Consiglio Nazionale Forense

Consiglio Nazionale Forense (CNF, Italian National Lawyers Council)
Administrative Headquarters: Via del Governo Vecchio, 3 – 00186 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39/06 977488
Fax: +39/06 97748829
Statutory Headquarters at Ministry of Justice: Via Arenula, 71 – 00186 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39/06 6840961
Fax: +39/06 68897460
About: The Consiglio Nazionale Forense (CNF), established by statute, is the national advocacy,
regulatory and disciplinary organization for all Italian lawyers. Italian lawyers elect its 26
members by Court of Appeal district, the districts with more lawyers electing a second member.
Its members elect its officers. The CNF’s statutory mandates include: i) institutional
representation of the bar, ii) maintenance of relationships with the Ministry of Justice
(including to provide the formal opinions to be requested by the Ministry on proposed
legislation affecting the bar) and the judicial branch, iii) study to improve the administration of
justice, iv) coordination with local bar entities to assure uniform conditions for exercise of and
access to the profession, v) the establishment of norms of conduct applicable to lawyers, and
vi) recognition of non-Italian lawyers to practice in Italy in conformity with European Union
norms, among others. The CNF is the final instance in the resolution of bar electoral and
disciplinary matters. The CNF’s publications include the quarterly Rassegna Forense, and the bimonthly Attualità Forensi.
In September 2013 the Section and the Consiglio Nazionale Forense entered into a
memorandum of cooperation for a three-year term which memorializes the desire of both
groups to better coordinate their efforts and activities and explore ways to further cooperate.
Through this memorandum of cooperation, Italian lawyers have been able to satisfy their Italian
continuing legal education obligations by attendance at programs offered at the Section’s
seasonal meetings.
President: Piero Guido Alpa (District Court of Appeal of Genoa)
Vice Presidents: Ubaldo Perfetti (District Court of Appeal of Ancona), Carlo Vermillio (District
Court of Appeal of Messina)
Section Liaisons:
Patrick Del Duca, Mattia Colonnellis de Gasperis
Updated July 13, 2014