Competitive Advantage through Private Equity and Venture Capital Financing Dr. Jürgen Marchart AVCO – Austrian Private Equity and Venture Capital Organisation 28th March 2014 Agenda 1. What is AVCO? 2. What is Private Equity/Venture Capital? 3. Austrian Private Equity Industry 4. Competitive Advantage 5. Framework Conditions What is AVCO? AVCO – Austrian Private Equity und Venture Capital Organisation is … • …the umbrella organisation of the Austrian Venture Capital industry • Represents 80% of the Austrian Venture Capital market • AVCO’s mission is: Mission of AVCO Mission • Information and know-how services, to raise awareness for benefits of VC • Networking, fostering the co-operation of all VC players • Lobbying, to improve framework conditions • Co-operation with EVCA, nVCAs, EC,… Organisation • AVCO is a non-profit association • Financed by membership fee, sponsoring, projects AVCO Services I • Fund location and legal framework conditions o Representation of PE/VC industry in nationalen and European legal framework discussions o Working groups, know-how generation and information of AVCO Members o Interface to other national umbrella organisations and EVCA • Deals/Transactions o Matching platforms o Co-operation with potential targets (portfolio companies, ...) • Investors o Co-operation with potential investors o Information generation und dissemination about the Austrian PE/VC industry • Co-Investments o Creation of matching platforms o Investment cases, success stories, … AVCO Services II • Marketing and visability of the know-how and the services of AVCO Members o visability for know-how and services of AVCO Members to members of the PE/VC Community o Generation of projects/business • Education o PE/VC trainings and seminars o Know-how transfer to young employees of AVCO Members o Development of an education certificate • Information o Newsletter o News & changes at members AVCO Services III • PR (image of the branche) o Public relation o Image building for activities of the PE/VC industry o Active communication of topics o Communication of positive effects of PE/VC for Austria o Awareness building • Networks o Network platforms o Matching platforms o Active community, matching of the players • Lobbying o Competent and independent information und know-how provider o Active discussion with representatives of the government o Active creation and further development of PE/VC in Austria AVCO Members – PE/VC AVCO Members – Service Providers Agenda 1. What is AVCO? 2. What is Private Equity/Venture Capital? 3. Austrian Private Equity Industry 4. Competitive Advantage 5. Framework Conditions Financing Instruments equity silent participations shareholder loan subordinated loan unsecured loans credit & loan debt mezzanine financing-risk success participation property interests governance intensity Financing Mix – Over Time Bösenkapital Stock Equity Fremdkapital Debt Equity Cash-Flow Cash Flow Private PrivateEquity Equity Funding/ FFF / Privatvermögen Föderungen Seed Start-up First-Stage Second-Stage Third-stage IPO What is Private Equity? Private Equity provides equity capital to enterprises not quoted on a stock market. Private Equity can be used to • develop new products and technologies • to expand working capital • to make acquisitions or to strengthen a company’s balance sheet. • to resolve ownership and management issues - a succession in family-owned companies • to buy out or buy in of a business by experienced managers What is Venture Capital? Venture capital is, strictly speaking, a subset of private equity and refers to equity investments made for • the launch • early development or • expansion of a business. (Definition of EVCA – European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association) One Day with PE/VC? “Every day, each of you benefits from Private Equity. Your morning starts with a Latte at Starbucks, you carry your internet research at work via Google or Yahoo!, you talk to family and clients around the globe over Skype and eat a quick lunch snack at Nordsee or Burger King. You order books and CDs from and your kids liaise with their friends over and U-Tube on their Compaq computer powered by Intel. You shop for Tommy Hilfinger, Jimmy Choo, Tumi bags and suitcases, Bally, Tag Heuer etc. in the evening. Your doctor recommends you products from Actelion and Genentech or Amgen and you work out at Fitness First or Holmes Place and you finish your day off buying tickets over Ebay, drinking a beer at Punch and watching TV on Cablecom or Sky.” (Javier Echarri, former EVCA Secretary-General) PE & VC – More than Money Captial Call Concept Fundraising Investment Profit Fundmanagement Investor SME Fund Institutional investors like Pension funds, Insurances, Banks Capital PE/VC as Asset class Growth support , Innovation … Investment plus Information, Coaching, Management Know-how PE/VC as Financing-Tool EXIT Performance Agenda 1. What is AVCO? 2. What is Private Equity/Venture Capital? 3. Austrian Private Equity Industry 4. Competitive Advantage 5. Framework Conditions European PE/VC Industry – Statistics PEREP_Analytics™: (Private Equity Research Exchange Platform) Private Equity non-commercial pan-European private equity database Industry statistic: PE/VC activities of PE/VC funds located in Austria (Fundraising / Investments / Exits at national and international SME). Market statistic: PE/VC activities at SME located in Austria (Investments / Exits of national and international funds). Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Incl. funds located in Austria, investing in Austria and abroad Austrian Funds 2012 Austrian Companies Fundraising 173 Mio. -31% Investments 115 Mio. -7% 261 Mio. -19% 83 Mio. -76% 182 Mio. -37% Deinvestments Industry statistic – Austrian Funds: PE/VC activities of PE/VC funds located in Austria (Fundraising / Investments / Exits at national and international SME). Market statistic – Austrian Companies: PE/VC activities at SME located in Austria (Investments / Exits of national and international funds). Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Europe Investments 2012 GDP share: PE & VC Funds in Europe in % 21 Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Europe Investments 2012 GDP share: PE & VC Austrian Companies in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Europe Investments 2012 GDP share: VC only Austrian Funds in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Europa Investments 2012 GDP share: VC only Austrian Companies in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Investments 1999 - 2012 Development: PE & VC Austrian Funds in Mio. € in Mio. € Seed Start-up Later stage venture Growth Rescue/turnarournd Replacment capital Buyout 2011 7 6 11 21 4 12 63 2012 9 10 6 20 2 1 67 Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) PE/VC Investments Austira vs. Europe Investments 1995 - 2012 Development Austria vs. Europe: PE & VC Austrian Funds in Mio. € Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Investments 2007 - 2012 Development: PE & VC Austrian Companies in Mio. € around € 500 Mio. around € 590 Mio. Communication Deal around € 180 Mio. Statistics since Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Investments 1999 - 2012 Development: VC share Austrian Funds in Mio. € Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Investments 2011 / 2012 Branches: PE & VC Austrian Funds in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Investments 2011 / 2012 Branches: PE & VC Austrian Companies in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Investments 2011 / 2012 Life Cycle phases: PE & VC Austrian Funds in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Investments 2011 / 2012 Life Cycle phases: PE & VC Austrian Companies in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Investments 2012 Flow: PE & VC in Mio. € Germany Czech Republic Switzerland Hungary Liechtenstein 17,2 Mio. 11,5 Mio. 2,1 Mio. 1,6 Mio, 0,3 Mio. abroad 32,9 0,037 % GDP share € 115,4 Mio. Investments made by Austrian Funds 178,7 82,5 von österr. Fonds: 115,4 in Austrian Companies: 261,3 0,084 % GDP share € 261,3 Mio. Investments in Austrian Companies Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Exits 1999 - 2012 Development: PE & VC Austrian Funds in Mio. € Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Exits 2007 - 2012 Development: PE & VC Austrian Companies in Mio. € Statistics since Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Exits 2011 / 2012 Exit Route: PE & VC Austrian Funds in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Exits 2011 / 2012 Exit Route: PE & VC Austrian Companies in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Fundraising 1999 - 2012 Development / Sources: PE & VC Austrian Funds in Mio. € Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Fundraising 2011 / 2012 Sources: PE & VC Austrian Funds 2011 2012 in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Private Equity & Venture Capital in Austria Fundraising 1999 - 2012 Sources: PE & VC – Share Government Agencies Austrian Funds in % Source: EVCA PEREP_Analytics | AVCO (May 2013) Agenda 1. What is AVCO? 2. What is Private Equity/Venture Capital? 3. Austrian Private Equity Industry 4. Competitive Advantage 5. Framework Conditions PE & VC – Intelligent Money Financing Function: no alternative finance sources available for specific project Selection Function: limited financial resources are allocated to projects with highest profit-potential at high risks Added Value: („smart money“) input of active investors is not only money, but also management know-how, networking, consulting, … PE & VC Investment Phases Pre-Seed Stage Business Angel Investment Early Stage Seed Financing Expansion Stage Start-up Financing Second Stage Financing First Stage Financing Third Stage Financing Later Stage Management Buy-out/Buy-in (MBO, MBI) Bridge Financing (Pre-IPO) Turnaround Financing Business Angel Venture Capital Private Equity PE & VC – The Process Analyse & Valuation Closing Stop or Go Preliminary Offer Supervisory Board Contract LOI Negotiations Due Diligence Business Due Diligence Legal Due Diligence Financial Due Diligence Pre Due Diligence Post Due Diligence Effects of PE/VC on Company Development 5.6% 8.5% 2.8% 36.6% company would not exist (any longer) without PE/VC favourable impact on development due to PE/VC no impact on development due to PE/VC unfavourable development due to PE/VC other 46.5% N = 71 Effects of PE/VC on Company Development PE/VC financed companies show: 70 % higher turnover 50 % higher employment Agenda 1. What is AVCO? 2. What is Private Equity/Venture Capital? 3. Austrian Private Equity Industry 4. Competitive Advantage 5. Framework Conditions Tax & Legal Situation Austria Fund Structures Taxation at a fund level Taxation at a company level Taxation of employees Fiscal Incentives Structure Permanent Domestic Non-Domestic Undue Establishment Transparency Transparency Restrictions Mittelstandsfinanzierungsgesellschaft (MiFiG) No No No Yes VAT on management fees Capital Gains Tax Withholding Tax Stamp Duties or Transaction Taxes Anti-abuse Payment Reclaim Stamp Transaction Rules Yes No 25% 25% Yes No Yes Company Tax Rate Special Tax Regime for SMEs Related party loans interest Unrelated party loans interest deduction deduction 25% No Yes Yes Income Tax Social security Capital Gains Tax on Stock Options Special Tax Regimes Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 0% 50% 40% €53,280 25% 25% 50% No Limited Fund Business R&D R&D Capital Contracting Technology Cooperative Innovative Young Partners Management Expenditure Expenditure Researchers Transfer External Spin-out companies Research No No Yes No No No No No Yes Status Quo in Austria Legal Framework Conditions • AIFMD implementation, adoption necessary • Future national PE/VC regulation for sub-threshold area is depend on AIFMD implementation • MiFiG ended 2013 • IGG / ”MifiG new” is under discussion Status Quo in Austria AVCO Community • 16 Fund Members represent the relevant players in the market • Service Provider are well educated and highly experienced with PE/VC • Austrian SME landscape provides an attractive pipeline for portfolio companies • Austrian investors seek for investment opportunities abroad and/or Austria, and for syndication partners Contact Jürgen Marchart Managing Director T +43 1 526 38 05 F +43 1 526 38 05-6552 AVCO Austrian Private Equity and Venture Capital Organisation