PRESS RELEASE ORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT Parmalat S.p.A. announces that Antonio Vanoli will be leaving his current role of General Manager in Charge of Operations of the Parmalat Group on December 31, 2014. Effective January 1, 2015, Mr. Vanoli will continue to support the General Manager of Parmalat Group in the areas of Sales, Marketing and Communications in his role of Senior Executive Advisor. In addition, he will continue to serve as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Centrale del Latte di Roma S.p.A. As a consequence, the Office of General Manager in Charge of Operations shall cease as of January 1, 2015, and the relevant functions will be performed by the General Manager Yvon Guérin. Parmalat expresses his heartfelt thanks to Antonio Vanoli for his significant contributions, commitment and the outstanding results he achieved over the years in his position of General Manager in Charge of Operations of the Parmalat Group, and looks forward to his continued support in 2015 in his new role. Collecchio, December 31, 2014 Parmalat S.p.A. Parmalat S.p.A. Sede: Via delle Nazioni Unite, 4 43044 Collecchio (Parma) Italia Tel.+39.0521.8081 Fax +39.0521.808322 Cap. Soc. € 1.831.068.945 i.v. R.E.A. Parma n. 228069 Reg. Imprese Parma n. 04030970968 Cod. Fisc. e P. IVA n. 04030970968 Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di B.S.A. S.A.