
Effective Troop Committee
Steve Cybart
Organization of Scouting
National Council Boy Scouts of America
Local Council
Chartered Organization
Troop Committee
The National Council
• Maintains national high- adventure bases
Minn., Fl., and New Mexico.
• Organizes national Scout jamboree.
• To achieve this the National Council issues a
charter to each local council, U.S. and it’s
territories have more than 300 local councils
and more than 50,000 reg. Boy Scout
Local Council
Grants charters to community organization
Promotes the Scouting Program
Registration of units and council personnel
Provides facilities and leadership for a yr.
round outdoor program and Summer Camp
• Offers training in a timely manner
Scouting District
• Geo. area within local council determined by the
council’s executive board
• Each district has a district committee composed
of key district scouters, does not make policy,
works through chartered organizations to assure
success of troops.
• District Committee does this by subcommitties,
membership,advancement,finance,Camp and
outdoor promotion,Training,Activities and Civic
District Committe
• Volunteers, train adult volunteers, provides district
programs for troops, camporees and Scouting Shows,
assists in formation of new troops and helps cordinate
Friends of Scouting Campagin.
• District also has a commissioner staff that assigns a
unit commissioner to give direct coaching and
consultation to the troop committee and
scoutmaster,the district committee and commissioner
staff can be a good source for troop committe.
• Scouting professional who provides district service is
the district executive, helpful in showing you how to
accomplish troop program goals.
Chartered Organization
• Troop is owned by a chartered
organization,usually a Legion, Religious
organization or buisness, civiv, fraternal, labor or
government bodie.
• Each chartered organization using Scouting
Program provides: meeting place, selects
scoutmaster, appoints troop committe(at least 3
adults), chooses charter rep., active member of
district committee, liaison between troop and
organization, assists with rechartering, can multiregister as troop committee member
Troop Committe
• Works on behalf of chartered organization,
makes sure troop is operated within
organizations policies.
• The Troop committee ‘s primary
responsibilities are supporting the
Scoutmaster in delivering quality troop
program and handling troop administration.
Troop Committee Organization and
• The Troop Committee is the troops board of directors and
supports troop program and the following; ensures quality
adult leadership is recruited and trained,provides adequate
meeting facilities,advises scoutmaster on policies relating
to boy scouting and chartered organization,supports
leaders in carrying out program,responsible for finances,
adequate funds,disbursements in line with approved
budget plan,obtains and maintains and properly cares for
troop property,troop has outdoor program(10 days and
nights),serves on courts of honor and boards of
review,supports scoutmaster and assistant scoutmaster in
working with individual boys and with problems that may
affect troop program,helps with Friends of Scouting
Troop Committee Chair
• Ensures troop committee is trained, 1 hr. class
online, Troop Committee Challenge(explains
varrious committee duties and positions in
• Tenure- 1 yr
Troop Committee Meetings
• Essential to successful troop operation,perfect
forum for planning troop program assistance,
solving troop personal problems and
monitoring troop progress.
Suggested Troop Committee Meeting
1. Call meeting to order-Chair
2. Welcome and introduction of new members and guests-Chair
3. Approval of previous meetings minuites-Secretary
4. Reports
Scoutmaster(troop progress,attendance,desciplinary problems,monthly outing
plans,actions of patrol leaders coucil and other troop needs)
Secretary-newsletter or web site, resource surveys
5. Old buisness
6. New Buisness
7. Announcements(including date of next months meeting)
8. Adjournment
If everyone is prepared for meeting should not last longer than 11/2 hrs.
There is no better way to discourage meeting attendance than to conduct
meetings that last to long with too little accomplished.