Graduation and Next Generation Assessment Update

Graduation and Next Generation
Assessment Update
Coventry High School
January 29, 2015
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
(New State Tests)
Testing Updates:
▫ 2015 OGT = final year assessment will be used as a
graduation requirement.
 Students affected - Classes of 2015-2017
▫ Next Generation Assessments (NGAs)
 7 total HS exams: English Language Arts I and II,
Algebra 1*, Geometry, Physical Science,
American History, American Government
 Students affected - Class of 2018 and beyond
*State BOE may decide to include an Alg.2 exam in place of Alg.1 (2 yr out)
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
Graduation Points:
Students must earn an overall total of 18
“graduation points” on the NGAs, to be
eligible for a HS diploma.
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
Point System:
Advanced Level = 5 points (distinguished command)
Accelerated Level = 4 points (strong command)
Proficient Level = 3 points (moderate command)
Basic Level = 2 points (partial command)
Limited Level = 1 point (minimal command)
Of the overall 18 points, a student must earn at least:
• four points between the math exams,
• four points between the English exams, and
• six points between the science and social studies exams.
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
Substitute Exams:
Students in certain courses can take a substitute exam, such
as an Advanced Placement (AP) exam, instead of the state’s
end-of-course exam. The State Board-approved AP exams may
be substitute tests for the following courses:
Physical Science:
• AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
• AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
American History:
• AP United States History
American Government:
• AP United States Government and Policy
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
Retaking Exams:
• A student who scores below Proficient on any end-of-course
exam may retake the exam after receiving extra help from
the school.
• A student scoring Proficient or higher can retake an exam
only if he or she has taken all * seven end-of-course exams
and still is below the minimum point requirements.
• The highest score a student gets on a test will count.
*Concern for students taking Amer. Gov. senior year
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
Phase-in exemption and automatic points:
If a student earned high school credit for a
tested course before July 1, 2014, the student
automatically earns three graduation points.
i.e. Current 9th graders who took
Algebra 1 as eighth graders.
3 Pathways to Graduation
(Class of 2018 and beyond…)
1. Earn a cumulative passing score on the seven HS end-ofcourse exams. (18 graduation points)
2. Earn a “remediation free” score on a nationally recognized
college admission exam. (The State Board will select the college
admissions test in Spring of 2015 to be given to class of 2018 in the fall of
their junior year (2016)… the state will assume the cost of this test)
3. Earn an industry-recognized credential or a state license for
practice in a vocation and achieve a score that demonstrates
workforce readiness and employability on a job skills
assessment. (The State Board will approve a job skills test in Dec. 2014)
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
Based on Ohio’s New Learning Standards (ONLS)
 English Language Arts and Math = CCSS
 Science and Social Studies = Ohio Standards
Each assessment is made up of 2 parts
(scores are combined to create a final score for each subject)
 Performance-based assessment (PBA)
 End-of-year/End-of-course assessment (EOY/EOC)
Created and delivered by 2 different entities:
 ELA/Math - Created by PARCC (national); delivery through
 Science/SS - Created by Ohio committee; delivery through AIR
(American Institute for Research)
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
A couple randoms:
This year only, districts will have the option of administering
NGAs in paper/pencil and/or online formats.
 Online for CLSD: Science 8, Physical Science,
American History, American Government
 Remaining tests = Paper/pencil format
Any sophomore, junior, or senior who is taking either US
History or American Government will be required to take the
state-created End of Course Exams (EOC)
The latest:
Here’s what you need to know about House Bill 367, passed Wednesday by the
General Assembly and awaiting the governor’s signature:
1. Third grade reading test
All third graders will now take the Ohio Achievement Assessment in
reading in spring 2015. Your district will not have the complication of
administering different tests to students who passed the fall reading test
and students who didn’t. This provides a simple and clean transition for
the 2015-2016 school year, when all third graders take the PARCCdesigned reading test.
2. Science test requirement
Freshmen in 2014-2015 school year will have the option to take the
required end-of-course test in either physical science or biology. Since
the majority of Ohio students already are required to take biology, the
required end-of-course science test for graduation will be biology
starting with freshmen starting in 2015-2016 school year. Biology will be
the only science end-of-course test requirement for freshmen in the
Class of 2019 and beyond.
The latest (cont):
3. Integrated math options
The law now accepts integrated math end-of-course tests as a
math end-of-course test requirement for graduation. This gives
flexibility to districts that use integrated math I and II instead of
the algebra I, geometry and algebra II curriculum.
4. New tests transition
Finally, students will now be able to earn graduation points, to
be assigned by the state superintendent, if an end-of-course test
was not available when they earned credit for a required course.
This applies to courses taken before and during the 2014-2015
school year. This will be helpful to students on block schedules
who completed high school courses during summer or fall 2014,
before end-of-course tests were available.
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
Performance Based Assessments:
Students must provide an answer and explain how and why
they chose it. (graded by an educational professional)
Feb. 16 – Mar. 20
English Language Arts and Mathematics
Grades 3-8 and High School - Computer administration
English Language Arts and Mathematics
*Feb. 16 – Mar. 6
Grades 3-8 and High School - Paper/pencil administration
Science – Grades 5 and 8 and High School
*Mar. 2 - 13
Social Studies – Grades 4 and 6 and High School
Computer or paper/pencil administration
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
End of Year/End of Course Assessments:
Students choose from select responses. (computer scored)
Apr. 13 – May 15
English Language Arts and Mathematics
Grades 3-8 and High School - Computer administration
English Language Arts and Mathematics
*April 13 – May 1
Grades 3-8 and High School - Paper/pencil administration
Science – Grades 5 and 8 and High School
*May 4 – 15
Social Studies – Grades 4 and 6 and High School
Computer or paper/pencil administration