]SAT, and important CTD sampling). contrasting biogeochemical regimes co-exist over the basin. Present analysis was based on : The generation of concomitant MLD and [Chl]SAT annual cycles. Spatial averages computed in established bioregions. Description of MLD and [Chl]SAT cycles based on a new set of metrics. INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Data Satellite surface chlorophyll-a concentration ([Chl]SAT) Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) calculated from in situ CTD measurements. • SeaWiFS (1998 – July 2007) et MODISAqua (July 2007 - 2010) • Historical database (D’Ortenzio et al. 2005 updated with Coriolis). • Level 3, 8-day , 9km • 72186 profiles of temperature and salinity • Standard NASA algorithm (O’Reilly et al., 2007) • Computation of MLD (criteria in density difference 0.03 kg m-3) The data density is not sufficient to work with a regular mesh grid. A bioregionalization was used instead. INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION The geographical framework - Starting point the bioregionalization of the Mediterranea Sea proposed by D’Ortenzio and Ribera d’Alcalà (2009). Result from a k-means cluster analysis based on the seasonal cycle of SeaWiFS chlorophyll- a concentration Source: D’Ortenzio et Ribera D’alcalà (2009) 3 mains kinds of dynamics appeared bloom intermittent no bloom INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Data processing Med NW - Bloom bioregion Ionian - No bloom bioregion MLD and [Chl]SAT observations temporal spatial Generation of concomitant MLD and [Chl]SAT annual cycles at 8-day resolution Climatological scale All MLD and [Chl]SAT observations are mixed to produce a climatological cycle. Interannual scale Data are averaged for each year separately. INTRODUCTION RESULTS DATA & METHODS CONCLUSION DISCUSSION Metrics to describe annual MLD and [Chl]SAT cycles CHL-MAX MLD-MAX [Chl]SAT MLD July year n ΔINIT ΔMAX June year n+1 CHL-MAX: annual maximum of [Chl]SAT MLD-MAX: annual maximum of MLD ΔINIT: Time lag between the initiation of mixing and the initiation of [Chl]SAT increase (determination of the initiation date: annual median + 5%; Siegel et al., 2002). ΔMAX: Time lag between the date of MLD maxima and the date of [Chl]SAT maxima. INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION The climatological scale Med NW Bloom Ionian - No Bloom MLD-MAX CHL-MAX ΔINIT ΔMAX 185 m 0.99 mg m-3 48 days 48 days MLD-MAX CHL-MAX ΔINIT ΔMAX 90 m 0.22 mg m-3 16 days 8 days INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION The interannual scale : the analysis of annual cycles Med NW - Bloom • The shape of MLD and [Chl]SAT cycles vary from year to year. • For 4 cycles out of 5, the succession MLD deepening followed by [Chl]SAT increase and decay is repeated. • Cycle 2006/2007 is anomalous. Ionian – No Bloom • The shape of MLD and [Chl]SAT cycles are fairly similar to the climatology. • The absolute values, especially for MLD and [Chl]SAT peaks, are variable. INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION The interannual scale: the analysis of metrics bioregion MLD-MAX CHL-MAX ΔINIT ΔMAX Med NW - Bloom 368m [119 – 524] 1.44 mg m-3 [0.84 – 1.72] 14 days [0 – 40] 31 days [(-16) – (+72)] Ionian - No Bloom 108m [76 – 158] 0.25 mg m-3 [0.19 – 0.30] 17 days [(-8) – (+32)] 11 days [(-56) – (+88)] • The metric MLD-MAX is highly variable, by comparison to CHL-MAX. • MLD-MAX and CHL-MAX are both higher in the “Bloom” bioregion than in the “No Bloom” bioregion. • ΔINIT is relatively stable and similar for the “Bloom” and “No Bloom” bioregions. • ΔMAX is more variable, especially for the “No Bloom” bioregion. • ΔMAX is higher for the “Bloom” than for the “No Bloom” bioregion. INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Summary Metrics are a powerful tool to identify patterns in the MLD and [Chl]SAT cycles. These patterns are relatively consistent between interannual and climatological analyses. How we can explain the ΔMAX Metrics analysis confirmed thatdifference in the Mediterranean stronger and theSea ΔINIT ofbiomass 30 accumulation matches with areas where winter days? MLDs are the deepest. Metrics analysis revealed temporal differences between main MLD and [Chl]SAT events (measured with ΔINIT and ΔMAX). c ΔINIT ΔMAX BLOOM ~30 days ~30 days NO BLOOM ~30 days ~0 days INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Do light and nutrient availability can explain the ΔINIT and ΔMAX values in the « Bloom » and « No Bloom » bioregions? PrNUT Probability that the MLD is deeper than the nitracline depth. Empirical estimation (MLD and nitracline datasets are confronted) Nitracline data set: Nitracline = isoline 1µM PrLIGHT Probability that the MLD is above the critical depth (Dcr, Sverdrup 1953). Empirical estimation (MLD dataset is compared to a climatological estimation of the critical depth, calculation method Siegel et al. 2002) 1.3 mol photon m-2 d-1 Calculated from a dataset of 5318 nitrates profiles (MEDAR, SESAME projects). SeaWiFS climatology INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Do light and nutrient availability can explain the ΔINIT and ΔMAX values in the « Bloom » and « No Bloom » bioregions? Ionian – No Bloom Med NW - Bloom Ionian – No Bloom PrLIGHT PrNUT Med NW - Bloom INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS ΔINIT ♦ BLOOM : ~ 30 days ♦ NO BLOOM : ~ 30 days Hypothesis: [Chl]SAT increase only when the MLD is below the nitracline (November) RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION ΔMAX ♦ BLOOM: ~ 30 days Hypothesis: Episodically, a deficit of light could limit the growth during winter. ♦ NO BLOOM : ~ 0 days Hypothesis: Light is always available and irregular nutrients supplies by mixing sustain phytoplankton growth during winter. INTRODUCTION DATA & METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Conclusions and Perspectives • Metrics are a powerful tool to identify phenological patterns and characterize the influence of the mixed layer. • The relevance of metrics ΔINIT and ΔMAX was emphasized. • In the Mediterranean Sea, we proposed some hypotheses to explain their behaviors. (Lavigne et al. JGR, in revision) • The proposed phenological metrics could be particularly adapted for profiling floats observations. Thanks to Fabrizio D’Ortenzio (my supervisor), Loïc Houpert (CEFREM, Perpignan FRANCE) and Rosario Lavezza (SZN, Napoli, Italy) for their help on CTD and nitrate data. Thank you to for your attention Contact: lavigne@obs-vlfr.fr Method Lavigne et al., 2012