Merry Christmas from Veruno Italy IL NOSTRO PRESEPE – OUR NATIVITY On the posters we transcribed some poems that talk about the human rights . The title is: The way of the rights: poems to reflect We choose to translate this poem for you I am so … Blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes Blond hair, black hair, brown hair Peach skin, grapes skin, banana skin Language that sings, draws, rounds Teeth that eat and laugh to the world I'm so: different and equal I am the universal child. I 5th class: 2nd class: Antonio, Alessandro, Christian, Davide, Gaia, Luca, Luciano, Momi, Manuel, Mustafa, Matilde, Marco, Nearco, Riccardo, Samuele. Andrea, Carlo, Elisa, Erika, Filippo, Giulia, Jacopo, Leonardo, Martina C., Martina G., Priscilla, Rebecca, Riccardo, Simonne, Samuele C., Samuele V. “We are friends from Europe”