Presented by: Dr. Karimah AdisaThomas
Dean of Middle Schools, Pupil Services
The goal for this pilot was to provide an alternative to suspension using aspects of the following models:
Mental Health/Wellness
Behavioral Response to Intervention (BRTI)
Restorative Practices (RP)
To assist students:
In the development of tools they may use to manage their emotions/behavior
In identifying their needs – academic/social/emotional
In reframing how they and others see them through their behaviors
In their work towards effectively changing their behavior in school and beyond
& P
During Saturday School, students sit in Restorative Circles and talk about relevant issues based upon their referral.
Although many students have some idea of the negative effects of their behavior or substance use and abuse, it is great when they can talk about it with their peers and informed adults.
One student’s reflection about their Saturday School experience stated, “I learned that alcohol can hurt you…and other drugs can make you dependent on them.”
Another student wrote, “I learned you don’t always have to be disrespectful.”
Another student wrote, “I learned to get to know people more” and another wrote, “I learned how to think about my actions.”
Start date: February 15th, 2014
End date: April 26, 2014
Program duration: 12-weeks
Number of schools that participated: 10 –MS and 5– HS
Number of students referred: 57
Average student attendance per Saturday: 17
Number of students who failed to show: 17 (after calls to parents/guardian)
Number of students referred more than once: 1
Stand Up & Rise Up Saturday School Academy was open to all middle and high schools as an alternative to suspension
Our capacity was 20-student per Saturday
Breakfast and mid morning snacks were provided
Participating middle schools included: APG, ISA,
Everett, Paul Revere, Marina, Aptos, Rooftop,
MLK, Presidio, and Roosevelt
Participating high school included: Mission,
SOTA, Wallenberg, Civic Center and Burton.
(2) teachers
(2) social workers
(1) security guard
(1) administrative assistant
(1) coordinator
Of the 17 students referred that did not attend there were at least 3 parents who refused to send their child to Saturday School and 11 stated their child was going to attend but were a no show
We were only able to leave a message regarding 3 students who were a no show with no response
No shows were reported to the schools within one week of a student’s failure to participate
Because Stand Up & Rise Up is an alternative to suspension; a commonly accepted understanding needs to be reached regarding nonattendance of students referred to
Saturday School.
If students do not attend the first time, it is recommended that they are referred a second time. This may help to increase the percentage of students who participate.
If the student fails to attend after the second referral the school can offer a school site-based community service or another restorative practice process or opt to suspend.
We are currently examining ways of gaining greater buy-in from schools for Saturday School as a viable alternative to suspension.