WELCOME TO LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL’S COLLEGE KNOWLEDGE NIGHT Tonight’s Topic: Scholarship Preparation SCHOLARSHIPS, OPPORTUNITIES, AND CONTESTS (SOC) Found on LHS website Guidance/Counseling Scholarships Sent via email Updated periodically OREGON STUDENT ACCESS COMMISSION (OSAC) Over 400 scholarships One on-line application Apply for up to 20 scholarships One specific to LHS Juanita Brown Struble Education Engineering Law Medicine Music Science SCHOLARSHIPS UNIQUE TO LHS Alta Ballew Scholarship Funded by interest from a trust account 10 to 12 $4,000 scholarships awarded each year Acceptance letter from 4 year school EFC from FAFSA Class Of 1946 Scholarship Acceptance letter from 4 year school EFC from FAFSA Curt & Margaret Uschmann Memorial Scholarship Funded by interest from a trust account 10 to 12 $1,000 scholarships awarded each year Applicants, not just recipients, can reapply for next three years For average to below average student EFC from FAFSA SCHOLARSHIPS UNIQUE TO LHS Eye To Eye Vision Care Scholarship Acceptance letter from 4 year school 2.75 GPA or higher Science related field of study George Henderson Memorial Scholarship (Kiwanis) Key Club membership preferred Strong community service and volunteerism Lebanon Aquatic District Scholarship 3.5 GPA or higher Acceptance letter from 2 or 4 year school Employed by LAD as instructor or lifeguard for 2 years SCHOLARSHIPS UNIQUE TO LHS LUHS Class Of 1968 Scholarship Academic excellence Excellent behavior 2 of 3: athletics, leadership, performing arts Matthew Charley Memorial Scholarship Relative battling cancer Impact on student Matthew Graves Memorial Scholarship Princess Samantha Stephens Scholarship Attend Western Oregon University Western University Of Health Sciences COMP-NW Science related field of study Intend to work in health care in the Pacific Northwest RATING SCHOLARSHIPS GPA Financial need Miscellaneous attributes Activities & interests Awards & honors Volunteer work & activities Work experience Potential for success Desire to secure an education to become self-supporting Consideration given to: Attendance Community service and/or volunteerism Level of coursework LEBANON SCHOOLS FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS Bob & Helen Grimes Scholarship Medical Bob Grimes Memorial Scholarship Engineering Edward & Mary Woods Memorial Scholarship Specific Christian colleges Attend LHS at least 3 years *Lifetime Vision Source Scholarship Linn Gear Industrial Arts Scholarship Industrial Arts McDaniel Optimist Spirit Scholarship Optimism and involved with Greater Santiam Boys & Girls Club McDaniel Optimist Scholarship Optimism *Reeves Family Memorial Scholarship Richard M. Lehnert Memorial Scholarship Education *Scholarships Forever Virginia Link Memorial Scholarship Education *Youngdahl Family Scholarship * One application for all four scholarships! SPECIFIC SCHOLARSHIPS Automotive Aviation Broadcasting Children of veterans Education GPA above 3.0 GPA below 3.0 Medical Music Lebanon Education Association Lebanon Educational Support Professionals Association Employers: ATI Wah Chang, Georgia-Pacific, Other Employers Junior Optimist Youth Award Winner Junior Rotarian WORDS OF WISDOM Familiarize yourself with the application Research the “purpose” of the scholarship donor Be aware of the deadline Read and follow all directions Provide all required documentation Allow 48 hours to get official transcript Allow 2 weeks to get letters of recommendation Type or legibly write in black or blue ink Review your application before submitting Keep copies of everything you submit WORDS OF WISDOM Prioritize the scholarships - local, state, national Prioritize by deadline Apply for as many scholarships as you qualify for Interested in more than one field of study, apply for all, let the scholarship committee decide Cut & paste BEYOND LHS (EXPANDED DIPLOMA) As a senior, apply for scholarships! These can be used for credits above the 12 the BLHS Program pays for. Before finishing the BLHS Program, apply for scholarships! You are still considered a high school student. Free Application Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Go to FAFSA.gov You will pay if you go to .com! File as close to January 1, 2014 as possible Apply for 2014-2015 academic year Use 2012 income tax information Update when you file 2013 income tax List schools you want to get FAFSA information Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) Do not panic! CONTACT INFORMATION Michele Burd Scholarship Coordinator 541-451-8555 x 1022 Michele.Burd@lebanon.k12.or.us