SUCHON”, Eugen AKA: SI MI KRA:SNA SATB a cap AP-1311 Eugen Suchon“ Aka; si mi kra;sna (How Beautiful You Are) Slovak Song arranged for SATB cappella choir Words by Peter Bella-Horal Alliance Publications, Inc. • 585 County Road Z • Sinsinawa, WI 53824-0157 • USA Tel: 608-748-4411 x124 Fax: 608-748-4491 Licensed ONLY to PurSang Kamerkoor for up to 10 copies. Anonymously report theft and abuse at English Translation and Pronunciation Guide with English Equivalents Word emphasis in on the first syllable. All t\s are soft and r\s are rolled. ; means lengthen vowels. “ means soften consonants and make a dipthong out of an e“ (eeyeh) The letter e softens preceding n making a dipthong (eeyeh) A -ka; si mi kra; - sna, How beautiful you are, Ah-kah see-mee krrah - snah, ty rod - na; zem mo -ja! my native land! tee rrawd-nah zem maw-yah! Kra; - sne i tie ho - ry, Krrah - snyeh ee teeyeh haw-rree, c“o vo` - kol te - Beautiful are the mountains, ba sto - ja! that surround you! tchaw vuo - kawl teeyeh- bah staw -yah! Kra;- sne je i ne - bo nad ty; - mi Beautiful is the sky above the Krrah-snyeh yeh ee nyeh-baw nahd tee - mee ho - ra -mi! Z”eh - na;m t¯a, vâ-tam mountains! I bless you (and) welcome you haw-rrah-mee! Zhehh-nahm teeyah vee-tahm (aspirate the h) t¯a vd¯ac“ - ny; - mi sl-za-mi! with grateful tears! teeyah vdyeeyahtch-nee - mee sl-zah-mee! kol te - ba c“o kawl tyeeh-bah tchaw AP-1311 CS Slovak Pronunciation CD - Aka; si mi kra;sna $5.00 Order directly from API 608-748-4411x124 or Licensed ONLY to PurSang Kamerkoor for up to 10 copies. Anonymously report theft and abuse at Aka; si mi kra;sna Dur: 2:51 (How Beautiful You Are) Peter Bella-Horal ## 2 p & 4 œ œ œ œ Eugen Suchon“ SATB a cappella Mierne - Slowly Soprano p A - ka; si mi Alto Tenor p ? ## 2 œ œ œ œ 4 A - ka; si mi # 2 & # 4 œ œ œœ œœ œ p ? ## 2 œ œ œ œ 4 For Rehearsal Only 7 S A T B & ## j œ œ mo - ja, # & # Œ # V # Œ ? ## Œ & ## ? ## 7 AP-1311 kra; - sna, # & # 42 œ œ œ œ œ œ A - ka; si mi kra; - sna, p # V # 42 œ œ œ œ œ œ A - ka; si mi Bass œ œ j œ œ Œ p j œ p ‰ j œ ty p ‰ œj ty œ œ kra; - sna, œœ œ œ j œ œ œœ œ œ a - ka; si mi kra; - sna, œ œ œ œ a - ka; si mi ˙ kra; - sna, a - ka; si mi œ œ œ œ kra; ˙ - sna, a - ka; si mi kra; - œ œ œ œ rod - na; zem mo - ja! rod - na; j œ j œ œ zem j œ j œ œ ‰ ty rod - na; zem mo - ja! œœ œ œ j œœ œ œ J j œœ œœ J œœ œœ œ Œ ‰ ‰ ty rod - na; zem ∑ œ Œ ∑ Œ ∑ œ sna, œœ œ j ‰ œ p Œ p cresc. œ œ œ œ Kra; - sne i tie p cresc. œ œ œ œ p cresc. œ œ œ œ Kra; - sne i œ œ J mo - ja! j œœ œ œ J ‰ ‰ zem j œœ p œ œ J ‰ j œ œ rod - na; j œ ˙˙ ˙˙ mo - ja! ty œ œ J ˙ œ œ œœ œœ œ œ œ œ j œ j œ œ pj ‰ œ œ œJ œ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ J p ‰ œ J ‰ kra; - sna, ˙ tie p cresc. œ œ œ œ œ œ J ∑ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œœ ho - ry, ho - ry, Kra; - sne i tie ho - ry, Kra; - sne i tie ho - ry, œ œ p cresc. œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œ œ Copyright © 2002 ALLIANCE PUBLICATIONS, INC. All rights reserved. ASCAP 585 County Road Z, Sinsinawa, WI 53824-0157 USA Unauthorized photocopying is illegal, unjust and punishable by law. Licensed ONLY to PurSang Kamerkoor for up to 10 copies. Anonymously report theft and abuse at j œ Aka; si mi kra;sna 2 # & # œ œ œ œ 12 S kra; - sne i A ? ## & ## ? ## 12 & ## & ## 17 S A T B ho tie ˙ ho # V # œ œ œ œ kra; - sne i B tie # & # œ œ œ œ kra; - sne i T ˙ & ## ? ## 17 AP-1311 tie ho œ œ œ œ kra; - sne i œ œ œ sto - ja, j #œ œ . sto - ja, sto - ja, ∑ j # œœ œœ .. œ. - œ ‰ œj # œ œ œ œ ry, œ ry, œ ho - ry, ˙˙ œ œ œ œ. J œ J tie ry, ‰ œj - ˙ œœ œœ œ # œ œ. V # J ? ## ˙ - œ ˙˙ œ œ f œ œ. J fj œ œ. sto - ja! fœ œ . J sto - ja! fœ œ . J sto - ja! sto - ja! œœ J f œ œ J œœ .. œ .. œ c“o kol te - ba c“o c“o kol te - ba c“o Œ ∑ Œ ∑ j œœ ‰ œœ # œœ ∑ Kra; - sne je i f .. œ œ œ œ Kra; - sne je .. œœ Œ f .. œ œ œ œ .. œ œ #œ œ ne œ F œ œ œ #œ sto - ja, ∑ œ œ œœ œœ .. J F œ œ œ #œ œ œ œ J bo nad ty; j œ œ œ mi - j œ mi - œ J fœ œ œ œ nad ty; Kra; - sne je ne - bo nad .. œ f .. œ œ ∑ œ ne œ œœ œ f - œ nad ty; - Kra; - sne je i bo j œ ne œ - j œ œ. kol te - ba c“o œ - sto - ja, fœ œ œ œ ∑ i œ œ œ. J œ bo œœ œ œ i œ œ œ J œ j œ œ œœ œœ œ mi œ œ œ j œœ œ œ Licensed ONLY to PurSang Kamerkoor for up to 10 copies. Anonymously report theft and abuse at Aka; si mi kra;sna & ## & ## 22 S A T B œ œ œj ‰ π j j ‰ œ œ œ œ œ π ? # # # œ œ œJ ‰ œ œ J ho - ra - mi! ## 22 vd¯a - c“ny; - mi sl - za - mi. j j œ œ œ œ ‰ pœ œ œU " J J vâ - tam t¯a vd¯a - c“ny; - mi ho - ra - mi! Z”eh - na;m t¯a, vâ - tam t¯a œ J sl - za - mi. vd¯a - c“ny; - mi sl - za - mi. j œœ j ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœ # œœ œœ œœ ## F j & œ œ # # Fœ œ V J Z”eh - na;m F ? # # œJ œ Z”eh - na;m Z”eh - na;m j œ œ œœ œ F 27 ? # # œJ œ ## U œ " œ œ J J sl - za - mi. j j ‰ œ œ œ œ Up œ " œj œ J œU J " œJ œ vâ - tam vd¯a - c“ny; - mi t¯a, ## F œ œ & J & Up j" j œ œ œ t¯a t¯a t¯a, j j œ œ œ œ ‰ Z”eh - na;m Z”eh - na;m B Z”eh - na;m U j" j œ œ œ vâ - tam Up œ " œj œ J ho - ra - mi! 27 T Z”eh - na;m π ## œ œ œ œ œ V J ‰ J ho - ra - mi! ? ## A U œ " œJ œ J t¯a, & S π œ œ J 3 j œœ ‰ œœ J ‰ j œœ π œ œ J œœ œ œ ƒ U œ œJ œ J ƒ U j œj œ œ t¯a, vâ - tam œ ƒœ Uœ J J t¯a, vâ - tam t¯a, œ J t¯a, j œœ œ œ J ƒœ #Uœ J vâ - tam vâ - tam j œœ ƒœ œ J Uœ œ U # œœ jU œœ " (œ ) U œ " J j œœ œœ œ œ J œ œ Up œ " j œ J œ Up j" j œ œ œ t¯a, j œ œ sl œ J œ vd¯a - c“ny; - mi jU œ " j œ œœ œœ p œœ U œ œ J " J t¯a, sl vd¯a - c“ny; - mi pœ œ œU " J J t¯a, j œ œ vd¯a - c“ny; - mi Up œ " œ œ J J t¯a, jU œ " œj œ œ œœ p œœ U œ œ J " J œ J vd¯a - c“ny; - mi j œœ œ J sl œ sl œœ œ œ J œ - za - œ za œ - za - œ za œœ œ œ - - - - œ œ œ ‰ J œ œ œ œ ‰ J Œ .. Œ .. œ Œ .. œ Œ .. Œ .. Œ .. œ mi! œ mi! mi! mi! œœ œœ AP-1311 Licensed ONLY to PurSang Kamerkoor for up to 10 copies. Anonymously report theft and abuse at Eugen Suchon“ (1908 - 1993) The composer Eugen Suchon“ (pronouced EH-oo-gen SOO-hchawnyah (ch as in Bach-soft n as in onion) ranks dominantly chamber and orchestral works, eg. the song cycle for soprano and orchestra or piano, Ad among the most prominent representatives of Astra, the mixed choir cycle On Man, Poeme Macabre contemporary Slovak music. Named National Artist, for violin and piano, Contemplations for narrator and the composer received the fourfold Laureate of the piano, Six Compositions for Strings, Rhapsodic Suite State Prize, and won many distinctions and awards both for piano and orchestra, and Symphonic Fantasy on Bin Czechoslovakia and abroad. His compositions A-C-H for organ, string orchestra and percussion. The acquainted the European musical scene with the typical cycle for piano, Kaleidescope, deserves special attenpsychological world of the Slovak man and national tion since this work is performed also by piano, string ethics on a high artistic level. orchestra and percussion. Eugen Suchon“ was born on September 25, 1908, in Pezinok to an organist\s family, a musical milieu which fostered his talents. At twelve (1920), he started to study piano at the Bratislava School of Music under the accomplished pianist, composer and teacher Frico Kafenda. From 1927-1931, he continued his studies at the newly established Academy of Music in Bratislava under the same professor. In 1931, Sonata in A flat for Violin and Piano and String Quartet completed his piano and composition studies. Suchon“ completed the Academy which corresponded to Conservatory first as a piano student and later as a student of conducting. The European-standard professor, Frico Kafenda, instilled in him such a thorough education in piano performance and composition that his further two years of study at the Masters School of the Prague Conservatory under Vâte“slav Nova;k only underlined the qualities he developed under his Bratislava teacher. Suchon“ began teaching music theory at the Academy of Music and Drama in Bratislava, was appointed secretary, and in 1948, became professor of composition. His pre-war works became the cornerstone of the new Slovak musical culture, especially the cycle of male choral songs, Balladic Suite, Sonatina for Violin and Piano, Overture to King Svatopluk, and especially his monumental cantata, the Psalm of Sub-Carpathian Land. From 1948-1960, Eugen Suchon“ was the professor and head of the Department of Music Education at the Teacher Training College in Bratislava. The numerous works of this period are dominated by the Fantasies for Violin and Orchestra and the symphonic suite for orchestra, Metamorphoses. Between 19521959, Suchon“ had worked on his second historical opera, King Svatopluk, representing the monumental dramatic fresco from the period of the Great Moravian Empire. Its premiere took place in Bratislava, Prague and Kos“ice in 1960. Suchon“ is a pensive composer driven by a powerful creative passion. He lives by Michelangelo\s principle that it is necessary ||to exert the greatest effort to work and study very hard in order to make the work, created with painstaking labour, look as if it were created quickly, without any effort, and with the greatest of ease.\\ Suchon\s work has become a symbol of outstanding quality in Slovak music. ||His principle is to complete each composition in such a way that there would be neither a missing note nor one to spare.\\ (Jozef Krasa;nek) His work ranges from a transition from late romantic chromatism to his own typical modality influenced by characteristic features of old Slovak folksongs to his later affinity to chromatism. See http>¶¶¶ Suchon“ Choral Works available from API Aka si mi kra;sna (How Beautiful You Are) AP-1311 SATB a cappella Bodaj by va;s c“erti vzali (Let the Devil Take You, Boys) AP-1099 SATB a cappella Three Slovak Songs for Treble Choir 1. Ked\ sa Slovak (When a Slovak) 2. Aka si mi kra;sna (How Beautiful You Are) 3. Es“te sa nevyda;m (I Will Not Marry Yet) AP-1100 SSAA a cappella Order> After completing this opera, the composer wrote pre- Licensed ONLY to PurSang Kamerkoor for up to 10 copies. Anonymously report theft and abuse at Licensed ONLY to PurSang Kamerkoor for up to 10 copies. Anonymously report theft and abuse at