Which job is right for me? Culture, Media and Entertainment

Career Service
Which Job Is Right for Me?
Culture, Media
and Entertainment
Put yourself in their shoes
Giovanni Saladino HEARST Magazines Italia
Chiara Lunardini La Triennale di Milano
Valentina Battarra Rege Hotel na Battarra
Micaela Rossi Piccolo Teatro di Milano
Andrea Rurale Università Bocconi
For more information:
02 5836.2710
The Career Service helps you choose a profession.
Guest speakers from companies talk about the content
and features of their job.
Via Sarfatti, 25
20136 Milano
What is it like to work in the publishing
and media sector, a creative and dynamic
industry? What are the jobs in a cultural
institution or a theater? What is hotel
management about?
Professionals talk about their experience
and the distinctive features of the different
sectors and possible career paths.
Università Commerciale
Luigi Bocconi
Thursday 30 October 2014 6:00pm Room N06