Realities :
High education does not necessary stand for talent
Talent is hard to attract due to competition with other industries
Demand increases due to the rapid growth of the Hospitality & Catering industry in Asia
Loyalty is portable – Talent can move because money and spare time matters
Young talent aim for short term objectives
Employee referrals
Hire for attitude – Train for skills
Campus visits
Networking trough industry association
Hotel School Trainee and Graduates
Hotel / Group Promotion and Transfer
Hotel Internal
Recruitment Methods and Sources
Internal Sources
Job Postings on notice board
(Employee referrals)
Group Transfers
Create Talent
Inventories for new employee
(DW Potential, Trainee,
School placement /
Trough related associations
Job Fair
Executive Search
External Labor Market
Walk-in applicants
Traditional Media
Local Employment
Local staff with qualification and education prefers to work overseas or on cruise ships
• Few professional qualified hotel schools available
• Low business flow due to unstable political situation causes high fluctuation of labor demand
• Cost managed situation due to low business flow
• Salary budget limitation for the position / talent required
• Lack of local skilled talent requires recruitment out of other provinces which result in higher labor costs
• Remuneration issue
• Local staff with qualification and education prefers to work overseas or on cruise ships
• No reputable hotel school available
Invest into the future
Company trained employees which can be instantly effective
Support structured succession planning
Stabilization of service standards
Improved guest satisfaction
Long term lower recruitment costs
Present landscape
Retaining Gen X and Gen Y
Retention Strategies and its Challenges
Reasons they leave
The job or workplace was not as expected
The mismatch between job and person
Too little coaching and feedback
Too few growth and advancement opportunities
Feeling devalued and unrecognized
Stress from overwork and work-life imbalance
Loss of trust and confidence in senior leaders
Current landscape
The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave: How To Recognize The Subtle Signs and Act Before It’s
Too Late, by Leigh Branham, 2005
Why some works, some doesn’t?
Current landscape
An engage employee are those whose needs are met
Current landscape
Current landscape
Engagement for Retention
Impact Investigate
Current landscape
Q12: Gallup Employee Engagement Metric
I know what is expected of me at work
I have the material and equipment to do my job right
At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best everyday
In the last seven day, I have received recognition or praise for doing a good work
My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person
There is someone at work who encourages my development
At work, my opinion seems to count
The mission/ purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important
My coworkers are committed to doing quality work
I have a best friend at work
In the last 6 months, someone has talked to me about my progress
The last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.
Copyright 1998 Gallup, Inc.
Current landscape
Every one of the twelve questions was linked to at least one of the four business outcomes :
(Employee) Retention
Customer Satisfaction
Five of the twelve questions revealed a link to staff retention :
1. Do I know what is expected of me at work ?
2. Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right ?
3. Do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day ?
4. Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person ?
5. At work, do my opinions seem to count ?
Retaining Gen X and Gen Y
Retaining Gen X and Gen Y
Generation X born 1965 – 1981
• Value the freedom to set their own hours
• Has an entrepreneurial attitude that focuses on diversity, challenge, responsibility and creative input.
• They change jobs if there are no opportunities for advancement.
• Prefer to work by themselves rather than in teams.
• Like continuous feedback.
• Can adapt quickly.
• They are motivated, hardworking and ambitious but value work and life balances.
A hands-off approach often works best when mentoring, supervising or working with this generation.
Generation Y born 1980 - 1995
• High expectation – Managers who are highly committed in their expert development.
• multi-task
• favor communications through e-mail and text messaging.
• Immediate feed-back and praise will inspire and motivate this generation.
• Strive to work more quickly and better than other workers.
• They desire shot-term goals with tight deadlines so they can build up their skills and responsibility.
Frequent meetings and reassurance will assist in keeping Generation Y keen and engaged.
Retaining Gen X and Gen Y
• Ensure Growth
• Provide Trust
• Feedback
• Lead by right
• Career Growth
• Feedback
HR and Leaders are expected to:
Understand the diversity of expectation
Have the skills to effectively communicate crucial concerns
Human Resources and leaders should become Agent of Change and stay up to date with today’s trends in business.
Retaining Gen X and Gen Y
Generation Z born since 1996
• Came from wealthier parents with less siblings.
• They are more complicated and appear older that their age.
• They have highly developed multi-tasking skills and can move quickly from one task to another, putting more emphasis on speed than accuracy.
• They will have an advantage in the workforce because they will start work at a time when the last of the baby boomers will eventually leave.
They will be ideally suited to take up the high-tech occupations for which they are better accomplished than either the X and Y Generations.
Retention Strategies
Employee retention has as much to do with who you hire as what you do after he or she is hired
80% of turnover can be attributed to mistakes during the hiring process (Harvard Business Review)
Retention Strategies
Talent Retention Strategies
Recruit the right person
Create a healthy environment
– with strong culture
Share information and knowledge
Trust and empower talent
Recognize achievements
Performance Feedback
Career Path Progress
Retention Strategies
Talent Retention Strategies
Recruit the right person
Create a healthy environment – with strong culture
Share information and knowledge
Trust and empower talent
Recognize achievements
Performance Feedback
Career Path Progress
Effective Leaders
Create Employee
Retention Strategies
Survey Fact
39% of workers said their supervisor failed to keep promises
37% indicated their supervisor failed to give credit when due
31% said their supervisor gave them the "silent treatment" during the past year
27% report their supervisor made negative comments about them to other employees or managers
24% indicated their supervisor invaded their privacy
23% said their supervisor blamed other to cover up personal mistakes or minimize embarrassment
Study conducted by FSU professor Wayne Hochwarter and two doctoral students - Paul Harvey and Jason Stoner
Retention Strategies
Agent of
No longer can leaders lead by fear
Nobody’s afraid anymore
Retention Strategies
Successful implementation of Retention
Understands what fits –
Tailor Fit the needs
Trust =
Retention Strategies
The talented employee may join a company because of its charismatic leaders, its generous benefits, and its world-class training programs.
But how long that employee stays and how productive he is while he is there is determined by his relationship with his immediate Leader .
Thank You