
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Second Great Awakening—Renewal of
faith in religion that swept the world
--Preachers across the country attempted to
get people to revert back to religion.
--Led to huge increases in Protestant and
Baptist churches
--The Awaking stressed that salvation was
available to all people.
--Shakers and Mormons were also formed
during this time (1774-1844).
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
James Finley—minister
who tried to spread the
“word of God”
“Mother Ann” Lee’s Shakers
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Brook Farm—one “utopia” that stressed
nature in 1841.
--Founded by George Ripley
--Included writers Ralph Waldo Emerson
and Henry David Thoreau
--Located away from the city, Brook Farm
was dedicated to education and selfcultivation.
By 1850 the movement began to fade--
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Institutional Reform
--Dorothea Dix
A) Became interested in the mentally
ill in 1841
B) After touring many mental
institutions she was indirectly
responsible for the founding of 30
mental institutions.
A) Began to stress rehabilitation
instead of punishment.
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Dorothea “Dragon” Dix
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Temperance Movement—1820-1860
A)Tried to get people to limit alcohol use
B)Blamed most of societies problems on
C)Ten Nights in a Bar Room and What I
Saw—Book that blamed alcohol for
violent crimes and poverty--Extra Credit
D)Many immigrants fought the movement
E)1846—Maine banned all sales of alcohol
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Education Reform
A)Horace Mann—Reformed schools in
Massachusetts and opened schools for
B)Founded state-run schools instead of
private ones
C)1821—First free public high school
opened in Boston, MA
D)Many people fought these
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
Social Reform—1820’s-1860’s
E) Mary Jane Patterson—Became the first
woman to receive a college degree from a
U.S. institution in 1862.
F) Emma Willard and Mary Lyon—
Founded secondary schools and colleges
for women in the early 1800’s.
Mount Holyoke College