GOPAS TECHED 2012 Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services | MVP: Enterprise Security | | | FOREFRONT IDENTITY MANAGER 2010 Forefront Identity Manager 2010 OVERVIEW Forefront Identity Manager Identity Management syncing AD/LDS/SQL/etc. database contents indentity centered Automatic group management attribute values manager user self service Web portal user/group management SharePoint based Self service password reset web based and GUI extension Identity? User Group table, cabinet, pc, car, ... History Identity Integration Server 2003 (MIIS 2003) Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 (ILM 2007) MIIS 2003 + CLM 2007 Forefront Identity Manager 2010 (FIM 2010) Forefront Idnetity Manager 2010 R2 Price? 5000 USD per CPU socket 80 USD per managed identity Forefront Identity Manager FIM Synchronization service syncing AD/LDS/SQL/etc. database contents indentity centered FIM Service attribute values manager user self service FIM Portal SharePoint based Self service password registration and reset web based and GUI extension Forefront Identity Manager 2010 COMPONENT DETAILS FIM Synchronization AD AD AD MA AD LDS ADLDS MA SQL MA SQL DB AD MA FIM Sync DB MA Metaverse FIM Service and Portal Idea AD AD LDS AD MA FIM Sync ADLDS MA Metaverse SQL MA SQL FIM Service SharePoint Portal FIM Service Management FIM Service AD FIM SVC DB AD LDS AD MA FIM Sync FIM MA ADLDS MA Metaverse SQL MA SQL FIM Portal FIM Service AD FIM SVC DB AD LDS AD MA FIM Sync FIM MA ADLDS MA Metaverse SQL MA SQL SharePoint Portal Forefront Identity Manager 2010 FIM SERVICE AND PORTAL MANAGEMENT SCENARIOS AD Object Management Manual group membership scripting Permission based delegation OU hierarchy using “static” groups no attribute validation AD Object Management Example Prague managers can reset passwords for OU=Prague Sales manager can change department to all users in OU=Sales and OU=Marketing Sales manager can change group membership of Sales IS group Users cannot reset their own passwords anonymously FIM Management Dynamic group membership attribute query based manager based Policy based delegation group membership attribute value based attribute validation FIM Management Examples Sales manager can change department to all users in OU=Sales and OU=Marketing but only from Marketing to Sales Users can reset their own passwords anonymously after providing answers to several questions FIM Management Examples CZ Users can change their own telephone but the format must be +420... CZ Users can change their own city but the result must still be CZ User School director can change department of his students but the students must remain in the same school Sales manager can change group members of Sales IS group but can add only his own users FIM Management Examples We have Sales Management group which contains several sales managers Every sales user is assigned one of the sales managers We can create a group that would contain all Sales people group whos members are those people, whos manager is member of the Sales Management group GOPAS TECHED 2012 Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services | MVP: Enterprise Security | | | THANK YOU!