Jane Eyre Thornfield and Ferndean Chapters 22-27, 36-38

Jane Eyre
Thornfield and Ferndean
Chapters 22-27, 36-38
Lauren, Ryder, Labonno, and Phil
Chapter 23: Rochester's Proposal
Mr. Rochester and Jane take a walk in the garden, and he informs her that
he is going to marry Blanche Ingram, and that he knows of a governess
position in Ireland that she could take. Upset about this possible
separation, Jane confesses her feelings for Rochester and he asks her to be
his wife.
Jane says "Do you think because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am
soleless and heartless?"
"I was silent: I thought he mocked me." --> Jane's immediate reaction to
Rochester's proposal is the thought that he's teasing her. This reflects the
difference in social classes between the two and how this type of union was
unrealistic at that time.
Jane accepts the proposal and she is "roused from the nightmare of
parting-called to the paradise of union-[she] thought only of the bliss given
me to drink in so abundant a flow."
Jane is blinded by the love between her and Mr. Rochester, and believes
that she can overcome all obstacles. She even disregards how Mrs. Fairfax
witnesses them together.
Chapter 26: Rochester's
Wife Revealed
During the wedding ceremony, a man named Mr. Briggs
objects to the union of Jane and Mr. Rochester,
revealing that Rochester is already married. Mr. Mason
steps forward as well and claims that Rochester was
married to Bertha, Mason's sister, fifteen years earlier in
Jamaica. Rochester finally admits that this is true, and
takes everyone back to Thornfield to witness the insane
state of Bertha. Afterwards, Jane retires to her room
and thinks about the day's events in a surprisingly calm
Chapter 26: Rochester's
Wife Revealed Cont.
When the crowd sees Bertha, they see a "beast" that "snatched and growled
like some strange wild animal..."
"The maniac bellowed: she parted her shaggy locks from her visage, and
gazed wildly at her visitors. I recognized well that purple face,-those
bloated features." --> Jane recognizes her as the woman that ripped her
"That is my wife," said he: "Such is the sole conjugal embrace I am ever to
know-such are the endearments which are to solace my leisure hours!"
"Jane Eyre, who had been an ardent, expectant woman-almost a bridewas a cold, solitary girl again: her life was pale, her prospects were
"A Christmas frost had come at midsummer; a white December storm had
whirled over June; ice glazed the ripe apples..." --> lots of cold/winter
Jane's blissful state is broken, and "[her] hopes are all dead." She begins to
consider her options.
Chapter 26: Jane's desolation (almost
a bride) and Jane renounces love
As the title of this section states, this passage at the end
of Chapter 26 talks about the final events of her "bitter
hour [that] cannot be described.
After the marriage is officially called-off, Jane believes
that "Mr. Rochester was not to [her] what he had been",
and decides to leave Thornfield and become an
independent woman
Chapter 26 Part 2:
•This section, a mere page, has some of the most emotional and brilliant
writing in the whole book
Anaphora is found at the start of the passage when summarizing the events
of the day "no ..."
•Sarcasm is also found "the morning had been a quiet morning enough -- all
except the brief scene with the lunatic"
•To describe her sadness to the situation, Jane alludes to many Wintry images
(214)/talks about ice
•-This part is in third person, and it's one of the few times in the novel that
the narrator refers to herself as Jane, which emphasises her sorrow to the
•Imagery of water "dried-up bed of a great river", "flood loosened", "the waters
came into my soul", "I sank in deep mire", "I came in deep waters", "the flood
overflowed me"
•Foreshadowing occurs: "my view must be hateful to him. Oh, how blind had
been my eyes! How weak my conduct!
Chapter 37: Jane independent, "I am
my own mistress"
• Jane returns to Rochester as a strong
independent woman
"I told you I am independent, sir, as well as
rich: I am my own mistress"
Jane has a renewed confidence when facing
Mr. Rochester
"Do you think I feared his blind ferocity? If
you do, you little know me."
Chapter 37: continued
• However, a there is a dichotomy between
Jane's independence and her subordination
to Rochester.
"I will be your neighbor, your nurse, your
housekeeper... wait on you, be your eyes and
Devotion? Or Servitude?
Jane maintains a level of control over him
Rochester compares himself to the chestnut
Chapter 37: Resolution to
marry Rochester
- Jane ventures to Ferndean to visit the now blind Mr. Rochester. He
appears the same but she sees desolation and despair in his face. A
change in him is noticeable.
•- Jane carries in a tray of water to Mr. Rochester who initially
questions whether the voice he hears is truly Jane. She tells him of her
new found independence due to her inherited fortunes from her uncle
of Madeira.
"I will be your neighbor, your nurse, your housekeeper. I find you
lonely: I will be your companion- to read to you, to walk with you, to
sit with you, to wait on you, to be eyes and hands to you. Cease to
look so melancholy, my dear master; you shall not be left desolate,
so long as I live"
- When he becomes confident she is there to stay, he proposes
Chapter 38: 10 Years On
-In the conclusion, Jane marries Mr. Rochester with only a parson
and a church clerk as the witnesses. Soon after Jane visits Adele at
her school and learns of her unhappiness- she soon moves her to a
different school. Jane provides an account of ten years of marriage
with Mr. Rochester. The conclusion effectively ties up the action
with a summary of the essential characters and their whereabouts.
-"No woman was ever nearer to her mate than I am: ever more
absolutely bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh. I know no
weariness of my Edward’s society: he knows none of mine, any more
than we each do of the pulsation of the heart that beats in our
separate bosoms; consequently, we are ever together"
-Thus the narrative comes full circle as Jane finds happiness and her
-Through the novel Jane has come to know and accept herself and
she now is capable of being in a relationship as an "independent"