Choose Wisely!! Electives - Katy Independent School District

Course Request 2014-2015
8th Grade
 In order to be promoted to the eighth
grade, a couple of things need to occur.
 If these things are not in place, you will be
required to attend summer school or
repeat the seventh grade.
 You must have an overall average of 70
or higher in all courses
 You must also have an overall average of
70 or higher in three of the four academic
courses: math, language arts, social
studies, and science.
Course Selection Process
Course selection presentation in Social Studies classes
Take course request sheet home to share with parentsParents must sign the form!
Have teachers initial any choices indicated with an *.
Return the signed/initialed course selection sheet to
Social Studies teacher by Jan. 31.
You will be entering your course selections into the
computer before Spring Break.
Choosing Classes for 8th Grade
 Choose for 7 periods
 Choose English, Math, Social Studies,
Science, PE
 Pick 2 electives and two alternate
 In order to be in a PreAP class you must meet the
following criteria:
1. Have an “A” in the academic class or
have a “B” in the PreAP class
2. Have parent approval
PreAP courses are designed to challenge motivated
students and prepare them for success in advanced
coursework. These courses:
1. typically move at a faster pace
2. are more academically challenging
3. require more independent learning
4. have more homework than academic courses
PREAP Exit Guidelines
 May choose to exit during 1st 6 weeks
or at the end of the 1st semester.
Must have teacher and parent
 If the 6 weeks average falls below 70,
then you will be taken out of the class
at the end of the grading period.
Athletics for 8th Grade
 You may not sign yourself up for
athletics. See your coach if you are
interested in playing a sport next
 The Coaches will give the counselors
a list of students to put into the
athletic period.
Reading Elective and Math Lab
 If you do not pass the Reading
section of STAAR, then you will be
placed in the Reading elective.
 If you do not pass the Math section of
STAAR, then you will be placed in
Math Lab.
 High School Credit classes will go on a High
School Transcript. A high school transcript
will impact the rest of your educational
 GPA (Grade Point Average)
 Class rank
 Colleges first snapshot of you
 You will take a Mid-term and final exam
that will count 15%of your semester
Algebra (0211)– you must qualify based on screening
-1 math credit
Spanish IB (6318)- Prerequisite is Spanish IA1 Foreign Language credit
Accelerated Spanish (6319)-1 Foreign Language
Art I (7511)-1 Fine Art credit
Principles of Human Services -Home Ec (8353)-1
elective credit
Concepts of Engineering & Tech (8619) – 1 elective
 Band J860
 Choir J867/J868 Girls or Boys
 Orchestra J859
 Theater I (J746)Beginning Theater
 Theater II (J846)- Must have taken Theater I
 Art I (J850) Not for high school credit
• Teen Leadership J999– learn leadership and personal
and business skills. Focus on developing a healthy selfconcept, healthy relationships, and personal
responsibility through individual and group activities.
• Woodshop J751– introduction to drafting and
woodworking. Includes the design, construction, and
finishing of a selected project. Students responsible for
providing building materials.
• Publications (Yearbook) J855 Application Required
• Technology Applications I & II (Computers) J873/J877 Not for High School Credit-Spreadsheets, word
processing, database, multimedia, telecommunications,
& graphic design
 Student Aide
help in attendance
office, front office, library, counselor’s office, and sometimes PE –
must be willing to be placed in any of these offices
Must be highly responsible, like filing, organizing, alphabetizing,
and doing repetitive tasks.
Must be reliable, helpful and able to keep information confidential
Grades and any office referrals will be considered.
You will be required to fill out an application and write a short
answer. You will be notified of the topic and deadline.
Mr. Roberts and Mrs. Partee will HIGHLY scrutinize these essays
and the individuals applying for these positions. We will choose
the BEST students for these positions.
Not everyone applying will be chosen for an Aide position.
(Application required)
• Choose two alternate Electives
A class may be full
A class may not fit into your schedule
A class may not make the final schedule
Choose Wisely!!
•Course Sheet due by Jan. 31.
•Keep Neat and Clean Take Good Care of It!
•Choose courses carefully
•Choose 2 alternate electives
•Teacher Initials when necessary