CBO Mentor Session 8 Overview

CBO Mentor Project
Class #8
Magnificent Seventh
2010-11 CBO Mentor Project
Dec 10 & 11
Ja nua ry7 & 8
Februa ry 4 & 5
Ma rch 4 & 5
Worki ng Di nner
(revi ew res umes )
Worki ng Di nner
3:00 to 5:00
5:00 to 6:00
6:00 to 7:00
Medi ca l Benefi ts
Worki ng di nner &
a cti vi ty
Worki ng di nner &
a cti vi ty
Tra ns porta ti on
(Bi l l McGui re)
Enrol l ment
Projecti on
Bi l l Mcgui re
M& O
Bi l l McGui re
IT Bes t Pra cti ces
Technol ogy
Pres enta ti ons
Purcha s i ng &
Bi ddi ng
7:00 to 8:00
8:00 to 9:00
Empl oyee
Eva l ua ti ons
Lea ders hi p a cti vi ty
Di s tri ct Is s ues &
Negoti a ti ons
(School Servi ces )
Appl yi ng for the
Pos i ti on of CBO
worki ng l unch
worki ng l unch
8:00 to 9:00
9:00 to 10:00
10:00 to 11:00
11:00 to 12:00
Speci a l Educa ti on
Fra nci e Hei m & Bi l l
Fa ci l i ti es A-Z (Eri c
Gi l l a s pi e
Ha l l & Letti e
Boggs )
Open s l ot
worki ng l unch
worki ng l unch
12:00 to 1:00
Your fi rs t 100 da ys
(Bi l l McGui re &
Ron Bennett)
1:00 to 2:00
2:00 to 3:00
Ca tegori ca l fund
Ma na gement
Fa ci l i ti es A-Z (Eri c
Ha l l & Letti e
Boggs )
Di s tri ct Is s ues &
Negoti a ti ons
(School Servi ces )
Gra dua ti on - l a s ts
unti l 3:30.
Introduction of Guests
Future Assignment Planning
 Attend a collective bargaining session if possible - work with your
mentor to find an opportunity – not due until January/February.
 Attend a JPA meeting (workers compensation/property &
liability/health and welfare) – not due until January/February.
 Keep working on your unique “Fingertip Facts”. You will keep
adding to this document as the class progresses and your final
document is due at the end of the program.
January Mentor Question
 What health and welfare benefits does your district offer?
Medical, dental, vision, life insurance, EAP, other? What are
the costs? Who are the providers? Do you have a benefit
cap? What does the contract language say? Talk to your
mentor about caps on benefits and the various ways in which
they might work in contract language. Bring to the class
your contract language relative to benefit caps. Be prepared
to talk about your benefits costs and benefit caps.
January Mentor Question
 What are the most pressing issues for your district relative to
facilities? What are the barriers to your construction
program? Talk to your mentor about what they view as the
most critical role of a CBO relative to facilities?
 How does your district determine the number of students for
the coming year? Who is responsible for making that
determination? What is the district process for enrollment
projections for staffing?
 Talk to your mentor about their experiences relative to
transportation and the challenges they faced as a CBO with
regards to transportation.
January Interview question
Interview Question:
 Our district is planning to have a bond election in order to
modernize and expand existing facilities. As the CBO, with
oversight of the facilities and a member of the district
leadership team, describe the elements we should be
considering as we start the bond election planning process.
What are the key things we should be doing?
February assignments
Technology Presentations (separate handout with details – due February class)
2) Good to Great (separate handout – due March class)
3) Your completed resume, cover letter, and application for a CBO
position. Due February. Bring a copy to February Friday session. Your
mentor needs to review and provide input prior to February class.
Your package will be reviewed by School Services of CA and Carol Berg. You will
be applying for an actual position - Millbrae or El Dorado Union High School
District (information to be provided on google site)
The top resume and application packages will be highlighted by Ron Bennett and
Carol Berg (School Services of CA) and given special recognition. Each and
every one of you will get the type of detailed feedback you have requested. This
will be some of the most valuable feedback you will receive in your career.
We suggest that you use your mentor (and other support) to help you polish up
your resume and application before submitting to Carol Berg.
Resume Advice (per Carol Berg)
The BROCHURE is critical – study it! If you
received dispensation to apply for a job other
than the brochure we provided, include a copy
of the brochure with your application.
Application Packet Rubric
● Cover Letter –The First Interview
Thoughtfully developed
Effective paragraphing
Articulate sentences
Address the “fit” you perceive between your
background and
experience and the specific job for which you are
Show an understanding of not only the position, but
of the district
(websites should be visited for material pertinent to
fiscal issues)
Do not include extraneous material
Opening sentence – be clear, fluid, and identify the
State the topic or subject of each paragraph
Sentences need to be articulate
● The Resume – Part Two of the First Interview
Format not as important as “telling your story”
Resume should support the claims you have made in
your letter
Include clarifying comments that highlight the relevance
of particular aspects of your education and
Do not include information about your marital status,
religious affiliation, hobbies, and/or travel
Avoid extensive lists
Always tell the truth
●The Application Form – Part Three of the First
Complete the entire application
Focus on accuracy, clarity, and neatness
If letters of recommendation are required, make be sure
they are current and carefully select the authors
Optional – please include one letter of reference
with your application.
February Mentor Questions
 Discuss with your mentor the Governors budget as presented
in January? What is their prediction for the final outcome
when the budget is signed into law in July?
 What is your district financial system? What was the history
of the software selection process? Is there a future
replacement plan for hardware/software?
 Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy in place for
employees? What policies and procedures are in place
relative to technology?
February Interview Questions
Interview Question:
 Describe your experience in the area of collective bargaining.
Coming into our district, what would you do to prepare for
your first negotiation session with CTA and CSEA?
 Interview practice. As this interview comes to a close, please
tell us why you think you are the best person for the job?
Why should we hire you?
Written Assignment - Resume
 Bring your completed resume, application, and cover letter
to class. We will have an opportunity for classmates to
 After input, make any revisions you think appropriate and we
will have you send to School Services of CA and Carol Berg
for review. Results to be provided at the March meeting.